Bishal Kumar Kundu - ID-171262030 - MGT-489 Report

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Course Title: Strategic Management

Course Code: MGT489

Section: 15
Report on – Beximco Pharmaceutical Ltd.

Submitted by- Bishal Kumar Kundu

ID- 1711262030

Submitted to- Dr. Zulkarin Jahangir (ZKJ)

School of Business
Department of Management
North South University

Table of Contents

Organizational Background………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Company Background………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
Products & services……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5

SWOT Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6

Functional Level Strategy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9

Business Level Strategy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9



Organizational Background

Bangladesh's pharmaceutical industry is one of the advanced hi-tech industries in the country's
economy. In2000, the nation had 210 authorised allopathic units, only 173 of which were in
active production; some were either shut down by themselves or revoked by the drug approval
authority because proper business standards or drug legislation had been not complied with the
industry developed approximately 5,600 different brands of medicines in various dosage forms.
However, 1,495 wholesalers and about 37,700 holders of retail pharmacy licenses were in
Bangladesh. The growth of this sector was accelerated following the promulgation of the Drug
Control Ordinance in 1982. The pharmaceutical professionals employed in this sector's
professional experience, opinions, and creative ideas are the driving forces behind these
innovations. Because of the industry's recent growth, it is now exporting medicines to global
markets, including the European market.

Company Background

BPL is Bangladesh's largest pharmaceutical firm. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd., established

in1976, has been producing world-class pharmaceutical products in accordance with current
Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) as mandated by the World Health Organization (WHO)
in order to improve health, happiness, and quality of life. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. has
products in various therapeutic groups, each of which has a prestigious market position and a
place in the hearts of our consumers and shareholders.

Products & Service

Bangladesh (BPL) is a major manufacturer of pharmaceuticals and active ingredients (APIs).

The company is the country's biggest pharmaceutical exporter, and multinational regulatory
authorities such as Australia, the European Union, the Gulf Nations and Brazil are accredited of
its state-of-the art production plants. It is expanding its pipeline steadily and currently produces
over 400 medicines in different dosage forms representing a broad variety of therapeutic
categories, including, among other items, antibiotic, antihypertensive, antidiabetic, antiretroviral
and anti-asthma inhalers.

They are dedicated to improving human health and well-being by delivering cutting-edge, cost-
effective drugs that meet international quality requirements. They are constantly working to
strengthen their core skills in order to meet patients' unmet medical needs and to have excellent
returns for their shareholders.

With an emphasis on improving research and development capability, forming alliances, and
expanding their global footprint, they will be one of the most trusted, respected, and profitable
pharmaceutical companies in the country.

Core Values

Our core principles determine who we are; they direct our decisions and assist us in achieving
our individual and organizational goals.

 Commitment to quality
 Customer satisfaction
 People focus
 Accountability
 Corporate Social Responsibility

Company Analysis
SWOT Analysis
BPL is one of the country's largest pharmaceutical firms, with about 15% of the local market.
The below are the advantages of achieving such a spot in the industry:


Characteristics of a company or project team that brings it an edge over the competition.

Brand Leadership-
According to the report, out of 47 items tested, 27 of BPL's products are brand champions, while
10 are in second place.
Market Recognition-
Innovative marketing tactics and aggressive product advertising have helped Beximco gain brand
Market Growth-
For the next five years, the industry is forecast to expand at a rate of 15 to 20% each year. For
the previous six years, the compounded annual growth rate was 15%. The next step of growth is
the retrograde incorporation of large volume raw materials.
R & D-
BPL has a big R&D department and spends a lot of money on it.

Employee Empowerment-
Employee Self-determination Product Differentiation and Innovation Capability Outstanding
Product Quality and Professional Service on a Global Scale.


Characteristics that put the team at a disadvantage in comparison to the competition.

Having the ability to make injectibles-
The firm does not manufacture any injectables. Producing injectibles will help the company
grow its market share. BPL's product line and number of products are smaller than those of its
main rivals in the industry.
Working Capital Shortage-
The business does not have enough operating capital.


External opportunities in the economy to enhance results (e.g., increase profits).

Different therapy groups include new goods-
BPL has always made an effort to bring new drugs from various clinical groups to its catalog,
and these products have been well received by healthcare professionals. Triocim, Arixon, Prosan,
Recox, Atova, and others are among the most important.

Technology's advantages belong to all of us, as they have new possibilities and open doors to a
better life. BPL's latest inhaler factory, for example, has been built to ensure the best possible
output at any level of production and quality management.
International Market-
Another attractive segment for BPL is the international market. In the global market, BPL's low
product cost gives it a significant advantage in marketing its product.


External factors in the world that may create problems for the company.

Social Responsibility-
BPL is dedicated to providing world-class Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients to society (APIs).

Competition in the Open Market-

Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. has been planning for the free market rivalry that will follow the

Competition on the Local Level-

Competition from local pharmaceutical firms, especially in price, is a significant challenge to
BPL. Bangladesh's weak economic situation necessitates a low drug price to ensure good health.

Competitive strategy and Implementation-

Thesis of theory:
The corporate approach provides for the selection and management of a combination of
companies operating in various industries/product markets in order to achieve a strategic edge.

Functional level strategy-

Capacity for professional management-

Beximco Pharma is the leader in corporate governance in Bangladesh to operate a business
professionally. Beximco Pharma is a creative, innovating, self-developing and entrepreneurial
world. (“Annual Report,” 2010)
Brand construction Sales and Marketing capabilities-
Beximco Pharma's distribution and marketing unit is the principal source of comparative
advantages. Its marketing staff consists of creative individuals from various disciplines. Its
marketing staff consists of creative individuals from various disciplines. Through his marketing
team's imaginative and inventive strategy, he has produced several lively products including
Napa, Neoceptin-R, Amdocal. In reality, his sales and marketing team has the ability to
distinguish our brands Beximco Pharma's main strategic advantage is also in the saturated
generic industry.

Business level strategy-

Distinguished production skills- BPL used distinguished production skills
Consistently delivering high quality goods-
Nowadays, the word "Beximco Pharma" synonymously means "confidence" and
"trustworthiness." Their unfailing love is quality. Quality is embedded in and in all of their
Adopting industrial innovation-

Beximco Pharma always pioneered the adoption of advanced technology that introduces in our
business processes complexity and size.
Export markets both domestic and emerging-
In comparison to its anticipated profitable returns, Beximco Pharma has found many lucrative
niche markets in which investments are marginal. When the new plant is operational, the new
OSD (oral solid dosage) has confidence and capability. You should take advantage of these
prospects and boost the domestic and other existing market share on export markets.

After the full knowledge of Beximco Pharma's strategic management strategies, it is obvious that
no organization will adopt one single type or solution from the corporate level strategy. The
situations change and the market plans to satisfy demand at a certain stage are often different.
However, Beximco Pharma was also a kind that they exercised many times their growth ratios,
boomed, and the rehabilitation phase was preceded at the same time by the need for the renewal

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 Admin. (n.d.). About us. Retrieved April 08, 2021, from

 Admin. (n.d.). Mission & vision. Retrieved April 08, 2021, from

 Haque, F., Andrew, R., & The Strategy Watch. (2021, February 16). SWOT analysis Of
Beximco Pharmaceuticals. Retrieved April 08, 2021, from

 Official, E. (2012, September 06). Marketing mix strategy of beximco pharma. Retrieved
April 08, 2021, from

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