Tracheostomy refers to the creation of a tion due to cervical and mediastinal tu-
communication between the trachea and the mours, or traction on the trachea due to
overlying skin. This may be done either by fibrosis (Figure 1).
open or percutaneous technique. This chap-
ter will focus on the open surgical technique
in the adult patient.
Preoperative evaluation
Figure 1: Tracheal deviation due to tuber-
Level of obstruction: A standard tracheos- culosis
tomy will not bypass obstruction in the dis-
tal trachea or bronchial tree Laryngeal cancer: If airway obstruction is
because of laryngeal cancer, then one
Anatomy of the neck: The surgeon should should attempt not to enter the tumour
anticipate a difficult tracheostomy in pa- during tracheostomy. This may require a
tients with short necks, thick necks, and lower tracheostomy if tumour involves the
necks that cannot be extended due to e.g. cervical trachea. It is prudent to send a sam-
rheumatoid or osteoarthritis of the cervical ple from the tracheal window for histologi-
spine cal examination as involvement by tumour
might be useful information for the surgeon
Coagulopathy: A coagulopathy should be subsequently doing the laryngectomy.
corrected prior to surgery. If not complete-
ly corrected, then have electrocoagulation Tracheostomy procedure
available at surgery to aid haemostasis
A tracheostomy is best done in the opera-
Cardiorespiratory status: Patients with up- ting room with good lighting, instrumenta-
per airway obstruction may have cor pul- tion, suction, diathermy and assistance. Pa-
monale, or respiratory acidosis. Some pa- tients may cough on inserting the tracheo-
tients may be dependent on physiological stomy tube; hence eye protection is recom-
PEEP to maintain O2 saturation, or an eleva- mended to prevent transmission of infec-
ted pCO2 to maintain respiratory drive; re- tions such as HIV and hepatitis.
lieving upper airway obstruction with a tra-
cheostomy may paradoxically cause such Anaesthesia: Unless the patient can safely
patients to stop breathing and become hypo- be intubated or the patient can be ventilated
xic. with a mask, a tracheostomy should be done
under local anaesthesia. If there is concern
Deviation of cervical trachea: A chest X- about the anaesthetist’s ability to maintain
ray will alert the surgeon to tracheal devia- an airway, then the surgeon should be pre-
sent during induction; the skin, soft tissue
and trachea (into the lumen) should be
infiltrated with local anaesthesia with adre-
naline before induction; and a set of trache-
ostomy instruments should be set out prominence
before induction of anaesthesia so that an Cricothyroid
emergency tracheostomy can be done if
Skin incision
Thyroid cartilage
Cricoid cartilage
Thyroid gland
Sternohyoid muscle
Sternothyroid muscle
with a pair of scissors, taking care not to the tube passing into a false tract ante-
tear the inferior thyroid veins rior to the trachea (Figure 8)
• Ensure that the surgical field is comple- • Alternately one may remove an anterior
tely dry before proceeding, as it is diffi- cartilage segment of the 2nd, 3rd or 4th
cult to achieve haemostasis once the tra- tracheal rings
cheostomy tube has been inserted
• Should there be doubt about the location
of the trachea, or there be concern it
being confused with the carotid artery,
aspirating air with a needle attached to a
syringe will confirm its location
• Inflate the cuff, attach the anaesthetic cause jugular vein compression, throm-
tubing bosis, venous outflow obstruction and
• Hand-ventilate while correct placement flap failure; the tracheostomy should
of the tube within the trachea is confir- preferably be sutured to the suprastomal
med by checking the expired pCO2, skin (Figure 11)
checking for chest movement or listen-
ing for breath sounds (Figure 9)
• Do not suture the skin tightly around the
tracheostomy tube as this can promote
surgical emphysema
Thyroid cartilage
High tracheostomy: It is important not to Choice of Tracheostomy Tube
place the tracheotomy above the 2nd tra-
cheal ring, as inflammation may cause sub- A variety of tube designs and materials are
glottic oedema, chondritis of the cricoid available. The choice of tube should con-
cartilage, and subglottic stenosis. form to the indication for which it is to be
used. All tubes should have an inner can-
Paratracheal false tract (Figure 12): Inad- nula; this can safely be removed and
vertent extratracheal placement of the trach- cleaned without a need to remove the outer
eostomy tube can be fatal. It is recognised cannula and hence avoids risking losing the
by the absence of breath sounds on airway (Figure 13).
auscultation of the lungs, high ventilatory
pressures, failure to ventilate the lungs,
hypoxia, absence of expired CO2, surgical
emphysema, and an inability to pass a
suction catheter down the bronchial tree,
and on chest X-ray.
Figure 12: Tracheostomy tube visible in a Figure 13: Plastic low pressure cuffed tra-
paratracheal false tract cheostomy tube with outer cannula, inner
cannula and introducer (L to R)
Surgical emphysema, pneumomediasti-
num, and pneumothorax: Injury to the The following factors may influence the
pleural domes is more likely to occur in choice of tube:
children, struggling patients and patients on
positive pressure ventilation. It can be com- Tube diameter: Because airway resistance
plicated by a tension pneumothorax. Hence is related to the 4th power of the radius with
auscultation of the chest and a CXR should laminar flow, and the 5th power of the radius
be performed after tracheostomy, especially with turbulent flow, it is important to select
in ventilated patients. Surgical emphysema a tube that that fits the trachea snugly. A
may also be promoted by suturing the tra- range of sizes should be available. It also
cheostomy wound around the tracheos- underscores the importance of keeping the
tomy tube. tube clean, as accumulation of mucus in-
creases airway resistance not only by redu-
Airway fire: Do not enter the trachea with cing the diameter, but also by causing tur-
diathermy as this may cause an airway fire bulent air flow.
in a patient being ventilated with a high
concentration of oxygen.
Tracheal seal: A cuffed, plastic tracheosto-
my tube is used to create a seal with the
trachea in patients on positive pressure ven-
tilation, and with fresh tracheostomy
wounds (Figure 13) to prevent saliva or
blood entering the lower airways. The cuf-
fed tube may be replaced with an uncuffed
tube, either plastic or metal (Figure 14) in
patients who do not require positive pres-
sure ventilation once the tract between the
skin and the trachea has become well defi-
ned by granulation tissue at 48hrs, and tra- Figure 15: Tracheostomy tube with adjust-
cheostomal bleeding has settled. table flange
Tube material: Metal tubes are thinner Neck Flange: The neck flange should con-
walled, and hence have a better ratio of form to the shape of the neck and fit snugly
outer to inner wall diameter, thereby opti- against the skin to avoid excessive tube
mising airway resistance (Figure 14). movement, accidental decannulation, and
soft tissue trauma
Figure 18: Tracheostomy with suction port Pulmonary Toilette: The presence of a tra-
cheostomy tube and inspiration of dry air ir-
Postoperative care ritates the mucosa and increases secretions.
Tracheostomy also promotes aspiration of
Pulmonary oedema: This may occur fol- saliva and food as tethering of the airway
lowing sudden relief of airway obstruction prevents elevation of the larynx during
and reduction in high intraluminal airway swallowing. Patients are unable to clear se-
cretions as effectively as a tracheostomy going past the cuff with a stethoscope
prevents generation of subglottic pressure, applied to the side of the neck near the
hence making coughing and clearing secre- tracheostomy tube (ventilated patient)
tions ineffective; it also disturbs ciliary • Minimal Leak Technique: The same
function. Therefore, secretions need to be procedure as above, except that once the
suctioned in an aseptic and atraumatic man- airway is sealed, slowly to withdraw
ner. approximately 1ml of air so that a slight
leak is heard at the end of inspiration
Cleaning the tube: Airway resistance is • Pressure gauge: Regular or continuous
related to the 4th power of the radius with monitoring of cuff pressures
laminar flow, and the 5th power of the radius • Transport in unpressurised aircraft:
with turbulent flow. Therefore, even a small Fill the cuff with water or saline as the
reduction of airway diameter and/or conver- reduction in air pressure during flight
sion to turbulent airflow as a result of secre- causes an air-filled cuff to expand
tions in the tube can significantly affect air-
way resistance. Therefore, regular cleaning Decannulation
of the inner cannula is required using a pipe
cleaner or brush. A tracheostomy tube can be removed once
the cause of the airway obstruction has been
Securing the tube: Accidental decannula- resolved. If any doubt exists about adequa-
tion and failure to quickly reinsert the tube cy of the airway e.g. following pharyngeal
may be fatal. This is especially problema- or laryngeal surgery, then the tracheostomy
tic during the 1st 48hrs when the tracheocu- tube is first downsized so that the patient
taneous tract has not matured and attempted can breathe freely past the tube. The tube is
reinsertion of the tube may be complicated then plugged. The patient should be closely
by the tube entering a false tract. Therefore, observed during this time and may be moni-
the tightness of the tracheostomy tapes tored with pulse oximetry. If the patient can
should be regularly checked. Traction sutu- tolerate the tracheostomy tube being plug-
res on the tracheal flap facilitate reinsertion ged overnight, it can then be removed. The
of the tracheotomy tube. tracheostomy wound is covered with an oc-
clusive dressing, and generally heals within
Cuff pressures: When tracheostomy tube
a week without suturing the skin.
cuff pressures against the tracheal wall mu-
cosa exceed 30cm H20, mucosal capillary
Percutaneous dilational tracheostomy
perfusion ceases, ischaemic damage en-
surgical technique
sues and tracheal stenosis may result. Mu-
cosal injury has been shown to occur within b1bd-be95-48e5-81be-
15 minutes. Therefore, cuff inflation pres- 586fbaeba29d/Percutaneous dilational
sures of >25cm H20 should be avoided. tracheostomy surgical technique.pdf
Several studies have demonstrated the in-
adequacy of manual palpation of the pilot Cricothyroidomy
balloon to estimate appropriate cuff pressu-
res. Measures to prevent cuff related injury b1bd-be95-48e5-81be-
include: 586fbaeba29d/Cricothyroidotomy%20and%20
• Only to inflate the cuff if required needle%20cricothyrotomy.pdf
(ventilated, aspiration)
• Minimal Occluding Volume Technique: Paediatric tracheostomy
Deflate the cuff, and then slowly rein-
flate until one can no longer hear air