The document describes a randomized controlled trial that evaluated the effects of balanced crystalloids versus colloids for fluid management in major abdominal surgery patients. It summarizes:
- 160 patients were randomly assigned in a blinded manner to receive either balanced crystalloids or colloid solutions for intraoperative fluid boluses.
- Patients and investigators were blinded to treatment group assignment. Outcome measurements were performed objectively by investigators blinded to treatment.
- Both treatment groups received similar premedication, anesthesia induction, and intraoperative maintenance, limiting potential confounding factors between groups.
The document describes a randomized controlled trial that evaluated the effects of balanced crystalloids versus colloids for fluid management in major abdominal surgery patients. It summarizes:
- 160 patients were randomly assigned in a blinded manner to receive either balanced crystalloids or colloid solutions for intraoperative fluid boluses.
- Patients and investigators were blinded to treatment group assignment. Outcome measurements were performed objectively by investigators blinded to treatment.
- Both treatment groups received similar premedication, anesthesia induction, and intraoperative maintenance, limiting potential confounding factors between groups.
The document describes a randomized controlled trial that evaluated the effects of balanced crystalloids versus colloids for fluid management in major abdominal surgery patients. It summarizes:
- 160 patients were randomly assigned in a blinded manner to receive either balanced crystalloids or colloid solutions for intraoperative fluid boluses.
- Patients and investigators were blinded to treatment group assignment. Outcome measurements were performed objectively by investigators blinded to treatment.
- Both treatment groups received similar premedication, anesthesia induction, and intraoperative maintenance, limiting potential confounding factors between groups.
The document describes a randomized controlled trial that evaluated the effects of balanced crystalloids versus colloids for fluid management in major abdominal surgery patients. It summarizes:
- 160 patients were randomly assigned in a blinded manner to receive either balanced crystalloids or colloid solutions for intraoperative fluid boluses.
- Patients and investigators were blinded to treatment group assignment. Outcome measurements were performed objectively by investigators blinded to treatment.
- Both treatment groups received similar premedication, anesthesia induction, and intraoperative maintenance, limiting potential confounding factors between groups.
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RAMMBO Worksheet Prognosis Jawaban Sesuai Worksheet
1. Recruitment Apakah subjek mewakili, dilakukan YA ; randomisasi dan terdapat kemiripan One hundred and sixty patients were antara kedua grup subjek ? enrolled in the protocol. All patients had maintenance-balanced crystalloid administration of 3 ml · kg–1 · h–1. A closed-loop system delivered additional 100-ml fluid boluses (patients were randomized to receive either a balanced-crystalloid or colloid solution) according to a predefined goal-directed strategy, using a stroke volume and stroke volume variation monitor. All patients were included in the analysis. 2. Allocation Apakah penempatan I dan C diacak dan YA ; The morning of surgery, blinded disembunyikan? fluid solutions (visually identical plastic Kelompok I dan C sebanding sebanding bags of 500ml) were delivered to the pada awal percobaan? anesthesiologist in charge of the patient. VALIDITAS INTERNAL RAMMBO Worksheet Prognosis Jawaban Sesuai Worksheet 3. Maintenance Apakah kelompok memperoleh YA ; . In both groups, premedication kointervensi yang sama? consisted of 0.5 mg of alprazolam, given the morning of the surgery. Some patients had an epidural catheter placed prior to anesthesia induction in the operating room; however, most patients received only a spinal morphine injection. Anesthesia was induced with lean body weight–adjusted doses of propofol (2 mg/kg), remifentanil (Minto Pharmacokinetics model: 2 to 6 ng/ ml), and rocuronium (0.5 mg/kg), and was maintained with remifentanil (2 to 6 ng/ml) and volatile anesthetic (either sevoflurane or desflurane, depending on physician prefer- ences). After intubation, a protective ventilation approach was applied, consisting of a tidal volume of 8 ml/kg of lean body weight, a positive end expiratory pressure of 5 to 7 cm H2O, and recruitment maneuvers whenever necessary. The respiratory rate was set to achieve an end-tidal carbon diox- ide VALIDITAS INTERNAL RAMMBO Worksheet Prognosis Jawaban Sesuai Worksheet 4. Measurement Apakah subjek dan penilai disamarkan YA ; Study fluids were only identified by Binding terhadap perlakuan ? the assigned patient number. The Outcome Apakah pengukurannya objektif preparation, storage, and dispensing of the study fluids was done independently by the hospital pharmacy of each insti- tution. Importantly, all investigators remained blinded to the treatment allocation until the end of the study and the finalization of the statistical analysis. Intraoperative data were collected by the investigators and postoperative data by nurses, residents in anesthesiology, and research medical students not involved in the trial. The Post-Operative Morbidity Survey (POMS) score was determined on the morning of postoperative day 2 (POD2) by two investigators who remained blinded to the group allocation at that time (A.J. and A.D.).
Comparison of Analgesic Effects of Intravenous Nalbuphine and Pentazocine in Patients Posted For Short-Duration Surgeries A Prospective Randomized Double-Blinded Study