Planting Our Own Seeds
Planting Our Own Seeds
Planting Our Own Seeds
School/Grade: Kindergarten
Content The content area that this lesson focuses on is Science.
domain(s) addressed Approaches to learning:
Students will be planting seeds into their individual mason jars, exploring various sensory
materials and following steps during the process to produce their own plants.
Brief description and The theme of this unit is planting. During this lesson, students will be able to plant their own
rationale for the lesson seeds as they follow the steps to planting. They will be provided with mason jars, soil, seeds of
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
their choice, and water to create their personal plant. This lesson will be an ongoing class project
as the children learn to tend to their plants.
This lesson is: A new concept relating to the
theme of plants.
“Planting Our Own Seeds.”
The expected time frame for this lesson will be around 45 minutes.
Objective(s) of the activity Students will be able to understand the planting process as they plant their own seeds.
Connections to standards The NYS Early Learning Standards being addressed in this lesson are:
Approaches to learning:
-K.AL.4. Exhibits curiosity, interest, and willingness to learn new things and have
new experiences.
-Indicator: K.AL.4.b. Attempts new experiences, sensory and otherwise (e.g., explores,
examines, and experiments with materials, construction, nature.)
Language Objectives The language I am seeking in having the students recognize, pronounce, and understand is
regarding the planting unit.. The children will understand the concept of planting seeds, the
materials necessary and the steps involved. The students will also apply the vocabulary, (roots,
stem, seeds, leaf, and flower) they learned in previous activities.
Technology inclusion (if Computer with internet access for a youtube video for the children to watch.
Procedures (step by step) Objective: Students will be able to understand the planting process as they plant their own
Anticipatory Set: To motivate the children and grab their attention, we will engage in a class
read aloud of “If You Plant a Seed.”
Instruction/Mini Lesson : After our reading, we will create a chart that clearly shows the steps
required into planting seeds. Children are welcomed to share what they know. Once the chart is
completed, we will create a plant as a class example for the children to visually see the “hands
on” part of their activity and to understand what is expected of them once they try it on their
own at their tables.
I try : I will add the planting materials in a pot as we sit in a circle around the carpet and as we
add each element, I will ask the children to tell me what each step entails as well asking probing
questions such as, why is this step necessary? Why are we using water? Does the amount of
soil/seeds/water matter? What if we put in the water before the seeds? Or the soil after the
seeds? Are we able to mix around the steps?
We try: I will put in a small amount of soil, then I will have a volunteer put in another amount.
We will do the same for the seeds and water.
Independent Practice- You try: The children will go back to their seats and find their own
individual materials for their individual plants at the tables and wait for directions to start
planting. I will go over each step as we all do it together. I will ask “what’s step 1” and have a
child answer and then reiterate it to the class and have everyone then complete step one. I will
continue using that method for each of the steps. The materials at the table will be shared,
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
although each child will have their own mason jar and seeds. The solid and water cans will be
passed around as the children ask for them.
Closure- The children will discuss the steps they took with planting and then guess what comes
next. After our brief discussion, we will watch,
Plans for differentiated Supporting children with Supporting English Language Learners, a culturally
instruction/instructional identified delays or responsive pedagogy, and anti-bias/anti-racist curriculum
modifications disabilities (i.e., IEPs and 504
The support I will have for the To support English Language Learners, I will label all the
struggling learners would be the To support children with materials at their desk with their spoken language, as well as
steps printed out and numbered delays or disabilities, I will number them and have them in order in which they will be
and labeled with pictures for the assist in case they need help used.
children to follow. holding the objects.
In addition, they will have pictures of what is expected of them,
The support I will have for the I will also pair the child up step by step.
children that have mastered the with another child that is
concept will be to draw what willing to help take each step
comes after planting their seeds, slowly.
what are the next stages.
Follow up/Extension activities An extension to this activity would be students will answer, can plants survive without sunlight
and water?
Family Engagement Activities Ask parents to assist their children to water their plants and create observations together when
they take their plants home.