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Title Page

Introduction 5
Client's Background 6
Client's Problems 7

Client's Requirements 10

Our Proposed Solution 14

Design Of TheSolution 15
Background Of The Technology 15
Our Solution 16

The Structure 17

Drone Hardware 18

Data & Communication 25

Geostationary Satellites 25

Data & Communication 26

Data & Communication 28

Shortcomings of Infra-Red Radiation 28

Instability Due To Adverse Weather Conditions 29

Title Page

After-Sales Services 31
Warranty 31
Technical Support 33

Extendable Factory Maintenance Service Plans 34

Worldwide Repairing Services 35

Software Updates 37

User Manuals 38
User Manuals and Flight Simulator 40

Subcontracted Services 40
Subcotnracted Services 40

Project Duration and Stages 42

Project Stages 42

Project Duration Timeline 43

Title Page

Cost Breakdown 45
Hardware Cost 45
Software Cost 46

Cost of Subcontracted Services and Cost of After-Sales Services 47

About Us 49
Meet The Team 49
References 50
Client's Background 6
Client's Problem 7
Client's Requirements 10
Our Proposed Solution 14
Client's Background
The Canadian Intelligence Agency is an organisation
jointly working with the Canadian government to
support them achieve their goal of absolute security.
International politics has become volatile, so it is high
time they bolster their military strength. Due to this,
the country has been experiencing an arduous climb
in demand for drones that can not only be used for
surveillance and spying, but also for protecting its
borders. If the corporation can successfully provide
the required drones, they can contribute to
tremendous levels of social welfare. Our clients seek
our assistance so they can achieve their goals.

DroneVironment Technologies Introduction| 06

Client's Problems

Canada's security level could

be increased by addressing
and figuring out certain issues
that deserve special
consideration. Even though
drones currently available on
the market do a good job,
there is still much room for
improvement. Despite the high
costs and complexity of the
current drone market, there
are other issues that need
immediate and specialised
Fig: Puzzle - solving problems

DroneVironment Technologies Design OfIntroduction

The Solution| |07
1. Weak artillery: There is much room for improvements in
both the offence and defence of the drones and aid the
Canadian military. Most of the drones in the market have
weak self defence mechanisms. Most of these flying objects
do not have the capability to identify and dodge missiles nor
the correct technology to use a pistol to aim and shoot.

Fig: Canadian Army

DroneVironment Technologies Design OfIntroduction

The Solution||08
2. Low-flying Elevations: Most
drones in the market are
controlled by radio waves emitted
from the remote control’s antenna
from the ground level. This leads
the drones to have a short-range
of travel horizontally and cannot
go higher in the sky as shown in
the image. There are many
obstacles, such as buildings and
trees, that may hinder the signal
coming from the remote control.

Fig: Low flying drone

3. Low battery life: The issue of

low duration of battery life
imposes a major threat to the
Canadian Government. In any
case, if the drones run out of
charge in the middle of a
mission, sensitive information
might be stolen by the enemies.

Fig: Low battery drone

DroneVironment Technologies Design OfIntroduction

The Solution||09
Client’s Requirements

Our client requires drones with

features that are incorporated with
the latest cutting edge technology
that we have planned through our
very own research and development
based on their stated requirements.
This would allow them to help their
government have increased military
capabilities. With a budget of 4-6
million dollars, they expect to see
some of the features listed below:

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of Introduction

The Solution | 10
Self Defence Mechanism

Fig: Air defence logo

Fig: Air defence logo

1. The drones being fit for A software and hardware

military surveillance, it is design to adapt the “fight
prone to get attacked by its or flight” response is the
enemies. Our clients require key requirement of our
technologies incorporated clients. In the case that the
so that it not only can drones cannot do either of
attack to defend itself but the two, it should be able
also to escape when to self-detonate in order to
situations go out of hand. destroy its data and
prevent theft of sensitive
information from its

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of The

Solution ||10
Fig: Battery-cell Fig: World map

2. Longer battery life: 3. Long Range for control

The duration of its and repair: Our clients
battery life is a key require our developed drones
indicator whether the to travel to any part of the
drone have a good world, without having to
probability of worry about losing its
succeeding on its connectivity. It can not only
be recharged but also have
mission. It should not
repair services available in
turn off due to weak
most parts of the world.
batteries during (Check section 5 for more
important missions. information)

DroneVironment Technologies Introduction | 12

4. Improved camera functionality: As the drones will be
used for surveillance, it requires the features of a long-
distance zoom system, allowing it to capture crisp and
detailed images of ships and other long distance targets
without the risks of it being detected.   The image shows a
Canadian military drone cameras that can be improved. 

Fig: Drone with Camera

DroneVironment Technologies Introduction | 13

Our Proposed Solution
The Visual Studio & Co.

Our proposed solution

 To satisfy our client's needs, we have decided to A mini ballistic missile launcher module will
be developed as a means of self-defence for
customise our drones to their specifications.
the drones. 

Special landing skids will help the drones

The drones will be made of carbon fibre to make
float on water if they need to land on the
them lightweight and sturdy. The additional sea.
components, such as the camera, gimbal, self-
The drones will use radio wave signals to
defence weapons, propellers, etc., will also communicate with geostationary satellites
already in orbit. This will substantially
contain carbon fibre so that attaching these
increase the range of the drones and
components does not substantially increase the eliminate the problem of signals from the
remote control being deflected by trees and
drone's weight.

We will use 4K UHD cameras with 30x Optical

Zoom with gimbals.

The drones will contain graphene batteries

which are lightweight and efficient. 100W fast
charging also allows the drones to recharge
very quickly. With the help of Artificial
Intelligence, the drones will be able to increase
and decrease power output depending on the
power mode. 

Ut pharetra sit amet aliquam id diam maecenas ultricies mi. Justo laoreet sit amet cursus sit amet dictum
DroneVironment Technologies sit amet. Vel orci porta non pulvinar. Introduction | 14
Design Of The Solution

Background Of The Technology 16

Our Solution 17
The Structure 18
Drone Hardware 19
Background Of The Technology

We are developing a unique and

modern kind of Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (UAV) for our client. UAVs The sensors, cameras and missiles work
are also known as drones. With the together to detect and destroy enemy
help of telecommunication, sensors targets. The use of graphene batteries
and Artificial Intelligence (AI), results in remarkable efficiency, and
these drones can be controlled advanced telecommunication with
using a remote control or satellites provides the drones with an
autonomously. Cameras allow the enormous range.
drones to conduct regular surveys
in potentially hazardous areas to
ensure the protection of the people
in those regions.

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of The Solution | 16


Our Solution

The drone we have

developed consists of
all the features we
have previously
mentioned and
many more modern
technologies as well,
and it is suitable to
meet all the
requirements our
clients have

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of The Solution | 17


The Structure

A drone consists of a few essential parts: the frame, motors, propellers,

a battery, a receiver, an electronic speed controller, a camera and a
flight controller. The drone is modular, so the components can be
attached and detached easily. A drone can be controlled using a
remote control. The basic framework is illustrated below:    

Fig. : The Structure of The Drone

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of The Solution | 18

Drone Hardware

The drones will consist of numerous physical components,

some of which include -

The Frame - As shown below,

the drone's frame will be
made of carbon fibre. Carbon
fibre is made of carbon atoms
tightly bonded together in a
long carbon chain. As a result,
these fibres are extremely
stiff, light and robust, making
them excellent building
materials and ideal for the
drone's frame. Carbon fibre
has a strength to weight ratio
much higher than steel or
plastic, so it is as strong as
steel but as light as plastic.
Carbon fibre will make the
drones lightweight and rapid.

Fig. : Carbon fibre frame

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of The Solution | 19


Drone Hardware

Fig. : Motors Fig. : Propellers

Motors - Our drones will contain Propellers - Propellers spin and

brushless motors, which are 10-15% create airflow, resulting in a
more efficient than typical brushed pressure difference between
motors and are also more durable. the top and bottom surfaces,
The motors power the propellers of providing lift and pushing the
drone upwards. Our propellers
the drones. They provide the
will also be made of carbon
spinning motion to the propellers, fibre to make them lightweight
providing lift and allowing the and rigid.
drone to fly. 

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of The Solution | 20


Drone Hardware

Fig. : Receiver
Receiver- Battery - As mentioned The drone will have
above, graphene has two power modes, a
Receivers use
outstanding Turbo Mode for high
their built-in power consumption
antennas to pick electrochemical properties,
and maximum
up microwave which makes it ideal to be output and a Power
used as batteries. We have Saving Mode to save
signals from the
made our batteries battery when
transmitter in required. With the
extremely efficient by
the remote processing graphene into help of Artificial
control and electrodes, which increased
Intelligence, the
transmit them to the energy capacity to 48
drone will switch
between the two
the flight hours and the charging rate power modes
controller. to 100W. efficiently.

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of The Solution | 21


Drone Hardware

Fig.: Sony's IMX682 Image Sensor Fig. : A gimbal

A gimbal similar to the one

Camera - Sony's latest shown above will be used. They
IMX682 Image Sensor will are equipped with motion and
be used (shown above), rotation sensors, which help
allowing it to capture determine how much each axis
108MP images with up to should rotate to keep the
30x Optical Zoom and 8K camera completely stable. The
UHD video. The camera will gimbal allows the camera to
be attached to a carbon rotate smoothly along an axis
fibre gimbal. and easily capture smooth,
high-resolution videos. 

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of The Solution | 22


Drone Hardware

Flight Controller - This is the

brain of a drone. It is
connected to all the drone's
sensors, which provides it with
information like the drone’s
height, orientation, and speed,
which helps the flight
controller determine how the
drone should manoeuvre. Fig. : Flight Controller

Remote Control - The remote control

receives microwave signals from the drone
and also the geostationary satellites to get
precise information about the drone’s
location. The 4K OLED display allows the
users to see the photos or videos

Fig. : Remote Control

captured in real-time. The joysticks are

used to manoeuvre the drone, and the
buttons can be used to launch ballistic
missiles, switch power modes and access
all the other features in the drones.

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of The Solution | 23


Drone Hardware

Fig. : Ballistic Missiles

Self-Defence Mechanism - Each of the

drones will come with 40-millimetre mini
ballistic missiles as shown in the figures
above and below, which can be equipped
when the drones are being sent into
dangerous territory. The missiles can be
used to attack enemy drones or other
machines and can even self-destruct the
drones in case of emergency. The missiles
can be guided or unguided and are easily
controllable using the remote control.
When unguided, the missiles can use the
drone's IR Sensors to avoid hurting vital
body parts of the enemies.

Fig. : Ballistic Missiles

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of The Solution | 24


Drone Hardware

Fig. : Infra-Red Sensors

Fig. : Landing Skids

Infra-Red (IR) Sensors - With the help Landing Skids - The carbon fibre
of the built-in IR sensors shown above, landing skids provide additional
the drones can measure and detect IR ground clearance, which protects
radiation in their surroundings and use the components in the lower part of
night vision to take photos at night. the drone, such as the camera, from
The IR Sensors emit and detect IR damage. They also provide
radiation, so when an object comes additional stability during take-off
near the drone, the radiation is and landing. Floating pads can be
deflected off the object and detected attached to the skids when the
by the sensor. This will help the drones drones are sent to the sea. So, the
navigate in the dark and detect hidden drone can also land on water if
enemy drones. necessary.

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of The Solution | 25

Data & Communication

Geostationary Satellites 27
Virtual Private Network (VPN) 28
Geostationary Satellites

We have worked together with NASA and SpaceX to equip our drones with the
most advanced technology ever found in a drone - communication with
geostationary satellites. The drone and the remote control will communicate
directly via the nearest satellite, thus eliminating the problem of trees, buildings
and other obstacles interfering with the signal from the remote control. Below is
a simple diagram illustrating how the drones will communicate with the remote
control with the help of satellites.

The drones can also now be

controlled from anywhere in the
world. The radio wave signals
from the remote control will be
passed on from one satellite to
another until it reaches the
satellite closest to the drone,
which will then relay the signal to
the drone.

Fig. : Satellite Communication

DroneVironment Technologies Data & Communication | 27

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

An encrypted Virtual
Private Network (VPN)
will be provided. This
will prevent third parties
from accessing the
drones' network and
hacking the drones.
Fig. : A Virtual Private Network (VPN)

The VPN can also be used to store

confidential information such as the
location of the CIA's Headquarters, the
route the drones will take, the locations of
the drones, etc.

DroneVironment Technologies Data & Communication | 28


Shortcomings of infrared radiations 30

Instability due to adverse weather 31

Shortcomings of Infrared Radiation

Despite its high efficiency at detecting

nearby objects without any contact,
when capturing data during night time,
infrared radiation may not be sufficient
to collect data due to its limitations.
These limitations include:

 1. Infrared radiation cannot pass 2. Infrared radiation

through glass. Instead, the rays supports a short range only.
end up bouncing off of the glass As a consequence, it cannot
surface. Due to this shortcoming, cover long distances during
the camera will not be able to nighttime. However, it can
detect anything beyond a glass be used to capture high-
barrier or inside cars that may be
quality images within a
linked to suspicious activities. In
short range.
order to collect data in such
situations, an alternate technology
will have to be adopted, which is
still in progress.

DroneVironment Technologies Limitations | 30

Instability Due to Adverse
Weather Conditions
The drone's trajectory may be affected beyond the user's
control in a number of occassions:

During strong wind: During heavy rainfall:

At high altitudes: This Continuous exposure to
is because with an Even though the drones
are built to withstand water would mean that
increase in altitude, the the chances of droplets
air pressure drops adverse atmospheric
conditions such as during seeping onto the
significantly, thus,
strong winds and can motherboard of the
creating difficulty for
the drone to produce maintain their stability in drone are high,
enough lift in order to extreme conditions with consequently, it can
balance its weight. the help of an advanced affect the drone’s
However, this will not gyroscope, it is propellers by creating
stand as a major issue recommended to not short circuits on the
when operating the operate the drones at motherboard. As a result,
drone, because it is less wind speeds that surpass the drone may stop
likely for the drone to 35mph as it increases the responding to the
fly to such high probability of the drone controller and eventually
altitude under normal to lose its stability and go malfunction during
circumstances. crucial situations. Hence,
Moreover, in case of
it is always better to
miscalculations, the pause the ongoing
built-in altimeter will operation as soon as
detect if the drone flies deteriorating weather
over a certain limit and conditions are detected
will immediately
until it is safe for the
inform the user.
drone to get back to

DroneVironment Technologies Limitation | 31

After-Sales Services

Warranty Process 33
Warranty 34
Technical Support 35
Extendable Factory Maintenance Service Plans 36
Worldwide Repairing Services 37
Software Updates 38
Warranty Process

Fig: Warranty Process

DroneVironment Technologies After-Sales Services | 33


The figure titled Warranty Process

illustrates the procedures that
have to be followed to claim a

▪ We are offering a
replacement warranty of up
to 30 days starting from the
date of purchase. We will be
providing a 2 year service
warranty period.
▪ If a product or part of a
product proves to be
defective due to improper
material or workmanship,
we will repair or replace it
free of charge within the
warranty period.
▪ However, the warranty does
not cover any malfunctions
or defects caused by
incidental damages or

DroneVironment Technologies After-Sales Services | 34


Technical Support

Drone repair and

maintenance are at the core
of what we do, so we have a 
dedicated team of expert
technical assistants available
via our hotlines. We offer
round-the-clock 24/7 technical
support to answer any queries
our clients might have
regarding our solutions,
installation procedures and
give guidelines to solve any
issues faced with our drones. If
the issue is unable to be
resolved remotely, we will
offer maintenance services in
any DroneVironment service

DroneVironment Technologies After Sales Services | 35

2 Extendable Factory Maintenance
Service Plans 

Fig: Repairing and maintenance services being carried out

 UAVs(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or to maintain your drones in

drones are susceptible to the wear optimal working condition. Our
and tear of consistent use and seasoned technicians will
requires regular maintenance to routinely check the condition of
ensure its efficiency. Our service the wire and solder joints, and
centers provide maintenance services address any safety issues
such as examinining the motors and concerning the drones.  These
propellers, and exchanging or service plans can be renewed
repairing parts which are highly after the warranty period is over,
prone to be worn out, in exchange for a fee. 

DroneVironment Technologies After Sales Services | 36


Worldwide Repairing Services

Fig: Map showing our branches of operation and service centres

The map above shows the locations of our branches of

operation. If you are located in a country where we have
no operating branches, you can ship your product to our
service center of the country nearest to you. We will
perform our repairing services and ship it back to your

DroneVironment Technologies After-Sales Services | 37


Software Updates

We will regularly issue

software updates time-to-time
targeted at fixing any
operational bugs and
optimizing battery
management to ensure that
our drones continue to function
efficiently and can support the
latest equipped features. These
updates you enable you to
have an enhanced user
experience during interactions.

 As shown in the figure beside, we will

be creating a system where users will be
able to schedule the software updates
where the updates will be installed
when the drone is not being operated.
This will ensure that the updates do not
hamper any missions.

Fig: Scheduled Updates

DroneVironment Technologies After Sales Services | 38

User Manuals

User Manuals and Flight Simulator 40


User Manuals and Flight


Fig: Demo webpage of virtual drone simulator

Considering the complexity of operating After successful completion of

drones, we will be creating a user the free tutorials, people would
manual and uploading free online be able to access a virtual drone
tutorials for users so that they can flight simulator for a monthly
understand the principles of piloting a payment of 18 dollars only. The
drone and learn how to make the best
flight simulator, the demo of
use of all the different functionalities
which is shown in the figure
equipped with the drone. We will pay
close attention to details. These tutorials above, would closely imitate the
would facilitate the training of the users experience of flying an actual
and would significantly bring down the drone, giving the users a more
costs of training of operators. detailed and hands-on
experience in operating it.

DroneVironment Technologies User Manuals | 40

Subcontracted Services

Subcontracted Services 42

Subcontracted Services
Framing Service Electrical and Wiring Service

Fig: Framing Subcontractor Fig: Electrical Subcontractor

We will obtain framing services Our hired electrical subcontractors will

for the drone’s body from a take over the task of designing
specialized firm.An accurate 3D installing and building the electrical
sketch showing the dimensions of systems inside the drones.
the frame will be sent to the Furthermore, they will be responsible
framing company to create the for assembling the electrical
carbon microfiber frame of the components of the drones and
drone. The hired subcontractor thoroughly checking the operations
will evaluate the reliability of the and performance abilities. 
body frame and check its flight
stability and create it according
to our design.

DroneVironment Technologies Subcontracted Services | 42

Project Duration and

Project Stages 44
Project Duration Timeline 45
Project Stages

No. Project Stage Description of work

Gather information from various
1 and concept sources and brainstorm ideas to
modify the technology as per
development requirement
Create a working model of the product
Making and use it as a foundation for adding
on more specifications

Hardware Purchasing the hardware for building
Ordering the solution
Software Create, program, and debug the
Development software components of the project

Installation of
5 hardware and Install the components and set up the
software product for testing

Test the finished product, check its

6 Testing operability and receive feedback

Identify any usability issues which arise

Refining and improve the design based on the
Prototype feedback provided

Present our product to the client and

8 Launching make it accessible 

Fig: Table showing the project duration and stages

DroneVironment Technologies Project Duration and Stages | 44


Project Duration Timeline

Fig: Project Duration Timeline

The project stages have been described in the table shown on

page 44. The project duration timeline above graphically shows
the duration required for completing each step. The project
duration is estimated to be eight months in total.

DroneVironment Technologies Project Duration and Stages | 45

Cost Breakdown

Hardware Cost 47
Software Cost 48
Cost of Subcontracted Services and Cost of After-Sales 49

Hardware Cost
Hardware Cost

The figure illustrates

the costs required
Drone body 600,000
for the procurement
Flight Controller 250,000 of the hardware
Propellers 160,000 mentioned. The
Graphene batteries 140,000 largest proportion of
the cost has been
Motors 250,000 allocated for the 40-
millimetre mini
108MP Sony IMX862 Image
500,000 ballistic missiles.
Sensor with 30x Optical Zoom
The total cost of this
Gimbal 300,000 segment is
Infrared sensor 360,000
Remote control 160,000
Landing skids with detachable
floating pads
40-millimetre mini ballistic
Fig: Hardware Cost Breakdown

DroneVironment Technologies Cost Breakdown | 47


Software Cost

Software Cost

Operating System 950,000

Virtual Private Network 700,000

Fig: Software Cost Breakdown

The cost for this section divided into 2 components. The cost
for the Virtual Private Network VPN) consists of the fees for
availing a secure VPN service for the drones, which would
keep the information protected. As shown in the table, the
cost for the operating system involves the cost for
incorporating the software with the drones. The total cost
of this segment is HK$1,650,000.

DroneVironment Technologies Cost Breakdown | 48

Cost for Subcontracted Services

Cost for Subcontracted Services

The figure shows the cost
of subcontracting
specialized services from
companies providing
framing and electrical
services. The total cost of
Framing service 200,000 this segment is
Electrical Service 300,000 HK$500,000.
Fig: Cost Breakdown for Subcontracted Services

Cost for After-Sales Services

The figure illustrates the cost Cost for After-Sales Services

for the provision of after-
sales which includes the cost
for writing the user manuals
and developing the software
for the flight simulation.
Repairing and maintenance
costs are not included here, Technical Support 50,000
since they will vary
depending on the case. The User guides, tutorial videos and
total cost of this segment is flight simulator
Software Updates 150,000
Fig: Cost Breakdown for After-Sales Services

DroneVironment Technologies Cost Breakdown | 49

About Us

Meet The Team 51

References 52
Mahir Labib Zuhayr Rahman Chowdhury
Project Team Leader Design Engineer

Attaining his double degree in bachelor of After completing his Undergraduate and
Computer Science and Economics from Master’s Degree from the Mechanical
Georgia-Tech in USA,  Mahir moved to Hong Engineering Department at the University of
Kong to achieve his masters degree in  Hong Kong, Zuhayr has done several
Management. Ever since Dronevironemnt internships and placements, which has given
Technologies moved it’s branch to Hong Kong, him hands-on experience with drones. 
the  projects are generally led by Mahir.

Aisha Akram Labiba Zahin

Technical Engineer Sales Engineer

Aisha, attaining her phD in Electronic Circuits, Labiba graduated from the Chinese university
she decided to join the corporate world and of Hong Kong with a dual Bachelor’s degree in
keep innovating just as she did while doing Engineering Management and Systems
her phD.  She has been working tireless ever Engineering. Before joining the company, she
since she joined the company. worked as a senior sales officer at Seito Ltd. 

DroneVironment Technologies Design Of TheAbout

Us | 10
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DroneVironment Technologies Design Of The

Solution || 56
Contribution Sheet

Mahir Labib

Item Word count

Title Page —

Table of contents —

Client’s Background 90

Client’s Problem 219

Client’s Requirement 280

Company info- Meet the Team 139

Appendix - Contribution Sheet -

Total Count:  728

Zuhayr Rahman Chowdhury

Item Word Count

Background Of The Technology 99

Our Solution 34

The Structure 53

Drone Hardware - Receiver, Battery, Camera, Flight

Controller, Remote Control, Self-Defense Mechanism, 454
Infra-Red (IR) Sensors, Landing Skids

Geostationary Satellites 125

Virtual Private Network (VPN) 53

Total Count:  818

Contribution Sheet
Aisha Akram
Item Word count

Our Proposed Solution 189

Drone Hardware - The Frame, Motors, Propellers 185

Shortcomings of Infrared-Radiation 128

Instability Due to Adverse Weather Conditions 233

Total Count 735

Labiba Zahin
Item Word count

Warranty 92

Technical Support 77

Extendable Factory Maintenance Service Plans 101

Worldwide Repairing Services 55

Software Updates 94

User Manuals and Flight Simulator 141

Subcontracted Services 110

Project Stages 130

Project Duration Timeline 41

Hardware Cost 39

Software Cost 67

Cost for Subcontracted Services and After-Sales Services 83

Total Count: 1030

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