Narrative Report On The Conduct of 2Nd Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (Nsed) 2017
Narrative Report On The Conduct of 2Nd Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (Nsed) 2017
Narrative Report On The Conduct of 2Nd Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (Nsed) 2017
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
District of Ragay
People believed that accidents and other unfortunate events are the workings of a supernatural being that is
beyond their control. But today, we know better than to wait for disaster to strike us. Over the years, people learned that
disaster can be prevented with proper knowledge and preparation. This concept gave rise to Disaster Risk Reduction
Management which aims to remove or minimize hazardous incidences, lessen unnecessary actions, and disseminate
relevant information. But unfortunately, life-threatening accidents arising from untoward incidents are as common now as
it was before. A good reason for this could be the fact that not all are well-informed and some may still be stuck with
notion that disasters are the wrath of some gods. The most vulnerable to the said disasters are the children and the elderly
for they are prone to miscalculations and sadly, their survival rate is left to chance.
Being the seeds that will continue the next generation, it is a must for pupils to learn by heart the proper and
logical way of acting when faced with disasters. This could not only assure their own safety but could also help their
families be well-informed. Children early in their elementary years should be subjected to regular safety drills in order to
make surviving disasters second nature.
This report is made in order to keep track of the development of disaster risk reduction in Cabugao Elementary
School through participating in hazard detection and removal activities and regular earthquake drills. This report also
notes the difficulties met in the said endeavors and the proposed ways to alleviate their chances in the future.
Keeping the pupils out of harm’s way and preventing untoward incidents is quite laborious, but these efforts is no
match to the lives that will be saved and the peace of mind that will be brought about by applying these measures. And
these can be summarized into three simple steps: inform, remove risks, prevent danger.
Following this concept, Cabugao Elementary School, involved their pupils in identifying hazardous areas in the school
premises in order for them stay away from those identified areas and to learn what is hazardous and what is not.
Earthquake drills were done in order to prepare and prevent inconvenient incidents that may arise during natural disasters.
“ Disaster comes in the least expected time” is an often expression of us. However, when disaster comes, only
the most fit and prepared can endure and survive.
Relative to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) Memorandum No. 17,
s. 2018, DepEd Undersecretary Alain Del B. Pascua issued an Unnumbered Memo. Dated January 31, 2018, requiring all
DepEd offices and schools to participate in the conduct of CY 2018 Quarterly NSED. DepEd Order No. 55, s. 2007, “
Prioritizing the mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction management in the school system and implementation of
programs and projects relative therefore. Cabugao Elementary School participated in the 2nd Quarter Nationwide
Simultaneous Earthquake Drill, on June 21, 2018 2:00 PM. The said activity was participated by the teachers, and
The 2nd Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill done on time. Mrs. Damiana G. Balababa asked the
guidance and blessings of Our Almighty Father to make this event a success. Mrs. Imelda V. Orsal, PTA Officer and Day
Care Worker welcome the guests/ visitors to this humble school. And Kee Mark C. Leomo, School Head gave the training
orientation to the participants.
SFO1 Edgar C. Perrera and FO1 Paul Erwin B. Arazas from Ragay Bureau of Fire Protection shared their
expertise in earthquake drill to our pupils and other stakeholders. They learned a lot from the topics discussed. After the
demostration, the participants execute the actual simulation.
Through this endeavour the teachers gain additional information needed to disseminate to school clientele. And
our pupils learned how to save themselves even without their parents and adult at home and in the school in case disaster
occur while our stakeholders designed a specific disaster risk reduction plan of the school/ community.
Prepared by:
DRR Coordinator
School Head District DRR Coordinator
Public Schools District Supervisor
Department of EducationIsla
A long time ago, people believed that accidents and other unfortunate events are the workings of a supernatural being
that is beyond their control. But today, we know better than to wait for disaster to strike us. Over the years, people
learned that disaster can be prevented with proper knowledge and preparation. This concept gave rise to Disaster Risk
Reduction Management which aims to remove or minimize hazardous incidences, lessen unnecessary actions, and
disseminate relevant information. But unfortunately, life-threatening accidents arising from untoward incidents are as
common now as it was before. A good reason for this could be the fact that not all are well-informed and some may still
be stuck with notion that disasters are the wrath of some gods. The most vulnerable to the said disasters are the
children and the elderly for they are prone to miscalculations and sadly, their survival rate is left to chance.
Being the seeds that will continue the next generation, it is a must for pupils to learn by heart the proper and logical way
of acting when faced with disasters. This could not only assure their own safety but could also help their families be well-
informed. Children early in their elementary years should be subjected to regular safety drills in order to make surviving
disasters second nature.
This report is made in order to keep track of the development of disaster risk reduction in Cabugao Elementary School
through participating in hazard detection and removal activities and regular earthquake drills. This report also notes the
difficulties met in the said endeavors and the proposed ways to alleviate their chances in the future.
Keeping the pupils out of harm’s way and preventing untoward incidents is quite laborious, but these efforts is no match
to the lives that will be saved and the peace of mind that will be brought about by applying these measures. And these
can be summarized into three simple steps: inform, remove risks, prevent danger.
Following this concept, Dagbasan Elementary School, involved their pupils in identifying hazardous areas in the school
premises in order for them stay away from those identified areas and to learn what is hazardous and what is not.
Relevant signages were also posted for additional information. With the guidance of the teachers, pupils were also
subjected to careful removal of hazardous materials such as nails, splintery wood, broken glass and many more. Regular
earthquake drills were also done in order to prepare and prevent inconvenient incidents that may arise during natural
Unlike lessons, maturity cannot be taught; that is why some pupils aren’t internalizing the importance of
preventing hazards and doing drills. But in place of maturity, these pupils can last through survival instincts paired with
good judgment that can be achieved by repetitively subjecting them in lectures and drills that ensures safety.
Due to some problems met during the carrying out of the above mentioned activities recommendations are as
First, establishing of perimeter fence around the school premises to stop pupils from going across the school
premises and into the identified hazardous area.
Then, posting of functional signages and information about natural disasters and appropriate reaction to each
disaster including escape routes during earthquake drills and useful contact numbers in cases of emergency, and it
should be done per classroom.
Prepared by:
Intermission No……………….…………………………………..Selected PYAP Members
3rd Rommel
Philippine National Anthem…………………………….………….Mr. Runner-Up Mutya ng
Kim Pura Silangan 2017
PYAP President of Tagbac
Graduation rites is about to be celebrated by the Grade VI pupils of Cabugao Elementary School in line with this we
would like to inform you about the photoraph of your Child/Children the school contacted OGAYON PHOTOGRAPHY
which offered a package worth One Hundred Sixty Five Pesos (Php. 165.00) which includes 1 pc. 8R,2pcs. Wallet size and
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