MoorDyn Users Guide 2017-08-16
MoorDyn Users Guide 2017-08-16
MoorDyn Users Guide 2017-08-16
Matthew Hall
1. Introduction and Acknowledgements ..................................................................................... 1
2. Model Structure....................................................................................................................... 2
3. Model Operation ..................................................................................................................... 3
4. Describing the Mooring System .............................................................................................. 4
4.1. Model Stability and Segment Damping............................................................................ 8
4.2. Diagnosing Problems ...................................................................................................... 10
5. MoorDyn for FAST v8............................................................................................................. 10
6. MoorDyn in C++ ..................................................................................................................... 12
6.1. Using MoorDyn with FAST v7 ......................................................................................... 13
6.2. Using MoorDyn with Matlab .......................................................................................... 13
6.3. Using MoorDyn with Simulink ........................................................................................ 14
6.4. Using MoorDyn with WEC-Sim ....................................................................................... 15
7. References ............................................................................................................................. 16
1. Introduction and Acknowledgements
This document is a guide to using MoorDyn, an open-source lumped-mass mooring line model.
MoorDyn was designed with the mindset of using only the features that are necessary for
predicting the dynamics of typical mooring systems and probably isn’t suited for modeling
cables with appreciable bending and torsional stiffnesses. It can be used as a stand-alone
mooring simulator if fairlead motions are prescribed from a separate data file, or it can be
coupled with floating platform models for coupled simulation of a moored floating structure.
Two versions exist: one generic and one part of FAST v81.
MoorDyn supports arbitrary line interconnections, clump weights and floats, and different line
properties. The model accounts for internal axial stiffness and damping forces, weight and
buoyancy forces, hydrodynamic forces from Morison's equation, and vertical spring-damper
forces from contact with the seabed. The formulation supports inclusion of wave kinematics in
the hydrodynamic force calculations, but that functionality is currently disabled in the absence
of a standardized method for receiving wave kinematics data in coupled simulations. In the
FAST v8 version, hydrodynamic loads will eventually be handled externally by coupling with
HydroDyn (in the current version, hydrodynamic forces are calculated assuming still water).
The model is still being improved, and I hope other users will contribute to it as they adapt it to
their specific needs.
MoorDyn began as a course project in Spring 2014 and emerged as a working mooring model in
Fall 2014. Marco Masciola (ABS) provided advice at many stages of the development process.
I then validation MoorDyn against 1:50-scale floating wind turbine test data under the advising
of Andrew Goupee (UMaine) [1]. I created a separate FORTRAN implementation of MoorDyn
for inclusion in FAST v8, with input from Bonnie Jonkman and Jason Jonkman (NREL). I also
collaborated with Giacomo Vissio (Politecnico di Torino) to couple MoorDyn to
Matlab/Simulink-based wave energy converter models. This was supported by an INORE
International Collaboration Incentive Scholarship2. Most recently, I helped Senu Sirnivas and Yi-
Hsiang Yu in creating a coupling between MoorDyn and WEC-Sim3. The MoorDyn User’s Guide
benefited heavily from the reviewing of Jason Jonkman. My PhD studies are supported by the
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
International Network on Offshore Renewable Energy ( ICIS: “Making models collaborate:
Coupling numerical and physical ORE models under a common framework” by M. Hall, G. Vissio, B. Passione
2. Model Structure
MoorDyn uses a lumped-mass approach to discretize the cable dynamics over the length of the
mooring line. A cable is broken up into N evenly-sized line segments connecting N+1 node
points. The indexing starts at the anchor (or lower end), with the anchor node given a value of
zero, and the cable segment between nodes 0 and 1 given an index of 1/2.
The model uses a right-handed inertial reference frame with the z axis being measured positive
up from the water plane, consistent with NREL’s FAST simulator. Each node’s position is
defined by a vector r. Each segment of the cable has identical properties of unstretched length,
diameter, density, and Young's modulus. Different cables can have different sets of properties,
and cables can be connected together at the ends, enabling mooring systems with
interconnected lines.
The ends of each mooring line are defined by Connection objects, which can be considered a
special type of node. Using the same terminology as MAP [2], there are three Connection node
Fixed nodes have a certain location and never move. They can be used as anchor
Vessel nodes can move under the control of an outside program. They can be used as
fairlead connections.
Connect nodes are not fixed in space but rather are moved according to the forces
acting on them. They are what can be used to connect two or more mooring lines
together. The forces they experience can include the forces from the attached mooring
lines (which Fixed and Vessel node types also experience) but also constant external
forces, buoyancy forces, inertial and gravitational forces, and hydrodynamic drag and
added mass forces.
Hydrodynamic loads are calculated directly at the node points rather than at the segment
centers. This ensures damping of transverse cable vibrations having a wavelength of twice the
cable segment length (which may or may not affect anything). To approximate the cable
direction at the node points, the cable tangent at each node is assumed to be the average of
the tangent directions of the two adjacent cable elements. Aside from this detail, the
formulation of the mooring model is fairly standard. Further technical details and some
validation results are available in a paper in Ocean Engineering [1]. Some technical details and
results related to MoorDyn’s capabilities for interconnected lines and mass/buoyancy/drag
elements in the mooring system can be found in a recent EWTEC paper [3].
3. Model Operation
MoorDyn is meant to be used in conjunction with another program that tells it how the fairlead
ends of the mooring lines are moving. This other program can be as simple as a Matlab script
driving MoorDyn with sinusoidal fairlead motions or as complicated as a FAST simulation of a
floating platform and wind turbine. Two versions of MoorDyn exist. The “C” version, written in
C++, can be coupled with a variety of codes. The “F” version, written in FORTRAN, is a module
contained in FAST v8. The underlying model is similar in both cases, just the implementation is
different. One important difference between the two is that MoorDyn C currently couples
about the platform reference point; platform motions and mooring reaction forces/moments
are communicated with respect to a single point and the platform is assumed rigid. MoorDyn F,
however, couples about the individual fairleads; platform motions and mooring reaction forces
are communicated separately for each fairlead, allowing the possibility of flexible/multi-body
platforms. Regardless of the version, the basic operation of MoorDyn is the same.
During initialization, MoorDyn reads the input file describing the mooring system, constructs
the mooring system data structures, determines the initial fairlead positions based on the initial
platform position specified by the calling program, and then determines the initial equilibrium
state of the mooring system. Determination of the initial state happens in two steps.
In the first step, a quasi-static model4 is used to determine the locations of the nodes
along each mooring line. The line ends are located according to the fairlead, anchor,
and connect (if applicable) coordinates provided in the input file.
In the second step, dynamic relaxation is used to allow the mooring system to settle to
equilibrium according to the MoorDyn model. If there are no connect nodes, this will
simply fine-tune the results of the quasi-static model to account for the discrete
This model is a slightly modified version of that contained in FAST v7 [4].
approach of MoorDyn. If there are connect nodes, this will allow them to settle to their
correct positions, rather than the guessed positions provided in the input file.
During each coupling time step, MoorDyn accepts the latest platform or fairlead position and
velocity information provided by the calling program and applies these to the appropriate
fairlead nodes in its model. It adjusts its internal time step size (𝑑𝑡𝑀 ) to ensure that the
coupling time step size (𝑑𝑡𝐶 ) is a multiple of 𝑑𝑡𝑀 . It then runs its internal RK2 integrator for 𝑁𝑡
time steps, where 𝑁𝑡 = 𝑑𝑡𝐶 /𝑑𝑡𝑀 . During each model evaluation from the RK2 integrator, a
number of steps take place:
At the end of the coupling time step, MoorDyn returns the resulting net mooring force (in six
directions on the platform) or individual fairlead forces to the calling program. One or more
output files may be written at this point depending on the MoorDyn version and the settings.
During termination, MoorDyn deallocates variables and closes the output files.
More details about the function calls available to the calling program to make MoorDyn run are
described in Sections 5 and 6.
In the C++ version, the fairlead position at each model evaluation is calculated by integrating the most recent
velocity supplied by the calling program. This assumes constant fairlead velocity within each coupling time step.
In the FAST v8 version, the modularization framework’s ExtrapInterp subroutine is used to provide a more accurate
estimate of the fairlead kinematics within each coupling time step.
v8 version of MoorDyn is used. In the C++ version, the input file must be called “lines.txt” and
exist in a subdirectory named “Mooring”. In the FAST v8 version that filename can be specified
separately. Below is an example MoorDyn input file for the OC3-Hywind mooring system. Lines
in blue are specific to the FAST v8 version of MoorDyn; they should be omitted when using the
C++ version.
--------------------- MoorDyn Input File ------------------------------------
MoorDyn input file of the mooring system for OC3-Hywind
FALSE Echo - echo the input file data (flag)
----------------------- LINE TYPES ------------------------------------------
1 NTypes - number of LineTypes
Name Diam MassDen EA BA/-zeta Can Cat Cdn Cdt
(-) (m) (kg/m) (N) (N-s/-) (-) (-) (-) (-)
main 0.09 77.7066 384.243E6 -0.8 1.0 0.0 1.6 0.1
---------------------- CONNECTION PROPERTIES --------------------------------
6 NConnects - number of connections including anchors and fairleads
Node Type X Y Z M V FX FY FZ CdA Ca
(-) (-) (m) (m) (m) (kg) (m^3) (kN) (kN) (kN) (m^2) (-)
1 fixed 853.87 0.0 -320.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 fixed -426.94 739.47 -320.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 fixed -426.94 -739.47 -320.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 vessel 5.2 0.0 -70.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 vessel -2.6 4.5 -70.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 vessel -2.6 -4.5 -70.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
---------------------- LINE PROPERTIES --------------------------------------
3 NLines - number of line objects
Line LineType UnstrLen NumSegs NodeAnch NodeFair Flags/Outputs
(-) (-) (m) (-) (-) (-) (-)
1 main 902.2 20 1 4 p
2 main 902.2 20 2 5 -
3 main 902.2 20 3 6 -
---------------------- SOLVER OPTIONS ---------------------------------------
0.001 dtM - time step to use in mooring integration (s)
3.0e6 kBot - bottom stiffness (Pa/m)
3.0e5 cBot - bottom damping (Pa-s/m)
320 WtrDpth - water depth (m)
1.0 dtIC - time interval for analyzing convergence during IC gen (s)
60.0 TmaxIC - max time for IC gen (s)
4.0 CdScaleIC - factor by which to scale drag coefficients during dynamic relaxation (-)
0.001 threshIC - threshold for IC convergence (-)
------------------------ OUTPUTS --------------------------------------------
------------------------- need this line --------------------------------------
The Line Types section of the file contains one or more definitions of physical line properties
and four hydrodynamic coefficients. The columns are, in order, as follows:
BA/-zeta – the line internal damping (measured in N-s) or, if a negative value is entered,
the desired damping ratio (in fraction of critical) for the line type (and MoorDyn will set
the BA of each line accordingly – see Section 4.1 for more information)
Can – transverse added mass coefficient (with respect to line displacement)
Cat – tangential added mass coefficient (with respect to line displacement)
Cdn – transverse drag coefficient (with respect to frontal area, d*l)
Cdt – tangential drag coefficient (with respect to surface area, π*d*l)
The Connection Properties section defines the connection node points which mooring lines can
be connected to. The columns are as follows:
The Line Properties section defines each uniform-property section of mooring line to be
simulated, specifying which physical properties it uses, its length, how many segments it is
discretized into, which nodes it is connected to, and any data to be output in a dedicated
output file for that line. This last entry expects a string of one or more characters without
spaces, each character activating a given output property. A placeholder character such as “-”
should be used if no outputs are wanted. Eight output properties are currently possible:
p – node positions
v – node velocities
U – wave velocities at each node
D –hydrodynamic drag force at each node
t – tension force at each segment
c – internal damping force at each segment
s – strain of each segment
d – rate of strain of each segment
For example, outputting node positions and segment tensions could be achieved by writing “pt”
for this last column. These outputs will go to a dedicated output file for each line only. For
sending values to the global output file, use the Outputs section instead.
The Solver Options section can contain any number of optional settings for the overall model,
including seabed properties, initial condition (IC) generation settings, and the time step size.
Any of these lines can be omitted, in which case default values will be used. As such, they are
all optional settings, although some of them (such as time step size) often need to be set by the
user for proper operation. Note that the names for these have been changed in the latest C++
version, v1.0.1C. The list of possible options is:
*In the FAST v8 version, the default values for g, rhoW, and WtrDpth are the values provided by
FAST, so it is recommended to not use custom values for the sake of consistency.
The bottom contact parameters, kBot and cBot, result in a pressure which is then applied to the
cross-sectional area (d*l) of each contacting line segment to give a resulting vertical contact
force for each segment.
The Outputs section is used in the FAST v8 version to specify general outputs, which are written
to the main MoorDyn output file and also sent to the driver program for inclusion in the global
output file. Each output channel name should have its own line. There are intuitive keywords
for fairlead and anchor tensions of a given line: fairten# and anchten#, where # is the line
number. There is also a flexible naming system for outputting other quantities.
There are currently five supported types of output quantities:
These can be produced at a connection object, denoted by the prefix Con#, where # is the
connect number. Or, they can be produced at a node along a line, denoted by the prefix L#N@,
where # is the line number and @ is the number of the node along that line. For example,
These capabilities are not yet included in the C++ version of MoorDyn; instead, this version
always creates a lines.out output file containing the tensions of all fairlead connections. For
now, any additional quantities can be obtained by using the optional line-specific output files as
defined in the Line Properties section.
The highest axial vibration mode of the lumped-mass cable representation would be when
adjacent nodes oscillate out of phase with each other, as depicted below.
In this mode, the midpoint of each segment would not move. The motion of each node can
then be characterized by mass-spring-damper values of
𝑚=𝑤 , 𝑐= , 𝑘= .
The natural frequency of this mode is then
𝑘 2 𝐸𝐴 2𝑁 𝐸𝐴
𝜔𝑛 = √ = √ = √
𝑚 𝑙 𝑤 𝐿 𝑤
and the damping ratio, 𝜁, is related to the internal damping coefficient, 𝐵𝐴, by
𝑐 𝐵 𝐴 𝑁𝐵𝐴 1 𝐿
𝜁= = √ = √ ⇒ 𝐵𝐴 = 𝜁 √𝐸𝐴𝑤.
𝑐𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡 𝑙 𝐸𝑤 𝐿 𝐸𝐴𝑤 𝑁
The line dynamics frequencies of interest should be lower than 𝜔𝑛 in order to be resolved by
the model. Accordingly, line dynamics at 𝜔𝑛 , which are likely to be dominated by the artificial
resonance created by the discretization, can be damped out without necessarily impacting the
line dynamics of interest. This is advisable because the resonances at 𝜔𝑛 can have a large
impact on the results. To damp out the segment vibrations, a damping ratio approaching the
critical value (𝜁 = 1) is recommended. Care should be taken to ensure that the line dynamics
of interest are not affected.
To simplify things, a desired line segment damping ratio can be specified in the input file. This
is done by entering the negative of the desired damping ratio in the BA/-zeta field of the Line
Types section. A negative value here signals MoorDyn to interpret it as a desired damping ratio
and then calculate the damping coefficient (BA) for each mooring line that will give every line
segment that damping ratio (accounting for possible differences in segment length between
Note that the damping ratio is with respect to the critical damping of each segment along a
mooring line, not with respect to the line as a whole or the floating platform as a whole. It is
just a way of letting MoorDyn calculate the damping coefficient automatically from the
perspective of damping non-physical segment resonances. If the model is set up right, this
damping can have a negligible contribution to the overall damping provided by the moorings on
the floating platform. However, if the damping contribution of the mooring lines on the
floating platform is supposed to be significant, it is best to (1) set the BA value directly to
ensure that the expected damping is provided and then (2) adjust the number of segments per
line to whatever provides adequate numerical stability.
4.2. Diagnosing Problems
The factors described in the previous section are the source of most problems encountered by
new users. Another source of problems is the initial positions of connection points in more
complex mooring systems.
Most problems reveal themselves during initialization, while MoorDyn does a dynamic
relaxation process, running the model with the initial fairlead positions to allow the mooring
system to settle to equilibrium. In the case of instability (NaN results) or other suspected
problems during this stage, the following is a method to see what is happening.
First, ensure that the node position outputs are enabled for each line (set with output flag “p”).
These allow post-process visualization of the mooring line behavior. Then, set TmaxIC = 0. This
will bypass the dynamic relaxation stage and start the simulation only from initial conditions
calculated by the catenary quasi-static algorithm for each line. Connection points will start at
their initial positions as specified in the input file. This mimics the dynamic relaxation process in
a way in which data can be output, in order to see what is actually happening. The only
difference in the model between this normal operation and dynamic relaxation is that the
damping forces cannot be exaggerated. (This is not normally the issue with dynamic relaxation
problems. If it is, it can be solved by just setting CdScaleIC = 1.) Visual analysis of the line
motions given by the above process usually indicates what sort of problem the model is
encountering. Once problems are resolved, the dynamic relaxation initialization can be turned
back on (TmaxIC > 0) and a damping exaggeration (CdScaleIC > 1) can be applied to provide a
faster initialization to static equilibrium.
MD_Init – initializes MoorDyn, including reading the input file, creating the mooring
system data structures, and calculating the initial conditions.
MD_UpdateStates – instructs MoorDyn to run its model from time 𝑡 up to time 𝑡 + 𝑑𝑡𝐶
in a loose coupling arrangement. It accepts inputs about the fairlead kinematics and
returns the fairlead forces at the end of the time integration.
MD_CalcOutput – calculates all requested output quantities based on the provided
states of the mooring system. Requested general output quantities are written to the
MoorDyn output file and also returned to FAST for possible inclusion in the global
output file. Outputs for line-specific files will be written if enabled.
MD_CalcContStateDeriv – contains the core of the MoorDyn model. Based on the
current inputs and state variables, it calculates the instantaneous forces on the mooring
system nodes. From these, it calculates the node accelerations, which are the
derivatives of the state variables that can be integrated to move the model forward in
time. This subroutine is called by MD_UpdateStates in a loose coupling arrangement.
Alternatively, it can be called by the driver program in a tight coupling arrangement. It
is also called by CalcOutput.
MD_End – terminates the MoorDyn portion of the simulation and cleans up memory.
The arguments and operation of these functions follow the FAST Modularization Framework,
which can be referenced for more information. Refer to the source code for details specific to
MoorDyn. This FORTRAN version of MoorDyn is included as a module in FAST v8, available at The MoorDyn F web page is
6. MoorDyn in C++
The C++ version of MoorDyn was written from the beginning with the goal of making the
coupling with other models as simple and generic as possible. In contrast to the FORTAN
version, MoorDyn C functions are designed for coupling arrangements in which models keep
track of their data structures internally and the data passed between models is kept to a
minimum. By working toward generic, minimalistic coupling functions, it should be easier to set
up couplings between different simulation tools, across different programming languages, and
perhaps without requiring source code changes. The source code, Windows binaries, and
examples can be obtained from
Coupling MoorDyn C with other programs relies on a few simple core function calls, as shown
below with their arguments.
LinesInit(double X[], double XD[]) – initializes MoorDyn, loading the MoorDyn input file
and calculating initial conditions based on platform position specified by array X (size 6).
It will write the t=0 output line to any output files.
LinesCalc(double X[], double XD[], double Flines[], double* t, double* dt) – makes
MoorDyn simulate the mooring system starting at time t and ending at time t+dt. The
fairlead kinematics are driven by the platform position and velocity vectors (X and Xd)
which correspond to time t. For each internal MoorDyn time step, the platform velocity
is assumed constant at Xd and the position is adjusted accordingly at each step from the
initial value X. The resulting net mooring force about the platform in six directions is
returned via vector Flines.
LinesClose(void) – This function deallocates the variables used by MoorDyn. It should
be called last before unloading the MoorDyn DLL.
In addition to the core functions, additional functions exist for specific applications. A number
of these functions exist, and the idea is that additional ones can be created as needed, without
altering the fundamental structure of the model. As new functions are created, I hope they will
be shared for the convenience of all users. Several of these additional functions are currently
implemented in the released version:
GetStates (incomplete) and SetStates (incomplete) – these not yet implemented
functions will allow for getting and setting of the full MoorDyn state vector describing
the node positions and velocities. This can allow for saving simulation states for later
continuation, or running the MoorDyn analysis multiple times for a given coupling time
All the above functions are accessible to outside programs so that MoorDyn can be compiled as
a DLL for use with other already-compiled codes. Using these functions, it should be easy to
use MoorDyn with other simulation tools. The following subsections describe simulation tools
that have already been used with MoorDyn C.
%% Initialization
loadlibrary('Lines','MoorDyn'); % load MoorDyn DLL
calllib('Lines','LinesInit',X,XD) % initialize MoorDyn
%% Simulation
XD(1) = 0.1; % give platform 0.1 m/s velocity in surge
for i=1:N
calllib('Lines', 'LinesCalc', X, XD, FLines_p, Ts(i), dt); % some MoorDyn time stepping
FairTens1(i+1) = calllib('Lines','GetFairTen',1); % store fairlead 1 tension
X = X + XD*dt; % update position
Ts(i+1) = dt*i; % store time
%% Ending
calllib('Lines','LinesClose'); % close MoorDyn
unloadlibrary Lines; % unload library (never forget to do this!)
Always ensure that LinesClose is called (calllib('Lines','LinesClose')) and the library is unloaded
(unloadlibrary Lines) before trying to load it again (particularly if the Matlab script hits an error
and doesn’t finish) to avoid Matlab closing or crashing.
The MoorDyn DLL can be loaded and initialized (with the LinesInit function) by placing the
appropriate Matlab code within the InitFcn6 callback function window of Simulink. Similarly,
MoorDyn can be closed (with the LinesClose function) and the DLL unloaded using the CloseFcn
callback function window.
During time stepping, we found it best to call MoorDyn’s LinesCalc and GetFairTen functions
using a separate Matlab function, which can be called in Simulink as a triggered subsystem.
The callback functions can be accessed by right clicking in the Simulink workspace, selecting Model Properties,
then going to the Callbacks tab.
The time stepping can be implemented using a triggered subsystem block connected to a pulse
generator operating at the desired coupling time (𝑑𝑡𝐶 ) of the simulation (shown on left). Inside
this triggered subsystem, a Matlab function block can handle the communication with MoorDyn
(shown on right).
Below is an example of this function. It passes the platform position and velocity as well as the
current time and time step size to LinesCalc. It then gets any output quantities of interest, in
this case fairlead 3 and 4 tensions, and returns them along with the net mooring force vector.
function [ FLines,Line1_Tens ] = MoorDyn_caller( X,XD,Time,CoupTime )
FLines_value = zeros(1,6);
FLines = zeros(1,6);
Line1_Tens = 0;
FLines_p = libpointer('doublePtr',FLines_value);
Line1_Tens = calllib('Lines','GetFairTen',1);
FLines = FLines_p.value;
7. References
[1] M. Hall and A. Goupee, “Validation of a lumped-mass mooring line model with DeepCwind
semisubmersible model test data,” Ocean Engineering, vol. 104, pp. 590–603, Aug. 2015.
[2] M. Masciola, J. Jonkman, and A. Robertson, “Implementation of a Multisigmented, Quasi-
Static Cable Mode,” in Proceedings of the Twenty-third (2013) International Offshore and
Polar Engineering Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 2013.
[3] G. Vissio, B. Passione, and M. Hall, “Expanding ISWEC Modelling with a Lumped-Mass
Mooring Line Model,” presented at the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference,
Nantes, France, 2015.
[4] J. M. Jonkman, “Development and Verification of a Fully Coupled Simulator for Offshore
Wind Turbines,” in 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Wind Energy
Symposium, Reno, Nevada, 2007.
[5] J. M. Jonkman, “The new modularization framework for the FAST wind turbine CAE tool,” in
51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and 31st ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Grapevine,
Texas, USA, 2013.