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1297 Part1

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1. (A) The gym doesn’t open until tomorrow.

(B) He’s too busy to go to the gym.

(C) There’s a special project going on at the gym.
(D) The gym is full of kids.

2. (A) Introduce the man to Jane soon.

(B) Let the man have the book after Jane.
(C) Ask Jane what she thought of the book.
(D) Finish writing to Jane as soon as possible.

3. (A) He knows about a larger apartment she can rent.

(B) He’s helping his neighbor move.
(C) It’s difficult to get an apartment in his building.
(D) The woman should stay in her present building.

4. (A) Check their flight schedule in the morning.

(B) Change their vacation plans.
(C) Leave early for the airport.
(D) Listen to the morning weather forecast.

5. (A) Ask to see the man’s driver’s license.

(B) Sell the man a new leather wallet.
(C) Take a picture of the man.
(D) Show the man a wallet.

6. (A) Go to the exhibit tonight.

(B) Stay at home and rest.
(C) Find out what time the exhibit opens.
(D) Help the man arrange his trip.

7. (A) Offer to buy the car.

(B) Find out how much the car costs.
(C) Try to sell his car before buying another one.
(D) Write a check for the new car.

8. (A) He likes the woman’s idea.

(B) He can meet the woman in the afternoon.
(C) He will discuss the idea tomorrow.
(D) The next issue of the paper is already planned.

9. (A) He’ll have to pay a fine.

(B) He’s taking good care of the book.
(C) He returned the book to the library.
(D) He’s worried about the book.
10. (A) Take her to another exhibit.
(B) See the exhibit when it goes to another city.
(C) Go to the museum before it opens.
(D) Apply for a job at the museum.

11. (A) The bakery closed down a while ago.

(B) The bakery’s business has doubled in a year.
(C) She hasn’t done much baking recently.
(D) The bakery was busy last week.

12. (A) She wants the man to pay the cleaning charge.
(B) She has done the same thing to someone else.
(C) She doesn’t want another glass of orange juice.
(D) She isn’t upset about the incident.

13. (A) He only wears blue jeans to exercise.

(B) He hasn’t bought new pants in a while.
(C) He’s gained weight lately.
(D) He used to be an athlete.

14. (A) Looking out the window.

(B) Choosing a new desk.
(C) Building a bookcase.
(D) Rearranging furniture.

15. (A) He hadn’t heard about it.

(B) He’s not enthusiastic about it.
(C) He’s curious to know how it works.
(D) He hopes it has more than 500 channels.

16. (A) He didn’t get the clothes.

(B) The store closed while he was cleaning the car.
(C) He’ll clean up when he has more time.
(D) The clothes aren’t ready.

17. (A) He has an ear infection.

(B) He doesn’t always listen.
(C) He’s never missed a meeting.
(D) He had to attend another meeting.

18. (A) She hasn’t seen John.

(B) She doesn’t like John’s new glasses.
(C) John looks different.
(D) John has been away for quite a while.

19. (A) Wait a while to see if she feels better.

(B) Go to bed early.
(C) Take some medicine.
(D) See a doctor.

20. (A) He’s eager to go to the auto show.

(B) He doesn’t know a polite way to refuse the offer.
(C) He’d like to repay the woman’s kindness.
(D) He’s sorry he can’t accompany the woman.

21. (A) Use less soap.

(B) Rinse off the soap more thoroughly.
(C) Use a moisturizing cream.
(D) Switch brands of soap.

22. (A) She didn’t buy any bread.

(B) The bread might not have been eaten.
(C) She ate the man’s bread.
(D) The bread is in the refrigerator.

23. (A) She never gives people jewelry.

(B) She gives generous presents.
(C) She doesn’t often give gifts.
(D) She likes to receive expensive gifts.

24. (A) He missed the audition.

(B) He’s been taking voice lessons.
(C) The director likes his voice.
(D) He won’t be in the chorus.

25. (A) He disagrees with the woman.

(B) He likes this kind of weather.
(C) The weather doesn’t interest him.
(D) The weather is generally cooler and drier.

26. (A) Only some players spend a lot of time on it.

(B) It takes up a large amount of time.
(C) No one can be excused from it.
(D) Practice begins in a few minutes.

27. (A) He doesn’t have time to go to the movie.

(B) He’s taking the class as a diversion.
(C) He wants to change his major.
(D) His chemistry class was canceled.

28. (A) Read the article while she waits in line.

(B) Have her copies made outside the library.
(C) Use a different machine to make her copies.
(D) Look for a different magazine article.

29. (A) Help the woman with her resume.

(B) Fix the errors in the resume.
(C) Send the resume right away.
(D) Change his process of reviewing resumes.

30. (A) He’s been putting off his work.

(B) He’s been working harder than usual.
(C) He should return the papers to the woman.
(D) He should take several days off.

31. (A) The dances of a Native American dance troupe.

(B) How Native American ceremonial dances are classified.
(C) Variations of a basic dance among Native American tribes.
(D) How Native American artists are trained.

32. (A) To broadcast an awards ceremony.

(B) To announce a meeting of the tribal elders.
(C) To celebrate the opening of a new theater.
(D) To inform people about a performance.

33. (A) The elders must give approval to perform sacred dances.
(B) The elders make sure the dances are performed properly.
(C) The troupe is financed by the elders.
(D) The elders have substantial acting experience.

34. (A) The apartment is too far from the campus.

(B) The apartment needs a lot of repair work.
(C) She’s having trouble with the owner of the apartment.
(D) Her roommate won’t share expenses.

35. (A) The women didn’t pay their rent on time.

(B) She can’t find anyone to repair the dishwasher.
(C) She had to buy a new dishwasher.
(D) Paula had some repairs done without her permission.
36. (A) Find another apartment.
(B) Talk to Mr. Connors.
(C) Ask Sam to repair the dishwasher.
(D) Buy a new dishwasher for the owner.

37. (A) He has some knowledge of the law.

(B) He had the same problem.
(C) He knows the owner.
(D) He can bring a lawsuit against the owner.

38. (A) Content of speech is more important than tone of voice.

(B) Voice quality has a strong effect on listeners.
(C) Effective speakers must use visual aids.
(D) Amplifying devices are essential in large rooms.

39. (A) Speak very loudly.

(B) Ask questions frequently.
(C) Vary tone, volume, and speed of speech.
(D) Limit the speech to fifteen minutes.

40. (A) Always use a microphone.

(B) Avoid large rooms.
(C) Never vary the volume.
(D) Not to shout.

41. (A) By pausing.

(B) By raising pitch.
(C) By lowering register.
(D) By pointing to a chart.

42. (A) To practice speaking slowly.

(B) To record a voice from the television.
(C) To play a speech by the professor.
(D) To evaluate their own voices.

43. (A) Overland transportation in the nineteenth century.

(B) Historical aspects of mail delivery.
(C) Vehicles currently in use by the postal service.
(D) The invention of the railroad.

44. (A) Boats used on rivers were extremely crowded.

(B) The current was too swift for boats to cross easily.
(C) Bridges were too weak to carry the weight of a stagecoach.
(D) Ferry service was infrequent.
45. (A) The era during which the railroad was the dominant mode of
(B) The time during which mail was delivered by horse.
(C) The point at which airmail began to constitute the bulk of United
States mail.
(D) The time period covered in the museum exhibit.

46. (A) Models of the first airplanes used for mail delivery.
(B) Replicas of railway mail cars.
(C) Historical stamps.
(D) Engravings of nineteenth-century railroad scenes.

47. (A) They spend most of their time looking through telescopes.
(B) They are constantly analyzing data.
(C) They often live near observatories.
(D) They devote a lot of time to theoretical problems.

48. (A) The cost of equipment needed is reduced.

(B) Fewer data need to be analyzed.
(C) The images can be studied by different astronomers.
(D) The natural colors of astronomical objects can be captured.

49. (A) To decrease the time it takes to photograph objects.

(B) To avoid using a telescope.
(C) To sharpen the color of what they observe.
(D) To obtain images of distant objects.

50. (A) To spend less time at their telescopes.

(B) To overcome the problem of weak light.
(C) To take more photographs.
(D) To photograph astronomical objects without using a telescope.

Audio script
1. Have you been to the new gym since it opened?
Are you kidding? Tomorrow’s the deadline for my project.
What does the man imply?

2. I’d like to borrow that book after you finished it.

Sure. But I’ve promised to Jane first.
What does the woman intend to do?

3. I could really use more room. My apartment is so small. And there’s

no closet space.
You should see the apartments in my building. You know, one of my
neighbors is moving out. Come by and I’ll bring you to his place.
What does the man imply?

4. The forecast calls for heavy snow again tonight. Are you glad we will
be getting away from this for a week?
I sure am. But let’s call tomorrow morning before we leave for the
airport to make sure our flight hasn’t been delayed or canceled.
What does the woman suggest they do?

5. Has anyone turned in a brown leather wallet? Mine seems to be lost

and it has my driver’s license in it and also some family pictures that
are pretty important to me.
Oh, I think one like that was brought in this morning. Wait here just a
minute, please.
What will the woman probably do?

6. I’d like you to come with me to the opening of the photography

I’m exhausted. You’ll have to manage without me tonight.
What will the woman probably do?

7. Guess what I just heard? Dave’s selling that car of his that you like
so much.
Oh, wow. I’ll bet it’s expensive but it couldn’t hurt to check it out.
What will the man probably do?

8. I have an idea for a special issue of the school newspaper. Did you
have time to discuss it?
My class’s over at one. But I’m free after that.
What does the man mean?

9. Did you return that book to the library for me? I don’t want to pay a
Don’t worry about it. I took care of it.
What does the man mean?

10. I’m really sorry I missed the pop art exhibit at the museum.
You might try to catch it when it opens in New York next month.
What does the woman suggest the man do?

11. Wasn’t there once a bakery here?

Yes. But it went out of business last year.
What does the woman mean?

12. Oh, I’m so sorry. You must let me pay to have your jacket
That’s all right. It could happen to anyone. And I’m sure that orange
juice doesn’t stain.
What can be inferred about the woman?

13. What are your new blue jeans like?

Oh, they are pretty much like the other ones except for the larger
waist. I guess I don’t have much time to exercise these days.
What can be inferred about the man?

14. If you’re trying to fit this bookcase in here, you have to turn your
desk sideways.
I guess you are right. But I hate to lose the view I have from my
What are the women doing?

15. Did you hear there is some new kind of cable television system
that will allow you to get 500 channels?
Yeah. But I have a hunch we’ll have nothing to watch that is different
form what we have now.
What can be inferred from the man’s reaction to the new television
16. I hope you remember to pick up my clothes from the cleaner’s.
I couldn’t go because the car wouldn’t start.
What does the man mean?

17. I must have told Mike five times not to forget the meeting and he
still missed it.
Well, you know Mike. Everything is in one ear and out the other.
What can be inferred about Mike?

18. Have you seen John since he started wearing contact lenses?
I almost didn’t recognize him at first.
What does the woman mean?

19. I still don’t feel well. I don’t know what I’m going to do.
I think the health center’s open late tonight.
What does the man imply the woman should do?

20. Say, Richard, if you like antique cars, we’ve got an extra ticket for
the auto show on Saturday. Care to join us?
Gee, how could I turn down an offer like that?
What does the man mean?

21. That new soap I’ve been using latterly smells nice. But it dries my
skin out.
It’s probably all those harsh chemicals. You should try the kind I use?
It’s all natural.
What does the man suggest the woman do?

22. That bread I brought yesterday isn’t in the kitchen. Someone must
have eaten it.
Look on top of the refrigerator.
What does the woman imply?

23. Can you believe this great gift Sharon sent you?
I know. She really has a heart of gold.
What can be inferred about Sharon?

24. I heard you auditioned for the chorus. How did it go?
Oh, well. The director is pretty high standards. I guess I just didn’t
measure up.
What can be inferred about the man?

25. The weather is certainly unusual for this time of year.

Yeah, so warm and humid.
What does the man imply?

26. Basketball practice doesn’t take a lot of time, does it?

Only every spare minute.
What does the man imply about basketball practice?

27. What are you doing here? You are not in the film class.
I changed my schedule. Movies are a good change of pace from all
these chemistry experiments.
What does the man mean?

28. Waiting in line to copy just one page of an article wastes so much
Have you ever tried the photocopier on the third floor of the library? I
don’t think there’s many people know about it.
What does the man suggest that the woman do?

29. With all of these typos in this resume, you are not going to make a
very good impression.
Good thing is on the word processor.
What will the man probably do?

30. I have two exams and three papers to get done in the next couple
of days.
How did it get so backed up?
What does the woman imply about the man?

Questions 31-33

Listen to a radio interview with the artistic director of a dance


Today’s arts report features Dan Parker of the American Indian Dance
Theater. Mr. Parker, I understand your troupe performs traditional
music and dance from many different native American cultures. Can
you give us some ideas of some of the dances you’ll be doing in your
performance tonight?

Certainly. We’ll be doing won-us-award dance. Originally it was a story

telling device to recount battles. Another is the grass dance preformed
by the plains Indians where they actually flatten tall field grass to
prepare it for a ceremony.
Since your dancers are from many different tribes, how can you be
sure the dances are done correctly?

Everything we do has been approved by the elders of our tribes. That’s

partly because we don’t necessarily know each other’s styles or
dances, but it’s also because it’s hard to get complete agreement even
within the same tribe about exactly how the dance should be done.

Anyone who attends one of your performances would notice that your
company goes to a lot of trouble to provide detailed explanations of
the origin of the dances, the music, the costumes and so forth. Could
you explain to our listeners why you do this?

Good question. There are always concerns that traditional dances

performed in a theater are nothing more than a spectacle. Our
explanations show that in our cultures dance is ritual rather than
entertainment. We also want to make it clear to our audience that we
are not performing any dances used for sacred ceremonies.

31. What is the main topic of the conversation?

32. What is the purpose of the interview?
33. Why are the dances approved by the elders of the tribes?

Questions 34-37

Listen to a phone conversation between two friends who are discussing

a problem


Hello, Sam. This is Paula Hanson. Sorry to bother you, but I’m having
a small problem I thought you might be able to help me with.

Sure, Paula. What’s up?

Well, you know Sarah and I moved into an off-campus apartment in

the fall, over on the west side of town. Any way, we’ve been happy
with it until the past couple of months.

Yeah. What happened?

Well, the dishwasher broken down, so we reported it to Ms. Corners,

the owner. She said she’d take care of it, but a month went by and
nothing happened.
Did you get back in touch with her?

I got a repairperson to give me an estimate, then I sent it to her.

When I didn’t hear from her, I had the repair done. And I deducted the
cost from the rent check.

So what’s the problem?

She called here mad as a hornet. She said she could have gotten the
repair done for less money. Now, she’s threatening to evict us for not
paying the full rent.

Hold on, Paula. It does sound pretty serious. But I’m sure you can all
sit down and work this out.

Well, you’re over at the law school. So, I wondered if you would mind
coming with Sarah and me when we go to talk to Ms. Corners. We’re
supposed to meet with her tomorrow night at eight.

Sure. I haven’t studied a lot about contracts yet, but I’ll be glad to
help you straighten things out. Why don’t I stop by about 7:30?

Thanks Sam. You are our lifesaver.

34. Why is Paula unhappy?

35. Why is Ms. Corners angry?
36. What are Paula and her roommate planning to do?
37. Why does Paula think Sam can help her?

Questions 38-42

Listen to part of a lecture in speech class.

Today we are going to practice evaluating a main tool used when

addressing groups—the voice. There are three main elements that
combine to create either a positive or negative experience for
listeners. They can result in a voice that is pleasing to listen to and can
be used effectively. Or they can create a voice that doesn’t hold
attention. Or even worse, causes an adverse reaction. The three
elements are volume, pitch and pace. When evaluating volume, keep
in mind that a good speaker will adjust to the size of both the room
and the audience. Of course, with an amplifying device like a
microphone, the speaker can use a natural tone. But speaker should
not be dependent on microphones. A good speaker can speak loudly
without shouting. The second element, pitch is related to the highness
or lowness of the sounds. High pitches are for most people more
difficult to listen to. So, in general, speaker should use the lower
registers of their voice. During a presentation, it’s important to vary
pitch to some extent in order to maintain interest. The third element,
pace that is how fast or slow words and sounds are articulated should
also be varied. A slower pace can be used to emphasize important
points. Note that the time spent not speaking can be meaningful too.
Pauses ought to be used to signal transitions or create anticipation.
Because a pause gives the listener time to think about what was just
said or even to predict what might come next, it can be very affective
when moving from one topic to another. What I’d like you to do now is
watch and listen to a videotape and use the forms I gave you to rate
the speaking voices you hear. Then tonight, I want you to go home
and read a passage into a tape recorder and evaluate your own voice.

38. What is the main point the professor makes?

39. According to the professor, what can a speaker do to keep an
audience’s attention?
40. What recommendation does the professor make about volume?
41. According to the professor, how can a speaker indicate that the
topic is about to change?
42. What are the students going to use a tape recorder for?

Questions 43-46

Listen to part of a lecture at a museum.

Let’s proceed to the main exhibit hall and look at some of the actual
vehicles that had played a prominent role in speeding up mail delivery.
Consider how long it used to take to send a letter across a relatively
short distance. Back in the 1600s, it took two weeks on horseback to
get a letter from Boston to New York, a distance of about 260 miles.
Crossing a river was also a challenge. Ferry service was so irregular
that a carrier would sometimes wait hours just to catch a ferry. For
journeys in land there was always the stagecoach. But the ride was by
no means comfortable because it had to be shared with other
passengers. The post office was pretty ingenious about some words. In
the nineteenth century in the southwestern desert for instance, camels
were brought in to help get the mail through. In Alaska reindeer were
used. This practice was discontinued because of the disagreeable
temperament of these animals. We’ll stop here a minute so that you
can enter this replica of a railway mail car. It was during the age of the
iron horse that delivery really started to pick up. In fact, the United
Sates transported most bulk mail by trains for near 100 years. The
first airmail service didn’t start until 1918. Please take a few moments
to look around. I hope you’ll enjoy you tour. And as you continue on
your own may I suggest you visit our impressive philatelic collection.
Not only can you look at some of the more unusual stamps issue but
there is an interesting exhibit on how stamps are made.

43. What is the talk mainly about?

44. According to the speaker, why was it a problem for mail carriers to
cross rivers in the 1600’s?
45. What does the expression “the age of the iron horse” refer to?
46. What can be found in the museum’s philatelic collection?

Questions 47-50

Listen to the beginning of a talk on astronomy.

Most people think of astronomers as people who spend their time in

cold observatories peering through telescopes every night. In fact, a
typical astronomer spends most of his or her time analyzing data and
may only be at the telescope for a few weeks of the year. Some
astronomers work on purely theoretical problems and never use a
telescope at all. You might not know how rarely images are viewed
directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the
skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First a
photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate
is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded
on it. Then the image can be developed, enlarged and published so
that many people can study it. Because most astronomical objects are
very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by
using a telescope as a camera long-time exposures can be made. In
this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too
faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope.

47. According to the speaker, what do people often think about

48. What is one advantage of photographing the skies?
49. Why do astronomers often use photographic plates?
50. What is one reason astronomers make long-time exposures?

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