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Orion'S Gate: General Principles Activation Morale

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General Principles Activation Morale
The most important rule: Whenever the The player picks one ship and it may do one If at the end of any round a fleet is down to
rules are unclear use common sense and action that varies based on its type: half or less of its starting ships, then each
personal preference. Have fun! ship must take a morale test by rolling one
Type Move Cruise Ram
die, trying to score their morale value. If the
Preparation Scouts 10” 15” -
Fighters 8” 12” 12” test is failed the ship routs.
The Battlezone: The game is played on a flat Destroyers 6” 9” 9”
6‘x4‘ surface, with at least 5-10 pieces of Battleships 4” 6” 6”
terrain on it. Obscuring Terrain (debris, nebulas, etc.):
Movement Ships that are within or behind obscuring
The Fleets: The players must put together
Scouts may move and turn in any direction, terrain get +1 evasion.
two fleets of 300pts, and may only take as
many scouts as total components across all whilst other ship types only move straight Blocking Terrain (planets, asteroids, etc.):
ships in the fleet. and may pivot once by up to 90° at any Ships can’t move through blocking terrain,
point when using Move actions, and by up and ships that are pushed into them take
Deployment: Players roll-off and the winner
to 45° when using Cruise/Ram actions. Note one hit with strength 2D6+1.
picks one of the long table edges as his
that ships may also not move at all, allowing
deployment zone with his opponent taking Dangerous Terrain (stars, black hole, etc.):
them to pivot 180°. Note that non-ramming
the opposite. Then the players alternate in Ships that are pushed into dangerous
ships may move through other ships.
placing one ship each within 12” of their terrain immediately take D6 damage.
table edge, starting with the player that Shooting
won the deployment roll-off.
(Optional) Drifting
Ships that have range and line of sight to a
Mission: Place D3+2 objective markers. When playing with drifting rules, all ships
target may shoot after moving, but only if
Players roll-off to go first and alternate in except for Scouts must always move their
they didn't use a cruise or ram action.
placing a marker each outside deployment full distance, and may only pivot after
To Hit: The attackers rolls 2D6, adds its moving at least half their distance.
zones and over 9” away from each other. At
accuracy value, and compares it to the
the end of each round if a ship is within 3” (Optional) Firing Arcs
target’s evasion value. If the result is equal
of a marker while enemies aren’t, then it’s
or higher, then the target is hit. If the target When playing with firing arcs rules, ships
seized and remains seized even after
is being shot in the rear, then the attacking may always shoot their primary guns in any
leaving. If ships from both sides contest a
ships gets +2 accuracy. direction, whilst weapon components must
marker then it becomes neutral again. The
game ends after 4 rounds and the player To Damage: The attacker rolls 2D6, adds its be assigned to a specific facing (front, rear,
that controls most markers wins. strength value, and compares it to the left, right), and may only fire in that facing.
target’s toughness value. If the result is Note that each facing may only have one
Playing the Game equal or higher, then the target takes 1 weapon component assigned to it.
The game is played in rounds, with players damage. If the target is hit in the back then
taking turns in activating all ships for each the attacking ships get +2 strength and
phase, with the player that deployed first deals +1 damage.
starting in each phase. Each new round the Damage: Scouts are killed if they take any
player that started last on the last rounds damage, whilst other ships must assign it to
gets to start first in each phase. During each already damaged components. If they take 2
phase all ships of that type need to be damage they’re disabled, and ships with no
activated before passing to the next phase. active components are destroyed.
1. Scouts Phase
2. Fighters Phase
3. Destroyers Phase Ships may only move into base contact with
4. Battleships Phase other ships when using ram actions, and
they may not pivot to ram. The target takes
one hit with strength based on the ship‘s
type, whilst the ramming ship takes one hit
with 2D6+1 strength instead. After any
damage is resolved the target is pushed by
D6” directly away from the ramming ship.

By Gaetano Ferrara www.onepagerules.com

Fleet Creation Active Components Passive Components
When preparing fleets you must upgrade Components may be used after having fired The following components give ships a
them with as many components as they can the ship’s primary guns and as long as it bonus as long as they’re not disabled.
be equipped with. didn’t use a cruise or ram action, and they
Ablative Armor: Whenever enemy ships
use their own stats.
Ship Types ram this ship roll one die, on a 4+ they
Cannon: Ran 12” / Acc 4 / Str 2 immediately take 1 damage.
Scouts - 10pts per model
Deflector: If this ship didn’t move, you may Armored Plating: This component is only
• Components: 0 place one piece of obscuring terrain up to 3” destroyed after taking 4 damage (instead of
• Attack: Ran 6” / Acc 6 / Str 0 in size within 3” of it. only 2 damage). Note that you may only
• Defense: Eva 12+ / Tou 6+ take this component once per ship.
Giga Cannon: Ran 6” / Acc 0 / Str 6
• Ramming: n/a
This weapon deals +1 damage. Barracks: The ship gets +2 when boarding or
Fighters - 20pts per model being boarded by enemy ships.
Hangar Bay: Ran 6” / Acc 6 / Str 0
• Components: 1 This weapon may only be fired at Scouts and Boarding Pods: The ship may use the
• Attack: Ran 12” / Acc 4 / Str 2 attacks all enemy targets in range. boarding parties rules.
• Defense: Eva 10+ / Tou 8+
Mine Launcher: If this ship didn’t move, you Boost Pods: The ship has +3” range when
• Ramming: Str 2D6+3
may place one mine marker within 3” of it. trying to board enemy ships.
Destroyers - 60pts per model Starting on the next round, all ships (friend
EMP Blaster: Enemy ships within 6” must
or foe) moving within 3” of the mine take
• Components: 3 re-roll one die with the highest result of all
one hit with Str 2D6+1 and remove it.
• Attack: Ran 18” / Acc 2 / Str 4 shooting rolls they make.
• Defense: Eva 8+ / Tou 10+ Missile Cluster: Ran 18” / Acc 2 / Str 1
Inhibitor Field: Enemy ships within 6” halve
• Ramming: Str 2D6+5 If the target is hit, all ships (friend or foe)
their movement distance.
within 4” are also hit.
Battleships - 120pts per model Nuclear Engine: The ship moves +2” on
Plasma Cannon: Ran 18” / Acc 3 / Str 4
• Components: 6 move and +3” on cruise/ram actions.
If doubles are rolled to hit, then the firing
• Attack: Ran 24” / Acc 0 / Str 6 ship takes 1 damage. Precision Rig: The ship gets +1 accuracy.
• Defense: Eva 6+ / Tou 12+
• Ramming: Str 2D6+7 Railgun: Ran 36” / Acc 1 / Str 2 Reinforced Ram: The ship gets +2 strength
This weapon may only be fired if the when using ram actions.
attacker has not moved.
Salvage Arm: Whenever a friendly ship
Repair Bay: Remove 1 damage from ship within 6” is destroyed remove 1 damage
within 3”. Note that you may only take this from this ship. Note that you may only take
component once per ship. this component once per ship.

Stealth Rig: May activate/deactivate stealth Shield Rig: The ship gets +1 toughness.
mode, getting +2 evasion and -2 accuracy
whilst in stealth mode. This component may
Boarding Parties
only be used before firing weapons. Ships with Boarding Pods may launch a
Torpedo: Ran 24” / Acc 0 / Str 4 boarding party on enemy non-scout ships
within 3” after moving, and may not shoot
Tractor Beam: Move one ship within 12” or use any other components during this
toward this ship by D6+2”. activation. Both players roll 2D6 and add +2
Tsunami Beam: Ran 36” / Acc 2 / Str 6 for each healthy component and +1 for each
This weapon deals +2 damage for each damaged component. If the result of the
round in which it was not fired, but may attacker is higher then he captures the
only be taken once per fleet. enemy ship and may use it as his own from
the next round on, however the ship takes
Warp Drive: Move the ship by up to 2D6”, D3 damage. If the result of the defender is
ignoring other ships and terrain. higher, then the attacker takes D3 damage,
and in case of a tie both ships take D3
damage instead.

By Gaetano Ferrara www.onepagerules.com


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