Administrative & Supervisory Plan

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Dumalinao District


SY 2019-2020


Check/ inspect DLL, Class Record
MAY 20-25 Brigada Ekwela (National Schools Maintenance)
JUNE 3-7 Organization Classes all Grade Level(Regular & Sped)
JUNE, 7 School Policy Conference
May-June 2018 JUNE 3-14 Submission of Enrolment OQC to District/Division office
JUNE ,8 Organization of HRPTA all Grade level (Regular & Sped class)
06/07/19 Gen. PTA Board Meeting
06/22/19 Submit MOOE Liquidation Report to Division Office
06/28/19 GPTA General Assembly
Check/ inspect DLL, Class Record
JULY, 2018 JULY,8 Deworming of school children(Round 1 first dosage)
JULY, 18 Submit MOOE Liquidation Report to Division Office
JULY, 28
JULY , 29 Nutrition Culmination Program
JULY 5, 12, 19, 26 School Feeding Every Friday all grade levels

Check/ inspect DLL, Class Record

AUG, 1 School Base Immunization for Grade I pupils
AUG, 2 School Improvement Plan (SIP) Appraisal District Level
AUG, 4 District PTA Federated Assembly
AUG, 5 District Teachers Conference
AUG, 10 Municipal Atheletic Meet
AUGUST, 2019 AUG, 12,26 Start of ELLN LAC Session Friday PM
AUG, 11 Connect Water line to Grade Classroom
AUG, 18 & 19 First Quarter Examination
AUG, 19 Opening Ceremony School Base BSP & GSP Scouting
AUG, 20 & 21 School Base Scouting
AUG, 26 LAC session ELLN Friday PM
AUG, 27 Distribution of Report Card/Parent Teacher Conference
AUG, 28 & 29 2016 Cluster Central Athletic Meet

Submit MOOE SOB, PR, WFP to Division Office

SEPT 2,9,16,23,30 LAC session ELLN- Friday PM
Instructional Supervision
SEPTEMBER TO Check/ inspect DLL, Class Record
DECEMBER Submit MOOE Liquidation Report to Division Office
2019 Follow up school projects implemented, check lesson plan of
the teachers and other necessary forms
Observe teachers in the class & conduct post conference for
further improvement.
Conduct school based intramurals & select potential athletes
Call Teacher's conference
Inservice Training for Kinder to Grade III and Grade IV to
Grade VI
Midyear Review of IPCRF of teachers.
Submit MOOE SOB, PR, WFP to Division Office
Submit Liquidation Report to Division Office
Conduct NAT/LAPG Review
Conduct Assembly Meeting of parents (Grade III & VI)
Attend School Heads Development foundation Course
JANUARY-MARCH Conduct Fourth Quarter Examination for students
2019 Check and Prepare promotional Reports (Deped Forms)
Check the number of Pupils to be promoted
Prepare School Annual Report & SRC
Prepare school year end Reports
Check and review IPCRF of teachers
Conduct pre planning for Brigada Eskwela 2020

Prepared by:


Principal II
Dumalinao District


Name: ROGER DORADO FLORES Station: Dumalinao Regional Pilot School

Position: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL II Division: Zamboanga del Sur
School Year: 2017-2018

Programs/Projects/Activity Target Date Output Remarks

Planned Actual
I. Occupational Competence
A. Instructional Supervision
1. Prepare school year Instructional Jun-july school supervisory plan supervisory plan
Supervisory Plan 2017 for SY 2017-2018
1.1 Achievement Level
increase achievement level by 10% Jul-Dec increased achievement achievemnet
in all learninmg areas 2017 in all learning areas all learning
2. Implement Instructional Supervis areas increased
ory Plan
2.1 Monitor the implementation of monitor k12 implemen implemented
K12 Curriculum tion k12 curriculum
2.2 observe 5 teachers per week 3 teacher per week

B. Development Implementation of
Education Program
1. Pupil Development
a. increased school MPS by 3% over 3% increased MPS in increased MPS
the previous years all subject areas all subjects
b. decreased Drop-out Rate July-Dec 2% decreased of Drop
c. increased Participation Rate 2017 out drop out has
d. increased Survival Rate 2% increased participat been decreased
e. increased Retention Rate ion & survival rate participation &
f. Health & Nutrition Program Implemented SBFP survival rate
2. Curriculum Development increased
provides leadership in the development o
of the following July-Dec produced DLL/LP with Utilization of
a. DLL/ Lesson Plan 2017 the parts materials,TM's,
b. Instructional Materials had made low cost textbooks
c. Construction of test items with IM's
table of specification
3. Staff Development
3.1 Assesses ttraining needs of teachers Assisted teachers in School based
a. conduct training needs assessment their training needs training design
b.development needs of teachers had been prepa
c. Prioritized needs July-Dec red
3.2 Prepares School based 2017 Training startegies In service had
Training Designs been conduc
a. Program objectives based on needs ted
b.Training Curriculum Materials 100% of the teachers Teachers were
c. Training Strategies attended sent to training
3.3 Conduct in-Service Trainings Jul-Dec Conducted ELLN every seminars in
3.4 Provides opportunities for profes 2017 Friday afternoon from their respective
sional/personal enhancement October-March 2017 specialization

Programs/Projects/Activity Target Date Output Remarks

Planned Actual
C. Administrative Management
1. Resource Management
1.1 Management of Human Resources Keep complete recor maximized
1.2 Management of Physical Resources ds of funds school resources
2. Data Management Keep records on data
3.Conflict Management August
4. Linkage Management Dec Assess teachers maintained &
Coordinate with LGU's NGO's parents 2017 performance. updated records
NGA's & other agencies for a success Facts gathered of facilities
full of K12 and other programs Meeting
of the school Appropriate act
D. Research ion of complain
Conduct school-based action research was taken
E. Performance Assessment

II. Personal & Personell

1. Decisiveness
Acts immediately in needs/request in Jul-Dec
needs/request in accorance with the 2017
rules & regulations and accepted
norms of conduct & behavior
2. Honesty & Integrity
Demonstrates truthfullness, candid
ness, uprigthness and freedom from
3. Dedication & Commitment
Render service over the regular
functions and even beyond regular
4. Initiative/Resourcefulness
Starts action, projects and perform
task without being told and
supervise Jul-Dec
5. Courtesy 2017
Shows polite, kind and thoughful
behavior toward the public clientile
in manner of speech and actulization
6. Human Relation
Shows concern for people at work,
office ckientile and supervisor.
Subordinate Relationship into work
7. Leadership
leads organizational units to achieve
the goal and objectives
8. Stress tolerance
Performs effeciently even under
pressure or opposition
9. Fairness & Justice
confirms to usual priciple of law is
just and unblessed

Programs/Projects/Activity Target Date Output Remarks

Planned Actual

10. Proper Attire/ Good grooming Require teacher to

Dresses in accordance with the wear prescribed
proper decorum and prescribed Uniform
rules & regulations and is neat in July to Dec
appearance. 2017
III. Punctuality and Attendance Checked daily atten
Observe punctuality in attendance dance of teachers
in all meetings/conferences and
other required activities

Prepared by:


Principal II

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