Administrative & Supervisory Plan
Administrative & Supervisory Plan
Administrative & Supervisory Plan
Dumalinao District
Prepared by:
B. Development Implementation of
Education Program
1. Pupil Development
a. increased school MPS by 3% over 3% increased MPS in increased MPS
the previous years all subject areas all subjects
b. decreased Drop-out Rate July-Dec 2% decreased of Drop
c. increased Participation Rate 2017 out drop out has
d. increased Survival Rate 2% increased participat been decreased
e. increased Retention Rate ion & survival rate participation &
f. Health & Nutrition Program Implemented SBFP survival rate
2. Curriculum Development increased
provides leadership in the development o
of the following July-Dec produced DLL/LP with Utilization of
a. DLL/ Lesson Plan 2017 the parts materials,TM's,
b. Instructional Materials had made low cost textbooks
c. Construction of test items with IM's
table of specification
3. Staff Development
3.1 Assesses ttraining needs of teachers Assisted teachers in School based
a. conduct training needs assessment their training needs training design
b.development needs of teachers had been prepa
c. Prioritized needs July-Dec red
3.2 Prepares School based 2017 Training startegies In service had
Training Designs been conduc
a. Program objectives based on needs ted
b.Training Curriculum Materials 100% of the teachers Teachers were
c. Training Strategies attended sent to training
3.3 Conduct in-Service Trainings Jul-Dec Conducted ELLN every seminars in
3.4 Provides opportunities for profes 2017 Friday afternoon from their respective
sional/personal enhancement October-March 2017 specialization
Prepared by: