FS&Law Syllabus 6th Semester

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Year/Se- 3rd Year/ 6th Sem

Course BALLB 601 FS
Objective Students will also be familiarised with the methodologies involved in analysing Forensic
Samples. They will also be provided a background in statistical analysis of data. Students
will get to know the role of investigating organisations in Forensic Science.

This course is planned to acquaint students with:

Course i) Use of Basic Sciences like Biology, Chemistry and Physics in detection of
outcome crime.
ii) Detection of crime with scientific aid.
iii) Use of Forensic Psychology in interrogation of suspects.
iv) Extracting information and data from computer storage media in cybercrimes.
v) To make aware of techno crimes and use of new emerging techniques in crime
vi) To aware them about starting private detective agencies in future.

Unit I Introduction

1.History and Development of Forensic Science

2.Functions of an investigative agency, such as Police

3.Deductive Reasoning

4.Organisational Set-up of Forensic Science Laboratories and Institutes in India

a. Central and State Forensic Science Laboratories

b. Fingerprint Bureau
c. National Crime Records Bureau
d. Directorate of Forensic Science and Mobile Crime Laboratories
e. Police and Detective Training Schools
f. Gujarat Forensic Sciences University
g. Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan National Institute of Criminology and
Forensic Science
h. CID, CBI, RAW and IB

(5). International Agencies dealing with Forensic Science

b. Federal Bureau of Investigation
c. Drug Enforcement Agency
d. Central Intelligence agency
e. Bureau of Forensic Services
f. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Unit II Crime and Crime Scene

1. Crime Scene – types of Crime, Search of Physical Clues, Preservation and

packing and forwarding of Physical Clues, Processing of a Crime Scene
2. Securing/Protecting and Recording the Crime Scene
3. Evidence Collection, preservation, custody – taking of samples for testing them
in laboratories
4. Crime Scene Photography: Proper Documentation of a Crime Scene
5. Photographic Evidence and Log Recording – Mock Crime Scene Photography
6. Forensic Archaeology and Buried Remains Recovery – issues arising from dis-
covery of buried dead bodies
7. Case Study
8. Mock Crime Scene: Combine Techniques to Process and Document a Crime
9. Reconstruction and Evaluation of a Crime Scene
Unit III Identifying Human Remains

1) Identifying the Body: Human or Non-human ?, Skin Coloration, Defensive

Wounds and Other Visible Marks, Postmortem Lividity, Rigor Mortis, Processes of
Decay, Bodies Underwater, other surroundings
2) Hair, Fiber and Botanical Remains
a. Identification and Comparison of Hair
b. Collection and Preservation of Hair Evidence
c. Types of Fibers (dress materials, etc)
d. Identification and Comparison of Manufactured Fibers
e. Collection and Preservation of Fiber Evidence
f. Botanical Remains: Pollen, Seeds, and Other Remains
Unit IV Tools for Forensic Investigation

1) Tools
a. The Role of Medical Examiner and the Autopsy
b. The Nature of Blood, - human, animal, artificial blood, Forensic Characteriza-
tion of Bloodstains, Stain Patterns of Blood
c. Fingerprints, Hipnosis, Polygraphy, Narco Analysis, Brain mapping, DNA pro-
filing, Voice Stress Analysis and Speaker Profiling, Portrait Parle
d. Legality of these tools – Article 20 of the Constitution of India - Cases Stud-
ies: Criminal Law, Civil Law
1. Forensic Psychology
a. Mental Deviance
b. Criminal Profiling
c. Polygraph Analysis
2. Explosives, Firearms and Ballistic Evidence
a. Determining Caliber& Gun Type from Bullets & Shell Casings
b. Determining Weapons Firing from Gunshot Residue
c. Tracing the terrorists through the weapons used – terrorist weapons, devices
3. Forensic Aspects of Arson and Explosion Investigations
a. Searching the Fire Scene
b. Collection and Preservation of Arson Evidence
c. Analysis of Flammable Residues
d. Types of Explosives
e. Collection and Analysis of Explosives
4. Forensic examination of documents
a. Examination of Handwriting
b. Typescript Comparisons
c. Inks and Papers
d. Photocopier, Printer, and Fax Examination
e. Alterations, Erasures, and Obliterations
f. Case studies: Priyamvada Birla case, etc.
5. Recent advances in Forensic Investigation
a. Recognition & Biometrics – Face, Iris & retinal imaging

b. Speech recognition, finger for palm print, gait pattern, signatures,

pattern comparison

c. Computer simulation, Image processing – Image capturing, Image

restoring & enhancement, Image editing, Compression Technique
d. Proactive Forensic science.

Unit V Cyber Forensic.1- Cyber Crimes- definition, IT laws – Introduction, internet, hacking,
virus, obscenity,pornography, programme manipulation, software piracy, intellectual prop-
erty and computer security etc, Encryption and Decryption methods.
2-Search and Seizures of Evidence:- Investigation of cyber crimes and tools for analysis.
3- Imaging of hard disc, restoration of deleted files, password cracking and E-mail
4- Computer aided Analysis:- Introduction, Compute organization, Hardware, Circuits
for interfacing computers to Instruments, Computer Organization – software, Data
representation, The Automated Laboratory

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