Microproject Proposal Ede

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Subject: - Entrepreneurship Developent (ede)

Title of Micro-project- Biography of enterpreneur

1.0 Aims/Benefits of Micro-project:

To Prepar a biography of an enterpreneur

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:

Identify Your Entrepreenur Trials

3.0 Proposed Methodology:

We got the report onbiography of an enterpreneur we discussed and distrib-
uted the work by arranging online conference meetings. We referred the con-
cept of biography of an enterpreneur from the notes given by over faculty and
also searched on google for more information related to our topic. We took
reference of various technical reports related to our topic which gave us the
important points to make report more effective. We studied and read the
collected information thoroughly. We took some guidance from the YouTube
channels for getting new ideas to make our project more informative and
interesting. We prepared proposal and started working on our report.

4.0 Action Plan:

Sr.no Details of Activity Planned Plan finish Name of responsible
start date date team members
1 Arrangements of 14/02/22 19/02/22 All team members
conference meetings
2 Discussion of project. 21/02/22 26/02/22 All team members
3 Distribution of work. 28/02/22 05/03/22 All team members
4 Surfing the information 07/03/22 12/03/22 MOHD ARSHAD
of given topic on Google
5 Searching more ways to 14/03/22 19/03/22 Mohd Arshad
make report attractive.
6 Collection of information 21/03/22 26/03/22 SARTIK SINGH
from various books.
7 Referring the topic from 28/03/22 02/04/22 SARTIK SINGH
8 Selection of pictures 04/04/22 09/04/22 All team members
which are added in the
9 Making the report. 11/04/22 23/04/22 ATHARVA PADGHAN

10 Correcting the mistakes 25/04/22 14/05/22 All team members

or errors in micro-project.
11 Preparing final report. 16/05/22 21/05/22 Farhan Khan

12 Submission of final 23/05/22 01/06/22 All Team Members


5.0 Resources Required:

Sr.no Name of Re- Specifications Qty. Remarks
1 PowerPoint App, Word Microsoft
2 Notes from PPTs - -
taught by faculty
3 Online Sources Google, YouTube, etc…

6.0 Names of Team Members:

Farhan Khan (19630)

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