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Course Code and Title:: Eee 416: Vlsi Circuits & Systems

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Course Code and Title:


Semester and Year:

Spring – 2022

Experiment Number and Name:

Experiment-3: Design of a nMOS device in SILVACO platform and simulation of

its characteristics
Name of Student and ID: Instructor:

Md. Abu Shayem Dr. Mohammad Mojammel Al Hakim

ID: 2019-1-80-021 Chairperson, EEE
Date of Submission: Date of Performance:

27 March, 2022 20 March, 2022

go atlas
# Here the mesh for the device is defined.
x.mesh loc=-0.20 spac=0.025
# This defines the x-axis mesh starting from x = -inf to -0.2
x.mesh loc=-0.15 spac=0.025
# The mesh for x - the previous x = -0.2 to -0.15 is defined with a spacing of 0.025
x.mesh loc=-0.05 spac=0.010
x.mesh loc=0.05 spac=0.010
x.mesh loc=0.15 spac=0.025
x.mesh loc=0.20 spac=0.025
y.mesh loc=-0.04 spac=0.005
#y-axis mesh from y = -inf to -0.04 with spacing of 0.005
y.mesh loc=-0.03 spac=0.005
#mesh for y = -0.04 to -0.03 is defined with a spacing of 0.005
y.mesh loc=-0.005 spac=0.0025
y.mesh loc=0.0 spac=0.0005
y.mesh loc=0.01 spac=0.002
y.mesh loc=0.10 spac=0.02
region number=1 x.min=-0.20 x.max=0.20 y.min=-0.04 y.max=0.0 material=oxide
#This region as defined by x and y will be the material oxide
region number=2 x.min=-0.20 x.max=0.20 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.10 material=silicon
region number=3 x.min=-0.05 x.max=0.05 y.min=-0.03 y.max=-0.005 material=poly
#The following are metal used to contact the device regions
region number=4 x.min=-0.05 x.max=0.05 y.min=-0.04 y.max=-0.03 material=aluminum
region number=5 x.min=-0.20 x.max=-0.15 y.min=-0.04 y.max=0.0 material=aluminum
region number=6 x.min=0.15 x.max=0.20 y.min=-0.04 y.max=0.0 material=aluminum
#In this part names are assigned to different metal contacts/electrodes
electrode x.min=-0.20 x.max=-0.15 y.min=-0.04 y.max=0.0 name=source
electrode x.min=-0.05 x.max=0.05 y.min=-0.04 y.max=-0.03 name=gate
electrode x.min=0.15 x.max=0.20 y.min=-0.04 y.max=0.0 name=drain
electrode bottom name=substrate
#The doping concentrations of different segments are defined in this segments
doping region=2 p.type concentration=1e16 uniform
doping region=3 n.type concentration=1e20 uniform
doping x.min=-0.2 x.max=-0.05 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.01 concentration=1e20 n.type uniform
#this part is the source
doping x.min=0.05 x.max=0.2 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.01 concentration=1e20 n.type uniform
#this part is the drain
save outfile=lab3_2019_1_80_021_device_structure.str
tonyplot lab3_2019_1_80_021_device_structure.str
# Device simulation
models cvt srh
# ID-VG curves at VD=0.1V
solve init
solve vdrain=0.005
solve vdrain=0.1
log outfile= lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VD01.log
solve vgate=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=3.0 name=gate

# ID-VG curves at VD=1V

log outfile= temp.log
solve init
solve vdrain=0.005
solve vdrain=0.01
solve vdrain=0.1
solve vdrain=0.5
solve vdrain=1
log outfile= lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VD10.log
solve vgate=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=3.0 name=gate

tonyplot -overlay lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VD01.log


# ID-VD curves at VG=0V

log outfile= temp.log
solve init
solve vgate=0.0

log outfile= lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG0.log

solve vdrain=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=3.0 name=drain

# ID-VD curves at VG=0.5V

log outfile= temp.log
solve init
solve vgate=0.005
solve vgate=0.01
solve vgate=0.1
solve vgate=0.3
solve vgate=0.5

log outfile= lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG0_5.log

solve vdrain=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=3.0 name=drain
# ID-VD curves at VG=1V
log outfile= temp.log
solve init
solve vgate=0.005
solve vgate=0.01
solve vgate=0.1
solve vgate=0.3
solve vgate=0.5
solve vgate=0.8
solve vgate=0.9
solve vgate=1

log outfile= lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG1.log

solve vdrain=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=3.0 name=drain
# ID-VD curves at VG=1.5V
log outfile= temp.log
solve init
solve vgate=0.005
solve vgate=0.01
solve vgate=0.1
solve vgate=0.3
solve vgate=0.5
solve vgate=0.8
solve vgate=0.9
solve vgate=1
solve vgate=1.1
solve vgate=1.3
solve vgate=1.5

log outfile= lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG1_5.log

solve vdrain=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=3.0 name=drain
# ID-VD curves at VG=2V
log outfile= temp.log
solve init
solve vgate=0.005
solve vgate=0.01
solve vgate=0.1
solve vgate=0.3
solve vgate=0.5
solve vgate=0.8
solve vgate=0.9
solve vgate=1
solve vgate=1.1
solve vgate=1.3
solve vgate=1.5
solve vgate=1.8
solve vgate=2
log outfile= lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG2.log
solve vdrain=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=3.0 name=drain
# ID-VD curves at VG=2.5V
log outfile= temp.log
solve init
solve vgate=0.005
solve vgate=0.01
solve vgate=0.1
solve vgate=0.3
solve vgate=0.5
solve vgate=0.8
solve vgate=0.9
solve vgate=1
solve vgate=1.1
solve vgate=1.3
solve vgate=1.5
solve vgate=1.8
solve vgate=2
solve vgate=2.2
solve vgate=2.5
log outfile= lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG2_5.log
solve vdrain=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=3.0 name=drain

# ID-VD curves at VG=3V

log outfile= temp.log
solve init
solve vgate=0.005
solve vgate=0.01
solve vgate=0.1
solve vgate=0.3
solve vgate=0.5
solve vgate=0.8
solve vgate=0.9
solve vgate=1
solve vgate=1.1
solve vgate=1.3
solve vgate=1.5
solve vgate=1.8
solve vgate=2
solve vgate=2.2
solve vgate=2.5
solve vgate=2.8
solve vgate=3
log outfile= lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG3.log
solve vdrain=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=3.0 name=drain
tonyplot -overlay lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG0.log
lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG0_5.log lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG1.log
lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG1_5.log lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG2.log
lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG2_5.log lab3_2019_1_80_021_IDVG_VG3.log
Fig-1: Device structure plot

Fig-2: Plot to find subthreshold slop and DIBL for VD=0.1V and VD=1V.
Fig-3: Plot of IDVG curve for VD=0.1V and VD=1V.

Fig-4: Plot of IDVG curve for VD=0.1V to find threshold voltage


Fig-5: Plot of IDVD curve for different VG at 1× 1018 /𝑐𝑚3 body doping.
Fig-6: Plot of IDVD curve for different VG at 1× 1015 /𝑐𝑚3 body doping.
Fig-7: Plot of IDVD curve for different VG at 1× 1016 /𝑐𝑚3 body doping.

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