DLL Mapeh - Music 8 August 5-8,2022
DLL Mapeh - Music 8 August 5-8,2022
DLL Mapeh - Music 8 August 5-8,2022
A. Reviewing Previous The teacher will play a music The teacher will play a The teacher will play a The teacher will play
Lesson or Presenting video of the theme song of the music video as an music video of indopop a music video as an
New Lesson famous variety noon time show example of music of music “kor khor study example of music of
in Philippines adopted by the Thailand from the famous hard” Myanmar
Indonesia.” Eat Bulaga theme song of the movie https://www.youtube.com/ https://www.youtube.
(Indonesian Version) Crazy Little thing called watch?v=3M9HlGZl224 com/watch?
“https://www.youtube.co Love “ Someday” Ask students the following v=clbIUL6trdQ
m/watch?v=GNxM4mejV Qo Ask https://www.youtube.com/ questions: Based on the Ask the students the
students the following questions: watch?v=a7uLxA9oSgU dialect /lyrics of the song, following questions: *
1.Based on the dialect /lyrics of Ask the students the what do you think is the Who can guess the
the song, what do you think is following questions: nationality of the singers in nationality of the
the nationality of the singers? * Who can guess the the nursery rhymes? What singer? * How will
2.What have you observed in the nationality of the singer? * have you observed in their you describe the
video? (5 minutes) How will you describe the music? music used in the
music video? ( 5 minutes) video?
(5 minutes) ( 5 minutes)
B. Establishing a Purpose The teacher will play different The teacher will play The teacher will play The teacher will play
for the lesson music used in particular events. different music used in different music used in different music used
1.Wedding particular events. particular events. in particular events.
https://www.youtube.co 1.Wedding 1.Wedding 1.Wedding
m/watch?v=UsA8Ev8UllY https://www.youtube.co https://www.youtube.c https://www.youtube.
&list=PLcIajfnoX1PM5_l m/watch?v=txQ3h04pLN om/watch?v=FDsfCC5H com/watch?
Wc2gBW7CC9MHLi3WT c BFM&spfreload=10 v=VzZ9vh RNPgU
T 2.Religion 2.Religion 2.Religion
2.Religion https:// https:// https://
https://www.youtube.com/watch? www.youtube.com/watch? www.youtube.com/watch? www.youtube.com/
v=7yY7roCNL5Q&list=PLB3791 v=7yY7roCNL5Q&list=PL v=7yY7roCNL5Q&list=PLB watch?
1B40DB8C2E4 B37911B40DB8C2E4 37911B40DB8C2E4 v=7yY7roCNL5Q&list
https://www.youtube.com/watch? https://www.youtube.com/ https://www.youtube.com/ =PLB37911B40DB8
v=AYPHsrJ0cwk watch?v=AYPHsrJ0cwk watch?v=AYPHsrJ0cwk C2E4
3.National Anthem 3.National Anthem https://www.youtube.
3.National Anthem https://www.youtube.co https://www.youtube.co com/watch?
https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=u6CAMOfzlY m/watch?v=u6CAMOfzlY 0 v=AYPHsrJ0cwk
m/watch?v=u6CAMOfzlY 0 Let 0 Let the students guess Let the students guess the 3.National Anthem
the students guess the song the song used. song used. https://www.youtube.
used. (5 minutes) (5 minutes) co m/watch?
(5 minutes) v=u6CAMOfzlY 0 Let
(Suggested activity) ( Activity) (Suggested activity) the students guess
CAROUSEL The teacher will show CAROUSEL the song used.
BRAINSTORMING pictures of the flag of BRAINSTORMING (5 minutes)
Form a group of four. Given cue Thailand, their singers Form a group of four. ( Activity)
words posted on the four corners and musical instruments, Given cue words posted The teacher will
of the classroom, each group will then each group will give on the four corners of the show pictures of flag
go around and discuss with their ideas regarding the classroom, each group will of Myanmar, singers
other groups what they know pictures. Let the students go around and discuss and musical
about Geography and culture of share their insights to the with other groups what instruments. Each
Indonesia. class. they know about group will give their
COSTUME VOCAL and 1. (Flag) History and Geography and culture of ideas regarding the
INSTRUMENTAL background Cambodia. pictures. Let them
MUSIC 2. Singer COSTUME VOCAL share their ideas to
3. Musical instruments INSTRUME the class.
1. (Flag) History and
ELEMENTS 3.Musical
C. Presenting The teacher will post pictures of The teacher will post The teacher will post The teacher will post
Examples/Instances of particular events, then he/she pictures of particular pictures of particular pictures of particular
the Lesson will play music videos of events then he/she play events, then she/he play events, then she/he
Indonesia. Let the students music videos of Thailand. music videos of Cambodia. play music videos of
guess in what event is the music Let the students guess in Let the students guess in Cambodia. Let the
used by picking pictures posted what event is the music what event is the music students guess in
by the teacher. used by picking pictures used by picking pictures what event is the
(10 minutes) posted by the teacher. posted by the teacher. music used by
(10 minutes) (10 minutes) picking pictures
posted by the
teacher. (10 minutes)
D. Discussing New
Concepts and Practicing
New Skills #1
E. Discussing New
Concepts and Practicing
New Skills #2
F. Developing Mastery
(Leads to Formative
G. Finding Practical
Application of Concepts
and Skills in Daily Living
H. Making Generalization The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask
and Abstractions about following questions: following questions: following questions: the following
the Lesson *What is the importance of music
*What is the importance *What is the importance ofquestions:
in terms of historical,
of music in terms of music in terms of historical,
*What is the
geographical and cultural
historical, geographical geographical and cultural importance of music
background of Indonesia. and cultural background background of Cambodia? in terms of historical,
of Thailand. geographical and
*How are musical elements *Are musical elements *How are musical cultural background
important to the music of important to the music of elements important to the of Myanmar.
Indonesia? Thailand? music of Cambodia? *Are musical
(5 minutes) ( 5 minutes) (5 minutes) elements important
to the music of
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating Learning