Maintenance: Maintenance and Operation Instructions

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maintenance and operation instructions

type rotor nl® elektromotoren type 4AP, RN, XC, XF, XK, XV, 3AF

maintenance open bearings with old grease

open bearings with
old grease discharge

general The larger motors are fitted with open

bearings which have been filled with ball
In general rotor nl® motors require bearing grease based on lithium soap and
very little maintenance. Usually this can be mineral oil. These bearings can be relubri-
limited to: cated several times; the old grease will be
- cleaning the surface and the cooling air collected in the old grease chamber in the
openings for a proper cooling. bearing cover. Relubricate the bearing
- timely relubrication and replacement of when the motor is turning. When you relu- relubrication interval
the 2Z bearings. bricate the bearing for the first time take
into account that the grease channel from The relubrication interval largely
the nipple to the chamber is still empty. depends on the speed, bearing load, envi-
bearings general
During the first relubrication this empty ronmental conditions and the set-up of the
The bearings applied are mentioned in channel will be filled first and subsequent- motor. Relubrication should be carried out
table 1. The motors are fitted as standard ly the bearing will be refilled using some in accordance with the recommendations
with C3 bearings. Motors which will be counterpressure. When the bearing has of the bearing and grease supplier. The
exposed to excessive high or low tempe- been relubricated a few times the old gre- enclosed relubrication table only gives a
ratures have to be provided with special ase chamber must be cleaned and if requi- general guideline. The guide values given
grease and/or bearings. red the bearings must be replaced. If the in table 3 only apply to motors with a hori-
bearings have only be subjected to little zontal set-up, at a bearing temperature of
load and the bearings still have life left, the approx. 70°C (normal load and ambient
bearings and the bearing covers should be temperature). The relubrication interval
bearing lubrication washed and partly be filled again (bearings should be halved for motors with a vertical
closed bearings 50% and bearing covers 30%). EEx-e and set-up. When the bearing temperatures
EEx-n motors with open bearings and are higher than the reference temperature
The smaller motors have been fitted chamber of old grease are delivered wit- of the grease applied the relubrication
with closed bearings and as such they hout grease nipple. interval should be halved for an increase
cannot be relubricated. They must be of 15°C. For lower temperatures a longer
replaced at the end of the fatigue period or open bearings with relubrication interval suffices, although
at the end of the grease life (see table 2). old grease chamber not longer than twice the indicated value.
When replacing bearings it is recom- In case of heavy and/or highly alternating
mended to choose bearings with a grease loads the relubrication interval should be
filling of a higher grease reference tempe- reduced.
rature (e.g. 85°C). The grease life of these
bearings is considerably longer than the type of grease
life of normal ball bearing grease (70°C)
and usually it will exceed the fatigue Rotor nl® motors which have been fit-
period of the bearing material. The rotor nl ® ted with open bearings are standard sup-
motors are delivered as standard with 2Z open bearings with old grease plied with lithium complex grease as a
bearings with a high-temperature grease discharge lubricant. For relubrication lithium soap
with a reference temperature of 85°C. It is based types of grease with a mineral basic
recommended to replace 2Z bearings If the motors have been fitted with an oil can be used. A good quality grease
every 4 years and additionaly with referen- automatic old grease discharge, the which can withstand high temperatures is
ce to other factors such as pollution and bearings can always be relubricated. The preferred. If, on request, a motor was fit-
the influence of air humidity. operation of the automatic old grease dis- ted with special bearings or grease filling,
charge is based on an oscillating wheel this is mentioned on the type plate and
closed bearings
which discharges the excess grease to the relubrication should be adapted to these
chamber for old grease. In order to dis- data.
charge excess grease a closed old grease
chamber should be open when the motor guarantee
is in operation as well as during and one
hour after relubrication. Guarantee applications are dealt with
in conformance with what is stated in the
general buying & selling conditions of
Rotor B.V. which are effective at the time
of delivery.

wijzigingen voorbehouden DOC/E-232-0999


maintenance and operation instructions

rotor nl® electric motors type 4AP, RN, XC, XF, XK, XV, 3AF

safety storage from becoming damaged, the bolts should

never be tightened with the maximum
These electric motors must be instal- Motors must be stored dry and free of force. Therefore a (large) torque wrench is
led by qualified personnel. Connection to vibrations. Openings of cable inlets and not required. The same applies to the bolts
the mains and commissioning may only mounting holes in FT(B14) flanges must and nuts of the terminal boards. A good
be carried out by a qualified installer in be temporarily covered. If the motors have electrical connection is required and in
accordance with the locally applicable been out of operation for a longer period order to achieve this, the last nut should
rules and regulations. The manufacturer of time, it is recommended to measure the be tightened firmly while (if existing) the
cannot be held responsible for damages insulation resistance before switching lower nut is arrested by a second wrench.
resulting from incompetent installation or them on. If the measured insulation resi- After approx. 300 operating hours this
use. stance is lower than 30 MΩ (measured at connection and the mounting bolts of the
a voltage of 1,000 V) it is necessary to dry motor etc. should be checked again and if
EG manufacturer’s declaration the motor winding first. If requested by necessary be retightened.
In accordance with the European directives the supplier, any guarantee forms must be
We, Rotor B.V., Mors 2, 7151 MX filled in and returned before commissio- electrical connection
Eibergen, The Netherlands declare fully ning.
within our own responsibility that the pro- The motor connection must meet the
duct rotor nl® electric motors, series installation & set-up local applicable regulations. A thermal
4AP...,RN..., XC..., XF..., XK..., XV...,3AF..., safety device should reduce the risk of a
and derived models this declaration rela- The set-up and installation must be in motor overload. For connecting PTC ther-
tes to, complies with the relevant harmo- conformance with the type of construction mistors (if present) a special thermistor
nised standards: as given on the motor type plate and pre- relay must be used.
EN 60 034 - 1 EN 50 081 - 1 ferably as dry as possible. Ensure an The motors can be used for both rota-
EN 60 034 - 5 EN 50 082 - 2 unobstructed supply of sufficient cooling tional directions. The rotational direction
EN 60 034 - 6 EN 60 034 - 9 air. can be altered by exchanging any two
EN 60 204 - 1, article 16 For flange motors with FT (B14) flan- mains connection wires. Extra silent
according to the conditions in the ges the maximum screw-in length of the motors usually are only suited for one
European directives: mounting bolts is limited to 2.5 x bolt dia- direction of rotation (see rotation direction
meter (in order to prevent the winding arrow on the motor).
73/23/EEG: directive of the Council con- from becoming damaged).
cerning the mutual adaptation of legal Voltage frequency regulator
regulations of the Member Countries with power take-off
regard to electric materials intended to be If the motor is connected to a voltage
used within a certain voltage range, as The power of the motor can usually be frequency regulator, generally no restric-
modified by the directive of the Council taken off via a flexible coupling, V-belt or tions apply when the control range is
(93/68/EEG); belt transmission. A precise alignment between 30% and 120% of the nominal
also increases the life of the bearings. If number of revolutions of the motor (at 50
89/336/EEG: directive of the Council con- the electric motor is integrated with a tool, Hz). The capacity (couple) reduction of the
cerning the mutual adaptation of the legis- the manufacturer of the tool must ensure instrument should of course correspond
lation with regard to electromagnetic com- that the type of electric motor applied is to the characteristic of the combination of
patibility, as modified by the directive of tuned to the specific application. The the voltage frequency regulator and the
the Council (91/236/EEG), by the directive transmission components mentioned motor. Outside this control range, consul-
of the Council (92/31/EEG) and by the must be fastened to the motor shaft using tation with the manufacturer of the motor
directive of the Council (93/68/EEG); a draw bolt utilising the tapped hole in the is essential.
shaft. The motors nowadays are balanced
98/37/EG directive of the Council concer- with half (H) key as declared on the type-
ning the mutual adaptation of the legisla- plate and / a shaftend.
tion of the Member of Countries with
tightening moments
We would like to point out to you that
the product is intended to be built into a Special attention should be paid to the
machine; based on the Machine directive tightening moment of bolts and nuts.
the machine can only be put into operation When mounting the motor the bolts must
when it meets all European requirements be tightened hand-tight using normal hand
tools until the spring clip is flattened. In
Eibergen, The Netherlands, 1 January 1999 order to prevent the motor construction

subject to alterations DOC/E-232-0999


bearing constructions
table 3
for standard rotor nl® squirrel cage induction motors
bearing grease relubrication interval in hours in open bearings, motorspeed in min-1
type (gram) 3.600 3.000 1.800 1500 1200 1000 900 750
6309/C3 13 5.800 7.100 10.300 11.600 13.300 14.800 15.800 17.500
6310/C3 15 5.000 6.700 10.000 11.200 12.900 14.400 15.300 17.000
6312/C3 20 3.600 5.600 9.200 10.500 12.200 13.700 14.600 16.200
6213/C3 20
2.950 4.900 8.900 10.200 12.000 13.400 14.300 16.000
6313/C3 22
6314/C3 23 2.300 4.300 8.700 9.900 11.600 13.000 14.000 15.600
6215/C3 23
1.800 3.700 8.400 9.700 11.400 12.800 13.700 15.400
6315/C3 26
6216/C3 30
1.250 3.100 8.100 9.450 11.100 12.500 13.500 15.100
6316/C3 33
6217/C3 37
7217 37 - 2.500 7.800 9.200 10.800 12.200 13.200 14.800
6317/C3 40
6319/C3 45 - 1.200 7.400 8.800 10.500 11.900 12.900 14.500
6320/C3 50 - 1.000 7.100 8.500 10.200 11.700 12.600 14.200
6322/C3 60 - - 6.600 8.000 9.800 11.300 12.300 13.900
NU213/C3 22 1.400 2.400 5.800 7.600 9.600 10.700 11.400 12.800
NU215/C3 23
900 1.850 5.600 7.500 9.100 10.300 11.000 12.300
NU315/C3 26
NU216/C3 30
600 1.550 5.200 7.100 8.900 10.100 10.800 12.100
NU316/C3 33
NU217/C3 37
- 1.250 5.100 6.900 8.600 9.700 10.600 11.800
NU317/C3 40
NU319/C3 45 - 600 4.800 6.600 8.400 9.500 10.300 11.600
NU320/C3 50 - - 4.000 5.700 8.200 9.400 10.100 11.400
NU322/C3 60 - - 3.400 5.200 7.700 9.100 9.800 11.100
Relubrication intervals based on the data of bearing and grease manufacturers determined in accordance with the latest known method.
The relubrication intervals must be halved in motor set-ups with a vertical shaft.
When the grease temperatures are higher than the grease reference temperatures the relubrication must be halved for each 15°C increase.
5RN 100 - 132 XC 160 - 225

3AF 315 - 355 XF 160-280

subject to alterations DOC/E-233-0999


bearing types and

table 1 relubrication intervals
for standard rotor nl® squirrel cage induction motors
type poles bearing type poles bearing D.E. bearing N.D.E.
4AP56 all 6200-2Z/C3 X.C225 6, 8 6313-2Z/C3 6313-2Z/C3
4AP/5RN63 all 6201-2Z/C3 X.C225 remain 6313/C3 6313/C3
4AP/5RN71 all 6202-2Z/C3 X.F225 alle 6315/C3 6313/C3
4AP/5RN80 all 6204-2Z/C3 4RN225 2 6213/C3 6213/C3
4AP/5RN90 all 6205-2Z/C3 4RN225 4, 6, 8 6313/C3 6313/C3
4AP/5RN100 all 6206-2Z/C3 X.F250 all 6315/C3 6313/C3
4AP/5RN112 all 6306-2Z/C3 4RN250 2 6215/C3 6215/C3
4AP/5RN132 all 6308-2Z/C3 4RN250 4, 6, 8 6315/C3 6315/C3
X.C/5RN160 all 6309-2Z/C3 X.F280 all 6316/C3 6315/C3
X.F160 all 6309/C3 4RN280 2 6216/C3 6216/C3
X.C180 all 6310-2Z/C3 4RN280 4, 6, 8 6317/C3 6317/C3
X.F180 all 6310/C3 3AF.315 2 NU316M/C3 6316M/C3
X.C200 2,42 6312/C3 3AF.315 2-B35/V1 6316M/C3 6316M/C3
X.C200 remain 6312-2Z/C3 3AF.315 4, 6, 8 NU320/C3 6320/C3
X.F200 all 6312/C3 3AF.315 4,6,8-B35/V1 6320/C3 6320/C3
4RN315S/M 2 6217/C3 6217/C3
D.E. = driven end
N.D.E. = not driven end
4RN315S/M 4, 6, 8 6319/C3 6319/C3
2Z (SKF) code, twosided (metal) closed bearing. 4RN315L 2 horizontal 6217/C3 6217/C3
C3 code for the (radial) bearing clearance class.
4RN315L 2 vertical 6217/C3 7217
4RN315L 4, 6, 8 6319/C3 6319/C3
3AF.355 4, 6, 8-B3 NU322/C3 6322/C3
3AF.355 4,6,8-B35/V1 6322/C3 6322/C3
table 2

grease life in hours in closed bearings provided with grease of a high temperature range
bearing type (Tref 85°C) at a bearing temperature of 70°C, motorspeed min-1

3.600 3.000 1.800 1.500 1.200 1.000 900 750

6200 2Z/C3 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000
6201 2Z/C3 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000
6202 2Z/C3 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000
6204 2Z/C3 30.000 34.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000
6205 2Z/C3 28.000 32.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000
6206 2Z/C3 24.000 30.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000
6306 2Z/C3 22.000 28.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000
6308 2Z/C3 16.000 22.000 34.000 38.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000
6309 2Z/C3 13.000 18.000 30.000 32.000 38.000 40.000 40.000 40.000
6310 2Z/C3 11.000 16.000 28.000 30.000 36.000 40.000 40.000 40.000
6312 2Z/C3 9.000 12.000 24.000 26.000 32.000 36.000 38.000 40.000
6313 2Z/C3 7.200 10.000 20.000 24.000 30.000 34.000 36.000 40.000
6314 2Z/C3 6.000 9.000 18.000 23.000 28.000 32.000 34.000 38.000

The grease life is the time in which 99% of the bearings is still lubricated sufficiently. At 90% this time is 2x as long.
The grease life must be halved in case of a standard (MT) grease filling with a reference temperature of 70°C.
The grease life must be halved in motor set-ups with a vertical shaft.
subject to alterations DOC/E-233-0999

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