Lecture 3 - The Equilibrium Model
Lecture 3 - The Equilibrium Model
Lecture 3 - The Equilibrium Model
A force may be a push or pull upon an object which exists as a result of an interaction with
another object. It can be either a contact force or a field force. A contact force involves
physical contact between two objects, such as kicking a ball or pushing a cart. A field
force, on the other hand, can exert a push or pull on an object even without physical
contact. One example of a field force is the gravitational pull of the Earth on an object.
The attractive force exerted by the Earth on an object is called the gravitational force,
����, a vector quantity. ���� is directed towards the center of the earth, and its
magnitude is called the weight. ���� can be evaluated using EQ 1 where �� is mass in
kilograms and �� is the acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2. The SI unit for force is
Newton (N) which is equivalent to 1 kg-m/s2.
= ����
���� (EQ 1)
Other examples of force are normal and tension forces. The normal force, ��, is the
force exerted by a surface to an object whenever the two are in contact. The direction of
�� is always upwards perpendicular to the surface (Fig 1a). Tension, ��, is a pulling
force that is exerted by a rope, string, chain, or cable on an object. Its direction is pointed
away from the object and lies along the direction of the string (Fig 2a).
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Different forces acting on an object – (a) normal and gravitational forces; and (b)
tension and gravitational forces
The tendency of an object to resist any attempt to change its velocity is called inertia. An
object with a greater mass has more inertia (more resistant to change in velocity) as
compared to an object with less mass.
A free-body diagram (FBD) is an illustration that shows the relative magnitude and
direction of all forces acting upon an object in a given situation. Consider a block resting
on a smooth surface as shown in Fig 3a. Note that the block exerts a force to the surface,
���������������� ���� ���������� and, in accordance to the Newton’s third law, the
surface exerts a force of equal magnitude
(a) (b) (c) Figure 3. (a) A diagram showing all the forces present on a system comprised of a block
resting on a smooth surface, transformed to (b) a force diagram, and ultimately reduced to (c) a
free-body diagram (FBD).
The first condition of equilibrium is when the sum of all forces (net force) acting on an
object is equal to zero. This condition is called the translational static equilibrium. The
second condition of equilibrium is when the sum of all moments (net moment) acting on
an object is equal to zero, and this is called rotational static equilibrium. When these
two conditions of equilibrium are satisfied, the object is said to be in complete static
An object is in translational equilibrium if the sum of the forces acting on it (the net force)
is zero as shown in EQ 2. Since the net force, ��, is a vector quantity, it follows that the
summation of its components ���� and ���� are also zero.
�� �� = 0
(EQ 2)
�� ���� = 0
�� ���� = 0
As shown in Fig 4, given that the mass of the block �� is 20.0 kg, determine the (a)
tension on cable 1, (b) tension on cable 2, (c) tension on cable 3, and (d) tension on
cable 4.
A free-body diagram can be created around two viable points – point A and around the
block with mass ��. Creating an FBD around point A would introduce three unknown
forces (��2, ��3 and ��4), while the FBD around the block would contain three forces
(��1, ��2, and ����) with only two unknowns since ���� can be determined from the
mass, ��, of the block. Always choose to create an FBD with less unknowns. Using the
equations presented for the
For the exclusive use of UST Faculty of Engineering students 56 a
equilibrium model, the analysis is only limited to determining two unknowns in a single
FBD. Considering these, the analysis of the given system (in Fig 4) would then have to
start with the construction of an FBD around the block.
Once a sound FBD has been established, component analysis is performed for all
forces identified. The components were derived based on the magnitude of the forces
and the angles that define its respective directions.
x-component y-component
� +��1 +��1
� ������ ������
1 ������ ������
30�� 30��
� −��2 +��2
� ������ ������
2 ������ ������
40�� 40��
� 0 −����
���� = 196.20���� ∙ ��
�� = 196.20 ��
������ = 0
������ = 0
+��1 ������ ������ 30�� + ��2 ������ ������ 40�� − 196.20 = 0 (EQ
Recall the following methods, with examples, to solve two equations simultaneously:
(1) Elimination Method
One variable is eliminated to find the value of the other variable.
2�� + �� = 02�� + 2 = 0�� = − 2= −1
(2) Substitution Method
One variable is expressed in terms of the other (i.e. y in terms of x)
and substituted in place of the other variable in the equation.
�� = −1�� = 2
��1 = 128.06 ��
��2 = 172.54 ��
Repeat STEPS 1 to 4 to solve for ��3 and ��4 by constructing an FBD around
� +��2 −��2
� ������ ������
2 ������ ������
40�� 40��
� +��3 +��3
� ������ ������
3 ������ ������
45�� 45��
� −��4 0
A block resting on a plane inclined at an angle, ��, of 42ofrom the horizontal is being
held in place by a steel cable. The tension on the cable wire is 67.0 N.
a. Determine the normal force N and the force due to gravity ����.
b. What is the mass of the block in kilograms?
The FBD around the block resting on the inclined plane is shown in Fig 9a. Notice that
both forces T and N lies in between two axes, while ���� lies directly on the −�� axis.
To simplify component analysis of objects on an inclined plane, the �� and �� reference
axes are shifted to ��′ and ��′ as shown in Fig 9b, where the shifted axis ��′ lies
parallel to the surface of the inclined plane and the shifted axis ��′ is perpendicular to
(a) (b)
Figure 9. (a) FBD of the block on the inclined plane shifts to (b) ��′ and ��′ references axes.
By shifting the reference axes to ��′ and ��′, T and N places directly on the ��′ and the
��′ reference axis respectively. On the other hand, ���� is now located in between two
axes −��′ and −��′. Notice that the angle that defines the direction of ���� from the
−��′ axis is equal to the angle of inclination, ��, of the plane, proving of which is shown
in Fig 10.
Figure 10. Proof that the angle of inclination, ��, of the plane is equal to angle ��.
� +�� 0
� 0 +��
� −���� −����
� ������ ������
� ������ ������
� 42�� 42��
������ = 0
������ = 0
A concrete block A is kept from moving down a plane inclined at an angle, ��, 35ofrom the
horizontal by a 15.0-kg metal ball B attached to the block by a cable wire through a pulley
as shown in Fig 11.
Figure 11. Concrete block being held in place by a metal ball connected by a wire through a pulley.
(a) Create an FBD around the metal ball and determine the tension in the cable
wire. (b) What is the magnitude of the normal force N acting on block A?
(c) What mass of the concrete block A, in kg, is required to keep the meal ball B in
place? (a) The FBD around the ball is shown in Fig 12.
��-compone ��-compone
nt nt
� 0 +����
� 0 −������
(b) Note that a cable, wire, or string passing through a pulley retains its magnitude by
changes its direction. In the case of Fig 11, ���� = ����.
��′-compon ��′-compone
ent nt
� −���� 0
N 0 +��
� +������ −������
� ������ ������
� ������ 35 ������ 35
Figure 12. FBD around the
��=179.64 ��
�� 2
9.81 �� ���� = 18.31 ����
An object is in rotational static equilibrium if the sum of all moments (net moment) acting
on the object is zero (EQ 9). Moment, ��, is a vector quantity that describes how much a
force acting on an object tends to make that object rotate. The resulting moment of a force
depends on how far a force is applied from the pivot (axis of rotation). The perpendicular
distance between the pivot and the force is called the lever arm, ��. The moment, ��, is
the product of the force, ��, and lever arm, �� (EQ 10). The concept of rotational
equilibrium is applied on objects that cannot be modelled as a particle.
�� �� = 0
(EQ 9)
�� = ����
(EQ 10)
The conditions of translational equilibrium and rotational equilibrium are both considered
when the forces acting on an object are applied at different points (i.e., non-concurrent
forces), and, thus, the object cannot be modelled as a single particle.
Consider the object in Fig 13 with forces ��1, ��2 and ��3 applied as shown and Point O
as the pivot (body is free to rotate about Point O).
The magnitude of the moment contributed by a force is calculated using EQ 10, while the
direction is whether the force tends to rotate the object clockwise or counterclockwise.
Note that the moment is generated only by a force that is perpendicular to the lever arm. If
the force is applied at a non-perpendicular angle, then only the perpendicular component
of that force will contribute to the moment. As shown in Fig 13, the resulting moment of
��1, ��2
and ��3 are as follows:
The object will remain in rotational static equilibrium as long as ���� = ��1 + ��2 +
��3 = 0. Note the following sign convention used for the direction of moment: +��: If the
force applied tends to rotate the object counterclockwise about the pivot −��: If the
force applied tends to rotate the object clockwise about the pivot
Now, consider the given force diagram of a seesaw in equilibrium (Fig 14). If we assume
that the pivot is at the center, then the lever arm of ��1 and ��2 are ��1 and ��2,
Figure 14. A seesaw in static equilibrium
The resulting moments due to each force are ��1 = +��1��1 and ��2 = −��2��2,
since ��1 tends to rotate the beam of the seesaw counterclockwise, while clockwise for
��2. The force, ��, in Fig 14 pertains to the normal reactive force exerted by the pin
support on the beam, which is also called a support reaction. Note that all pinned
supports exert a reaction force along the x- and y-axis. However, since all external forces
in the given illustration are just along the y-axis, then ������ = 0 will show that the
horizontal reactive force is just zero. Since the pivot was assumed to be at the center of
the beam, then ���� = 0 because ���� = 0. Other types of support and their
corresponding support reactions are shown in Table 1.
Roller (simple,
movable, sliding)
● Vertical reaction only
Pinned (hinged)
● Vertical reaction
● Horizontal reaction
● Vertical reaction
● Horizontal reaction
● Moment reaction
A seesaw consisting of a 1-kg board and length of 4 m balances Tony and Steve, as
shown in Fig 15. The support is under the center of gravity of the board, and Tony, with
a mass of 30 kg, is seated 2 m from the support.
(a) Determine the distance from the support at which Steve (m = 35 kg) must sit
to balance the system at rest.
(b) Find the magnitude of the upward force exerted by the support on the board.
Step 1. FBD construction
The FBD of the seesaw is shown in Fig 16. Note that all objects with a given mass (Tony,
Steve, and board) will exert a downward force on the board due to its weight. ���� is the
reactive force of the support on the board; thus, it has an upward direction and located at
the point of contact with the support (Point O).
Before writing the summation of moments, the point of rotation or pivot must be first
determined. The axis of rotation is arbitrary because if the system is in rotational
the net moment is zero about any axis in the system. However, the choice of the pivot
must be done carefully such that it will simplify the given problem. Remember, forces that
are applied on the axis of rotation do not contribute to the net moment (�� = 0).
������������1 − ��������������2 = 0
��������������1 = ����������������2
��2 =��������������1
A 15-kg beam supported at both ends as shown in Fig 17 has a 10-kg hanging mass
located 1.0 m from the pin support. Calculate the reactions at each support.
The FBD of the simply supported beam is shown in Fig 18. All objects with a mass will
have a downward force, while the direction of the reaction forces for each support is
arbitrarily assigned. Note that if the value obtained for the reaction force is negative, it
means that the direction should be pointed at the opposite direction. Based on Table 1,
the pin support will have both vertical and horizontal reaction forces, while the roller
support will only have a vertical reaction.
Figure 18. FBD of simply supported beam in Sample Problem 5
Along the horizontal direction, there is no other force applied except �� ��,��. Thus,
getting the summation of forces along the x-axis will show:
������ = 0: ����,�� = 0
Note that,
�� 2
����,�������� = ������������ = (10 ����) (9.81 �� ) = 98.1 ��
�� 2
����,�������� = ������������ = (15 ����) (9.81 �� ) = 147.15 ��
������ = 0: ����,�� + ���� − 98.1 �� − 147.15 �� = 0
You can choose either the pin support or roller support to do the summation of moments.
The goal here is to eliminate one unknown to determine the other.
���� = 93.2 ��
Using EQ 14 and the calculated value for ����, solve for ����,��
����,�� = 152.05 ��
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Gravitational Force
���� = ����
�� ���� = 0
�� ���� = 0
�� = ����
1) A block resting on a plane inclined at an angle �� 32ofrom the horizontal is being held
in place by steel cables a, b, and c as shown in the figure below. The tension in cable
b is 80.0 N. Note that cable a is parallel to the surface of the incline and that cable b is
perfectly horizontal.
2) The system in the figure below is in equilibrium. A 45.0-kg beam that is hinged on the
floor is also held at rest by the cable. A hanging mass of 225 kg is placed at the end of
the beam. Calculate:
(a) The tension in the cable; and
(b) The reaction forces exerted on the beam by the hinge.
1. A Christmas light hangs on a series of strings as shown in the figure below. The tension
on string ��, ����, is 0.48 N.
2. Block B hangs on a cable connected block A through a pulley as shown in the figure
below. The two blocks are in equilibrium. Block B has a mass of 2.5 kg and the angle
of the incline �� is 35o.
3. Two masses are attached to a uniform meter stick as shown in the figure below. The
masses of m1 and m2 are as given and the meter stick weighs 150 g. A force F with
unknown magnitude is applied on one end of the stick at an angle of 30° to balance
the system.