Solo & Co-Op Rules For Brutal Quest!
Solo & Co-Op Rules For Brutal Quest!
Solo & Co-Op Rules For Brutal Quest!
To use these rules you’ll need a copy of the Brutal Quest rules as well
as a selection of miniatures, a set of polyhedral dice, a ruler marked in
CM and some pens and paper.
Solo vs Co-op.
The following rules are designed to allow you to play either on your
own in solo missions or with a partner in cooperative adventures.
Both styles of play use the same rules. Should you wish to play a solo
game, you simply need to create your warband and follow the rules in
this book. Should you and a partner wish to play cooperatively, you
simply need to create your own characters and add their respective
points values together when it comes to working out the amount of
enemies to create.
Building warbands.
One of the first things to consider when using these rules is your
warbands. For the most part the rules for warband creation are the
same as in the Brutal Quest core rules, With the following exceptions :
Enemy warbands. does not use their agility skill to
Unlike a standard game of Brutal determine when they may act in a
Quest you’ll be creating not only turn. How this is determined will
your own characters, but also the be explained later, But you should
enemies for them to face. When take it into account when creating
building an enemy warband you your enemy warbands.
should build them as you would
your own warband, selecting traits Lone warriors.
and abilities according to the Should you wish, you may field a
Brutal Quest warband creation warband composed of a single
rules. Depending on the kind of character.
games you wish to play, you can If you do, that character gains the
give your enemy warbands their following Lone warrior bonuses.
own quests and back story. Lone warriors start off with 30
When creating an enemy hitpoints instead of the usual 20.
warband, you should make it at Lone warriors may make 3 actions
least 50% larger than your own in a single turn rather than 2.
warband in points. Lone warriors are immune to all
Whilst this may seem unfair, your break tests except those caused
enemy warband can only act in a by other characters traits or
certain number of ways and as abilities. (E.G. when wounded to
such lacks the freedom of your below 50% health this character
own characters. would not need to take a break
test, But they would need to when
Enemy agility. Unlike your own fighting an opponent with the
characters, An enemy character Fearsome trait.)
Play sequence.
The turn.
Just as in a normal game of Brutal Quest, all characters may make 2
actions in each turn. The order in which characters activate is the
same as in a normal game with one key difference, At the start of
each turn you must roll 1D10 - the result of this roll determines when
enemy characters may act during the turn. All enemy characters are
activated at the same time and will always use both of their actions if
possible. (E.G. if you roll a 4, all enemy characters would activate as if they had an agility
of 4 for that turn.)
Enemy actions.
When an enemy character activates you should use the
following system to determine how they will act. Simply look at the miniatures
on the table and consult the following list to determine each enemies actions.
•If the enemy character is in combat, they will continue to fight until
they or their opponent is slain.
Extra details.
Alongside the basic activation pattern listed previously, Enemy char-
acters will do a few things differently. All enemy characters obey the
following rules:
•Enemy characters will always perform a charge action if possible.
•Enemy characters will always counter in combat if possible.
•Enemy characters will never push their opponents back after win-
ning a fight.
• Enemy characters may not choose to leave combat. •Enemy
characters may not hold actions.
• If an enemy character encounters an obstacle whilst moving, roll
1D4. On a 2 or less the character will attempt to continue in a
straight line using their agility skill to tackle the obstacle. On a 3
they will turn around and move back the way they came until their
movement is complete. On a 4 you may decide how the character
uses the rest of their movement.
Enemy Brutality.
Throughout the game you’ll need to keep track of each enemy
characters brutality alongside your own warbands.
At the beginning of each turn, Roll 1D6.
Any enemy characters with available brutality points will spend points
up to the result of the roll during that turn, provided there is a chance
for them to do so.
(E.G. A roll of 1 at the start of a turn means that all enemy characters with brutality points will
spend 1 point during the turn, if they are in a situation to do so. A roll of 6 means that all ene-
my characters with brutality points will spend up to 6 points during the turn.)
Enemy characters will always use the largest amount of brutality points
possible during the first possible chance.
(E.G. If a 4 is rolled at the start of a turn, A character with 6 brutality points will spend 4 brutal-
ity points at the first opportunity they get.)
Campaign points.
When playing a solo or cooperative game you will generate campaign
points as laid out in the Brutal Quest core rules, With a few minor
Enemy advancement.
Enemy characters can spend their remaining brutality points in the
same manner as player controlled characters, so at the end of a game
you’ll want to upgrade them. How you do this is up to you, however it’s
a good idea to focus on increasing characters skills and improving
their weaponry before you add additional traits or abilities.
Campaign points in cooperative games.
In a cooperative game both players should first spend their individual
characters remaining brutality as they choose. Both players should
then add up any additional points they may have earned and divide
these equally between themselves. (E.G. if you earn 30 points and your partner
earns 26, you’d add them up for a total of 56,then split this evenly between you for a total of 28
points each.)
If you find you have an extra point remaining then the player who
submitted the most points to the total claims it. If both players
submitted the same amount of points, then the point is kept aside for
the future.
Hidden agendas.
If you’re playing a cooperative game you can use the following list of
hidden agendas to add an extra level of conflict to your games.
These are special character specific objectives that can gain you extra
brutality points all for yourself. After all, just because you’re on the
same team that doesn’t mean you have the same goals.
Once a character has completed their agenda they may roll on the
chart for another. Although there’s nothing stopping you from giving a
character multiple hidden agenda, you might find that wandering off to
complete your own missions puts something of a strain on your
Agenda Objective
This character feels a burning rage that can
1 only be satisfied through combat. This
rage character must end the game with 6 brutality points.
Rumour has it that somewhere around here is a
stash of treasure! You must move to each corner of
Thief in the the playing area and roll 1D4 to check for treasure.
night On a roll of 4 you’ve found your treasure. (if you’ve
checked three corners and not found it yet then you
don’t need to roll on the last corner.)
This character has failed in their quest and now
seeks only to die with honour. At the start of the
3 honourable
game, roll 1D10+4. This character must lose all
death their HP by this turn.