Land (Auction and Tenders Regulations) 2001
Land (Auction and Tenders Regulations) 2001
Land (Auction and Tenders Regulations) 2001
moo on 4/5/2001
T/lc:,e Rcttu1.«.tiot1!: may bf cited as the l,and (Condtl<'t ,,,,·
Atictiotl$ and ·1 enders) Kcgulations 2(101.
Tender and 3.-(l) Prime residential, commercial and industrial land will
aui::tion be ajlocated in a transparent manner such as open tender or auction.
(2) The local government authority shall recommend to the
Commissioner, areas of land that may be made available by tender or
the Minister Commissioner, by order published in the Gazette and in at least two
local daily dn:uhtliug 11t.W:<j1i\pcr;; lll Ki~wnhili and English
respectively gernxally or with r~garci to specific land, direct that
general land should be disposed ofby means of auction or process of
.Publication of 6 The Agent ~hall publish in one Swahili and one English
date of auction daily circulating news paper in the district and on public notice
boards the <;late of the auction which shall be not les:1 than twenty one
( 21) days before the l:luction a~ well 11.s conditiom ofthc nuotion.
Land (Conduct ofAuctions and Tenders)
G.N, No, 73 ((:onfd.J
7. The Committee may agree upon a reserved price Reserved
recommended by a qualified valuer but such reserved price shall not Pfice
l l, If the reserved price is n◊t reached, the Agent shall Reserved price
not reeched
Jecb.r<"- "" withri11t di&closing tho amount and the auction will be
repeated on $1lbsequcn1 o-:ta:-ion or occasions untlt a is found.
] 2, Any dispute arising out of the conduct of the auction shall Arbittation
T=of 14. The notice calling for te:ndets shall be brief and explicit
T1mder and oni;e tend.em have beott called for, no variations shall be made to
the tenns, but if clianges are essential, the whole process shnli
commence afresh.
15, Every tender, which should be in a soaled enveiope,
received either by post or by h/1.nd must be placed, unopened, in a
locked box provided fot \be purpose and where tenders an: received
by l'ln ofG;,,e,· 1.•ny,,:,o.,f•f~ t(I tlf'.\ll with them hr. 11.htmkl initil11 llnd thtm
stamp the envelopes with the Q(ficia\ da¼l stamp immediately they are
r~ceived by him before p);1cio,g them in the box,
Ojl{)ning of 16. On the date lllld hour at which a tender closes, and in no
'fotld~rs circumstances before, 1hu box nu1~t be dewed and the tenders opened
by the authorized omi.:er in 'the presence of at \east one other memUl';:l
(If the Committee and notkes may provide that the tenders shall be
opened at a meeting llfth.e C<:m1n"\\Uee itJ \he pres;;nce oftendorcrs.
l,bt 1·1. T0r,Je,rs .ihall be 1111mhrred crmnecutlve!y (the last one
"t,dng endorsod ''and tas:t") tmd initialed by the authorized officer and
the witnessing member 1:md a fo:r {"m triplicate) of 1he tenders she.wing
the number of the tcrnk1 mid tl1c nnmc of th~ tond~ror ohc-uld be
prepared and signed by both pet~O\ll>, and the ofiginat shall be
retained by the- authorized officer for eventual incorporation in fue
minutes, the duplicate ia; to he retamed oy \he witncssin,g 11wmbc1 am1
the tripi\ca\e ts. \() \>t for'>\l;,yQe~ \\!> t'nc accl)v.'3\\ng (;\ ij{ \ ~
&strict or urban authority or the Ministry as the case may be, together
with the original tenden,, in~ sealed enve\ope 01" a tocked box.
Land (Conduct ofAuctions and Tenders)
G.N. No. 73 (contd.)
18. The Committee shall meet within two days of the date of Meeting of the
npe,ning nf ti,nder• to •efoct the winner and all tenders on the liet shall Cmnmi,me