TheQuarter LifeCrisisSlowingDownisKey
TheQuarter LifeCrisisSlowingDownisKey
TheQuarter LifeCrisisSlowingDownisKey
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Levinson (1982), in his book “The Seasons of a Man’s Life”, setting my sights on new goals, dreams and aspirations. For me,
identifies three major phases in adulthood. First, the novice phase this is where the quarter-life crisis is bearing upon me.
of early adulthood, which involves early adult transition (moving
from pre- to early adulthood at age 17-22); first adult life structure In my experience, the crisis has been more about my inability to
(entering the adult world at age 22-28); and age-30 transition decide on what dreams to pursue and what life to live. I find myself
(changing the first life structure at age 28–33); second, the settling- confused, lost and paralyzed to make decisions regarding the array
down phase that highlights the culmination of early adulthood or the of options and opportunities that are present out there in the real
second adult life structure at age 33-40; and third, the mid-life world. From my continuing introspections, I have identified three
transition (moving from early to middle adulthood at age 40-45) and causes of my confusion and indecision.
middle-adulthood phase (building a new life structure at age 45–50).
Personal growth and development. I have come to realize that I
I would say that the effects of the quarter-life crisis are likely to have grown up and have developed as a person. Over the years,
be felt when a person is between 22 and 33 years old. This crisis without me noticing the appreciable personal change, I have
covers two stages, first adult life structure (involving one’s entry into evolved higher-level skills for work and more mature perspectives
the adult world) and age-30 transition (revolving around the about life. Thus, the social world that I used to see as small and
modification of one’s first adult life structure). The notion of the narrow has widened considerably, including the choices and
quarter-life crisis is well supported by various authors; for example, opportunities present therein. Expectedly, I have been asking and
Meneses (2009) and Alford (2013) have described quarter-life crisis facing a plethora of questions in this quarter-life crisis: What career
as a common phenomenon among young people aged 24-30 years, should I pursue? When would I be ready to marry and settle down,
who are seeking to find their purpose in life, and thus, are moving and with whom? Where would I settle down? How much money do
around in circles rather than staying on a single-focused path. Very I need to make to support my family? Am I capable of providing for
recently, I had turned 30, and just like any other young person, I am my future family?
now going through my quarter-life crisis. In this narrative, I would
like to share my experiences on this particular phenomenon. Social environment: the manic society. I believe that our
environment also plays an important role in my quarter-life crisis. In
Foremost, I had taken time to reflect on my milestones during one of my more serious reflections, I have fathomed that I am just
my first adult life structure (at age 22-28 years). I can say that I am going through my work, studies and teaching—and my life as a
quite pleased with what I have achieved. I got my dream job, in my whole—without giving my future much thought. In other words, I am
dream company based in Manila, the Philippines. I was fortunate merely doing things in a highly routine fashion, because I am simply
enough to have been selected as part of a team for the start-up reacting to what the social environment is giving me rather than
operations of my company’s Asia-Pacific regional headquarters in actively seeking those that I really want.
Thailand. Upon my return in Manila, I was able to finish my master’s
degree and began teaching at a local university while continuing my According to Holden (2005), the foregoing predispositions are
corporate employment. During this period, I had two fulfilling the effects of the manic society that continually prescribes for
relationships, one with a girlfriend when I was 23 years old and everyone to move and go faster to achieve success overnight.
another one at age 29. I was ably supported by many great Holden (2005: 9) goes further by stating that:
friends—long-standing associations from high school, university and
work—in all my endeavors. In the manic society, our non-stop speed ethic
can easily blur our vision.
Now, as I am going through age-30 transition, I have begun
adopting a more serious middle- to long-term perspective. We are living faster and working faster, but
Coming from a successful entry into the adult world, I am now what for?
Asia-Pacific E-Journal of Health Social Science: The Quarter-Life Crisis: Slowing Down is Key
What is the vision? Without vision we can so manic society, to courageously temper the pace of their lives (e.g.,
easily confuse speed with progress, adrenaline to walk in the garden and smell the flowers, so to speak) in order to
with purpose, and urgency with importance. gain more time and opportunity to clarify their life goals and
priorities. Hopefully, this strategy will help lessen their confusion
Without vision we may simply be attempting to and indecision, translate to a deeper understanding of oneself, and
win prizes that are not worth winning. lead to more meaningful life choices in the midst of the many
options present in today’s world. By slowing down, young people
We may be getting there faster, but we may like me can turn the quarter-life crisis into a quarter-life opportunity.
also be missing what is here and now, within us
and before us. REFERENCES
Technology and information overload. Aside from the lightning Alford, C. (2013). Quarter life crisis or quarter life opportunity?
speed and the rapid pace of life imposed by the manic society, we Retrieved from
have too many options to process as a result of the Internet; this, alford/quarter-life-crisis-or-qu_b_3746669.html.
too, has undoubtedly aggravated my state of confusion and Holden, R. (2005). Success intelligence. London: Hodder Mobius.
Levinson, D.J. (1979). The seasons of a man’s life. New York:
indecision. After my successful entry into the adult world, I do
Ballantine Books.
strongly feel the tremendous pressure to make the right decisions in Meneses, M.B. (2009). Floundering at 25. Manila: Milflores
career and in life. I am also worried that a wrong decision may Publishing.
cause me to miss valuable opportunities in both areas. The speed
and pace of the manic society, combined with the numerous
choices brought about by the Internet, have helped create a
situation that discourages thorough understanding and evaluation of
each potential choice. This combination increases the risk of The De La Salle University offers a 3-year PhD in Sociology (PHDSOC). The
making poor choices, which becomes the source of my fear and program aims to produce, professionals who are able to critically comprehend,
integrate, and apply the sociological perspective in three tracks: family, health and
then leads to my confusion, paralysis and indecision in this quarter- population dynamics; organizational and social systems development; and
life crisis. educational Sociology. The program focuses on understanding the various issues and
problems confronting contemporary society. It covers the social foundations and
processes of organizations and social systems such as communities and other
I have begun to find ways to resolve this personal crisis. First, I
collectivities. It seeks to equip students with the basic knowledge, values and skills
have slowed down and allocated more time for personal silence, that they can use to enable their organizations and communities to effectively respond
prayer, and reflection. My departure from my corporate job has to the challenges in today’s society.
given me more time to strengthen this 3-pronged strategy, which I
To be admitted into the program, students should:
learned from my one-year stay in a seminary. I was about 17-years
old at that time when I was taught about various introspection 1) Hold a master’s degree. The master’s degree may be in any social science
techniques that can be used for making life-changing decisions. discipline. If applicant has no such master’s degree, her/his university degree
should be in social science. If applicant has no social science degree, either at
the master’s or university level, he/she should have at least three years of social
Having the said strategy has allowed me to reflect on my past science-related work experience; and
events and to process prevailing events especially the critical ones 2) Submit admission requirements
(e.g., work). In a way, it has given me a rare opportunity to retreat
and detach myself from the manic society; to see the social
1. Application form with 2x2 picture
environment reflexively from a distance; and in the process, it has
2. Original copy of transcript of records
enabled me to locate myself better in the social landscape. The 3. Original copy of NSO birth certificate
long periods of introspection and soul searching have enabled me 4. Transfer credential (for non-DLSU graduate)
to recognize that there is a need for me to re-establish myself in the 5. Two (2) letters of recommendation (downloadable at above URL)
6. Updated curriculum vitae/resume
context of new challenges and greater responsibilities present in the 7. Personal statement containing academic and career objectives
settling-down phase. I have resolved that I should treat the crisis as 8. Two (2) pieces of 2x2 picture for testing permit
an opportunity to improve myself, a suggestion that is akin to that 9. Certificate of good moral character from previous school/employer at
least six months from date of issuance
given by Alford (2013). 10. Photocopy of sample research outputs
11. A concept paper of the proposed dissertation research (include a
Now, I appear to have a clearer idea of what I would like to do statement of the research problem; the potential contribution of the
research to theory and/or policymaking; and of the data collection
in life. I am making plans to explore several opportunities and methods)
preparing myself to take concrete steps to pursue them. I started
listing down several career options in various industries and Upon admission, the student will be assigned a faculty member who shall serve as
his/her mentor/adviser throughout the duration of the course.
evaluating their respective advantages and disadvantages while
taking into consideration my strengths, weaknesses and interests, Please contact:
and their impact on my relationship with my current girlfriend whom Chairperson
I met a few months ago. There is no guarantee that I am making the Behavioral Sciences Department
De La Salle University
right life-changing decisions. But I believe that slowing down and 2401 Taft Avenue, 1004 Manila, Philippines
taking time to clarify my priorities and aspirations in life are the right Tel: +632-524-4611 local 550 or 347
steps towards the right direction.