Water Treatment Plants Guide (Preventive Maintenance)
Water Treatment Plants Guide (Preventive Maintenance)
Water Treatment Plants Guide (Preventive Maintenance)
Sources :
2. groundwater sources
Service Reservoirs
Distribution system
Water supply systems management including metering, UFW and leak detection.
1.Raw Water Quality
Moderate or large quantities of nutrients such as phosphates, nitrates and organic nitrogen
compounds may act as a fertilizer in a reservoir to stimulate the growth of algae which may
cause algal bloom.
Increased pH
Organic loading.
Thermal Stratification
Thermal stratification develops in lakes and reservoirs when the surface water begins to
The warm surface waters expand and become lighter than the lower waters. The water
temperature difference causes variation in water densities, which create resistance to mixing.
This ultimately results in anaerobic conditions in lower zones.
Regular analysis of raw water quality preferably once in a week in large water treatment
plants is necessary to identify and correct the problems likely to be faced in the water
short intervals.
On the other hand a sudden rise in chloride content will indicate pollution due to sewage.
In such cases, more confirmatory tests should be taken such as for nitrogen in its various
forms, dissolved oxygen, oxygen absorbed and chlorine demand to decide the occurrence of
pollution and to fix the dose of pre-chlorination needed.
In case of lake as a source the periodical physical and biological examination of samples will
indicate if there is any need for control of algae, which may cause taste and odour problems
or clogging of filters.
The preventive maintenance procedures related to Flow measuring devices are listed below:
1. Float sumps should be periodically cleaned to see that silt does not accumulate, which
The preventive maintenance procedures related to Chemical feeding unit are listed below:
Alum and lime solution tanks are to be painted annually with anti-corrosive paint.
V-notch weirs, and floats arrangements should be cleaned daily. Setting of the V-
there is a change in water quality based on a proper laboratory study including jar test.
The chemical feeding rate should be controlled depending upon the needs from time
to time.
The preventive maintenance procedures related to flash mixer are listed below:
Adequate spares for the mechanical mixing equipment should be kept in ready stock
Life of equipment such as metallic blades and shafts can be prolonged by periodical
All metallic parts of the equipment should be painted with anti-corrosive paints once
in a year.
In non-mechanical type flocculator with baffles, removing sludge once in six months
is necessary.
The preventive maintenance procedures related to clarifiers or sedimentation tanks are listed
Annual overhauling and repainting of the unit should be done a month or two prior to
Sludge line should be kept free of chocking. The line should be flushed with high-
The telescopic sludge discharge device, when provided, should be checked for
The traction wheels of the moving bridge should be checked for alignment and rubber
The preventive maintenance procedures related to Rapid sand filters are listed below:
Defective Gauges
Rate of flow and loss of head gauges frequently get out of order. The operator should be
conversant with the working of these gauges and should be able to do minor-repairs.
Expansion of sand bed during back washing should be kept within the limits to avoid carry
over of sand to wash water trough. Sand bed should never be depleted more than 10 em from
the original thickness, when it is more than 10 em the sand media has to be replenished. The
entire bed should be taken out and additional sand media mixed to give the required effective
size and uniformity coefficient.
Air binding
This is caused due to the negative head and formation of air bubbles in the filter sand. This
could be overcome by more frequent back washing during these periods. Provisions should
be made wherever possible to increase the depth of water by about 15 to 30 em. The
maintenance of depth of water of at least 105m over sand may eliminate air binding problem.
If air binding persists, loss of head may be limited to 1.5 m, which will discourage air binding
and ensure reasonable length of filter run.
Incrustation of media
This problem of incrustation of sand particles may arise as in the case of water softening with
lime soda when sand particles get coated with material that is difficult to remove by normal
backwash. Remedy lies in washing the filter occasionally with sodium hydroxide (10 kg/ m2
area of bed) or bleaching powder (20 kg/ m2 area of bed).
This occurs when water is lowered below the surface of the sand. Cracks in a filter bed under
water may also arise due to cementing of grains by some materials in the applied water. The
vulnerable portion is near the walls, since the sand is drawn away from the walls. The rate of
flow increases through cracks allowing heavier deposits of solids at these points resulting in
unequal distribution of the wash water. This can be avoided by the use of hand rake or by
draining of bed and removing clogged sand.
Sometimes careless or indifferent operation of the filter bumping or lifting of the filter beds
when switching on the back wash cycle is adopted. This type of inadequate cleaning process
should be discouraged.
These are caused by the general build-up of materials not removed in back-wash. Mud balls
accumulate at or near surface and in course of time clog the entire sand media. Proper
coagulation and settling of feed water could considerably reduce mud-ball formation. Surface
wash or surface raking at intervals helps reduce mud ball formation. Compressed air scouring
for more than 3 minutes also effectively decreases mud ball concentration.
Sand boils
Sand boils are caused when disproportionately large discharges of wash water rush towards
expanding the sand and displacing the gravel. This situation arises mainly due to poor
distribution of wash-water from under-drain system.
Slime growths
When slime growths are noticed on filters, the bed is cleaned in the normal way and water is
lowered to the level of the sand bed. Then common salt is distributed evenly over the surface
of sand using 7 kgl m2 of filter area, after which the wash water valve is opened until water
rises about 15 cm above the sand level. The water is allowed to remain for 2 hours to dissolve
the salt and then lowered to the bed level to be retained for 24 hours after which it is
thoroughly back-washed before placing into service.
The waste wash water drains should be kept free of clogging or sediment. The requisite up-
flow velocity of backwash water should be maintained at the design rate for proper cleaning
of the sand.
Backwashing of filters in water treatment should not be based on arbitrarily fixed time
scheduled but the frequency should be in accordance with the filtrate quality and head loss
measurement. Duration of cleaning should be dependent upon the turbidity of the wasted
water. .
The preventive maintenance procedures related to water treatment chlorinator and chlorine
house are listed below:
The chlorine demand of the filtered water is to be satisfied and optimum free residual
chlorine maintained to render water completely safe.
Periodically chlorine dose should be monitored weekly to ensure adequate chlorine residual
at the drinking tap; assuming adequate filtration and chlorine contact time, the residual of
total chlorine should be 0.5 mg/L or the residual free chlorine should be 0.2 mg/L;
Bubbling the chlorine gas through the filtered water stored in the clear water reservoir by
dipping rubber tubes connected to chlorine cylinder must be avoided. Chlorine application
should be done through a chlorinator only.
Since chlorine gas is heavier than air it is likely to sink to the floor. Hence providing and
maintaining arrangement for forcing air from top and driving chlorine gas from the floor
through ventilators located at the floor level is necessary.
Safety requirements
Whenever dealing with gaseous chlorine, safety is an important issue. Ammonia should be
kept handy for checking for leaks. Chlorine cylinders storage building should be well
ventilated. It the operator must walk through an area with chlorine in the air, he or she should
use a breathing apparatus. If no breathing apparatus is available, the operator should keep his
head high. since chlorine is 2.5 times as heavy as air and will tend to sink to the ground.
The preventive maintenance procedures related to clear water reservoirs are listed below:
During the pumping of water the water level in the reservoir should be maintained at
the lowest level as possible so that overflow and wastage of water when the pump is
Roof of the clear water reservoir is always kept at least 60 cm above the surrounding
pollution can be prevented. Top of roof should be sloped in such a way to prevent
stagnation of rainwater;
Ventilator outlets should be regularly checked and cleaned to guard against mosquito
Cleaning of sump and reservoirs should be done regularly at least once in six months.
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