External Review of Referee Form

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UB-M-CPReLL-001 Research Manual


Instruction: Please rate the paper using the following criteria. On the rating scale, 5 is the
highest, and 1 is the lowest.

I. Title
The title suggests the direction of the research paper 5 4 3 2 1
The title consists of the important variables of the study 5 4 3 2 1
II. Abstract
The abstract provides the executive summary of the study that is clear and free from 5 4 3 2 1
The abstract consists of significant keywords which were essentially considered in the 5 4 3 2 1
conduct of the study
III. Introduction
The introduction provides clear objectives of the study 5 4 3 2 1
It provides a comprehensive literature review with the majority of the sources taken 5 4 3 2 1
from research journals
It shows the significance and relevance of conducting the study 5 4 3 2 1
It offers to fill the gap that has been created by stating what the present study intends to 5 4 3 2 1
It anchors on the appropriate theoretical framework 5 4 3 2 1
IV. Methodology
It uses appropriate research design and procedure 5 4 3 2 1
It uses valid and reliable research instruments 5 4 3 2 1
It employs appropriate statistical measures 5 4 3 2 1
V. Results and Discussion
It provides accurate data analysis and statistical treatment 5 4 3 2 1
It presents a clear presentation and interpretation of gathered data 5 4 3 2 1
It goes beyond factual recount of the findings and cites related studies as to its 5 4 3 2 1
congruence or dissimilarity
VI. Conclusions and Direction for Future Use
It signifies the researcher’s most important discovery from the results of the study 5 4 3 2 1
It expresses specific implications of the results of the study to the discipline, practice, and 5 4 3 2 1
future research undertakings
It presents doable recommendations based on the results of the study 5 4 3 2 1
VII. Citations and References
All sources are properly cited, acknowledged, and included in the paper 5 4 3 2 1
It adheres to APA format 5 4 3 2 1

Comments of the Referee: (Note to Referee: Please fill out all the requested
information. Please be specific with your suggestions/ recommendations per
part of the research paper. Attach additional sheet when necessary.)


Revision No. : 0 Issue Date: December 23, 2016 Revision Date: N/A
UB-M-CPReLL-001 Research Manual

Part of the Paper Strengths Weaknesses/ Suggestions/

Limitations Recommendations
The abstract must
have at least one The abstract must concisely
Title and Abstract or two introductory informs the reader of five vital
statement/s. information:
introduction of the topic (one to
two sentences), the general
objective of the
study, methodology (one
complex sentence), significant
findings, and
Summarize the cited Do necessary paraphrasing of
lit and studies. the cited paragraphs (3rd and the
Introduction Group them into 4 to last par.)
5 paragraphs only.
For example, all
global lit and studies
in the first
paragraph, ASEAN
lit, and studies in the
2nd paragraph, local
lit, and studies in the
3rd, gap analysis,
rationale or
motivation in the 4th,
and study’s
objectives as the
last paragraph.
Specify the design
used. (For example, Provide in-text citations of the
Methodology Descriptive cross- research design used.
sectional design or
It must go beyond Please consider the following:
Results and factual recount of The presentation of each
Discussions the findings and cite variable must indicate the
related studies as to interesting facts (textual
its congruence or format) found in the study
dissimilarity. included in the discussion.


Revision No. : 0 Issue Date: December 23, 2016 Revision Date: N/A
UB-M-CPReLL-001 Research Manual

The discussion must present the

interpretation and explanation of
result, answer the research
question, justify the approach,
and critically
evaluates the study.

The discussion must present a

review of findings in the context
of the
literature/studies and the
existing knowledge about each
variable/result (at
least 5 in-text citations of
intercontinental literature/
studies for each variable).

The discussion must

demonstrate the limitations of
the study and potential
weaknesses of the interpretation
of the result.

Conclusions and
Direction for Much better if in paragraph
Future Use format.

Only traceable online articles

References must be used and properly cited.

As an evaluator of the research paper:

_______________ I highly recommend it for publication.

_______________ I recommend it for publication subject to minor revisions and
_______________ No, I cannot recommend if for publication. The paper needs
major revisions and improvements.

*Explanation of the Rating obtained:


Revision No. : 0 Issue Date: December 23, 2016 Revision Date: N/A
UB-M-CPReLL-001 Research Manual


90-100 Very Good to Excellent Research - The research is considered

very meritorious and is recommended for publication.

80-89 Good Research -The research is most likely to be

recommended for publication subject to minor revisions and

70-79 Fair Research - The research cannot be recommended for

the publication needs major revisions and improvements to be

__DAVID C. BUENO____ ____ _____ ___March 29, 2022_

Referee’s Printed Name Signature Date


Revision No. : 0 Issue Date: December 23, 2016 Revision Date: N/A

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