DDA Recruitment 2022 Notification

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(An Autonomous Body under Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs)

Head Office : Vikas Sadan, INA, New Delhi-110023

Advertisement No. 05/2022/Rectt. Cell/Pers./DDA

Opening date & time for online registration of application 09.07.2022

Last date for closing of online registration of application and payment of 08.08.2022 upto
application fee 06:00 PM

Tentative month of documents verification/interview 01-31 Sep. 2022

Recruitment to the post of Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil)

Delhi Development Authority proposes to fill the following posts of Assistant Executive Engineer
(Civil) from bright and dynamic Graduate Engineers in Civil discipline who fulfil the eligibility criteria in all
respect with reference to the educational qualification, age etc. on or before 01.01.2022 as specified in the
notification to join its team of Engineers through GATE Score 2021. The details of the posts, Pay Matrix and
eligibility conditions are as follows:
(inclusive of PwBD

Reserved for PwBD

Total vacancies

Name of Qualification*
included within the

the Post,
Post Code

total vacancies

Group & * (Qualification as notified by UPSC for Combined

Pay Engineering Services Examination)

Matrix HH OH

01 Assistant 21-30 (a) Obtained a degree in Civil Engineering

Executive years from a University from a University
incorporated by an Act of the Central or State
Engineer Legislature in India or other Educational
(Civil) Institutions established by an Act of
Parliament or declared to be deemed as
(Group A) Universities under Section 3 of the University
Grants Commission Act, 1956;
(Level - 10) OR
(b) Passed Sections A and B of the Institution
08 03 01 02 - 02 01
Examinations of the Institution of Engineers
(India) in Civil Engineering;
(c) Obtained a degree/diploma in Civil
Engineering from such foreign
University/College/Institution and under such
conditions as may be recognised by the
Government for the purpose from time to time.

* A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on 1 st January 2022.

* Number of vacancies indicated above may increase/decrease or even reduce to zero depending upon requirement and
availability or non-availability of vacancies due to one or another reason(s). No notification/corrigendum shall be issued for
any such change.

2. Age relaxation

Sl. Categories Extent of Age Concession

1 Schedule Caste and Scheduled 05 Years
2 Other Backward Class 03 Years
3 Persons with Disabilities 10 Years
4 SC/ST Persons with Disabilities 15 Years
5 OBC Persons with Disabilities 13 Years
6 Departmental candidate with at least Upto 05 Years for Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ posts (which are in the same line or allied cadres and
three years continuous service in where a relationship could be established that the service already rendered in a particular
Central Govt. and Delhi post will be useful for the efficient discharge of the duties of post)
Development Authority.
7 Ex-Servicemen Up to maximum of five years in the case of Ex- servicemen including Commissioned
Officers and ECOs/SSCOs, who have rendered at least five years Military Service as
(For Group “A” and Group “B” on 1st January, 2022 and have been released
Gaztt. Posts) (i) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due) to be completed
within one year from 1st January, 2022 otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on
account of misconduct or inefficiency, or
(ii) on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service, or
(iii) on invalidment.

(i) The date of birth accepted by the Delhi Development Authority is that entered in the Matriculation
or Secondary School Leaving Certificate or in a certificate recognized by an Indian University as
equivalent to Matriculation or in an extract from a Register of Matriculates maintained by a
University, which must be certified by the proper authority of the University or in the Higher
Secondary or an equivalent examination certificate.
(ii) No other document relating to age like horoscopes, affidavits, birth extracts from Municipal
Corporation, service records and the like will be accepted.
(iii) The expression Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate in this part of the instruction
includes the alternative certificates mentioned above.
(iv) Relaxable for Govt. Employees & the employee of the DDA in accordance with the instructions issued
by the Central Govt.
(v) Other age relaxation, if any, will be given as per Government of India’s orders/instruction issued from
time to time.
NOTE: Candidates should note that no subsequent request for change of date of birth will be

3. Concessions/Relaxations
Reservation of posts for SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer)/Ex-Servicemen/EWS/PwD (Degree of disability
40 % and above) will be as per government policy.
A EWS candidate will be eligible to get the benefit of the Economically Weaker Section reservation only in
case the candidate meets the criteria issued by the Central Government and is in possession of requisite income
& Asset Certificate based on the income for Financial Year (FY) 2021 – 2022.

The degree of disability should not be less than 40 %. The post of Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil)
has been identified suitable for followings categories of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities:
a) Locomotor disability (OA, OL, OAL, BL, BA) including leprosy cured, dwarfism acid attack
victims and muscular dystrophy.
b) Deaf and Hard of hearing
c) Multiple disabilities from amongst (a) and (b) above.
No reservation will be given to PwBD candidates of other sub-categories for which no post has been
earmarked. However, PwBD candidates of above sub-categories [mentioned at (a) and (c)] can apply for
the post even if the post is not reserved for them but has been identified suitable and they will be treated at
par with candidates of other categories. They will not be given benefit of reservation except the fee
exemption and age relaxation.
The eligibility for availing reservation against the vacancy reserved for the Persons with Benchmark
Disabilities shall be the same as prescribed in "The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016." Provided
further that the physically disabled candidates shall also be required to meet special eligibility criteria in
terms of physical requirements/functional classification (abilities/disabilities) consistent with requirements
of the identified Service/Post as may be prescribed by its Cadre Controlling Authority.

Similarly, no reservation will be given to ST candidates as no post has been kept reserved for these
categories. However, ST candidates can apply for the post even if post is not reserved for them. They will
be treated as par with UR categories candidates. They will not be given any benefits/relaxation available to
them under the extant rules except fee concession.
Candidate seeking reservation/ relaxation benefits available for SC/ ST/ OBC/ EWS/ PwBD/ Ex-Servicemen
must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation/ relaxation as per eligibility prescribed in the Rules/
Notice. They should be in possession of all the requisite certificates in the prescribed format in support of
their claim as stipulated in the Rules/ Notice for such benefits, and these certificates should be dated earlier
than the due date (closing date of the application). (Prescribed Format of Disability Certificate should be
submitted by Persons with Benchmark Disability candidates as per Form V to Form VII (as applicable) of
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Notification dated 15th June, 2017.

A candidate will be eligible to get the benefit of community reservation only in case the particular caste
to which the candidates belong is included in the list of reserved communities issued by the Central
Government. If a candidate indicates in his/her application form for recruitment to the above that he/she
belongs to Unreserved (UR) category but subsequently writes to the DDA to change his/her category to a
reserved one, such request shall not be entertained by the DDA. Similar principle will be followed for
physically disabled categories also. While the above principle will be followed in general, there may be a
few cases where there was a little gap (say 2-3 months) between the issuance of a Government Notification
enlisting a particular community in the list of any of the reserved communities and the date of submission
of the application by the candidate. In such cases the request of change of community from general to
reserved may be considered by the DDA on merit.

4. Important Information:
(i) Candidate should have details of one Photo ID Card viz. Voter Card/ PAN Card/ Passport/ Driving
License/ Any other Photo ID Card issued by the State/ Central Government. The details of this
Photo ID Card will have to be provided by the candidate while filling up the online application form.
This Photo ID Card will be used for all future referencing and the candidate is advised to carry this
Photo ID Card while appearing for Personality Test/ Interview.
5. Eligibility Conditions:
(i) A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years
on 1st January 2022 i.e. he/she must have born not earlier than 2nd January 1992 and not later than
1st January 2001.
(ii) Nationality: A candidate must be either:
(a) A citizen of India, or
(b) A subject of Nepal, or
(c) A subject of Bhutan, or
(d) A Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1 January 1962, with the intention of
permanently settling in India, or
(e) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African
countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and
Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently
settling in India.
Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose
favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the
examination/tests etc. but the offer of appointment will be given only after submission of the necessary
eligibility certificate issued to him/her by the Government of India in DDA office.

(iii) Candidates to ensure their eligibility for the post applied for: The candidates applying for the above posts
should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions for the post applied for on or before 01.01.2022.
The shortlisting of candidates for documents verification and interview will be purely provisional subject
to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. The DDA will take up verification of eligibility
conditions with reference to original documents at the time of documents verification and interview only.
(iv) In case, candidate does not fulfill the requisite prescribed qualification on or before the last date as
specified by DDA, his/her candidature shall be rejected out rightly.
(v) If on verification at any time before or after the documents verification and interview, if it is found that
they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions; their candidature for the post applied will be
cancelled by the DDA. If any of their claims is found to be incorrect, they may render themselves liable
to appropriate action by the DDA, as deemed fit.

6. Last date for receipt of application(s):

The candidates are required to fill the application(s) online by login into link provided on DDA’s
website www.dda.gov.in and completed application(s) in all respect can be submitted 01.08.2022
(06:00 PM) after which the link will be deactivated. Any application received after closure of the link,
or by any other mode will not be considered under any circumstances.

7. Application fee and mode of remittance:
(i) Application Fee will be ₹1000/- (Rupee One Thousand only). Transaction charges of the bank, taxes,
as applicable shall be borne by the candidate.
(ii) All female candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/ Persons with
Benchmark Disabilities are exempted from paying application fee as per extant Government orders.
No fee exemption is, however, available to OBC/EWS candidates and they are required to pay the
prescribed fee in full.

8. Mode of payment of application fee:

I. Candidates are requiring to pay a fee of ₹1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) through any of the
following modes:
(i) Internet Banking of SBI & its Associate Banks.
(ii) Debit card powered by RuPay.
(iii) Unified Payment Interface (UPI) (BHIM UPI); and
(iv) Unified Payments Interface Quick Response Code (UPI QR Code) (BHIM UPI QR
(v) VISA/ Master debit card etc.
II. Fees paid by modes other than through Online mode will not be accepted and the applications of such
candidates will be rejected and the payment made shall stand forfeited.
III. Detailed instructions for filling online application and ONLINE Fee Payment are available on the

9. Selection Procedure:
The candidates who are meeting the eligibility criteria mentioned above, appeared/qualified the GATE
2021 examination and registered with DDA for recruitment to the above posts, will be shortlisted for
interview on the basis of their GATE 2021 Score. (The weightage of GATE Score will be 85% and
interview will be 15%).

10. Period of Probation:

The selected candidates will be put on a probation period of two years and in house training regarding
departmental procedures etc. Probation of the candidate will be confirmed after completing/passing the
departmental examination as prescribed by DDA.

11. Medical Standards:

Candidates provisionally selected by DDA will have to undergo a Pre-Employment Medical Examination.
The health of candidates will be assessed by Authorized Medical Officers/nominated hospitals and the
appointment will be subject to meeting the medical standards as per rules.

(i) Relaxation of medical standards for PwBD (Persons with Disability) candidates:
Candidates selected under PwBD category except the handicap for which relaxation is acceptable, must be
within the prescribed normal range of all other physical standards.
PwD candidates would be required to furnish valid Disability Certificate duly stamped & signed by a
medical panel empowered for the purpose and should comprise of 3 medical officers f r o m G o v t .
hospital o r M e d i c a l b o a r d .
12. General Conditions:
(i) If any dispute arises with regard to qualification or eligibility or whether a particular qualification is
equivalent to the one mentioned in the notification or not, then in that case DDA may at its discretion,
constitute an Expert Committee/ take expert opinion/advice to take a view as regard to eligibility of the
candidate with reference to the notified qualification. The decision of the DDA in this regard shall be final
and binding upon the candidate.
(ii) TA/DA will be paid to only SC/ST candidates on producing the valid proof of traveling along with Identity
proof, proof of SC/ST and residence proof for appearing in the interview.
(iii)The selected candidate shall be asked to furnish a Surety Bond of ₹2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakhs only). If
he/she leaves the services of the Authority before completion of three-year service (Probation of two years
+ one-year regular service thereafter), the surety furnish by the candidates shall be forfeited.
(iv) All the terms & conditions prescribed for appointment as a Probationer Trainee shall also be applicable.
(v) A candidate who is or has been declared by the DDA to be guilty of:

a) Obtaining support for his/her candidature by the following means, namely: –

i. Offering illegal gratification to, or
ii. Applying pressure on, or
iii. Blackmailing, or threatening to blackmail any person connected with the conduct of the
examination, or
b) Impersonating, or
c) Procuring impersonation by any person, or
d) Submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with, or
e) Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material information, or
f) Misbehaving in the documents verification/interview including tearing of the scripts, provoking fellow
examinees to boycott examination, creating a disorderly scene and the like, or
g) Harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the DDA for the conduct of documents
verification/ interview, or
h) Being in possession of or using mobile phone, pager or any electronic equipment or device or any other
equipment capable of being used as a communication device; or
i) Violating any of the instructions issued to candidates permitting them to take documents verification/

13. Verification of documents:

Shortlisted candidates who are successful in the GATE 2021 examination shall be called to appear before
the interview board along with original documents.
It shall be mandatory for the candidates to appear before the interview board or at the time of document
and identity verification with the following original documents along with self-attested one Photostat copy
of the same on the date specified for the purpose of verification of his/her original documents: -

(i) System generated printout of application with candidate's scanned photograph and signature.
(ii) Fee payment challan in support of depositing the prescribed fee, if applicable.
(iii) Certificate/ Marks-sheet of Secondary School Exam in which date of birth of the candidate is
(iv) Degrees & Certificates of all educational and professional/ higher qualification, along with marks-
sheets of all years/ semesters.

(v) Certificate of SC/ST /OBC, as the case may be, issued by the concerned Competent Authority as
per specimen attached. (if applicable). Non-Creamy Layer Certificate should not be more than
(vi) Disability Certificate (Showing the type & percentage of disability) issued by the concerned
competent authority as per specimen attached.
(vii) Identity proof such as Voter ID Card, Passport, Driving License etc.
(viii) All other documents, as per details given in the advertisement and/or call letter.
(ix) In case a candidate does not appear before the interview board or for verification of documents
/identity along with original documents on the specified date, he/she shall not be eligible for
appointment and his/her candidature shall be rejected. Neither any request for change in date of
interview/ documents verification shall be entertained nor second opportunity shall be
provided for interview/ or verification of documents/identity in any case.


(i) Candidates must apply online through the official website of DDA i.e. www.dda.gov.in Applications
received through any other mode will not be accepted and will be summarily rejected. To apply online,
visit our website website www.dda.gov.in on the link “Jobs”  “Select Job Category”  “ Direct
Recruitment 2022”
(ii) Detailed Instructions for filling online application are available on the DDA’s website. Candidate should
read the instructions carefully before making any entry or selecting options.
(iii)After submitting the online application, the candidates are required to take print out of the finally
submitted online application and retain the same with them.
(iv) Candidates are not required to submit to DDA either by post or by hand the printouts of their online
application form or any other document(s). They will be required to submit printout of online application
form along with documents in support of their eligibility etc. at the time of documents verification or
interview in case they are shortlisted for documents verification or Interview as applicable.
(v) The candidates are advised to submit only single online application form. However, if somehow, he/she
submits multiple online application forms, then he/she must ensure that online application form with the
higher “Registration Number” is complete in all respects including fee as applicable. The applicants,
who submit multiple online application forms, should note that only the online application form with
higher “Registration Number” shall be entertained by the DDA and fee paid against one “Registration
Number” shall not be adjusted against any other “Registration Number”.
(vi) Application form once submitted cannot be modified, hence utmost care should be taken to furnish the
correct details before submitting the online application form.
(vii) Candidates are required to keep active their Email-ID and Mobile Number registered in online
application form during this recruitment process. DDA will send Call Letter for documents
verification/ Interview Letters for interview and other communication only at only registered
email ID/Mobile of candidates. Hence under no circumstances, the candidates should provide
email ID of anybody else.
(viii) Before applying online, candidate will be required to have a scanned (digital) image of his/her recent
colored photograph and signature for uploading. The scanned photograph and signature should be
in JPG/JPEG format only and maximum digital size of scanned photograph and signature should
be 100kb with black ink only. The photograph should not be more than 3 months old from the
date of publication of the notification and the date on which the photograph has been taken should
be clearly printed on the photograph. Applications without such date printed on the photograph
will be rejected. The photograph should be without cap, spectacles and both ears should be visible.
(ix) Candidate should first scan their photograph and signature, ensuring that both the photograph and
signature are as per the prescribed specifications. If the size of the file is less than or more than the
prescribed specifications, then adjust the settings of the scanner (or resize the image).

(x) Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online much before the closing date and time of the
submission of application form and not to wait till the last date for submission of online application form
to avoid the possibility of congestion in server to log on etc.
(xi) Before applying online, candidates should
(i) Scan their Photograph (4.5cm × 3.5cm) and Signature (with black ink only).
(ii) Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS will NOT be accepted.
(iii)Keep the necessary details/documents ready to make Online Payment of the requisite application fee.
(iv) Have a valid personal email ID and mobile no., which should be kept active till the completion of this
Recruitment Process. DDA may send intimation to download call letters for documents verification/
interview through the registered e-mail ID. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail
ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID and mobile no. before applying on-line and must
maintain that email account and mobile number during the course of recruitment process.
a) Candidates can apply online by visiting the DDA’s official website i.e. website www.dda.gov.in
on the link “Jobs”  “Select Job Category”  “ Direct Recruitment 2022”b)
Candidates will get the instructions page and they will have to accept the terms & conditions by
clicking 'I Agree' Checkbox given below and pressing the 'Start' button.
c) Applicants are needs to sign up first with their valid E-mail ID and Mobile No. with them while
signing up.
d) The One-time Password and login details will be sent at the E-mail ID & Mobile No. provided, so
candidates are advised to verify the correctness of the Email ID & Mobile No. before proceeding

a) The candidate should now login and the candidates should now fill up all the desired information
in the online form about himself / herself correctly and upload his/her photograph & signatures.
Click on the “Pre-view” tab and check whether the particulars filled correct in all respects. In case
of any error, the same can be edited before finally clicking Click on "Submit" tab. However,
Candidates are not allowed to change the Email–ID, Mobile Number, Candidate Name and Post.
b) On successful submission of on-line application, candidates are advised not to attempt for re-
registration for the same post. In case of multiple registrations for the same post, the one with the
highest registration number will be considered as the final application. Candidate is required to
download the online form generated by the System with unique registration number, which may
be retained for future reference.

STEP- III: Guidelines for Remittance of Application Fees:

After successful submission of application form, the candidate will be re-directed automatically to SBI
MOPS gateway to make the online payment of application fees. Select disclaimer checkbox and proceed.
On next screen select category Category ‘DDA APPLICATION FEES 2022’ and the following Data
will appear automatically from database:
Application Sequence Number,
Name of applicant,
Post Applied
Exam. Fees
• Verify the details and click on 'Confirm'.
• Now you will be taken to payment gateway
• Select appropriate 'Mode of Payment' i.e.
(i) Internet Banking of SBI & its Associate Banks.
(ii) Debit card powered by RuPay.
(iii) Unified Payment Interface (UPI) (BHIM UPI); and
(iv) Unified Payments Interface Quick Response Code (UPI QR Code) (BHIM UPI
QR Code)
(v) VISA/ Master debit card etc.
• Check the charges/commission applicable for selected 'Mode of Payment' deposit the requisite
examination fee.
The journal number or the Transaction number given by the Bank is to be retained for future
reference and print the e-receipt for your record.

(i) Candidates are not required to submit along with their applications any certificate in support of
their claims regarding age, educational qualifications and experience. The candidates applying for
the above post should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for recruitment.
Shortlisting of their name for documents verification/ interview will be purely provisional subject
to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification at any time before or after
the documents verification/ interview, it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility
conditions, their candidature for the examination will be cancelled by the DDA. If any of their
claims is found to be incorrect, they may render themselves liable to disciplinary action by the
DDA as deemed fit.

15. Correspondence with the DDA:

A HELP DESK will be made operational for facility of the candidates from the date of opening of the
link for filling up of online application form. The candidates are advised to write to DDA’s Help Desk
through Helpdesk tab available in the online application form or contact toll number +91 7353009191.

The candidates are advised not to call on the phone numbers (Mobile as well as landline number)
of any officer of the DDA for any enquiry related to the Direct Recruitment 2022. The DDA will
not enter into any correspondence with the candidates about their candidature except in the following

(i) The eligible candidates shall be issued e- Call Letter for documents verification/ interview two
weeks before the commencement of the documents verification/ interview. A list of shortlisted
candidates will also be uploaded on DDA’s website for information of the candidates. If a candidate
does not receive his/her e- Call Letter or any other communication regarding his/her candidature for the
documents verification/ interview by the stipulated date before the commencement of the documents
verification/ interview, he/she should at once contact the DDA. Information in this regard can also be
obtained from the Facilitation Counter located in the DDA’s Office, Vikas Sadan, INA, New Delhi-
110023. In case no communication is received in the DDA’s Office from the candidate regarding
non-receipt of his/her e- Call Letter one week before the documents verification/ interview, he/she
himself/ herself will be solely responsible for non-receipt of his/her e- Call Letter. No candidate will
ordinarily be allowed to take documents verification/ interview unless he/she holds e-Call Letter for the
same. The mere fact that e-call letter for the documents verification/ interview has been issued to a
candidate, will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the DDA or that entries
made by the candidate in his/her application for applying for the above posts have been accepted by the
DDA as true and correct. Candidates may note that the DDA takes up the verification of eligibility
conditions of a candidate, with reference to original documents, only after the candidate has been
shortlisted for documents verification/ interview. Unless candidature is formally confirmed by the DDA,
it continues to be provisional. The decision of the DDA as regard to the eligibility or otherwise of a
candidate for documents verification/ interview shall be final. Candidates should note that the name in
the e-Call Letter, may be abbreviated due to technical reasons.

(ii) Candidates must ensure that their e-mail IDs and mobile number given in their online applications
are valid and active till completion of whole recruitment process.
Important: All communications to the DDA should invariably contain the following particulars.

1. Name and year of the examination.

2. Registration ID (RID)
3. Roll Number (if received)
4. Name of candidate (in full and in block letters)
5. Complete postal address as given in the application.

Note1: Communication not containing the above particulars may not be attended to.
Note2: Candidates should also note down their RID number for future reference.
They may be required to indicate the same in connection with their candidature for the documents
verification/ interview.
Note3: Candidates are advised in their own interest to note down the login ID and Password at
convenient and safe place for downloading/retrieval of information related to e Call Letter etc. in

16. Withdrawal of applications:

No request for withdrawal of candidature received from a candidate after he/she has submitted his/her
application will be entertained under any circumstances.

17. Other Instructions:
(i) Delhi Development Authority reserves the right to cancel /restrict /enlarge /modify /alter the
recruitment / notification/ terms & conditions/ vacancies/ eligibility/ relaxation or any other part of
notification and recruitment process, if needed, without issuing any notice.
(ii) Legal jurisdiction will be Delhi in case of any dispute.

Commissioner (Personnel)


Beware of touts and job racketeers trying to deceive by false promises of securing job in Delhi
Development Authority (DDA) either through influence or by use of unfair and unethical means. Delhi
Development Authority (DDA) has not appointed any agent(s) or coaching centre(s) for action on its
behalf. Candidates are warned against any such claims being made by persons/agencies. Candidates are
selected purely as per merit. Beware of unscrupulous elements and do not fall in their trap. Candidates
attempting to influence Delhi Development Authority (DDA) directly or indirectly shall be disqualified
and legal action can be initiated against them. Candidates are advised to consult only the official website
of Delhi Development Authority (DDA) i.e. www.dda.gov.in and beware of FAKE websites put up by
unscrupulous elements/touts.


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