Sectiona: Multiplechoice (2marks@.24%) : Answer All Questions

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Sing Yin Secondary School

First Term Test 2021-2022

Form 2 Integrated Science
Total: 100 marks Time allowed: 35 minutes

Answer ALL questions.

Put the answers on the answer sheets provided.

SectionA: MultipleChoice(2marks@.24%)

1. Which of the following statementsabout air is/arecorrect?

(1) Air forms the atmosphere.
(2) There are only nitrogen and oxygen in air.
(3) Amount of water vapour in air changes from season toseason.
C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only
A. (2) only B. (1) and (2) only

2. A burning splint can burn in air because

A. air contains oxygen.
B. the temperature of air is suf ciently high.
C. the content of water vapour in air is not too high.

D. air contains fuel.

3. A glowing splint cannot relight in airbecause

A. air contains carbon dioxide.

B. the content of oxygen in air is not high enough.

C. air is not a fuel.

D. air is not ammable.

4. Three identical candles are put in identical gas

jars containing different gases as shown. Rank
the time for the candles to go out in
descending order (longest time rst).
A. Jar 3> Jar 2> Jar 1
B. Jar 3 > Jar 1> Jar 2
C. Jar 2> Jar 3> Jar 1
D. Jar 2> Jar 1> Jar 3 Jar 2: Kygen Jar 3 nitrogen
Jar 1 air

For paperhot pot, apaperboatcontainingsoup isheatedby a ame. However,

the paper boat does not burn because
A. paper is not a fuel.
B. the ame's temperature is not suf ciently high to burn the paper.

C. soup in the paper boat cuts off the supply of oxygen.

D. soup in the paper boat absorbs thermal energy from the paper making its temperature not suf ciently high.
F.2 First Term Test 2021-2022 Integroted Science .2 of 4

6. A boy blows a re, trying to make it stronger. The purpose is to

A. make the temperature of re higher.
B. give more fuel to the re.
C. supply more oxygen to the re.
D. rearrange the distribution of fuel.

7. When an electrical appliance burns, which of the following is NOT suitable to put out the re?
A. re blanket B. water-type extinguisher
C. carbon dioxide extinguisher D. sand bucket

Questions 8 and 9:

An experiment is performed to nd out whether oxygen is produced in photosynthesis. Some green

plants are put in solution X. The setup is put under strong lieht for a few hours so that gas is

collected in the inverted tube.

8. What is solution X?
A. sugar solution B. sodium hydrogencarbonate solution
C. salt solution D. cobalt chloride solution

9. Why is solution X usedinstead of water?

A. It supplies carbon dioxide to the plant. B. It supplies oxygen to the plant.
C. It removes carbon dioxide from the plant. B. It removes oxygen from the plant.

10. What are the product and by-product of photosynthesis?

Produet By-produet
A. Glucose Oxygen
B. Oxygen glucose
C. Energy Oxygen
D. Oxygen Energy

11. In an experiment to nd out the necessary conditions for photosynthesis, a variegated leaf is

used. Which condition is going to be tested?

A. Carbon dioxide is necesary for photosynthesis.

B. Chloroplast is necessary for photosynthesis.
C. Water is necessary for photosynthesis.

D. Light is necessary for photosynthesis.

12. Which of the following can be used to absorb carbon dioxide?

A. hydrogencarbonate indicator B glucose solution
C. hot alcohol D. soda lime
F.2 First Term Test 2021-2022 Integroted Science p. 3 of 4
Section B: True or False (2 marks@, 16%)
Study the following statements carefully. Put "T" for the true statements. Put "F" for the false statements and
correct the word(s) underlined so as to make the statements true.
1. Nitrogen can be used to ll packed food in order to keep it fresh.
2. Liquid carbon dioxide can be used to freeze ice-cream.

3. When a splint is burning, the thermal energy stored in it is converted into other kinds of energy.

4 We need energy when we are sleeping.

A re blanket is used to put out a re in order to cut off the supply of fuel.
6. In photosynthesis, starch is required as raw material and is usually obtained from soil.
7. Green plants can produce oxVgen in photosynthesis and make the air in our city fresher.
8. The chemical symbol of water is H;O.

Section C: Fill in the Blanks (2 marks@, 10%)

Fill in each blank with ONE word only.
1. Carbon dioxide turns lime water from colourless to

2. A_ is used to keep something dry.

3. Carbon dioxide can be used for re for putting out re.
1S a green pigment which is necessary for photosynthesis.
5. The starch in a plant can be removed by a process called in which the plant is put in dark

for about two days.

Section D: Structured Questions (50%)

1. In an experiment, Peter puts a burning candle into a gas jar
burning spoon
of pure oxygen as shown.
a. The candle is put inside the gas jar for one minute
i. Describe what happens to the candle. [3]
gas jar
ii. What gas is given out in the process? [1]

ii. Give a method to test for the gas given out. [2]
iv. Some drops of liquid are seen on the jar's wall. -burning candle
What is it? Give a method to test for it. [3] Oxygen
b. What are the three elements of re triangle? [3]

C. Write the word equation for burning. [12]

d. When Peter does the test of (a)(ii), he removes the burning spoon and pours some chemical into the jar.
Explain why the gas to be tested will NOT escape easily in this step. [2]

A mirror becomes misty ifa man blows the exhaled air on it.

a. What is the mist? [1]

b. Name a process caried out in our body which may produce the mist. [1]

c. Write down the word equation for the process of (b). [2]
d. Write down the chemical equation for the process of (b). [3]
. 4 of 4
F.2 First Term Test 2021-2022 Integrated Science

C. All animals needenergy to cary out different activities. A hamster is hibernating in

winter as shown. It seems to have no movement at all. However, it still needs energy.
I. Give TWO examples of the energy requirement. 14

i. Write the energyconversion in eachexample in (e)):BJ

I. Respiration and burning are quite similar. Write TWO differences between them. 14J

3. Koland uses the following setups to test whether carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis.


bell Jars

ight from a
from a
chemic IX
plastic bags

Setup 1 Setup 2

Two plants have been put in a dark room for two days. What is the purpose? [2]
b. Two setups are identical except that there is chemical X in Setup 1.

i. Suggest what chemical Xis. Why is its use? [4]

ii. Roland provides bright light to the two plants. Explain why he needs to do so. [2]
ii. His teachersays that his setupsare good. However, the following setups are better. Explain. [2]
cotton wool

leaf B

leaf A
plastic bag

plastic bag
Chemical X


Using the original setups, after several hours, Roland picks a leaf from each of the setups and carries out
iodine test on each leaf. The test consists of four steps.

. Explain the purpose(s) of each step. [6]

i. What are the results of two leaves? (2]

Form 2 Integrated Science First Term Test Answers (2021-2022)

SectionA: (2marks @24%) CABDD CBBAA BD (ref 3A 4B 2C 3D)

SectionB: (2marks@ 16%)

IT 2 F] (Solid)

3. F] (chemical) 4 T
5. F](oxygen) 6. (F](water)

. T 8. T

SectionC: (2marks@ 10%)

1. milky desiccator

3. extinguisher 4. Chlorophyll (ehlorophyll, Chloroplast [1])

5. destarching(destarch > [1))

SectionD: 50%)
1. a. i. The candle burns more brightly rst. [2]

It goes out naly. [1]

ii. carbon dioxide [1]
ii. lime water [1]
Its colour changes from colourless to milky. [1]
indicator,fromredtoyellow )
iv. water [1]
(Dry) cobalt chloride paper changes from Hue to pink. [2]
b. fuel,oxygenandsuffīicientlyhightemperature(temperature )3]
fuel+oxygen carbondioxide + water+ energy[2]
Deduct one mark for each mistake or missing item.
d. Carbon dioxide is denser than air. [2]

2. a. Water [1]
b. Respiration. [1]
C. glucose
(food )+oxygen carbon dioxide + water + energy [2]
Deduct one mark for each mistake or missing item.
d. CgH20 + 602 6CO2 6H20 [31
Deduct one mark for each mistake or missing item.
Equation NOT balanced
p. 2 of 2
F2 First Term Test Answers 2021-2022 Integrated Science

e. i. beating[](moving,
warm [1]
i. chemical [1] kinetic [1]
thermal[1](heat )
f. There is a ame in burning but there is no ame in respiration. [2]
Respiration occurs in living cells while burning occurs in air. [2]

3. a. To destarch the plants. [2]

b. i. soda lime [2]
It is used to absorb carbon dioxide. [2]

ii. It is because light is necessary for photosynthesis. [2]

ii. Two leaves come from the same plant. [2]

C. 1 cell wall($) [1] enter(gointo ) [1]

lighter [1]
wash away (remove) [1] soften [1]
starch [1]
ii. remainsbrown[1](remains
turnsfrombrowntodarkblue[1](turnstodarkblue )

-The End -

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