Electronics I (EECE 3110) Lab 5: Mosfets
Electronics I (EECE 3110) Lab 5: Mosfets
Electronics I (EECE 3110) Lab 5: Mosfets
Lab 5
Version: EECE_3110_2017_Rev_B
o 1 Breadboard
o 1 Dual Power Supply (+/12 V minimum)
o 1 DMM Bench-top
o 1 DMM Hand-held
o 1 Analog Discovery or Analog Discovery 2
o 1 Bench “Shoebox” containing cables and other test components
o Personal USB Drive (Student supplied)
Materials (Components)
o 1 1 kΩ Resistor
o 1 3.9 kΩ Resistor
o 1 5.6 kΩ Resistor
o 1 6.2 kΩ Resistor
o 1 39 kΩ Resistor
o 1 56 kΩ Resistor
o 1 1 µF Capacitor
o 1 10 µF Capacitor
o 1 2N7000 n-channel MOSFET (or MOSFET assigned by the instructor)
o 1 2N3904 npn Transistor
o 1 LED
LIMIT TO 200 mA (0.2 A) FOR ALL PARTS. When using the Analog Discovery, the
PowerBRICK is limited to 100 mA output.
Background Information
Field-effect transistors (FETs) are three terminal devices that operate as voltage controlled current
source: varying the voltage on the gate terminal will vary the current through the drain and source
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Electronics I (EECE 3110)
Lab 5
Version: EECE_3110_2017_Rev_B
terminals. FETs work on an entirely different principle than BJTs (Bipolar Junction Transistors),
which you will be looking at in an upcoming lab. Enhancement MOSFETs (Metal Oxide
Semiconductor FET) are probably the most prolific semiconductor device around today. Modern CPUs
contain roughly 1 billion of these devices. Flash memory and RAM are also based on the MOSFET
structure. Enhancement MOSFETS are normally off devices: the device is non-conducting between the
drain and source until the voltage at the gate exceeds the threshold voltage.
NOTE: The MOSFET threshold voltage is NOT the diode threshold voltage, nor is it the
thermal voltage.
The device investigated in this lab will be the 2N7000 enhancement n-channel MOSFET. The pin out
is shown in Figure 1. The first part of this lab investigates the threshold voltage of the MOSFET.
The characteristic curves for a FET will be examined in part 2. The characteristic curve is a plot of
drain source voltage as a function of drain current for a given gate source voltage, and is a very
important tool for characterizing the device.
The final part of is introduces a circuit that uses the ohmic region (also known as the triode region) of
the MOSFET as a variable resistor to control the gain of a basic BJT amplifier. The ohmic region is
near VDS = 0, and in fact for the circuit you will test, the operating point is set at VDS = 0 by connecting
a capacitor in series with the drain.
Pre-Lab Preparation
a. Write down the range of values for the threshold voltage (VGS(TH) on the data sheet) in your
laboratory notebook
b. What is the range of values of kn? Derive the values of kn by using the following formulas:
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Electronics I (EECE 3110)
Lab 5
Version: EECE_3110_2017_Rev_B
𝐼𝐼𝐷𝐷 = 𝑘𝑘𝑛𝑛 (𝑉𝑉𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 − 𝑉𝑉𝑡𝑡 )2
2 ⋅ 𝐼𝐼𝐷𝐷
𝑘𝑘𝑛𝑛 =
(𝑉𝑉𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 − 𝑉𝑉𝑡𝑡 )2
IMPORTANT: To gain proficiency with the bench top lab equipment, the Analog Discovery, and the DMM
Hand-held, you must ensure that approximately half of this lab is accomplished with the bench top
equipment and the other half is performed using the Analog Discovery and the DMM Hand-held. Your lab
notebook and lab report must identify which test equipment is used to accomplish each section of
the lab.
NOTE 1: When the Analog Discovery is used outside of the lab (prior approval required by the TA or
Instructor) in performance of any portion of this lab, take photographs of your setup and include them in
your lab report.
NOTE 2: Throughout this procedure, use MATLAB to perform the required calculations and producing plots
and graphs.
NOTE: If the Analog Discovery and/or hand held meter are used to perform this section outside
of the lab (prior approval required by the TA or Instructor), take photographs of your setup
and include them in your lab report.
a. Using the MOSFET provided, construct the circuit shown in Figure 2. Use the signal
generator from the Analog Discovery or oscilloscope to generate the DC gate voltage.
Start with VGS at 0 V and VDS at 4 V. VDS is the bench power supply. AGAIN, SET THE
CURRENT LIMIT TO 200 mA (0.2 A). Slowly increase the gate voltage until the LED
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Electronics I (EECE 3110)
Lab 5
Version: EECE_3110_2017_Rev_B
b. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 3. VIN is different if you use the function generator
in the oscilloscope or the Analog Discovery. Refer to Table 1 for the settings.
c. Apply channel 1 to VIN and channel 2 to VOUT. Change the display to x-y mode. The
displayed curve should look like Figure 4. The value of VIN where VOUT decreases from 5 V
is the threshold voltage. Include this plot in your report
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Electronics I (EECE 3110)
Lab 5
Version: EECE_3110_2017_Rev_B
d. QUESTION - How do the values of the threshold voltage in parts 1(a) and 1(c) compare?
NOTE: If the Analog Discovery and/or hand held meter are used to perform this section outside
of the lab (prior approval required by the TA or Instructor), take photographs of your setup
and include them in your lab report.
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Electronics I (EECE 3110)
Lab 5
Version: EECE_3110_2017_Rev_B
Increase VDS to 1 V in 0.1 V intervals, and measure ID at each point. Put this information
in your laboratory notebook.
b. Repeat 2.a. with VGS = 1.8 V, 2.1 V, and 2.4 V. Record ID.
c. For the last value (VGS = 2.4 V, VDS = 1.0 V), find the current going into the gate. Does this
value make sense?
d. Plot the data using MATLAB. The plot should look like the plot in Figure 6.
e. Find kn using the data. How does this number compare to the values found in the prelab?
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Electronics I (EECE 3110)
Lab 5
Version: EECE_3110_2017_Rev_B
NOTE: If the Analog Discovery and/or hand held meter are used to perform this section outside
of the lab (prior approval required by the TA or Instructor), take photographs of your setup
and include them in your lab report.
c. Construct the amplifier shown in Figure 7. Use the MOSFET assigned. The signal
generator should be turned off and VG is set to a minimum (0 V). Measure and record the
dc voltages listed in Table 3.
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Electronics I (EECE 3110)
Lab 5
Version: EECE_3110_2017_Rev_B
Table 3 – DC Voltages
Computed Value 4.92 V 4.22 V 10.89 V
Measured Value
d. When the MOSFET is on (VGS ≥ VT) and for small values of VDS the MOSFET acts variable
resistor, dependent on the voltage on the gate. Set your function generator for a signal
level of 40 mVpp at 10 kHz sine wave. Adjust VG from 1.0 to 2.0 V in 0.1 volt intervals and
measure vout. Ensure that you are using AC coupling. Use the measured output voltage to
determine the measured gain. The gain is defined as:
Create a table listing how the gain changes for different values of VG.
4) Design Challenge:
We have had our first look at the MOSFET, first by looking at its characteristics, and then we looked at
several applications.
1) Ensure that you have recorded all the data requested during the lab in your lab notebook as well
as your lab report.
Lab Report:
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Electronics I (EECE 3110)
Lab 5
Version: EECE_3110_2017_Rev_B
Lab Questions:
2) You measured the drain current rather than the source current in this lab. What is the difference between
the source current and the drain current?
1) Recitation textbook
2) This lab was developed from:
Buchla, D. M. (2008). Laboratory Exercises for Electronic Devices. (8th ed.). Pearson, NJ
Horowitz, P. (2015). The Art of Electronics. (3rd ed.). Cambridge University Press, NY
Hayes, T. C. (2002). Student Manual for The Art of Electronics. Cambridge University
Press, NY
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