It reached America only during the 20th century through the German
scholars who migrated to America from Hitler’s Germany
The French school was too narrow and relied too heavily on factual evidence
It argued that Comparative literature ought to involve the study of two elements
( two different languages)
Jean Marie Carre, Rene Etiemble, Paul Van Tieghem, Balden-Sperger are some
of the famous French comparatists
The other important school is that of the American comparatists from the land
of free and mixed culture
Old texts turn into some sort of raw materials used for the creation of new ones.
The American school, however, was completely different. It was a lot more
liberal. Henry Remak
Unlike the French one, the American school will even allow you to compare a
poem with a song
The French prefer a narrow positivist attitude and the Americans form a
very broad approach to Comparative Literature
The French scholars created Comparative Literature as a branch of
literary history and a study of International relations as seem in the study
of Byron and Pushkin or Goethe and Carlyle
Comparatists like Van Tieghem are not against such studies provided they
point to common trends. Another distinguished scholar, Rene Etiemble has
given his support to analogy studies and has also demonstrated how well they
can be done
He has also called for a comparative study of such aspects like metrics,
stylistics, etc. He is for a cautious approach to Parallel studies, enthusiastically
recommended by the American comparatists, Remak and Rene Wellek