Eng116 - Langueage Learning Materials Development

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Kit Oseias H.

Bsed – Eng 3

Eng116 – Language Learning Materials Development

1. The meaning of “Every teacher is a material developer “is that teachers develops
Learning materials to aid them in their teaching. To teachers, a learner material is like a
weapon of war which is used to educate their students. The learner materials that the
teachers develop depends on what they are going to use it and also the students that they
are going to teach. When teachers develop learner materials they are basing on the
standards to assure that the learner materials serve its purpose. Teachers also make small
adjustments in the learner materials to best suit it to the level of the students, although
they make adjustment but they still made sure to follow the standards so the quality of
learning would not be compromise. All teachers develop learner material to help their
students as well as to make their teaching much efficient. Teachers are heroes and the
kind of heroes which molds and educate the future generation of the nation.

2. The sentence “Materials include anything which can be used to facilitate the learning of a
language.” by Tomlinson means that any materials uses anything that can be used to
facilitate the learning of the language. This sentence points to the way any learner
materials are created, which these learner materials use anything that can help in
developing the learning of a language. Learner materials are designed based on what they
are going to be used and any learner materials uses language and by using learner
materials the student’s familiarity with the particular language will be stimulated and
would greatly helped them to easily learn the particular language.

3. Rubric for Language Learning Materials Evaluation.

Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor and
(4) (3) (2) (1) Comments

Learning Learning Learning Materials

materials is materials is materials is is poor
excellently good and satisfactory and
aesthetic and have and have doesn’t
Aesthetic and the content is aesthetic aesthetic have
content appeal appealing to looks and looks but the aesthetic
learners. the content content is not looks
is appealing appealing to also the
to learners. learners. content
is not
g to

Learning Learning Learning Learning

materials is materials is materials is materials
excellently good and satisfactory is poor
compatible to compatible and and not
learners and to learners compatible compatib
provides and also to learners le to
Compatibility to
learners with provides but it doesn’t learners
comfort, learners provides and it
relax feeling with learners with doesn’t
and support. comfort, comfort, provide
relax feeling relax feeling learners
and support. and support. with

Learning Learning Learning Learning

Develop materials is materials is materials is materials
learners very good in satisfactory is poor in
confidence excellent in developing in developi
developing learners developing ng
learners confidence. learners learners
confidence. confidence. confiden
Learning Learning Learning Learning
Relevant and materials is materials is materials is materials
usefulness very good and satisfactory is poor
excellent and useful. and useful. and not
useful. useful.
Learning Learning Learning Learning
materials materials is materials is materials
excellently good and satisfactory s poor
encourages encourages but doesn’t and
Materials learners to learners to encourage doesn’t
encouragement invest their invest their learners to encourag
interest, interest, invest their e
effort and effort and interest, learners
attention. attention. effort and to invest
attention. their

Excellently Learning Learning Learning

prepares the materials is materials is materials
learners to good and satisfactory is poor
focus in the prepares but doesn’t and
feature of the learners to prepares doesn’t
Prepares target focus in the learners to prepares
learners language feature of focus in the learners
which they the target feature of the to focus
haven’t learn. language target in the
which they language feature
haven’t which they of the
learn. haven’t target
learn. language

Learning Learning Learning Learning

materials materials is materials is materials
Excellently good and satisfactory is poor
expose expose and expose and
learners to learners to learners to doesn’t
Expose learners language and language language but expose
to language provides and provides doesn’t learners
learners with learners provides to
advice and with advice learners with language
instruction. and advice and and
instruction. instruction. doesn’t

Learning Learning Learning Learning

materials materials is materials is materials
excellently good and satisfactory is poor
draws the draws the and draws and
learner’s learner’s the learner’s doesn’t
Linguistic attention and attention attention but draws
feature learner and learner learner the
materials materials materials learner’s
include include don’t include attention
grammar. grammar. grammar. and
Excellently Provides Satisfactory Poorly
Provides opportunitie provides provides
Provides opportunities s to learners opportunities opportun
opportunities to to learners to to use the to learners to ities to
learners to use use the target target use the target learners
the target language to language to language. to use
language achieve achieve the target
communicati communicat language
on process. ion process. .

Excellently It is good It is It is
offers variety and offers satisfactory poorly
of activities variety of and offers made
and supports activities variety of and
all learning and supports activities and doesn’t
styles. all learning supports all offers
Provides variety
styles. learning variety
styles. of

Excellently Provides Satisfactory Poorly

provides different provides provides
different type type of text different different
of text and and type of text type of
activities as activities as and activities text and
Cultural will give will give but doesn’t activities
awareness cultural cultural give cultural but
awareness to awareness to awareness. doesn’t
the cultural the cultural give
sensitivities sensitivities cultural
of target of target awarenes
learners. learners. s.

Learner Learner Learner Learner

materials is materials is materials is materials
excellent and good and satisfactory is poorly
provides provides and provides made
Materials silent time at silent time at silent time at and
permit the beginning the the doesn’t
and doesn’t beginning. beginning provide
force students but it forces silent
to speak students time at
when they even if they the
are not yet are not yet beginnin
ready. ready to g.

Materials Materials is Materials is Materials

Materials excellently good and satisfactory is poor
stimulation to stimulates the stimulates and and
brain brain and the brain stimulates doesn’t
maximize and the brain. stimulate
learning. maximize the brain.
The materials The The The
is focused materials is materials is materials
excellently focused on satisfactory is poorly
Language use on the the language and focused focused
language used. on the on the
used. language language
used. used.
Materials is Material is Materials is Materials
Materials excellent and good but do made is poorly
feedback and provides not provides satisfactory made
language feedbacks in feedback on but doesn’t and do
effectiveness the language language prove not
effectiveness. effectivenes feedbacks. provide
s. feedback


4. We adapt materials based on what we are going to use it for and what type of students we
are going to teach. Guidelines in adapting learning materials, first step you’re going to
select a learner material that you’re going to modified, second step you’re going to ask a
permission or cite the author or creator of the learner material, third step you’re going to
modify what you wanted to modify to best suit it to your need and last step validate it to
make it final.

5. In the time of pandemic material development is very important specially this is the time
where students and teachers adjust. Teachers create materials to aid their teaching as will
as the learning development of the students and also to measure the students’ knowledge.
There are different kinds of learning modalities and based on what kind of modality you
are going to teach then; you will base your learning material on it. For example, visual,
the learning materials that is best fit for this modality are learning materials which can be
seen. If you’re going to teach auditory, then the best learner materials to use is audio
types which is the best fit for this kind of modality. Reading and writing modality is best
fit for learning materials which are read or written because this kind of learning material
enhances the student’s capability in this aspect. The kinesthetic type is best suited for
learning materials which requires physical activity or movements. All in all, it’s best to
based your learning materials on what type of modality you’re going to use it for teaching
to best suit it to your use and to maximize its effectiveness.

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