Course Code and Title:: Eee 416: Vlsi Circuits & Systems
Course Code and Title:: Eee 416: Vlsi Circuits & Systems
Course Code and Title:: Eee 416: Vlsi Circuits & Systems
Spring – 2022
Fig-2: Plot to find subthreshold slop and DIBL for VD=0.1V and VD=1V.
Fig-3: Plot of IDVG curve for VD=0.1V and VD=1V.
Fig-5: Plot of IDVD curve for different VG at 1× 1018 /𝑐𝑚3 body doping.
Fig-6: Plot of IDVD curve for different VG at 1× 1015 /𝑐𝑚3 body doping.
Fig-7: Plot of IDVD curve for different VG at 1× 1016 /𝑐𝑚3 body doping.