I International Context or Relations
II The Policy of Non-Alignment
III Nehru’s Role
IV Distance From Two Camps
V Afro-Asian Unity
VI Peace and Conflict with China
VII Tibet
VIII The Chinese Invasion, 1962
IX Wars and Peace with Pakistan
X Bangladesh War, 1971
XI India’s Nuclear Policy
International Context or Relations:
● In post independence period, India faced many
challenges to make a strong foreign policy.
● India shaped its foreign relations with an aim to
respect the sovereignty of all other nations and to
achieve security through the maintenance of peace.
● In post Second World War period, world politics led to
the division of countries of the world into two clear
camps-one under the United States and other under
the Soviet Union.
The Policy of Non-Alignment:
● The Cold War era marked the political, economic and
military confrontation at the global level between the two
blocs led by the superpowers, the US and the USSR.
● Along with this in other prevailing world politics Indian
leadership was in the direction to pursue its national
interests with these international context.
Nehru’s Role
● Nehru exercised foreign policy from 1946 to 1964. The three
major objectives of Nehru’s foreign policy were to preserve the
hard-earned sovereignty, protect territorial integrity and
promote rapid economic development.
● Despite the fact that many leaders from India, wanted India to
follow a pro-US foreign policy; Nehru wished to achieve his
objectives of foreign policy through the strategy of
Distance From Two Camps:
● India wanted to keep away from the military alliances led by US
and Soviet Union against each other. The US was not happy about
India’s independent initiatives the policy of non-alignment.
● During 1950s India took an independent stand on various
international issues and could get aid and assistance from
members of both power blocs.
● India’s independent stand and her growing relations with USSR hurt
the sentiments of USA. Therefore, there was a considerable unease
in Indo-US relations during 1950s.
Afro-Asian Unity:
● The conflict started with Pakistan just after independence over the dispute on
● The India-Pakistan Indus Waters Treaty was signed by Nehru and General Ayub
Khan in 1960 which has worked well despite all ups and downs in the Indo-Pak
● In April 1965, Pakistan launched armed attacks in the Rann of Kutch area of
Gujarat which was followed by a bigger offensive in Jammu and Kashmir in
● The hostilities came to an end with the UN intervention. Indian Prime Minister
Lai Bahadur Shastri and Pakistan’s General Ayub Khan signed the Tashkent
Agreement, brokered by the Soviet Union, in January 1966.
Bangladesh War, 1971:
● In a dramatic internal politics during 1970 the East
and West Pakistani rulers were not willing to accept
the democratic verdict.
● Throughout 1971, India had to bear the burden of
about 80 lakh refugees who moved to East Pakistan
and took shelter in the neighbouring areas in India.
● After months of diplomatic tension and military
build-up, a full-scale war between India and Pakistan
broke out in December 1971.
● On 3rd July, 1972 the Shimla Agreement was singned
between Indira Gandhi and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.
India’s Nuclear Policy:
1. Immediately after independence, India faced the twin challenges of Welfare and
democracy. Moreover, India started participating in the world affairs as an independent
nation state with the overall context like the legacy of many international disputes left
by the British, pressures created by partition and poverty alleviation.
2. India was born in the backdrop of world war, hence it decided to conduct foreign
relations with an aim to respect the sovereignty of other nations to achieve security
through maintenance of peace. For this, India laid down directive Principles of State
Policy in the Article 51 of Indian Constitution.
3. The foreign policy of a nation is the interplay of domestic and external factors. Pt.
J.L. Nehru was the ‘Chief Architect of India’s Foreign Policy’ with the objectives of
preserving sovereignty of India, protection of territorial integrity and promotion of rapid
economic development. Hence India adopted NAM to stay away from any military
4. Nehru’s Era established the contacts between India and States in Asia and Africa by
convening conferences on Asian Relations (March 1947), Indonesia’s Freedom Struggle
(1949), decolonisation process, and engaged herself in Bandung Conference in 1955.
With the newly independent Asian and African Nations.
8. India’s foreign policy reflects her desire to be an important regional power which
reflected during Bangladesh War 1971 when there were clashes between East and
West Pakistan and India supported freedom struggle in Bangladesh and declared
unilateral ceasefire with the surrender of Pakistan. India and Pakistan signed
Shimla Agreement on 3rd July 1972 to formalise the return of Peace.