Q1 Music8 Week1
Q1 Music8 Week1
Q1 Music8 Week1
● analyzes musical elements of selected songs and instrumental pieces heard and performed;
Orientation with the Orientation with the Music of Cambodia Music of Indonesia Music of Myanmar
Advisory Class Subject Teacher
1. Teacher’s Guide
Pages 10-12 13-16 17-19
2. Learner’s Materials
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A.Reviewing previous Activity No. 1 Activity No. 1 Locate on the map the To recall the previous Ask the students the following:
lesson or presenting The class will have a The class will have a countries from the lesson, ask the
the new lesson short self-introduction short self- Southeast Asia. students to enumerate ● What is the musical
(ELICIT) and a game named “who introduction. and describe the
ensemble of Indonesia
is the culprit” or “Step up instruments
to the line” composes the Pinpeat
Ensemble. ● What is/are its distinct
● If you were
given a chance
to visit these
countries, which
one would you
visit first? Why?
B.Establishing a Introduce the objectives Presentation of Present some of the Ask again the The teacher will play a music video
purpose for the lesson (Agenda) for the day. objectives. tourist spots of students to locate as an example of music of
(ENGAGE) Cambodia and ask from the map the Myanmar
them the following: country Indonesia and https://www.youtube.com/watch?
ask them the following v=clbIUL6trdQ
C.Presenting Introduction of Presentation of Ask the students the Name instruments The teacher will post pictures of
examples/ instances of Administration Staffs and Grading system, following: found in the Gamelan particular events, then she/he play
the new lesson Vision Mission. format during written ensemble. music videos of Cambodia. Let the
1.What is Vocal Music?
(EXPLORE) outputs and subject students guess in what event is the
Instrumental Music? music used by picking pictures
class rules.
2.What are the vocal posted by the teacher.
and instrumental music
of Cambodia?
3. What is/are the
characteristics of the
music of Cambodia?
D. Discussing new Activity No. 2 Ice breaker Activity No. 2. The teacher will discuss The teacher will The teacher will discuss briefly
concepts and Discussion on Student Play the game called briefly through a discuss briefly through through a PowerPoint presentation
practicing new skills #1 Handbook “I am going to my PowerPoint a PowerPoint about the Music of Myanmar.
dream country”. The presentation about the presentation about the
teacher will explain Music of Cambodia. Music of Indonesia.
the mechanics.
E.Developing mastey Discuss the class Presentation of the Video-watching! Video-Watching! The teacher will play music used in
(leads to formative schedule, subject topics in quarter one. a particular event of Myanmar such
Watch the video clip of Let the students
assessment) teachers. as: Weddings, religious affairs, and
Pin peat and answer watch two type of
(EXPLAIN) Discuss the grading festivals. Let the students identify
the questions that Gamelan ensemble
system the musical elements used in each
follows: and ask them the
song and in what specific events
questions that follows:
https:// were those songs used.
www.youtube.com/ Javanese Gamelan
watch?v=2tYa-N6cKGY and Balinese
Gamelan. (10 mins)
1.In three to five
sentences, describe
how the pin peat
musicians play their
instruments? 1. In three to five
2.How many sentences, describe
instruments were how the Javanese
needed to form the pin and Balinese
peat? musicians play their
3.Are their instruments instruments?
made of wood or 2. How many
metal? instruments were
needed to form the
pin peat?
3. Are their
instruments made of
wood or metal?
F.Making Discuss the class The learners will A.Ask the students to Compare the two The teacher will play a music video
generalizations and schedule, subject share to the class identify the instruments gamelans by filling in with lyrics of the Myanmar music
abstractness to the teachers. their expectations of of the Pinpeat the table. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
lesson Discuss the grading the subject. Ensemble. v=EAiJZvqIBOQ
Javanese Balinese
(ELABORATE) system Gamelan Gamelan
Let the students sing songs of
Myanmar. Ask them how they felt
as they were singing the song.
H.Additional activities
for application and
A.Number of learners
who earned 80% in the
evaluation: _________
B.Number of learners
who scored below 80%
who needs additional
activities for
E.Which of my
teaching strategy/ies
worked well? Why did
this work?
G.What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?