Hemoglobin Measured by Hemocue and A Reference Method in Venous and Capillary Blood: A Validation Study

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Hemocue validation study ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL

Hemoglobin measured by Hemocue

and a reference method in venous
and capillary blood: A validation study
Lynnette Neufeld, PhD, MSc, BA Sc,(1) Armando García-Guerra, M en C,(1)
Domingo Sánchez-Francia, QFB,(2) Oscar Newton-Sánchez, MC,(2) María Dolores Ramírez-Villalobos, MC,(3)
Juan Rivera-Dommarco, M Sc, PhD.(1)

Neufeld L, García-Guerra A, Sánchez-Francia D, Neufeld L, García-Guerra A, Sánchez-Francia D,

Newton-Sánchez O, Ramírez-Villalobos MD, Newton-Sánchez O, Ramírez-Villalobos MD,
Rivera-Dommarco J. Rivera-Dommarco J.
Hemoglobin measured by Hemocue Hemoglobina medida por Hemocue
and a reference method in venous y por un método de referencia en sangre venosa
and capillary blood: A validation study. y capilar: estudio de validación.
Salud Publica Mex 2002;44:219-227. Salud Publica Mex 2002;44:219-227.
The English version of this paper is available too at: El texto completo en inglés de este artículo también
http://www.insp.mx/salud/index.html está disponible en: http://www.insp.mx/salud/index.html

Abstract Resumen
Objective.To assess the comparability of hemoglobin con- Objetivo. Evaluar la comparabilidad de la concentración
centration (Hb) in venous and capillary blood measured by de hemoglobina (Hb) en sangre venosa y capilar medida
Hemocue and an automated spectrophotometer (Celldyn) por Hemocue y por espectrofotómetro automatizado (Cell-
and to document the influence of type of blood (capillary dyn), así como documentar la influencia del tipo de sangre
or venous) and analysis method on anemia prevalence esti- (capilar o venosa) y del método de análisis sobre la preva-
mates. Material and Methods. Between February and May lencia de anemia. Material y métodos. De febrero a mayo
2000, capillary and venous samples were collected from 72 de 2000, se recolectaron muestras de sangre capilar y ve-
adults and children at Hospital del Niño Morelense (More- nosa en 72 adultos y niños en el Hospital del Niño More-
los State Children’s Hospital) in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Me- lense, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. Se determinaron los
xico, and assessed for Hb using the Hemocue and Celldyn niveles de Hb con los métodos Hemocue y Celldyn. Las
methods. Estimated Hb levels were compared using the cifras de Hb estimadas se compararon con el coeficiente
concordance correlation coefficient and Student’s t test for de concordancia y la prueba pareada de t de Student. Tam-
paired data. The sensitivity and specificity for anemia diag- bién se comparó la sensibilidad y especificidad para el diag-
nosis were estimated and compared between type of blood nóstico de anemia, utilizando sangre de los dos tipos y
and method of assessment. Results. Capillary blood had métodos de análisis. Resultados. La Hb fue mayor en san-
higher Hb (+0.5g/dl) than venous blood in adults and chil- gre capilar comparada con sangre venosa (+0.5g/dl) en adul-
dren, as did samples assessed by Celldyn compared to tos y niños, y en las determinaciones por Celldyn comparadas
Hemocue (+0.3g/dl). Specificity to detect anemia was ade- con las de Hemocue (+0.3 g/dl). La especificidad para el
quate (>0.90) but sensitivity was low for capillary blood diagnóstico de anemia fue adecuada (>0.90), mientras que
assessed by Hemocue (<0.80). Conclusions.The difference la sensibilidad fue baja para las muestras capilares medidas
in Hb between venous and capillary blood is likely related por Hemocue (<0.80). Conclusiones. Es probable que la
to biological variability. Hemoglobin concentration in capil- diferencia en la Hb entre sangre venosa y capilar refleje
lary blood assessed by Hemocue provides an adequate es- variabilidad biológica. La Hb en sangre capilar medida por
timation of population anemia prevalence but may result in Hemocue provee una estimación adecuada de la prevalen-

(1) Centro de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP), Cuernavaca, Morelos, México
(2) Hospital del Niño Morelense, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México
(3) Centro de Investigación en Sistemas de Salud, INSP

Received on: July 12, 2001 • Accepted on: October 19, 2001
Address reprint requests to: Dra. Lynnette Neufeld. División de Epidemiología de la Nutrición, Centro de Investigaciones en Nutrición y Salud.
Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. Av. Universidad 655, colonia Santa María Ahuacatitlán, 62508 Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.
E-mail: lneufeld@correo.insp.mx

salud pública de méxico / vol.44, no.3, mayo-junio de 2002 219


excess false negative diagnoses among individuals. The re- cia de anemia en poblaciones, pero podría resultar en un
sults of this study stress the importance of sample collec- exceso de diagnósticos falsos negativos. Los resultados de
tion technique, particularly for children. Method of analysis este estudio ponen énfasis en la importancia de la técnica
and sampling site need to be taken into consideration in de recolección de la muestra, particularmente en niños. Los
field studies. The English version of this paper is available métodos de análisis y tipos de muestra de sangre deben ser
too at: http://www.insp.mx/salud/index.html tomados en cuenta en estudios de campo. El texto com-
pleto en inglés de este artículo también está disponible en:

Key words: hemoglobin; Hemocue; Celldyn; reference me- Palabras clave: hemoglobina; Hemocue; Celldyn; métodos de
thods; capillary blood; venous blood; anemia prevalence; referencia; sangre capilar; sangre venosa; anemia; México

A nemia resulting from iron deficiency and other

causes is estimated to affect up to 40% of women
The extent to which the variability in Hb in capillary
blood measured by Hemocue is due to biological va-
and children1 and as many as 50% of pregnant women2 riability, technical error, or instrument error has not
worldwide. The diagnosis of anemia based on hemo- been adequately documented.
globin concentration (Hb) in venous or capillary blood Considerable intra-individual variability in capil-
is used at the population level to estimate the pre- lary Hb has been reported over short time periods3,12
valence of anemia, allocate resources, and target in- and between the right and left hand.3 Repeat capillary
tervention programs to vulnerable groups; at the sampling has been suggested as a means of control-
individual level, it is used to screen for participation ling for individual variability. Nonetheless, repeat sam-
in programs and to evaluate response to interventions.3 ples are often not feasible in field settings and, in many
Some evidence exists that, when adequate capil- cases, diagnoses continue to be made based on Hb from
lary sample collection technique is used, capillary single capillary blood samples.
blood has, on average, a higher Hb than venous blood The study reported here was conducted as a vali-
in adults4,5 and children.6,7 If this is confirmed, a diag- dation of methods used in two large surveys and a lon-
nosis of anemia based on Hb in capillary blood may gitudinal research project conducted by the Centro de
be less likely for a given individual. Within a research Investigación en Nutrición y Salud, Instituto Nacional
project or within a single clinic, this difference can be de Salud Pública (Center for Nutrition and Health Re-
controlled by using sampling protocols that establish search at the National Institute of Public Health), in
beforehand at which site blood samples will be col- Mexico.* Our purpose was to assess the comparability
lected. Comparisons of mean Hb or anemia prevalence of estimations of Hb as measured by Hemocue to those
between regions or research studies that use different obtained by an automated spectrophotometer (Celldyn
blood sampling protocols may be more problematic. If 1700, Abbott Diagnostics, Santa Clara, CA, USA), and
the difference in Hb between the sites is consistent, one to compare Hb in venous and capillary blood. We then
could use a conversion factor to make venous and capil- examined the influence of method of Hb determina-
lary samples comparable. Whether the difference in Hb tion and sampling site on the estimated prevalence of
is sufficiently consistent to apply a conversion factor anemia.
is not well documented.
The portable photometer, Hemocue (Hemocue
Inc., Mission Viejo, CA, USA) is used extensively in
Material and Methods
field studies for the estimation of Hb. The instrument The study took place in the Hospital del Niño Morelen-
is reported to have high precision and accuracy in la- se (Morelos State Children’s Hospital) in Cuernavaca,
boratory settings.8,9 In the field, some authors found Morelos, Mexico, from February to May 2000, after re-
adequate precision and accuracy3 while others did
not.10 Chen and coworkers11 compared the accuracy
and precision of the Hemocue to a reference method
* Mexican National Nutrition Survey II. Impact evaluation of the
for the assessment of Hb in venous, arterial, and capil-
Progresa Program in Mexico. The effect of multiple micronutrient
lary blood. They found precision and accuracy were supplementation during pregnancy on birth outcome and early
considerably reduced in samples of capillary origin.11 prenatal growth (results forthcoming).

220 salud pública de méxico / vol.44, no.3, mayo-junio de 2002

Hemocue validation study ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL

ceiving clearance from the Committees for Human was poured into Microtainers (Becton Dickinson, New
Subjects of the Children’s Hospital and INSP. The hos- Jersey, USA) and analyzed directly in these tubes by
pital serves the low socio-economic population from Celldyn.
the state of Morelos that do not have access to the Na- For the capillary blood sample, the fingertip was
tional Social Security System. All hospital staff and all pierced using an automated lancet and the first drop
patients who were accompanied by at least one adult of blood removed with a sterile cotton swab. Drops
were invited to participate. The inclusion of hospital were collected directly into microtainers containing
staff and patients was done in an attempt to ensure a EDTA until the necessary volume of 250 µl (approxi-
large range of Hb concentrations. After a complete ex- mately 4 drops, easily obtained from a normal finger
planation of study procedures, the adult participant stick sample) was reached and was then analyzed di-
or the parent/guardian of the child participant was rectly by Celldyn. Care was taken to avoid any pres-
asked to sign informed consent. To allow for the anal- sure on the finger, which can result in hemodilution
ysis of data by age group, recruitment continued until due to the inclusion of interstitial and intracellular
the desired sample size was reached for adults and fluids. Blood was also collected directly from the fin-
children. ger by capillary action into the Hemocue microcuvettes.
Each participant was given a pamphlet of re- The order of sample collection for the 2 systems was
commendations for the prevention of anemia and in- alternated.
formation about the importance of iron in the body. The Hemocue system uses 10 µl of blood collect-
All anemic participants were given one months’ sup- ed into a special cuvette whose walls are lined with
ply of iron supplements (ferrous sulfate) free of cost the dry reagents. The reagents react spontaneously
and recommended to have a follow-up blood test at with the blood sample resulting in erythrocyte mem-
the end of the month. The dose and format (drops or brane disintegration allowing for Hb release. Methe-
pills) of supplemental iron was determined on the ba- moglobin is formed by the conversion of iron from the
sis of age, sex, and physiological status. ferrous to the ferric state, which combines with azide
Sample size was calculated based on the power to to form azide methemoglobin.14 Absorbance is read at
detect a correlation between the concentration of Hb 2 wavelengths as a means of controlling for sample
measured by the Celldyn compared to the Hemocue, turbidity. The apparatus converts the readings into Hb
assuming that the correlation between the two mea- and displays the results digitally (g/dl). The concen-
sures is at least 0.5 (considered a large correlation).13 tration of Hb was recorded on the study questionnaire
This calculation assumes that the variance in Hb is si- and double-checked by the laboratory technician. The
milar in capillary and venous blood assessed by each Hemocue was calibrated daily using the calibration
method and in children and adults. Allowing for an cuvette provided by the manufacturer.
alpha error of 0.05 with a two-tailed test, a sample size In the automated system, Celldyn, erythrocyte
of 60 provides power of 0.99 to detect a large correla- membranes are also disintegrated to allow for the
tion in Hb. release of Hb, which combines with potassium cya-
nide to form cyanomethemoglobin.15 All reagents are
Blood collection and biochemical analysis automatically measured and sample dilution occurs au-
tomatically, resulting in a high degree of precision.10,16
Capillary and venous blood samples were collected Absorbance is read automatically and converted to Hb
from the right side of the body in alternating order. (g/dl). Results are provided on a printed output, which
Both sample collection sites were previously cleaned were copied onto the study questionnaires and cross-
with isopropyl alcohol. All analyses were conduct- checked with the printout. The Celldyn has been shown
ed within 10 minutes of sample collection. to have high precision and accuracy compared to the
Venous samples were collected directly into Va- traditional cyanomethemoglobin method and other
cutainer tubes (Becton Dickinson, New Jersey, USA) automated analyzers.17-19
containing potassium EDTA as anticoagulant. To avoid Duplicate venous and capillary samples were col-
hemoconcentration, a tourniquet was placed on the lected at the time of sampling from the same sampling
arm at least 7 cm above the venipuncture site and left site on 20% of the subjects and assessed by both Cell-
in place for less than 1 minute. The Vacutainer tube dyn and Hemocue methods. This was done to docu-
was inverted to ensure adequate mixture with the an- ment reproducibility of Hb at each sampling site and
ticoagulant. A drop of blood was then collected by ca- by each analysis method.
pillary action into the microcuvette specifically For the purpose of this article, error associated
designed for the Hemocue system and 250 µl of blood with the analysis of Hb was divided into precision (sim-

salud pública de méxico / vol.44, no.3, mayo-junio de 2002 221


ilarity in repeat analyses), accuracy (values do not dif- values estimated by the Hemocue and the Celldyn
fer from a “gold standard”), and reliability (similarity would differ by age. Nonetheless, we felt that an age
of results over time and across measurement sites).3,20 difference may exist in the relationship between Hb in
All three may be influenced by instrument and techni- venous and capillary blood. Therefore, all analyses
cal error. Reliability is also influenced by biological were conducted separately for adults and children.
Hb concentration in venous blood was compared
to the concentration in capillary blood using each
analysis method. Venous and capillary blood analyzed Blood samples were collected on a total of 72 children
by Celldyn and Hemocue were compared to deter- and 72 adults. Children ranged in age from 0.5 to 15
mine accuracy of the Hemocue in blood from each years and adults ranged from 17 to 73 years of age.
sample site. Finally, Hb from venous blood measured Adult male participants (n= 20) were all hospital staff
by the Celldyn was compared to capillary blood meas- and adult female participants (n= 52) were hospital staff
ured by the Hemocue. This comparison was considered and family members accompanying patients in the
to be of particular importance as it compares typically outpatient clinic. Thirty-five male children and 37 fe-
used field methods with what we considered a “gold male children, clinic outpatient patients, and family
standard” for the estimation of Hb. members accompanying them, participated in the
Concentrations were compared using the con- study.
cordance correlation coefficient. 21 This coefficient There were no differences between repeat meas-
measures the strength of the relation between two es- ures for venous or capillary blood or for the Celldyn
timates, as well as the deviation from the 45° line or the Hemocue. Estimates of between replicate varia-
through the origin (line of equity). The coefficient is tion (coefficient of variation) in Hb in venous blood
considered a good method for comparing precision, were 4.4% and 4.3% for Celldyn and Hemocue, respec-
reliability, and accuracy of test results.22 Although tively. In capillary blood, the coefficients of variation
inadequate as statistical tests for this type of analy- were 4.5% and 3.9% for Celldyn and Hemocue, respec-
sis,21-23 paired t-test for a difference in Hb for each com- tively.
parison, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the On average, the Hb in capillary blood was higher
simple linear regression equations are also presented than in venous blood (Table I). The difference ranged
to allow for comparison with other photometer vali- from +0.17 g/dl (p= 0.15) for samples from children
dation studies. measured by Hemocue, to +0.59 g/dl (p< 0.0001) for
Anemia diagnosis was made using the age and samples from adults using the Hemocue. Despite this
sex specific cut-off points for Hb recommended by the tendency, Hb was lower in capillary than in venous
World Health Organization.24 The cut-off point for blood in 19% of adults and 21% of children. Among
adult males (>15 years of age) and non-pregnant fe- adults, concordance between Hb in capillary and ve-
males was <12.0 g/dl. A cut-off of <11.0 g/dl was used nous blood was high, although lower for samples
for male and female children from 1 to 6 years of age, measured by Hemocue (0.88) compared to Celldyn
and <11.5 g/dl was used for male and female children (0.96). Concordance between Hb in capillary and ve-
from 6-15 years of age. Although Cuernavaca is locat- nous blood among children was considerably lower
ed at approximately 1500 m above sea level, cut-off and similar between methods of assessment (0.82 Cell-
points were not corrected for altitude. The difference dyn; 0.81 Hemocue).
in cut-off point at this altitude is very small, appro- Hb concentration in both capillary and venous
ximately 0.3 g/dl25,26 and would have a minimal in- blood as measured by Hemocue was 0.29-0.68 g/dl
fluence on prevalence estimates, sensitivity (Se) or lower on average, than the concentration measured by
specificity (Sp). Celldyn (Table II). Despite this tendency, the Hemocue
The diagnosis of anemia based on Hb in venous measured a higher concentration in 6% of adults and
blood measured by Celldyn was considered true di- 18% of children using venous blood. Concordance be-
agnosis. Anemia was diagnosed based on the capil- tween analysis methods was high for both capillary
lary sample using Celldyn and the venous and and venous blood from adults and for venous blood
capillary sample using Hemocue. The Se, Sp, positive collected from children (0.89-0.94). Concordance be-
predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value tween analysis methods was considerably lower for
(NPV) for the diagnosis of anemia by each of these capillary samples collected from children (0.79). To
methods were then estimated. There was no biologi- determine whether this difference existed across the
cal reason to believe that the difference between Hb entire range of Hb, we plotted the difference between

222 salud pública de méxico / vol.44, no.3, mayo-junio de 2002

Hemocue validation study ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL

Table I

Capillary blood* Venous blood Difference‡ Concordance correlation coefficient§ Pearson correlation coefficient

Celldyn 14.1±2.1 (8.7–17.5)# 13.6±2.1 (8.7–16.9) +0.42±0.45≠ 0.96 (0.94-0.98) 0.98
Hemocue 13.8±2.0 (9.5–16.9) 13.1±1.9 (8.2–17.2) +0.59±0.74≠ 0.88 (0.84-0.94) 0.93

Celldyn 12.5±1.6 (8.8–15.2)& 12.0±1.6 (8.2–14.7) +0.55±0.79≠ 0.82 (0.74-0.90) 0.87
Hemocue 11.8±1.8 (7.4–15.2) 11.6±1.4 (8.4–13.8) +0.17±0.98 0.81 (0.73-0.88) 0.83

* Mean ± standard deviation (range)

Mean of difference ± standard deviation of the difference (capillary - venous); statistical testing based on paired t-test for difference in hemoglobin
concentration in capillary and venous blood
95% confidence interval in parentheses
2 observations missing (n= 70)
6 observations missing (n= 68)


Table II

Difference (g/dl*) p-value‡ Concordance correlation coefficient§ Pearson correlation coefficient

Hemocue – Celldyn (venous blood) - 0.47±0.53 (-1.7, 1.6) <0.0001 0.94 (0.91-0.97) 0.97
Hemocue – Celldyn# (capillary blood) - 0.29±0.78 (-2.9, 2.2) <0.01 0.92 (0.88-0.96) 0.93
Hemocue capillary – Celldyn venous 0.12±0.87 (-2.8, 2.9) 0.25 0.91 (0.87-0.95) 0.91

Hemocue – Celldyn& (venous blood) - 0.31±0.63 (-2.1, 1.8) <0.0001 0.89 (0.84-0.94) 0.91
Hemocue– Celldyn& (capillary blood) - 0.68±0.88 (-3.2, 1.2) <0.0001 0.79 (0.70-0.88) 0.86
Hemocue capillary – Celldyn venous - 0.14±1.05 (-2.8, 1.8) 0.25 0.79 (0.71-0.88) 0.80

* Mean of the difference ± standard deviation of the difference (minimum, maximum)

From paired t-test
95% confidence interval in parentheses
2 observations missing (n= 70)
6 observations missing (n= 68)

venous Hb estimated by Celldyn and Hemocue against lected from children. Nonetheless, the pattern in capi-
the mean of the estimates (Figure 1) for adults (Panel llary blood is similar to that shown in Figure 1.
A) and children (Panel B). Due to the limitations of re- A graphic presentation of the raw data showing
gression analysis to reflect agreement between mea- the simple least squares regression line suggests that
sures, this has been suggested as a more adequate among adults (Figure 2,) (Panel A), the assessment of
means of graphically depicting comparisons between Hb in capillary blood using Hemocue adequately re-
analysis methods.23 We show only data for venous presents the concentration in venous blood assessed
blood due to potential bias in capillary samples col- by Celldyn. Among children, Hb in capillary blood as-

salud pública de méxico / vol.44, no.3, mayo-junio de 2002 223


2.5 2.5

Difference in hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) 2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

.5 .5

0 0

-.5 -.5

-1.0 -1.0

-1.5 -1.5

-2.0 -2.0

-2.5 -2.5
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Mean hemoglobin concentration (g/dl)


Hemoglobin concentration in venous blood measured by Celldyn

17 17

15 15

13 13

11 11

9 9

7 7
7 9 11 13 15 17 7 9 11 13 15 17
Hemoglobin concentration in capillary blood measured by Hemocue


sessed by Hemocue appears to underestimate the con- Among adults, Hb from capillary blood using the
centration as assessed by Celldyn in venous blood be- Hemocue had a low Se (<80%) for identifying anemia
low approximately 12.5 g/dl (Figure 2,) (Panel B) and (Table III), as did Hb estimated from capillary blood
to overstimate at higher values. using the Celldyn in children. Se for all other methods
224 salud pública de méxico / vol.44, no.3, mayo-junio de 2002
Hemocue validation study ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL

Table III

Method Prevalence (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Positive predictive value (%) Negative predictive value (%)

Adults (≥17 years)

“True” diagnosis 19.4 – – – –
(Celldyn, venous blood)
Celldyn, capillary blood 16.7 86 100 100 97
Hemocue, venous blood 19.4 86 97 86 97
Hemocue, capillary blood 18.1 79 97 85 95

Children (0.5 – 15 years)

“True” diagnosis 41.9 – – – –
(Celldyn, venous blood)
Celldyn, capillary blood 39.2 77 88 83 84
Hemocue, venous blood 40.5 87 93 90 91
Hemocue, capillary blood 39.2 84 93 90 89

and Sp for all methods of diagnosis were adequate fresh blood by standard laboratory methods, unfeasi-
(>80%). PPV and NPV were adequate (>80%) for both ble. The estimation of Hb in capillary blood using
methods of analysis at each sampling location. portable photometers permits the collection of infor-
As a means of determining whether the use of an mation that may otherwise be inaccessible. The Pan
adjustment factor for capillary blood would improve American Health Organization (PAHO) has identified
the Se and Sp of capillary blood for anemia diagnosis, the fundamental role of rapid, economical surveys
we subtracted the mean difference in Hb between ca- as opposed to sophisticated research projects as a
pillary and venous blood measured by Celldyn (0.5 means of collecting baseline information on iron sta-
g/dl) from capillary Hb. For both children and adults, tus of populations.27 Nonetheless, the extent to which
concordance between venous and capillary samples variability in Hb in and between venous and capillary
measured by Celldyn improved compared to unad- blood and methods of analysis, influences the preci-
justed capillary values (0.98 adults, 0.87 children). sion, validity, and reliability of the estimates and ane-
Prevalence estimations, Se, Sp, PPV, and NPV were un- mia prevalence estimates, has not been adequately
changed for adults and improved for children (preva- examined.
lence 41.9%; Se 84%; Sp 88%; PPV 84%; NPV 88%). In We found that among both children and adults,
contrast, concordance between the venous sample Hb in capillary blood was on average, 0.5 g/dl higher
measured by Celldyn and the capillary sample mea- than in venous blood. This difference likely reflects
sured by Hemocue was lower than for the unadjusted biological variability between Hb at these sites, and
values (0.90 adults, 0.74 children). Prevalence estima- thus may influence reliability of Hb estimates. Inade-
tes were considerably higher (adults 26.4%; children quate capillary sample collection technique may in-
46.0%) reflected in unchanged Se for adults and high- fluence Hb by hemodilution, but would not explain
er Se for children (90%) but reduced Sp for adults (97%) hemoconcentration. If sample collection technique
and children (86%). had a major influence on Hb, one may expect great-
er intra- and inter-individual variability in capillary
Discussion blood samples. This was not observed in the present
study, as demonstrated by the relatively similar
In many rural regions of developing countries where standard deviation between measurement sites.
the prevalence of anemia may be particularly high The reasons why there was a smaller difference
and resources are limited, the collection of venous between venous and capillary blood assessed by He-
blood samples is often unacceptable and analysis of mocue only on samples collected from children (Table

salud pública de méxico / vol.44, no.3, mayo-junio de 2002 225


I) are not entirely clear. Because the difference between According to the present study, Hb measured in
Hb in venous and capillary blood from children as- capillary blood could result in a false negative anemia
sessed by Celldyn was similar to that found in adults, diagnosis. Nonetheless, the difference in prevalence
we believe that capillary sample collection directly into estimates based on Hb in venous blood measured by
Hemocue microcuvettes may have influenced capillary Celldyn and capillary blood assessed by Hemocue
Hb. Capillary samples are more difficult to collect from was not large (<2%) and our results confirm previous
small children and if the Hemocue cuvettes were filled studies3 suggesting that the use of Hb estimated from
inadequately or inadequate sampling technique was capillary blood using Hemocue is adequate for ane-
used, a lower Hb may result. This would also explain mia prevalence estimates in populations. It is impor-
the larger difference between Hemocue and Celldyn tant to note that highly trained laboratory personnel
in capillary blood for children (Table II). We find these collected and analyzed all samples under ideal condi-
results surprising considering that our staff was high- tions (e.g. limited time between sample collection and
ly trained and considerable effort was made to ensure analysis). Although this is not the norm for most field
adequate laboratory techniques and emphasize the studies, similar conditions can be ensured in a field
critical role of sample collection techniques used on setting using strict protocols, adequate training, and
children. quality control.
The accuracy of Hb estimated by Hemocue in la- The use of a conversion factor from capillary to
boratory settings is usually high.3,8,9 The systematical- venous blood improved concordance, Se, and Sp when
ly lower mean Hb measured by Hemocue (Figure 1) in the capillary sample was assessed by Celldyn. Al-
this study may be related to sample collection tech- though this suggests improved ability to correctly diag-
nique or equipment error. Because the difference is nose anemia using capillary blood, most field studies
similar in capillary and venous blood and in both age are dependent on portable photometer such as He-
groups, it is unlikely a result of sample collection or mocue. For capillary samples measured by Hemocue,
analysis technique and may be related to equipment. concordance was better for the unadjusted values. Al-
It appears that our Hemocue tended to underestimate though we do not recommend the use of the adjust-
Hb and this tendency increased with increasing Hb. ment factor at this time, further research should be
Alternately, our Celldyn may have underestimated conducted to determine its usefulness, particularly for
Hb, with greater underestimation at lower Hb. The adults.
Hemocue used in this study was calibrated on a daily The present study is one of the few that has at-
basis and error was within the limits specified by the tempted to identify sources of error related to the esti-
manufacturer. The hospital laboratory undergoes pe- mation of Hb in venous and capillary blood and to
riodic external evaluation to ensure high precision and determine the extent to which blood sampling site and
accuracy of all hematological evaluations. Further method of assessment influence anemia prevalence
study, including calibration of the Hemocue over the estimates. We found high precision for the estimation
entire range of expected Hb concentrations is required of Hb in venous and capillary blood using both He-
to determine the source of these differences. mocue and Celldyn. The accuracy of the Hemocue was
No precise method of calculating sample size for poorer than that reported in other studies, the reasons
validation studies exists and we recognize that the for which require further investigation. The use of a
calculation based on finding a correlation between single capillary blood sample measured by Hemocue
methods is not entirely adequate. We conducted pow- resulted in an adequate ability to identify those who
er analyses using the JMP program (SAS Institute Inc., truly were not anemic (high Sp). The ability to correct-
Cary, NC). This program tests whether the slope of the ly diagnose anemia among the truly anemic (Se) was
regression between two sets of measurements differs lower. Methods to ensure high precision and accuracy,
from 1 and whether the intercept is 0, thus providing including adequate sample collection technique, par-
results similar to those of the concordance correlation ticularly for children and strict equipment calibration
coefficient. A sample of 72 provides power of appro- should be carefully planned and followed in all re-
ximately 0.82-0.93 to detect a difference in slope of search and programs that estimate Hb in capillary
0.2 between the various comparisons made in the blood. Clear reporting of methods may help to avoid
present study. Thus, we conclude that our sample size inappropriate comparisons between measurement
was adequate to evaluate agreement between Hb as- sites where the Hb may be influenced by biological
sessed by different methods in capillary and venous variability.

226 salud pública de méxico / vol.44, no.3, mayo-junio de 2002

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