Fuel Gas Syastem Op Manual Compress
Fuel Gas Syastem Op Manual Compress
Fuel Gas Syastem Op Manual Compress
COLOUR CODING..............................................................................................................................10
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION.........................................................................................................13
A. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................13
B. DUTY OF UNIT....................................................................................................................13
C. DESCRIPTION OF THE FLOW........................................................................................14
D. DESIGN BASIS.....................................................................................................................15
E. UTILITIES AND CHEMICALS – DESIGN BASIS.........................................................17
3. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT.....................................................................................................26
A. GENERAL.............................................................................................................................26
B. SHUTDOWN VALVES.........................................................................................................26
C. EMERGENCY BLOWDOWN VALVES............................................................................27
D. PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES............................................................................................27
E. EMERGENCY ALARMS....................................................................................................28
F. CAR SEALED VALVES.......................................................................................................29
5. START-UP......................................................................................................................................57
A. GENERAL.............................................................................................................................57
B. PRELIMINARY CHECKS..................................................................................................57
C. LINING UP OF FUEL GAS SYSTEM................................................................................59
7. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN.......................................................................................................68
A. GENERAL.............................................................................................................................68
B. UTILITY FAILURE.............................................................................................................68
C. OTHER FAILURES.............................................................................................................70
8. MAJOR EQUIPMENT.................................................................................................................72
A. SPECIFICATIONS OF EQUIPMENT...............................................................................72
B. INSTRUMENT SUMMARY................................................................................................76
9. DRAWINGS.......................................................................................................................................95
10. SAFETY.........................................................................................................................................97
A. GENERAL.............................................................................................................................97
B. GOOD HOUSE KEEPING..................................................................................................98
C. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT..................................................................................98
D. USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT........................................................................................98
E. CHEMICAL HAZARDS....................................................................................................100
11. APPENDIX..................................................................................................................................103
A. CONVERSION TABLE......................................................................................................103
B. GENERAL PRE START-UP PROCEDURES..................................................................105
D. MISCELLANEOUS............................................................................................................111
A/G Aboveground
AAH Analyser Alarm High
AE Analyser Element
AI Analyser Indicator
AI Acoustic insulation
A/M Auto/ Manual
AT Analyser Transmitter
AIC Analyser Indicating Controller
ASC Anti surge controller
ARWU Anti-reset wind up
AGC Automatic gain control
BA Burner Alarm
BC Burner Controller
BD Blowdown
BDV Blowdown Valve
BE Burner Element
BG Blanket gas
BRV Breathing Valve
BI Burner Indication
BMS Burner Management System
BS&W Bottom sediment and water
C Compressor
CA Combustion air
CC Insulation for cold conservation
CAD Closed amine drain
CHD Closed Hydrocarbon drain
CSC Car Seal Close
CSO Car Seal Open
CC Corrosion Coupon
CD Continuous drainer
XS Miscellaneous Switch
XSP Sand Probe
XSV Solenoid Operated Valve (May be prefixed)
XV Miscellaneous Valve
XY Miscellaneous Transducer or Function
ZA Position Fault Alarm
ZLC Position Indicator Light Closed (May be prefixed)
ZLO Position Indicator Light Open (May be prefixed)
ZSC Position Switch Closed (May be prefixed)
ZSO Position Switch Open (May be prefixed)
A/M Auto / Manual
AGC Automatic Gain Control
ARWU Anti-Reset Wind Up
ASC Anti Surge Controller
BS&W Bottom Sediment And Water
CCR Central Control Room
ESD Emergency Shutdown System
FC Fail Closed
FL Fail Locked
FO Fail Open
FPP Fuel Preparation Panel
GAP GAP Control
IA Instrument Air
I/F Interface
LCS Local Control Station
MCC Motor Control Center
RTD Resistance Temperature Detector
RSP Remote Setpoint
SBY Stand By
SP Setpoint
T/C Thermocouple
TSO Tight Shut-Off
UCP Unit Control Panel
May be prefixed:
B Blowdown
F Flow
H Hand
L Level
P Pressure
T Temperature
S Shutdown
X Miscellaneous
The fuel gas in Attahaddy Plant is a common system for both processing trains. The primary source
of the fuel gas is taken from the Condensate Flash Drums (D-5101 / D-5201) and Amine Flash
Drums (D-3103 / D-3203). Make up fuel gas is taken from the export gas stream down stream of
the Mercury Removal Unit (D-7001).
Backup / start up fuel gas can be supplied from the main 36” gas transmission pipeline by back
flowing along the 30” gas export trunk line.
The main users of the fuel gas are the GTG’s, MEG Reboilers and the Heating Medium Furnaces.
Pure sales gas is used for blanketing, purging, and pilot burners start up.
Design capacity of the Fuel Gas System is summarized in the following table:
Vapour from the Condensate Flash Drums (D-5101 / D-5201) is combined and fed to Fuel Gas
Super Heater (E-6401 A / B) which ensures that there is no liquid drop out from the fuel gas. From
the Super Heater (E-6401 A / B), the gas is routed to the Fuel Gas Scrubber (D-6401) to knockout
any liquid carried over.
Vapour from this vessel is distributed along with the export sales gas make-up and the flashed gas
from Amine Flash Drums (D-3103 / D-3203) as follows:
(refer to Utility Flow Diagram C2-0053 in Annex 4 and P&ID C2-0184 in Annex 5).
The primary source of the LP fuel gas is the outlet vapour of the Fuel Gas Scrubber (D-6401). Gas
from the Amine Flash Drums (D-3103 / D-3203) is also routed to the LP fuel gas system in a 3”
header under pressure control. LP fuel gas is supplied under pressure control. LP fuel gas is
supplied under pressure control in an 8” header to the MEG Reboilers (F-4101 / F-4201) and the
Heating Medium Furnaces (F-3101 A / B / C).
The only users of HP fuel gas which is essentially export sales gas quality are the power
generators. Any Condensate Flash Drums gas which is available after supplying the LP fuel gas is
combined with as much export sales gas as necessary to supply the generators.
The export sales gas line is tied in to the Fuel Gas Scrubber outlet vapour under pressure control
upstream and downstream of the tie-in point. From the gas plant fence, the HP fuel gas is routed to
the Power Plant via a 6” buried pipe line.
A further conditioning of the HP fuel gas is performed upstream of the GTG by heating it up in the
Electric Heater (E-8001) before being passed through the Liquid K.O Drum (D-8001).
This gas is only supplied from the export sales line downstream of the Mercury Removal Unit (D-
7001) due to its purity and low dew point. The gas is taken under pressure control and distributed
in a network providing blanket gas , pilot gas and purge gas for the entire plant facilities.
The blanket gas is used to maintain pressure in the following chemical storage tanks and surge
- Amine Drain Drums D-3102 / D-3202
- Amine Flash Drums D-3103 / D-3203
- Amine Surge Drums D-31105 / D3205
- Amine Storage Tank TK-3001
- Heating Medium Expansion Drum D-3002
- Heating Medium Drain Drum D-3003
- Heating Medium Storage Tank TK-3002
- MEG Flash Drums D-4106 / D-4206
Pilot gas is used to start the pilot burners of the Heating Medium Furnaces (F-3001 A / B / C),
MEG Reboilers (F-4101 / F-4201), and the flare stack.
Purge gas is used to provide continuous purging for the LP and HP flare headers. Purge gas
connections are also provided at the inlet of the Test Separator D-2001, the Production Separators
(D-2101 / D-2201) and the Low Temperature Separators (D-4102 / D-4202) for purging and liquid
drainage during train shutdown.
The Fuel Gas system does comply with the design philosophy that no single piece of equipment
should be responsible for the shutdown of the plant. Therefore, the fuel gas system is equipped so
that all equipment that required maintenance (heat exchangers, control valves) can be taken out of
service without a shutdown of the system.
Fuel gas taken from the Condensate Flash Drums (D-5101 / D-5201) is a saturated vapour with
high CO2 content (7.5-8.5 mole %). Therefore, to avoid the possibility of having liquid in the fuel
gas system, this gas is heated in a double-pipe heat exchanger (E-6401 A / B) up to 225 °F for the
high temperature case and 185°F for the low temperature case. In addition, all the LP and HP fuel
gas lines as well as the Fuel Gas Super Heaters and the Fuel Gas Scrubber are insulated for heat
To header From sources
HP LP BG Downstream* Condensate Flash Dram Rich Amine Flash
D-7001 D-5101/D-5201 Drum D-3103
Nitrogen 0.24 0.11 0.28 0.27 0.10 0.14
CO2 0.96 11.70 1.27 0.09 5.11 9.90
Methane 83.28 68.02 85.91 86.85 66.23 76.93
Ethane 9.98 12.60 8.69 8.83 15.47 6.00
Propane 3.21 4.35 2.45 2.51 6.57 1.92
i-Butane 0.85 1.11 0.59 0.61 1.97 0.18
n-Butane 0.70 0.94 0.47 0.49 1.75 0.36
i-Pentane 0.32 0.42 0.19 0.20 0.90 0.09
n-Pentane 0.16 0.22 0.09 0.09 0.49 0.05
C6’s 0.12 0.18 0.05 0.05 0.44 0.06
C7’s 0.04 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.19 0.02
C8’s 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00
H2O 0.12 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.67 4.33
Table 1-2
Fuel Gas Composition for the Low Temperature Case
To header From sources
HP LP BG Downstream Condensate Flash Dram Rich Amine Flash
D-7001 D-5101/D-5201 Drum D-3103
Nitrogen 0.25 0.11 0.28 0.28 0.11 0.14
CO2 3.21 11.70 1.27 1.27 11.71 11.48
Components High Calorific Gas Normal Calorific Gas Low Calorific Gas
Mole % Case Case Case
N2 0.41 0.79 1.32
CO2 1.58 3.19 4.45
C1 87.21 83.02 78.47
C2 4.91 8.63 12.56
C3 2.41 2.30 2.64
IC4 0.65 0.45 0.26
NC4 0.87 0.56 0.25
IC5 0.53 0.29 0.02
NC5 0.47 0.26 0.02
C6 0.39 0.21 0.01
C7 0.57 0.30 0.00
C8 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00
Mol. Wt. 19.85 20.02 20.19
Gross Heating 1159 1122 1091
Value, BTU/SCF
Net Heating Value 1057 1023 995
The utilities for Fuel Gas System are instrument air and heating medium.
Three two-stage reciprocating air compressors, C-6301A/B/C, (in Package X- 6301A/B/C) supply
the plant and instrument air requirements. The plant air is distributed from the Plant Air Receiver,
D-6301, and supplies feed to the Instrument Air Dryer Package, X-6302A/B, which contains two
dryer sets. Instrument air is distributed from the Instrument Air Receiver, D-6302, to all users.
The Instrument Air pressure is 125 PSIG.
Heating Medium
Heating medium supply is used by the Fuel Gas Superheaters E-6401 / E-6402 for heating the gas
which comes from Condensate Flash Drums D-5101 / D-5202.
Heating medium supply temperature is 320 F and heating medium return temperature is 265 F.
H2O 50
TEG 50
This is a hairpin type heat exchanger providing 100°F of super heat using the heating medium
supply available at the plant. A 10% over surface design margin has been included in the design. A
100% spare exchanger is installed to facilitate service / maintenance work to be carried out without
causing plant shut down or flaring of Condensate Flash Drum vapour from both trains.
Temperature control is provided by a temperature controller on the warm gas outlet line (640-TIC-
03) which acts on a temperature control valve (640-TCV-03) in the heating medium outlet line. The
same controller is equipped with high and low temperature alarms.
Temperature and pressure of all gas and heating medium inlet and outlet lines to / from the
exchanger are monitored from field by local temperature and pressure gauges.
The set points / operating condition of E-6401 A/B are provided in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1
Set points and alarm levels for Fuel Gas Super Heater (E-6401 A/B)
PSV is not installed on E-6401 A/B. When E-6401 is not in service, make sure that block valve on
Heating Medium Supply line to E-6401 is closed. In order to make sure that pressure of E-6401
A/B will not exceed the design pressure of 500 psig the block valve in gas side downstream of E-
6401 A/B are made to be CSO.
The pressure of E-6401 can exceed 500 psig only in follow scenario:
1) Stop heating medium supply
2) Close inlet block valve of gas side and open outlet block valve of gas side
3) Wait until the shell side temperature to fall below 70 F while keeping shell side
pressure at operating pressure of 350 psia.
4) Close outlet block valve of gas side at below 70 F.
5) Supply heating medium to reach 320 F, which is heating medium supply temperature,
while keeping gas side blocked.
6) Then shell side can rich 500 psig.
The Fuel Gas Scrubber (D-6401) is a vertical two-phase separator. A 10% design margin has been
applied to the gas and liquid flow rates for sizing the vessel. The vessel dimensions are 3’-0” ID X
9’-0” H (T/T). The maximum pressure drop across the vessel including the inlet and outlet nozzles
is limited to 2 psi.
High liquid level alarm (640-LAH-01) is provided in the control room to warn the operator in case
of liquid accumulation. Any liquid gathered in the vessel is manually drained.
Pressure in the Fuel Gas Scrubber (D-6401) is monitored in the control room through (640-PI-04)
equipped with high and low pressure alarms.
Set points and alarm levels for D-6401 are provided in Table 2-2.
Table 2-2
Set points and Alarms Levels for The Fuel Gas Scrubber (D-6401)
The LP Fuel Gas is under two independent pressure controllers (640-PIC-08) and (640-PIC-10)
installed down stream of two parallel control valves (640-PCV-8) and (640-PCV-10) respectively.
Two controllers and valves are provided to ensure continued operation if one of the loops fails for
any reason. LP fuel gas down stream of the valves is distributed to the end users at pressure of 55
High and low pressure alarms are provided in the DCS on (640-PIC-08) and (640-PIC-10).
Deviation alarms (640-XA-08) and (640-XA-10) are provided in the DCS and will activate if the
measured variable deviates from the set point by more than 5 psi.
Temperature and pressure gauges (640-TI-02) and (640-PI-08) are provided to monitor temperature
and pressure of the LP fuel gas header from field.
Table 2-3 provides the set points and alarm levels for the Low Pressure fuel gas header.
Table 2-3
Set points and alarm levels for the Low Pressure Fuel Gas Header
High and low pressure alarms are provided in the DCS on pressure controller (640-PIC-05).
Deviation alarm (640-XA-05) is provided in the DCS and will activate when the measured variable
deviates from the set point by more than 5 psi.
When HP fuel gas pressure is high due to surplus supply of gas than consumption or mal-operation
of PCV or any other reasons, the pressure is released through 640-PCV-07 by venting the fuel gas
to flare.
Total sales gas for fuel is metered up stream of the pressure control valves (640-PCV-04 / 05). The
measured flow is pressure and temperature compensated and displayed in the DCS on (640-FI-03 /
02). HP fuel gas to GTG is measured down stream of the pressure control valves (640-PCV-04 /
05). The measured flow is pressure and temperature compensated and displayed in the DCS on
(640-FI-01 / 02).
Table 2-4 provides set points and alarm levels for HP fuel gas header.
Table 2-4
Set points and alarm levels for the HP Fuel Gas Header
Two independent pressure controllers (640-PIC-11) and (640-PIC-12) are installed on the blanket /
pilot / purge gas header acting on two parallel control valves (640-PCV-11) and (640-PCV-12)
respectively. These two valves drop the Blanket / Pilot / Purge gas pressure down to 135 psig
before being distributed to units 300, 400, and 900.
High and low pressure alarms are provided in the DCS on (640-PIC-11) and (640-PIC-12).
Deviations alarms (640-XA-11) and (640-XA-12) are provided in DCS and will activate if the
measured variable deviates from the set point by more than 5 PSI.
Temperature and pressure gauges (640-TI-09) and (640-PI-09) are provided to monitor temperature
and pressure of the Blanket / Pilot / Purge gas header from field.
Table 2-5 provides set point and alarm levels for the Blanket / Pilot / Purge gas header.
Table 2-5
Set points and Alarm Levels for the Blanket / Pilot / Purge Gas Header
To ensure safe operation of the fuel gas system of the Attahaddy plant, suitable shutdown valves,
blowdown valves, car sealed valves and pressure relief valves have been provided. All these
facilities are shown on the Piping and Instrument Diagrams in section (9) of this manual. All
pressure relief valves and the blowdown valves in the fuel gas system are connected to the high
pressure relief header.
An emergency shutdown valve (640-SDV-01) is installed on the 6” sales gas make up line down
stream of the Mercury Removal Unit (D-7001). This valve closes in case of emergency (ESD1) and
by DCS push button (640-PBC-01). In this case, fuel gas to GTG’s continue from the 30” sales gas
trunk line.
An emergency shutdown valve (640-SDV-02) is provided on the common inlet gas line to the Fuel
Gas Super Heater (E-6401 A/B) to isolate the fuel gas system in case of ESD1. The same valve is
also closed by DCS push button (640-PBC-02).
A check valve is installed on the heating medium lines up stream of each Super Heater. In addition,
a pressure switch high high (640-PSHH-01A/B) is installed on the heating medium lines
downstream of each Super Heater which provides a signal to close the shutdown valves (640-SDV-
03 A/B) in the event of tube rupture. Thus providing isolation of the heating medium system from
the fuel gas system. This shutdown valve is also closed by DCS push button (640-PBC-03 A/B).
Manual isolation valves on the outlet gas line of each exchanger are normally car seal open (CSO)
to avoid over heating of the gas side if isolated while the heating medium is flowing.
An emergency shutdown valve (640-SDV-04) is provided on the Fuel Gas Scrubber outlet vapour
line to isolate the vessel from HP fuel gas header in case of an emergency (ESD1). The shutdown
valve is also closed by the DCS push button (640-PBC-04).
All emergency shutdown valves are reset from field and reopened only when the differential
pressure across the valve is not higher than 5 psi.
Depressurization of the fuel gas system between (640-SDV-02) and (640-SDV-04) in case of
emergency (ESD1) is carried out through the blowdown valve (640-BDV-01). This blowdown
valve is also opened by DCS push button (640-PBO-01).
Over-pressure protection of the entire Fuel Gas system is provided in the first instance by the
pressure controller (640-PIC-07) installed on the HP fuel gas header and set at 335 psig. The
pressure controller is equipped with high pressure alarm and acts on the pressure control valve
(640-PCV-07) diverting the extra fuel gas flow to the HP flare header.
Second over pressure protection of the fuel gas system is provided by the pressure relief valves
(640-PSV-01/02) installed on the outlet vapour line of the Fuel Gas Scrubber (D-6401). These
valves are set at 500 psig and sized for full flow of the fuel gas system.
Pressure relief valve (640-PSV-01) is normally on line. The isolation valves upstream and
downstream of (640-PSV-01) are car sealed open. Pressure relief valve (640-PSV-02) is normally
standby. The isolation valves upstream and downstream of (640-PSV-02) are normally car sealed
close and car seal open respectively. If pressure relief valve (640-PSV-01) is removed for
maintenance, then isolation valve upstream of (640-PSV-02) is changed to car sealed open until
(640-PSV-01) is put back to service.
In the event that HP fuel gas header is isolated from the remaining fuel gas system by the shutdown
valve (640-SDV-04), then HP fuel gas header is over pressure protected by the pressure relief
valves (700-PSV-01/02) installed on the export sales gas line and set at 720 psig. Details of
pressure relief valves (700-PSV-01/02) are provided in volume 6 (Mercury Removal Unit & Sales
Gas) of the operating manual.
Pressure relief valves installed in the fuel gas system, their location, set pressure and size are
tabulated as follow:
During the pre-commissioning period, all components of the plant must be checked to ensure that
they have been installed correctly and are in a state of readiness for the introduction of feedstock.
Faults found during the pre-commissioning activities should be rectified by whichever party is
contractually responsible - Engineering, Contractor, Vendor, Constructor, Main Constructor – until
the specification requirements are fully satisfied. Following the repairs retesting of the item may
be required prior to start-up.
Before commencing feed into the plant a number of equipment specific process operation checks
must be performed. These checks and operations shall be according to the pre start-up procedures.
When all works are completed, the equipment, piping and valves should be lined up for purging
and introduction of hydrocarbons and process materials. All flanges should be tight, plugs, caps
and blank flanges must be installed. The system must have been leak tested. Blinds should be
installed wherever required, before the system is ‘ready for operation’.
The relief and blowdown network system and the required utilities should be available, prior to the
system start-up.
Verify that all hydrostatic testing of piping and vessels has been completed, witnessed and
approved. Each vessel and associated piping shall be leak tested. It is very important to ensure
that no leaks exist.
The cleaning of piping can be made with air. Refer to 11.C ‘General Pre Start-up Procedures’ for
the general air blowing procedure.
Verify that all vessels have been opened after cleaning to visually inspect for large foreign objects.
Dewatering shall be performed during the air blowing. The air blowing shall continue until the
equipment and piping is clean and dry.
Commissioning of Utilities
The instrument and plant air system function checks shall be completed and the system shall be
made ready for service
Verify that all Analysers have been calibrated and are ready for service
Verify that all PSV’s have been tested within the previous 90 days.
To change over from the in service 640-PSV-01 to the stand-by 640-PSV-02 proceed as follows:
Open 640-CSC- 01
Close 640-CSO-10
Close 640-CSO-12
Open ¾”VB021 bleed valve for depressurize the line upstream of 640-PSV-01
To change over from the in service 300-PSV-13A to the stand-by 300-PSV-14A proceed as
300-PSV-13B is set at 500 PSIG and protects the Heater Fuel Gas K.O. Drum D-3005B from
overpressure. The PSV discharges to the HP Flare Header.
When this valve is in service the upstream line 2”-B7-FG-30090 block valve is car sealed open
(300-CSO-14) and the downstream at line 2”-A15-F-30015 block valve is also car sealed open
To change over from the in service 300-PSV-13B to the stand-by 300-PSV-14B proceed as
To change over from the in service 300-PSV-13C to the stand-by 300-PSV-14C proceed as
Open 300-CSC- 10.
Close 300-CSO-17.
Close 300-CSO-19.
Open ¾”VB066 bleed valve for depressurize the line upstream 300-PSV-13C.
300-PSV-14A is set at 500 PSIG and protects the Heater Fuel Gas K.O. Drum D-3005A from
overpressure. The PSV discharges to the HP Flare Header
When this valve is on stand-by the upstream line block valve is car sealed closed
(640-CSC-08). The downstream line block valve is car sealed open (640-CSO-12).
300-PSV-14B is set at 500 PSIG and protects the Heater Fuel Gas K.O. Drum D-3005B from
overpressure. The PSV discharges to the HP Flare Header
When this valve is on stand-by the upstream line block valve is car sealed closed
(640-CSC-09). The downstream line block valve is car sealed open (640-CSO-15).
300-PSV-14B is set at 500 PSIG and protects the Heater Fuel Gas K.O. Drum D-3005C from
overpressure. The PSV discharges to the HP Flare Header
When this valve is on stand-by the upstream line block valve is car sealed closed
(640-CSC-10). The downstream line block valve is car sealed open (640-CSO-18).
Verify that the UPS system and the Emergency Generator function checks are completed and the
system is ready for service
Verify that all PI’S, TI’S, and DCS measurements of pressure and temperature agree or, if they are
some distance away, correspond with one another according to expectation. If not, the end devices
should be replaced or calibrated.
Plant Line-up
Leak testing is most efficiently done by dividing the system into sections with a conveniently sized
grouping of vessels/equipment
Ways of re-using air are managed to optimise air use and time. A smaller system can be
depressured and repressured saving time and material when a leak repair needs the system to be
depressured. Air in the FG System, whether a leak is found or not, could be passed in part onto the
flare and blow down systems.
Safety Caution: When the flare system contains flammable materials. Air must never be purged to
the flare system to avoid the possibility of explosive mixtures occurring within that system.
There are logical and practical limits to the system sizes selected and for the rates of pressure
increase for air going into valved towers, filters or into low pressure rated equipment.
The test pressure is determined by the normal operating conditions, design pressure, type of service
fluid handled and the utility air supply pressure.
If sufficient manpower is available, together with sufficient compressed air supply, it would enable
parallel work on units, or on both trains to be performed. If large leaks are found the repair time
period will probably be reduced.
Fuel gas although a utility system is covered in this section as it is supplied from process gas
streams. (Trunk line, the lines from Sales Gas System to Fuel Gas System, the lines from
Condensate Flashing systems to Fuel Gas system and the lines from the Amine Flash Drum
systems to Fuel Gas system).
The Fuel Gas system after the fire fighting, start-up power, control and other utility systems is the
Leaks are indicated by decreasing test system pressure and may be audible. Pressure reduction
may also be due to a valve leak to another section. The pressure in downstream equipment should
be monitored frequently.
A search is made methodically for leaks at all flanges, valve packing followers and threaded
fittings. All flanges shall be taped up and a detergent solution from plastic spray bottles or with a
brush is applied to the top hole in the tape, at packing or where threads join. Any bubbling of the
solution indicates a leak. Mark and record the leak locations for repair. After repairing leaks,
these shall be re-tested with soapy water solution. After testing and repairs are complete reinstall
the seal tape.
When the test pressure is achieved, the system will be monitored for at least one hour and any
excessive pressure loss over the period will be investigated. Sections undergoing tightness tests
will remain under close supervision and will be depressurised as soon as practicable after the test is
If leaks cannot be tightened up, for example when a gasket replacement is required, check the
remainder of the system before depressuring. Then all repairs can be attended to together.
There may however be convenient valving to isolate the leak, at a control valve for example.
Condensate Flash Drums D-5101, at the ¾”VB071 drain valve upstream of 510-PCV-01
on line 3”-B9-FG-51001. Install in the closed position the slip on blind on line 3”-B9-
FG-51001 at the outlet of drum D-5101. 510-PCV-01 shall be in manual mode control,
open 50 per cent.
Refer to the following P&ID’s C2-0170, C2-0171, C2-0184, C2-0185, C2-0801, C2-0172, C2-0272,
X-4201-014, X-4101-012, C2-0189, C2-0289, C2-0191, C2-0139C, C2-0119, C2-0219, C2-0141A,
C2-0141B, C2-0141C, C2-0138, C2-0144, C2-0135, C2-0145, C2-0110A, C2-0111A, C2-0211A, C2-
0109 4 of 4, C2-0107 4 of 4, C2-0123, C2-0223, C2-0134, C2-0234, C2-0126, C2-0226, C2-0155, C2-
0255, X-4101-013, X-4201-015, C2-0801
The status of the valves included in the procedure is shown in the following tables:
Tape all flanges in the FG systems. The tape can be plastic adhesive or masking tape. The
space between the flanges should be airtight after taping. Perforate the tape at its high
point with a pencil or object giving a small hole, ¼-inch or less.
During the tests access to the area should be controlled. Access ladders/scaffolding should
be installed at such locations where required, until the work is complete.
Open the air supply valves and increase the pressure in FG systems by a maximum of 40
PSIG/hour. When the pressure reaches 50 PSIG, close the air supply. Perform leak
tests, record data and repair leaks.
After the leak test has been successfully completed, close the isolating valves 4”VB014 on
the lines: 4”-B7-FG-64003, 4”-B7-FG-64031 and 8”VB014 valves on the lines: 8”-B7-
FG-64013 and 8”-B7-FG-64032.
Note: The blind evidence shall be strictly kept including the installation and removal dates Refer to
Annex 01.
Refer to the following P&ID’s C2-0170, C2-0171, C2-0184, C2-0185, C2-0801, C2-0172, C2-
0272, X-4201-014, X-4101-012, C2-0189, C2-0289, C2-0191, C2-0139C, C2-0119, C2-0219, C2-
0141A, C2-0141B, C2-0141C, C2-0138, C2-0144, C2-0135, C2-0145, C2-0110A, C2-0111A, C2-
0211A, C2-0109 4 of 4, C2-0107 4 of 4, C2-0123, C2-0223, C2-0134, C2-0234, C2-0126, C2-
0226, C2-0155, C2-0255, X-4101-013, X-4201-015, C2-0801.
The status of the valves included in the procedure are shown in the following table:
Note: Status of other valves are as shown for the FG Systems air leak test at 50 PSIG.
Open the air supply valves and increase the pressure in FG systems by a maximum 40
PSIG/hour. When the pressure reaches130 PSIG, close the air supply. Perform leak
tests, record data and repair leaks.
After the leak test has been successfully completed, close the isolating valves 2”VB013 on
the lines: 2”-B7-FG-64002, 2”-B7-FG-64011, 2”-B7-FG-64001.
Initially not all BG/Pilot/Purge fuel gas consumers shall be in service, these must be
isolated from the FG system using temporary blinds.
Note: The blind evidence shall be strictly kept, including the installation and removal dates Refer to
Annex 02.
Refer to the following P&ID’s C2-0170, C2-0171, C2-0184, C2-0185, C2-0801, C2-0172, C2-
0272, X-4201-014, X-4101-012, C2-0189, C2-0289, C2-0191, C2-0139C, C2-0119, C2-0219, C2-
0141A, C2-0141B, C2-0141C, C2-0138, C2-0144, C2-0135, C2-0145, C2-0110A, C2-0111A, C2-
0211A, C2-0109 4 of 4, C2-0107 4 of 4, C2-0123, C2-0223, C2-0134, C2-0234, C2-0126, C2-
0226, C2-0155, C2-0255, X-4101-013, X-4201-015, C2-0801.
When the GTG's are ready, perform the leak test to the limit of the GTG's.
Open the air supply valves and increase the pressure in FG systems by a maximum 40
PSIG/hour. When the pressure reaches 320 PSIG, close the air supply. Perform leak
tests, record data and repair leak.
After the leak test has been successfully completed, close the isolating valves 6”VB020 v
on the lines: 6”-B9-FG-80007 and 6”-B9-FG-80008 and install 6” temporary blinds down
stream of the 6”VB020 valves. Refer to P&ID C2-0801.
Install blinds on the drain lines of the Fuel Gas Scrubber D-6401 on the lines: 2”-A8-D-
64002 and 1”-A8-D-64004:
Note: The blind evidence shall be strictly kept, including installation and removal dates. Refer to
Annex 03.
Safety Caution: The flare test pressure must be restricted to 40 psig maximum. Senior
Supervision to be present during the testing of this system.
When the pressure in the FG and Flare systems are equal all the valves on the blanket gas to flare
shall be closed. Put the setpoint for 640-PCV-07 at 330 PSIG.
Depressurize the FG systems to atmospheric pressure using 2”VB013 vent valve from the Fuel
Gas Scrubber D-6401.
Using the same air connection points as above, the nitrogen supply shall be fixed for nitrogen
purging of the FG systems.
The status of the FG systems is the same as indicated for the air leak test at 50 PSIG.
Nitrogen purging is necessary to displace oxygen remaining in the fuel gas system.
Verify that the Flare System air leak test has been completed successfully and is depressurized.
Safety Caution: Nitrogen is colourless and odourless. Nitrogen acts as a asphyxiant by displacing
air and can cause rapid suffocation, one breath of nitrogen can kill. Work in pairs and wear self
contained (SC) breathing kits when adjacent to nitrogen leaks or nitrogen venting or looking into
vessels that could possibly have a nitrogen content more than is present in air. Areas around the
openings of vessels containing nitrogen can contain high concentrations of nitrogen.
Systems under nitrogen pressure should have a clear visual indication as to the hazard at key
points for example, all flanges, manholes, vents, valves and openings.
Introduce nitrogen at all supply points and increase the pressure to 30 PSIG.
Depresurize the FG systems into the flare headers using the BG lines to the flare headers
and 640-PCV-07 control valve.
Safety Caution: When the flare system contains flammable materials. Nitrogen / Air mixtures
must never be purged to the flare system to avoid the possibility of explosive mixtures occurring
within that system.
Note: When the Flare Systems are ready (oxygen content is below 2 % vol.) (Refer to Section 9)
the fuel gas can be imported from the gas trunk line into the FG systems.
The total volume of the FG systems:
Equipment volume D-6401 & E-6401 A; D-8001 & EH-8001A, B; D-3005 A, B, C:
68 ft3 + 66 ft3 + 56 ft3 = 190 ft3.
Piping volume : HP 6” lines = 115 ft3
LP 6” lines = 260 ft3
BG 2” lines = 35 ft3
TOTAL VOLUME = 600 ft3
TOTAL VOLUME with 10% margins = 660 ft3
The system will be pressurized three times at 30 psig. So the total amount of nitrogen at normal
conditions , with 10% margins, will be 4560 ft3.
After the first pressurization the oxygen content should be 7 % vol.
After the second pressurization the oxygen content should be 2.33 % vol.
After the third pressurization the oxygen content should be 0.8 % vol.
One nitrogen cylinder has 150 Bar pressure and 2 ft3 capacity. At normal conditions (15 psig and
ambient temperature) one cylinder has 300 ft3 of nitrogen. (99.8 % vol. purity).
To nitrogen purge the Fuel Gas Systems, about 16 cylinders of nitrogen will be required.
Verify the PSV's, SDV's, BDV's are complete and working properly, check that the PSV testing has
been completed.
Verify ESD valves have been function tested. For testing use a Castell lock system (or equivalent)
to safely remove power from the trip solenoid. All Emergency Shutdown Valves (SDV's) shall
have facilities for online testing of the solenoid valves without closing the valve. Observe that the
valve moves to a minimum stop and then reenergize the solenoid.
Blowdown valves shall be equipped with the same test facility as the shutdown valves.
Blowdown valves can be opened from the control room using the DCS. Open the valve using the
DCS and close using the local electrical reset pushbutton. Prior to testing the valve, the CSO block
valve upstream of the blowdown valve shall be closed by the Field Operator. The Field Operator
shall then request the Control Room Operator to open the valve and check that the valve indication
on the DCS screen display indicates that the valve is open.
The remote operated valve Open/Close functions on the DCS and any local panel mounted “local
electrical pushbutton’s” should be function tested separately. The speed of opening and closing of
the remote operated valves must also be checked and compared to the speed appropriate to the
The start-up of the Relief and Blowdown System has to be performed in conjunction with the Fuel
Gas System and with the Flare System.
Check that all valves are in the required start-up position and CSO/CSC as required and blinds in
operating positions as indicated by the P&ID's.
Verify that the control valves have been function tested and conform to the following table:
Verify that all SDV, BDV, CSO, CSC and all ESD systems are complete and that function testing
has been completed.
The Field Operator in co-operation with the Control Room Operator under Train supervisor control
shall check the following:
1. At ESD Level 1:
a. 640-SDVs come to the closed position and in the correct time. Record data.
b. 640-SDVs come to the open position and in the correct time Record data.
Before start-up and the introduction of feed gas to the system, the pre start-up activities must be
completed, for example leak test and inerting.
Leak tests - Fuel Gas Systems must be tested at maximum operating pressure, prior to gas-in.
To take samples use 640-SC-01 it is a sample connection type 2 Refer to P&ID C2-104 2 of 3).
Check that the following has been completed prior to introducing fuel gas to the System:
Check that the oxygen content of the fuel gas system is less than 2 per cent.
In the first stage of start-up the Gas Turbine Generators take fuel gas from the trunk line.
When the gas plant shall be in optimal production the gas shall be taken from the sales gas make-
up line.
Ensure that the rest of the plant is either oxygen free or positively isolated from the fuel gas
On completion of the previous preparations, introduce gas from the trunk line, using the start-up
line, in Fuel Gas System:
Check that the oxygen content in the flare K.O. Drum D-9002 is below 2 per cent O2 vol.
Open all purge lines to the flare and commence FG to the flare lines.
Using 640-PCV-07 in manual mode, open by 5 per cent to start FG to the HP Flare
Allow the FG to flush the nitrogen from flare lines for twelve hours and then put the flare
pilots in service
After the Condensate Flash Drums becomes operational the FG can be sent to the FG System. The
Condensate Flash Drums D-5101 and D-5201 can be put in service as a fuel gas source one by one
or together.
On completion of the previous preparations and gas-in to 200 unit, introduce fuel gas from
Condensate Flash Drum:
Place in service 510-PIC-01/ 520-PIC-01 in auto control mode with set point at 350 PSIG.
Check for leaks from for example, flanges and valves on lines from the Condensate Flash
Drum D-5101/ 5201, to the Fuel Gas Superheater.
If a level appear in the Fuel Gas Scrubber, drain this to CHD.
If the Heating Medium system is in service open 640-TCV-03 gradually and monitor the
increase in temperature.
Near 225 F place in service 640-TIC-03 set at 229 F, Check that the TIC is controlling
Check the operation of all instruments.
Take gas through sales gas make-up line from Mercury Removal Unit D-7001, when the
plant produces sale gas
The sources for the Fuel Gas System are Trunkline and Condensate Flash Drum.
Initial status as follows:
6”VB014 on line 6”-B6-G-70005 from 18”-B6-G-70004 sales gas line, closed.
6”VB014 on line 6”-B6-FG-70001 from 30”-B3-G-70020 trunkline, open.
640-SDV-01 open in ESD system.
At this stage the Amine Flash Drum is in service and the pressure is controlled by 310-PIC-07
(320-PIC-07 for train 2).
To shutdown the Fuel Gas System the principal steps are as follows:
Pressure should decrease in the Fuel Gas System as the control valves, that maintain the pressure,
are open.
The fuel gas system is most important for the operation of the whole complex.
Important instruments and those requiring frequent maintenance are doubled up:
For example, Safety valves and Pressure controllers are double and so on.
Gradually close 6”VB014 on line 6”-B6-G-70005 from sales gas line 18”-B6-G-70004.
With 510-PIC-01 and 520-PIC-01 in manual mode, close control valves 510-PCV-01 and
520-PCV-01 from the Condensate Flash Drum.
With 310-PIC-01/2 and 320-PIC-01/2 in manual mode, close control valves 310-PCV-
01/2 and 320-PCV-01/2 from the Amine Flash Drum.
Pressure should decrease in the Fuel Gas System as the control valves, that maintain the pressure,
are open.
Emergencies shall generally require an immediate and complete stoppage of operation of the Fuel
Gas System, depressurization and in most instances with hydrocarbons eliminated to the maximum
extent possible in the shortest time as determined by the emergency.
Emergency procedures depend mainly on the experience and judgment of the operator.
The quick indication of a utility or equipment failure is very important.
The duration of the failure is an important factor in the selection of the emergency procedure.
Some emergencies can be foreseen, other such as rupture of lines or vessels, cannot be made
failsafe and require the immediate shutdown of the unit.
There are for levels of ESD for the gas plant (ESD 1, 2, 31, 32)
For Fuel Gas System only ESD 1 is applicable
ESD 1 Total plant shutdown with depressurization.
a) Fire detected in a process area (except the Flare Knock Out Drum and associated pumps).
b) Gas detected in any of the plant control buildings or electrical sub-station.
c) Gas detected in the MEG regeneration packages of Train 1 or Train 2.
d) Gas detected in the Heating Medium.
e) Operation of the ESD 1 field push buttons (installed at seven (7) different locations
around the plant).
f) Operation of the ESD 1 push button in the Control Room.
Upon loss of power, the instrument air compressors shall trip. One air compressor is connected to
emergency generator two.
Instrument Air Failure initiate ESD level 2. If one air compressor is not started by emergency
generator all pneumatic operated valves will move to their failure position as follows:
640-PCV-05 closed
640-PCV-07 open
640-PCV-08 closed
640-PCV-10 closed
640-PCV-11 closed
640-PCV-12 closed
640-TCV-03 closed
Also SDV's shall go to the closed position and BDV shall go to the open position as follows:
640-SDV-01 close
640-SDV-02 close
640-SDV-03A close
640-SDV-03B close
640-SDV-04 close
640-BDV-01 open
A check valve is installed on the heating medium line upstream of each Fuel Gas Superheater to
prevent back flow and a pressure switch high-high (640-PSHH-01A/B) is located downstream of
the superheater. In the event of tube rupture, high pressure gas enter into pressure heating medium
tube. The high pressure is detected by 640-PSHH-01 A/B. It will close 640-SDV-03 A/B to
prevent the heating medium system from the high pressure.
The 2”VG011 must be closed in this situation as soon as possible. The check valve and the
valves can pass, therefore the HM Expansion Drum must be monitored carefully.
This is a vertical 2-phase separator. A 10 per cent design margin has been applied to the gas and
liquid flowrates for sizing the vessel. The Fuel Gas Scrubber dimensions are 3’ D x 9’ H (T/T).
The maximum pressure drop across the vessel, including inlet and outlet nozzles, is less than 2
ITEM: D-6401
T/T : 9’-0”
Maximum 425 500
Minimum 325
Temperature [F] [F] PSV PT
Upper 229 320
Lower 185 25 TI
Shell & Heads Internals*
Materials CS(SA516GR70) AISI316L SS A
Corr. Allow 3 mm
Insulation YES (HC) LG
Lining YES H
Lower T.L. elevation above ground
P I.D: 3’-0”
*Demister is 6” thick mesh, bulk density
12 lb/ft3.xsa 7ft2 T.L
Nozzle Data
Ref No. Service F
A 1 6” Vapour Inlet
D 1 2” Drain
E 1 2” Vent
F 1 2” Liquid outlet
1. The vessel is designed as a 2-phase separator capable of operating with the process conditions given in cases 1
and 2 above. A 10 per cent design margin is applied to the gas and liquid flowrates for sizing the separator.
2. The vessel is also capable of operating at all flowrates down to the minimum turndown of 30 per cent for cases 1
and 2.
3. The maximum pressure drop through the separator does not exceed 2 psi including inlet and outlet nozzle losses.
4. BELZONA 1591 has been applied.
Fuel gas superheater is a hairpin type heat exchanger providing 100 F of superheat using heating
medium. The exchanger is a TEMA class R exchanger with the feed gas on the external tube and
heating medium on the inside tube. A 10 per cent over-surface design margin has been included in
the design. A 100 per cent spare exchanger is installed to facilitate maintenance work to be
performed without necessitating plant shutdown, or flaring of Condensate Flash Drum vapor from
both trains.
Material of Construction
Shell Side Tube Side
Diameter ID 8” Length 84”
Corrosion Allowance 3 mm O.D. ¾” BWG 14 Pitch: 30 15/16”
Shell Material CS Corrosion Allowance 1.5 mm
Shell Cover Material CS Tube Material CS
Floating Head Material CS Tube Sheet Material CS
Channel Cover Material CS
Double Pipe or Hairpin type Exchanger No. of Tubes 42
6 MFR & Model No. ISA / Type A 12 Flange Rating See Below
4 Case : Cast Iron Alumin. Phenol 13 Socket Mtl : Bronze Steel 316 SS Ti
Other 304SS Other
5 Ring : Screwed X Hinged Slip 14 Connection : PT NPT X PF
Std Other 1/2" X 1/4" Other NPT(M)
6 Blow-out Protection : None Back X Disc Bottom X Back
Solid Front X Other 15 Movement : Bronze SS X Nylon
7 Lens : Glass Plastic Shatterproof X Other
8 Option : 1. Siphon Material 16 Diaphragm Seal
2. Snubber Material MFR. Type
3. Pressure Limit Valve Material Wetted Part Mtl Other Mtl
4. Movement Damping Material Fill Fluid
9 Nominal Accuracy Required ±1.0% F.S. Process Conn Gage Conn
Range Pressure (psig) Temperature (? )
Rev. Tag No. Service P&ID No.
(psig) Nor. Max. Nor. Max.
3 640-PI-02 0 - 500 325.3 500 161 260 HP fuel gas to power plant C2-0184
3 640-PI-03 0 - 500 325.3 500 229 260 Fuel gas to D-6401 C2-0184
3 640-PI-05 0 - 500 325.3 500 229 260 D-6401 C2-0184
3 640-PI-06 0 - 500 335.3 500 129 260 Fuel gas to E-6401B C2-0184
3 640-PI-07 0 - 500 325.3 500 161 260 HP fuel gas to power plant C2-0184
3 640-PI-08 0 - 100 55.3 100 214 260 Fuel gas to LP fuel gas dist. C2-0184
3 640-PI-09 0 - 200 135.3 162 95.1 260 Blanket / pilot gas distribution C2-0184
3 640-PI-10A 0 - 250 118.3 210 320 400 Heating medium to E-6401A C2-0184
3 640-PI-10B 0 - 250 118.3 210 320 400 Heating medium to E-6401B C2-0184
3 640-PI-02 0 - 500 325.3 500 161 260 HP fuel gas to power plant C2-0184
3 640-PI-03 0 - 500 325.3 500 229 260 Fuel gas to D-6401 C2-0184
3 640-PI-05 0 - 500 325.3 500 229 260 D-6401 C2-0184
3 640-PI-06 0 - 500 335.3 500 129 260 Fuel gas to E-6401B C2-0184
3 640-PI-07 0 - 500 325.3 500 161 260 HP fuel gas to power plant C2-0184
3 640-PI-08 0 - 100 55.3 100 214 260 Fuel gas to LP fuel gas dist. C2-0184
3 640-PI-09 0 - 200 135.3 162 95.1 260 Blanket / pilot gas distribution C2-0184
3 640-PI-10A 0 - 250 118.3 210 320 400 Heating medium to E-6401A C2-0184
3 640-PI-10B 0 - 250 118.3 210 320 400 Heating medium to E-6401B C2-0184
3 640-PI-11A 0 - 250 113.3 210 265 400 Heating medium from E-6401A C2-0184
3 640-PI-11B 0 - 250 113.3 210 265 400 Heating medium from E-6401B C2-0184
3 640-PI-12A 0 - 500 325.3 500 229 400 Fuel gas from E-6401A C2-0184
3 640-PI-12B 0 - 500 325.3 500 229 400 Fuel gas from E-6401B C2-0184
3 640-PI-14 0 - 1000 670 720 128 180 Sales gas from D-7001 C2-0184
NOTES : 1. All gauges shall have a white background with black scale markings.
4 Case : Cast Iron Alumin. Phenol 13 Socket Mtl : Bronze Steel 316 SS Ti
Other 304SS Other
5 Ring : Screwed X Hinged Slip 14 Connection : PT NPT X PF
Std Other 1/2" X 1/4" Other NPT(M)
6 Blow-out Protection : None Back X Disc Bottom X Back
Solid Front X Other 15 Movement : Bronze SS X Nylon
7 Lens : Glass Plastic Shatterproof X Other
8 Option : 1. Siphon Material 16 Diaphragm Seal
2. Snubber Material MFR. Type
3. Pressure Limit Valve Material Wetted Part Mtl Other Mtl
4. Movement Damping Material Fill Fluid
9 Nominal Accuracy Required ±1.0% F.S. Process Conn Gage Conn
Range Pressure (psig) Temperature (? )
Rev. Tag No. Service P&ID No.
(psig) Nor. Max. Nor. Max.
3 640-PI-101A 0 - 100 55.3 100 214 260 Fuel gas to flare header C2-0184
3 640-PI-101B 0 - 100 55.3 100 214 260 Fuel gas to flare header C2-0184
NOTES : 1. All gauges shall have a white background with black scale markings.
Notes :
2 640-PSHH-01A 1/2" NPT(M) 20 ~ 180 120 113 210 265 HM from E-6401A C2-0184
2 640-PSHH-01B 1/2" NPT(M) 20 ~ 180 120 113 210 265 HM from E-6401B C2-0184
4. P&ID No. PP-17-7-C2-0184 PP-17-7-C2-0184
5. Full/Semi Nozzle Full Full
6. Safety or Relief Safety Safety
7. Conv., Bellow, Pilot Operated Conventional (Note 1) Conventional (Note 1)
8. Bonnet Type Closed Closed
9. Size : Inlet Outlet 3" 4" 3" 4"
CONNECTION 10. Flange Rating or Screwed 600# 150# 600# 150#
11. Type of Facing RF RF RF RF
12. Body and Bonnet ASME SA216 WCC ASME SA216 WCC
13. Seat and Disc 316SS 316SS
14. Resilient Seat Seal - -
15. Guide and Rings 316SS 316SS
17. Bellows - -
18. Cap : Screwed or Bolted Screwed Screwed
19. Lever : Plain or Packed No No
20. Test Gag - -
24. Code API RP 520,526,527 API RP 520,526,527
25. Fire - -
26. Others Blocked Outlet Blocked Outlet
27. Corrosive / Erosive Component No No
28. Fluid and State Hydro Carbon / Vapor Hydro Carbon / Vapor
29. Required Capacity 30515 (lb/h) 30515 (lb/h)
30. Mol. Wt. Oper. sp.gr. 19 - 19 -
32. Oper. Press. Set Press. (psig) - 500 - 500
32. Oper. Temp.(℉) Rel. Temp. (℉) 229 78 229 78
33. Back Press. Constant - -
34. (psig) Variable 0 ~ 50 0 ~ 50
35. Total 0 ~ 50 0 ~ 50
FLUID DATA 36. % Allowable Overpressure (Note 2) 10% 10%
37. Overpressure Factor - -
38. Compressibility Factor 0.95 0.95
39. Latent Heat of Vaporization - -
40. Ratio of Specific Heats 1.2 1.2
41. Operating Viscosity (cP) 0.013 0.013
42. Barometric Pressure - -
43. Density (lb/ft ) 2.6 2.6
44. Flashing (%) - -
45. Calc. Area sq in. 0.81 0.81
46. Selected Area sq in. 1.287 1.287
47. Orifice Designation J J
48. Manufacturer Dresser (Consolidated) Dresser (Consolidated)
49. Model No. 1912-00JC-4-CC-MS-31-RF-GS-HP 1912-00JC-4-CC-MS-31-RF-GS-HP
3. Line No. 6"-B9-FG-64009 2"-B7-HM-64005
4. P & ID No. PP-17-7-C2-0184 PP-17-7-C2-0184
5. Fail Action Fail Close Fail Close
6. Fluid (State) Fuel Gas (Vapor) Heating Medium (Liquid)
7. Fluid Unit lb/h usgpm
8. Flow Rate (Note 1) 21570 / 21403 46 / 42
9. Pressure Design / Operating (psig) (Note 1) 500 / (335 / 335) 350 / (120 / 120)
10. Max. Difference Pressure (psi) (Note 1) - -
11. Temperature Design / Operating (? ) (Note 1) (235 / 25) / (129 / 85) (400 / 25) / (265 / 265)
(Note 1) 3
12. Density (lb/ft ) / Mol. Wt (Note 1) (1.5 / 1.6) / (24.5 / 24) -
13. Viscosity (cP) / Spec. Grav. (Note 1) (0.01 / 0.01) / - (0.59 / 0.59) / (0.98 / 0.98)
14. Ratio of Specific Heats (Note 1) 1.19 / 1.213 -
15. Up / Downstream Press. Valve to Open - -
Max. Difference (psi) Valve to Close 335 120
16. Type / Model Ball (Trunnion) / B5 Ball (Trunnion) / B4D
17. Body Size (inch) / Bore Size (inch) 6" / Full Bore 2" / Full Bore
18. Material ASTM A182 F316 ASTM A350 LF2
VALVE 19. End Conn. & Rating 6" , 300# RF 2" , 300# RF
(Note 3) 20. Leak Test to API 598 Tight Shut-off Tight Shut-off
21. Bonnet Type Split Body Split Body
TRIM 22. Trim Form ON / OFF ON / OFF
23. Seat & Ball Material F316 + ENP ASTM A182 F316
24. Stem Material 17-4-PH + ENP ASTM A182 F316 + ENP
25. Type Single Acting Piston Single Acting Piston
26. Air Supply Minimum Supply of 80 psig Minimum Supply of 80 psig
27. Handwheel Type No No
28. Mfr & Model ROTORK & RP-240-250A/C1 ROTORK & RP-015-160A/C2
29. Limit Switch(SPDT) (Open/Close) Yes Yes
30. Quantity 2 2
31. Mfr & Model Honeywell & BZ2RW8227.2551.A2 Honeywell & BZ2RW8227.2551.A2
32. Contacts / Rating 120V AC / 5A 120V AC / 5A
33. Actuation Points Full Open / Full Close Full Open / Full Close
34. Tag No. 640-SZSO / SZSC-02 640-SZSO / SZSC-03A
35. Area Classification Class I, Div. 2, Group D Class I, Div. 2, Group D
36. Enclosure Protection EExib IIA T4 Zone 2 (IP 65) EExib IIA T4 Zone 2 (IP 65)
37. Solenoid Valve (Note 2) Yes Yes
38. Supply Voltage 24V DC 24V DC
39. Tag No. 640-SXSV-02/1, -02/2 640-SXSV-03A/1, -03A/2
ACCESSORIES 40. Area Classification Class I, Div. 2, Group D Class I, Div. 2, Group D
41. Enclosure Protection EExd IIA T4 Zone 2 (IP 55) EExd IIA T4 Zone 2 (IP 55)
42. Air Accumulator No No
43. Others Refer to Technical Notes Refer to Technical Notes
44. Mfr & Model NORGREN, B73G NORGREN, B73G
AIR FILTER 45. Set Pressure 80 psig 80 psig
REGULATOR 46. Supply Gauge Yes Yes
47. Air Supply (Max. / Normal / Min.) (psig) 125 / 115 / 80 125 / 115 / 80
3. Line No. 2"-B7-HM-64004 6"-B7-FG-64020
4. P & ID No. PP-17-7-C2-0184 PP-17-7-C2-0184
5. Fail Action Fail Close Fail Close
6. Fluid (State) Heating Medium (Liquid) Fuel Gas (Vapor)
7. Fluid Unit usgpm lb/h
8. Flow Rate (Note 1) 46 / 42 21570 / 21403
9. Pressure Design / Operating (psig) (Note 1) 350 / (120 / 120) 500 / (325 / 325)
10. Max. Difference Pressure (psi) (Note 1) - -
11. Temperature Design / Operating (? ) (Note 1) (400 / 25) / (265 / 265) (320 / 25) / (229 / 185)
(Note 1) 3
12. Density (lb/ft ) / Mol. Wt (Note 1) - (1.2 / 1.2) / (24.5 / 24)
13. Viscosity (cP) / Spec. Grav. (Note 1) (0.59 / 0.59) / (0.98 / 0.98) (0.01 / 0.01) / -
14. Ratio of Specific Heats (Note 1) - 1.178 / 1.204
15. Up / Downstream Press. Valve to Open - -
Max. Difference (psi) Valve to Close 120 325
16. Type / Model Ball (Trunnion) / B4D Ball (Trunnion) / B5
17. Body Size (inch) / Bore Size (inch) 2" / Full Bore 6" / Full Bore
18. Material ASTM A350 LF2 ASTM A350 LF2
VALVE 19. End Conn. & Rating 2" , 300# RF 6" , 300# RF
(Note 3) 20. Leak Test to API 598 Tight Shut-off Tight Shut-off
21. Bonnet Type Split Body Split Body
TRIM 22. Trim Form ON / OFF ON / OFF
23. Seat & Ball Material ASTM A182 F316 F316 + ENP
24. Stem Material ASTM A182 F316 + ENP 17-4 PH + ENP
25. Type Single Acting Piston Single Acting Piston
26. Air Supply Minimum Supply of 80 psig Minimum Supply of 80 psig
27. Handwheel Type No No
28. Mfr & Model ROTORK & RP-015-160A/C2 ROTORK & RP-240-250A/C1
29. Limit Switch(SPDT) (Open/Close) Yes Yes
30. Quantity 2 2
31. Mfr & Model Honeywell & BZ2RW8227.2551.A2 Honeywell & BZ2RW8227.2551.A2
32. Contacts / Rating 120V AC / 5A 120V AC / 5A
33. Actuation Points Full Open / Full Close Full Open / Full Close
34. Tag No. 640-SZSO / SZSC-03B 640-SZSO / SZSC-04
35. Area Classification Class I, Div. 2, Group D Class I, Div. 2, Group D
36. Enclosure Protection EExib IIA T4 Zone 2 (IP 65) EExib IIA T4 Zone 2 (IP 65)
37. Solenoid Valve (Note 2) Yes Yes
38. Supply Voltage 24V DC 24V DC
39. Tag No. 640-SXSV-03B/1, -03B/2 640-SXSV-04/1, -04/2
ACCESSORIES 40. Area Classification Class I, Div. 2, Group D Class I, Div. 2, Group D
41. Enclosure Protection EExd IIA T4 Zone 2 (IP 55) EExd IIA T4 Zone 2 (IP 55)
42. Air Accumulator No No
43. Others Refer to Technical Notes Refer to Technical Notes
44. Mfr & Model NORGREN, B73G NORGREN, B73G
AIR FILTER 45. Set Pressure 80 psig 80 psig
REGULATOR 46. Supply Gauge Yes Yes
47. Air Supply (Max. / Normal / Min.) (psig) 125 / 115 / 80 125 / 115 / 80
Annex 1: Process Flow Diagram for the Fuel Gas System for low and high temperature cases:
Safety can no longer be viewed as a ‘separate function’ the responsibility for which is hidden
somewhere in manufacturing, engineering, safety or other departments within the Company.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility. It is a part of each single job. A job performed unsafely is a
job that is incomplete and incorrect.
Accidents can no longer be viewed as ‘unavoidable happenings’, which occur during the normal
course of our work. Accidents are ‘errors’ which can be controlled. If an accident occurs during
the normal course of our work, then that work is not normal. That work or job is incomplete and
incorrect because we have allowed an ‘error’ to occur even though elimination of that error is
within our control.
The safety laws are very important regarding the Fuel Gas System. There is a risk of piping or
system damage which may result in a gas release, and associated fire and/or vapor cloud explosion.
One of the basic safety requirements for all personnel who deal with gas is to know its behaviour if
released. This knowledge is essential in deciding what to do, how to respond, and how to control
an emergency involving gas.
All personnel should receive training to recognize a gas leak and what action is to be taken in such a
a. In order to prevent an accident or fire maintain all equipment and instruments in proper
operating condition.
b. Remove all rubbish and loose materials following maintenance from the unit
c. All road and access ways must be kept free of any kind of material in order not to hinder
the unit access
d. All equipment must be cleaned properly of all debris, sand and oil leaks must be
Maintenance work should be properly authorized by a ‘Permit to Work’ issued by the Operation
The ‘Work Permit System’ is widely used in industry, and has been recognized as the most
important and effective ‘safety control tool’ available for the control of work in all plants, facilities
and all equipment.
A ‘Hot Work’ Permit is applied to any activity, which generates sufficient heat to ignite flammable
products and materials. ‘Hot Work’ Permits must be issued only for work on specific equipment
or units. A gas test must be done at the place of work to confirm that flammable gases are not
During the work the area must be monitored for flammable gas and the hot work stopped if any is
detected. Where gas test readings indicate the presence of combustible gas, in any amount, the ‘Hot
Work’ Permit requires the review and signature of the Operations Superintendent.
Any open ends of lines in the ‘hot work’ area which could contain flammable gases or liquids must
be blinded, capped, plugged or disconnected.
Work Clothing
Work Clothing must be suitable for protection against common hazards expected in industrial areas
and must be used at all times. Work clothing should be kept as clean as possible.
An approved hard hat consists of a hard impact shell and an adjustable inside cradle and distributed
over the head surface area.
Hand Protection
Use leather palm gloves for work with sharp or rough objects, working with piping, manual
handling and so on to prevent cuts or abrasion.
Foot Protection
To minimize the risk of foot injury, steel-toed shoes or boots are provided for all employees whose
work requires them to be worn.
Eye Protection
Eye protection should be worn depending on the nature of the work being performed, for example,
welding goggles, goggles, safety spectacles, face shield. Eye protection is required in situations
where exposure to flying particles (sand) may exist. Can be ordinary safety glasses, these have
plain, proof glass inside safety frames and must also have attached side shields or goggles,
spectacles with side shields, plastic eye shields.
Ear Protection
For excessive noise levels in situations where it is not possible or practical to reduce the noise level
(up 90 dB) it is necessary to minimize the possibility of hearing damage by the use of hearing
protection devices. There are two types of hearing protection devices used, muff protectors and
plastic foam plugs.
Minimum 19.5 per cent oxygen is needed for working without supplied air breathing.
These types of respiratory protection devices filter air contaminants through a medium and
allow free air to be breathed by workers. Purifying types of respirators do not provide
protection in locations where contamination concentration is high or immediately dangerous
to life (for example, oxygen deficiency). When the cartridge or canister is used up, it should
be removed and replaced by a fresh one.
Self-contained breathing apparatus is used primarily for emergency work and rescues because
of its mobility. The apparatus consists of a pressurized cylinder, which is worn on the
person’s back, an air pressure reducer, a full-face mask and a carrying harness.
Leaks in the Fuel Gas System or damage to the system resulting in a gas release, could cause fire
and/or explosion. Fire is a combination of heat, gas and oxygen and is a chain reaction.
A fire is extinguished, by the removal of one or more of these elements.
Heat can be removed by cooling for example, with water/foam, combustion air can be shut off or
diluted with inert gases or solids and fuel gas can be removed by closing valves. It is important to
use the correct extinguishing agent to extinguish the fire.
Safe Handling
Gas Protection
Gas Inhalation
Gas Controls
Report any leaks using emergency telephone number.
Evacuate area.
Shut off the gas source if possible.
Keep personnel and traffic away from the area.
1 in = 1” Inch 25.4 mm
1ft = 1’ Foot 12 in = 0.3048 m
1 yd Yard 36 in = 3 ft = 0.914398 m
1 mile Mile 1760 yd = 1 609 m
1 mm Millimeter 0.03937 in = 0.00328 ft
1 cm Centimeter 0.3937 in = 0.03281 ft
1m Meter 39.37 in = 3.28084 ft
1 km Kilometer 39 370 in = 3280.84 ft = 1093.62 yd
Air Blowing
The purpose of air blowing is to remove loose foreign matter from the inside of piping (for
example, welding rods, sand, nuts, bolts, tools).
The following systems are generally air blown in accordance with Job Specifications Piping
System Pressure Testing JS-MP-6045 and Piping Erection And Testing JS-MP-6044:
Process piping of the facilities for example, vapor piping, air piping, and inert gas piping.
low operating temperature systems (for example, Propane Refrigeration).
hydraulic piping and flare lines.
Lube Oil systems are air blown before lube oil circulation through filters.
During the cleaning operations, the air velocity can be up to 60 m/s. Two main methods shall be
Air is continuously supplied from a source through the lines to carry away the loose material,
normally used for small diameter piping.
Quick Decompression
A pipe network is charged with air up to the release pressure of a plastic film fitted on an open pipe
end. When the film is perforated, the pressure inside the network drops quickly providing high
velocities and requires minimum air use for these velocities and effectiveness.
These rupture devices are made using polyethylene film. The film shall be perforated, at the
required release pressure, by a mechanically linked arm. If it malfunctions then the air can be
released manually. The rupture device shall be installed at the one open flange using a temporary
holder. Temporary bolts, nuts and gaskets can be used for the device. Alternatively, a network is
filled with compressed air up to the required pressure and a valve is open quickly at the end of the
system. The pressure in the pipes could be raised up to 90 psig if needed, but design pressure of
the system must not be exceeded (for example,30 to 40 psig for 50 psig design).
Items that can be damaged or impede air blowing shall be removed from the pipe before blowing.
As follows:
Other Preparations:
High forces can be generated at the air outlet. Therefore, specific safety procedures must be
closely adhered to.
The following precautions shall be taken for the air blowing operations:
Verify Cleanliness.
Use of a target plate (for example, for compressor suction lines, GT oil system and FG lines).
If the exhaust air appears to be clean install, the target plate and air blow the line. If the plate has
became eroded and pitted or distorted, continue the air blowing.
When the target plate remains clear the pipe is clean.
Ensure that no dirt is re-introduced into the piping during re-assembly following the air blowing.
Reestablish pipe condition as per design support settings and install all instruments, valves, orifice
plates and so forth.
Once all these activities are concluded sign off PCMT-05 for the System. If the pipe system
cleaned, is in more that one system put the original in System Dossier where maximum piping is
present and put copies in other System Dossiers as applicable.
For Fuel Gas System the most important general pre start-up procedure is the leak test procedure.
Line-up the system to be tested (all system isolations completed, all parts of the system
connected, safety valves operational, all instrument valves checked and operated, drain
valves closed, and so on).
Pressurize the system to its maximum operating pressure.
On a pressure recorder place a new recorder chart. Ensure the chart is turning. The
chart shall be marked with system number, date, and time of test start.
Commence checking flanges, valves, vent plug and so on, for leaks using soap solution.
If necessary, depressurize the system to change gaskets.
When the pressure is constant, the test shall start and be continued for as least 4 hours,
preferably during the daytime when ambient temperatures are relatively steady.
Following a successful test, depressurize the system and attach the pressure-recording
chart to the commissioning file documentation.
Prior to start-up the system shall be nitrogen purged
The following section contains some guidelines, which can be used for troubleshooting and can
help to identifying the cause of abnormal situations in Fuel Gas system operation.
Abnormal temperature outlet E- Malfunction of Check the performance of the control loop
6401 A/B temperature control 640-TIC-03, 640-TCV-03
system 640-TIC-03
High liquid level Malfunction of level Check level alarm 640-LAH-01 and level
alarm 640-LAH-01 glass 640-LG-01 and drain D-6401
HP Fuel Header
Low pressure in HP fuel Malfunction of pressure control Check the performance of the control loop
gas supply header system 640-PIC-05, 06, 07 640-PIC-05, 06, 07, 640-PCV-05, 06, 07
Interruption in the fuel gas supply Check fuel gas flow rate from Mercury
from fuel gas source, Mercury Removal Unit by 640-FI-03/1 and 640-FI-
Removal Unit 01/1
Possible liquid carry over into fuel High liquid level in Fuel Gas Check level alarm 640-LAH-01 and level
gas header Scrubber D-6401, malfunction of glass 640-LG-01 and drain D-6401
High pressure in the H.P. fuel gas Malfunction of pressure control Check the performance of the control loop
supply header system 640-PIC-05, 06,07 640-PIC-05,06,07 640-PCV-05, 06, 07
Low pressure in LP fuel gas supply Malfunction of pressure control Check the performance of the control loops
header system 640-PIC-08, 10 640-PIC-08, 10 640-PCV-08, 10
Possible liquid carry over into fuel High liquid level in Fuel Gas Check level alarm 640-LAH-01 and level
gas header Scrubber D-6401,malfunction of glass 640-LG-01 and drain D-6401
level alarm 640-LAH-01
The liquid can be amine solution Check the level of the amine drums and
from amine flash drums D-3103 reduce the flow of the flushing amine at
and D-32303 310-FCV-03 / 320-FCV-03 and check 310-
PDT-05 / 320-PDT-05
High pressure in the L.P. fuel gas Malfunction of pressure control Check the performance of the control loop
supply header system 640-PIC-08, 10 640-PIC-08, 10
Low pressure in LP fuel gas supply Malfunction of pressure control Check the performance of the control loops
header system 640-PCV-11, 12 640-PCV-11, 12
High pressure in the L.P. fuel gas Malfunction of pressure control Check the performance of the control loop
supply header system 640-PIC-11, 12 640-PIC-11, 12 640-PCV-11, 12
Increased temperature from E- Loss of one of two fans at E-5101 To compensate for increase in temperature
5101 from E-5101, the operator should increase
the pressure in the condensate flash drum.
This shall minimize any impact on the fuel
gas composition.
All lines and equipment containing gas must be properly bonded and grounded to prevent
static electricity spark.
Use non-sparking tools for maintenance.
Minimum 19.5 per cent oxygen is needed for working without supplied air breathing.
Special attention should be given to the reporting of all incidents especially ‘near-miss’
incidents, as lessons learned from such incidents may help to prevent major accidents in
the future.