Paperfor CIMBulletin HBMSCu 19 May 99
Paperfor CIMBulletin HBMSCu 19 May 99
Paperfor CIMBulletin HBMSCu 19 May 99
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In the proposed process flowsheet, the copper and zinc are solubilized in the
pressure leach operation and the leach solution is processed in solvent extraction and
electrowinning operations to separate and recover copper as high purity copper cathode
product. To recover the zinc and to maintain an overall sulphate balance in the plant, a
bleed stream of solvent extraction raffinate solution is processed through acid
neutralization and iron-copper removal operations, producing a zinc sulphate solution
relatively low in copper and other impurities. The zinc sulphate solution, with a Zn:Cu
ratio of 100:1 or greater, may be treated with lime to precipitate basic zinc sulphate
(BZS), or added directly to an appropriate circuit in the existing HBMS Zinc Plant.
Laboratory batch testwork results indicate that improved copper and zinc recoveries, and
similar gold and silver recoveries, can be obtained in the proposed process flowsheet
compared to the existing smelter operations. The conceptual process flowsheet and the
key results from the laboratory batch testwork program are presented in this paper.
Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting (HBMS) and the Metallurgical Technologies
Division of Dynatec Corporation (formerly known as Sherritt International Consultants
Inc.) have a long association with each other in the development and commercial
application of the zinc pressure leach process at Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada (Goodman
et al., 1999). The existing HBMS Zinc Refinery at Flin Flon, which was started up in
1993, utilizes the world’s first stand alone zinc pressure leach plant (Collins et al., 1994;
Ozberk et al., 1995; Collins et al., 1995).
HBMS operates a copper smelter complex in Flin Flon to produce anodes which
are shipped elsewhere for further processing. The feed to the copper smelter is a blend of
purchased concentrates and concentrates derived from HBMS mines. Although the
copper and precious metals recoveries in the existing copper smelter are better than 95%
for copper, gold and silver, the majority of the sulphur in the copper concentrate feed is
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emitted as sulphur dioxide to the atmosphere, and a large fraction of the zinc contained in
the copper concentrate feed is lost to the smelter slag.
HBMS is evaluating the possibility of replacing the existing copper smelter with a
hydrometallurgical process plant for the direct treatment of copper concentrates. The
preferred hydrometallurgical process would convert most of the sulphide sulphur in the
concentrate feed to elemental sulphur, which could be sold or stockpiled. In addition, the
hydrometallurgical process would potentially improve the recoveries of copper and the
precious metals, yield a high grade copper cathode product and allow the recovery of the
zinc via the existing HBMS Zinc Plant.
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recoveries in the conceptual flowsheets were considered an important part of the study
since greater than 95% gold and silver recoveries are achieved in the existing HBMS
copper operations.
Recommendations for further work were outlined in the Phase 1 report to HBMS,
and formed the basis for defining the scope of the Phase 2 Process Development Studies.
The objectives of the Phase 2 studies were to develop a conceptual process flowsheet for
the treatment of copper sulphide concentrates at Flin Flon and to generate sufficient
process information from batch testwork for the preliminary estimation of capital and
operating costs for a copper pressure leaching facility. This paper describes the
conceptual flowsheet developed by Dynatec for HBMS and presents the key results from
the Phase 2 laboratory batch testwork program.
Process Description
The first pass extraction of copper in the pressure leach step is controlled in the
80 to 90% range, to minimize the autoclave retention time. At the moderate leach
temperature, the sulphide sulphur in the feed is predominantly converted to the elemental
state instead of to the fully oxidized sulphate state. The leach residue is then subjected to
sulphur flotation, producing a sulphur-sulphide concentrate and an oxidic tailings.
The sulphur concentrate proceeds to a sulphur melt and filtration operation. The
elemental sulphur filtrate is solidified and stockpiled or sold, depending on market
conditions. The sulphide filter cake is recycled to the pressure leach to recover the
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remaining leachable copper, and to return to the process the precious metals not reporting
with the flotation tailings.
The oxidic tailings, preferably containing a minimal amount of the copper and
most of the precious metals, proceed to a gold and silver recovery operation. A silver
enhancement treatment (SET), which involves the reaction of sulphate species (e.g.,
jarosite or basic iron sulphate) with lime at elevated temperature, ahead of the cyanide
leach, may improve silver extraction. The gold and silver are recovered from the cyanide
leach solution using the conventional carbon-in-pulp (CIP) process. The loaded carbon
removed from the lead CIP tank is first acid washed to remove lime scale and residual
oxide fines, and then the gold and silver are stripped from the carbon in cyanide solution
at elevated temperature and pressure. Silver and gold may be recovered from the strip
solution either by cementation with zinc powder, or by electroplating onto steel wool
cathodes in an electrowinning cell. The resulting gold and silver precipitate or cathodes
would be melted, fluxed to remove base metals as slag, and cast as bars of Doré metal
(>95% Au and Ag) for refining to bullion elsewhere.
A large portion of the SX raffinate is recycled to the pressure leach step. A bleed
stream of the SX raffinate, containing about 6 g/L Cu and 80 g/L H2SO4, is treated in
acid neutralization, iron-copper removal and zinc recovery operations to maintain an
overall sulphate balance and to remove sufficient zinc to maintain an acceptable zinc
concentration in the copper pressure leach circuit. The raffinate bleed stream is treated
with limestone or lime to neutralize the acid. The precipitated gypsum residue is
separated and sent to a tailings pond. Part or all of the neutralized solution, depending on
the overall sulphate balance, is treated with lime to about pH 5.5, under oxidizing
conditions and at 85°C, to precipitate iron and copper. The iron and copper residue,
along with the small amount of co-precipitated zinc and gypsum, is separated from
solution and returned to the copper pressure leach circuit for redissolution of the metal
values. Finally, the low copper and iron containing solution, with zinc concentrations in
the range of 15 to 45 g/L, is treated with lime to precipitate and recover basic zinc
sulphate, which may be processed in the HBMS Zinc Plant. Alternatively, the zinc
containing solution following iron and copper removal is directed to the existing zinc
hydroxide precipitation circuit in the HBMS Zinc Plant.
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Feed Materials
Most of the laboratory testwork was conducted on the copper concentrate blend
after regrinding.
Process Chemistry
Ferrous sulphate can be oxidized to ferric sulphate in the same reaction vessel in
the presence of a suitable oxidant such as oxygen. Iron precipitates as a combination of
hydrated iron oxides and sulphate bearing solids such as basic iron sulphate. Hematite is
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preferentially formed in copper sulphate solution at the higher temperatures in this range
and under lower acid conditions.
The overall reaction of chalcopyrite, with the formation of elemental sulphur and
hematite, is as follows.
Other minerals in the copper concentrate such as bornite (Cu5FeS4), pyrite (FeS2)
and sphalerite (ZnS) react in sulphuric acid solution by the following reactions.
Laboratory Testwork
Small scale batch pressure leach rate tests were conducted to evaluate the effects
of various leach parameters (such as additive dosage, feed particle size, initial acid and
zinc concentrations, and retention time) on pressure leach performance.
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Generally, the HBMS concentrate blend responded to the leach parameter
variations as expected based on previous process development testwork. However, new
responses were observed in the tests with variable zinc concentrations in the head
solution (0 to about 50 g/L Zn). With increased zinc concentration the copper and zinc
extraction rates were slightly lowered. Also, and more significantly, as the zinc level
increased, the terminal acidity and iron concentration decreased. Analysis of the leach
residues indicated that the amount of sulphate in the solids increased with increasing zinc
in the head solution, although the total oxidation of sulphide sulphur to sulphate sulphur
remained relatively constant at about 30% over the range of zinc levels tested.
Larger scale batch pressure leach tests in the material balance mode (i.e. without
any intermediate sampling) were conducted to confirm selected pressure leach conditions
from the small scale tests and to generate solids and solution for downstream testwork.
The feed solution was synthetic SX raffinate, containing 40 g/L Zn. The molar ratio of
free sulphuric acid plus equivalent acid as iron sulphates in the raffinate, to copper plus
zinc in the feed solids, was 0.9:1.
The material balance tests, simulating a single pass of leaching in the proposed
partial leach-sulphide recycle flowsheet, confirmed the rate test results, giving 85%
copper extraction, 99% zinc extraction, 3% iron extraction, 28% sulphide sulphur
oxidation to sulphate, and 60% sulphide sulphur conversion to elemental sulphur in the
final solids. The final solution composition was about (g/L): 39 Cu, 0.6 Fe2+, 3.3 FeT,
18 H2SO4, and 43 Zn, which is suitable as feed to the subsequent solvent extraction
Leach residue solids produced in the material balance tests were subjected to
rougher-scavenger and cleaner flotation tests. Good recoveries of copper and sulphur
and good rejection of silica and iron were achieved. Approximately 95% of the copper
and 76% of the sulphur were recovered to the rougher-scavenger concentrate, producing
tailings containing 0.46% Cu. With the recycle of the sulphide cake to the pressure
leach, this corresponds to less than 1% of the copper in the copper concentrate feed to the
process reporting to the tailings.
Gold in the pressure leach residue was split between the concentrate and tailings
fractions, with the larger part reporting to the cleaner concentrate. A significant portion
of the gold in the feed, therefore, will be recycled back to the pressure leach with the
sulphide cake. The silver reported predominantly to the flotation tailings, presumably
with the jarositic and/or oxidic components.
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Locked Cycle Testing
The selected conditions for the locked cycle test were based on the previous batch
test results and preliminary mass balances done on the proposed copper plant flowsheet.
A summary of copper, iron and zinc deportment in the locked cycle test is given in
Table II.
Table II − Deportment of Copper, Iron and Zinc in Locked Cycle Test Output Solids
Analysis, % Amount, % *
Cu Fe Zn Cu Fe Zn
Flotation Tailings
Cycle 1 ** 1.08 36.9 0.89 0.44 14.5 2.16
Cycles 2 to 9 0.33 39.6 0.05 0.74 86.4 0.73
Cycle 9 Sulphide Cake 9.59 22.5 0.04 1.20 2.74 0.03
Cycle 9 Flotation Recycle *** 0.60 34.9 0.03 0.12 6.91 0.03
* weight percentage of metals in feed solids
** contained abnormally high copper and zinc levels
*** cleaner tails plus scavenger con
The median analysis of copper in the flotation tailings was 0.34%; this
corresponds to less than 1% of the copper in the copper concentrate reporting to the
flotation tailings, corresponding to an overall recovery of copper to solution of greater
than 99%. The zinc concentration in the flotation tailings was typically less than 0.10%,
corresponding to an overall recovery of zinc to solution of about 99% as well.
The median analysis for the pressure leach product solution from the locked cycle
test is given in Table III. The copper pickup in solution was about 34 g/L and the zinc
pickup was about 5 g/L. The concentration of iron in the product liquor was 2.5 g/L,
which was similar to that of the raffinate used as the lixiviant in pressure leaching. The
net extraction of iron to solution was limited to about 1%. The concentration of free
sulphuric acid in the product liquor, at 16 g/L, was relatively low, making this solution
readily treatable in solvent extraction.
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Table III − Pressure Leach Solution Analysis
A summary of sulphur deportment in the locked cycle test is given in Table IV.
Analysis, % Amount, % *
S° S(SO4) STotal S° S(SO4) STotal
Flotation Tailings 6.5 6.7 13.7 14 15 29
S° Filtrate 100 - 100 44 - 44
Sulphide Cake 38.9 1.0 49.9 4.4 0.1 5.6
Flotation Recycle ** 13.3 5.5 19.8 2.2 1.0 3.3
Total - - - 65 16 82
* weight percentage of sulphide sulphur in feed solids
** cleaner tails plus scavenger con
The elemental sulphur filtrate contained 4 g/t As, 3 g/t Hg, 10 g/t Se and 2 g/t Te.
The low levels of selenium and tellurium were surprising in light of the relatively high
concentrations of these elements in the feed copper concentrate blend. The impurity
levels in the elemental sulphur produced in the test program were compared with typical
smelter acid and battery grade acid impurity levels, and indicated that, for the elements
analyzed, the sulphur produced in the locked cycle test may be saleable for making
battery grade acid.
About one third of the gold in the copper concentrate feed to all nine cycles in the
locked cycle test reported to the flotation tailings. The amount of gold in the tailings
increased slowly through the locked cycle test, ranging from 4.8 to 7.3 g/t over nine
cycles. As expected, gold also built up in the sulphide cake as the test progressed, up to
79 g/t in Cycle 9. The deportment of gold was not at equilibrium after nine cycles of
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locked cycle testing, but the test confirmed that a significant amount of gold will recycle
with the sulphide cake to the pressure leach.
About 95% of the silver in the copper concentrate feed to all nine cycles in the
locked cycle test reported to the flotation tailings, and about 3% reported to the Cycle 9
sulphide cake. The remaining silver was accounted for in the final Cycle 9 flotation
recycle solids and in the intermediate sulphide cake solids that were sampled for
analyses. The silver analysis in the tailings ranged between 219 and 299 g/t with a
median analysis of 245 g/t.
Selected pressure leach residue and flotation tailings solids were subjected to
cyanidation either directly or after a lime boil pretreatment step to liberate silver from
jarosite or basic iron sulphate components. The lime boil step has also been referred
to as silver enhancement treatment (SET) (Berezowsky et al., 1990).
High gold and silver extractions (from 95 to 98%) were obtained in the cyanide
leach tests conducted on the flotation tailings obtained from the locked cycle leach test
residues, at cyanide additions of about 10 kg NaCN per tonne of tailings, or 7 kg NaCN
per tonne of copper concentrate feed to the process, even without a prior SET step.
Based on these test results alone, the SET step appears not to be required to obtain high
silver extraction. This would simplify the precious metals recovery operations and
significantly reduce the reagent requirements. However, cyanide leach tests conducted
on residues produced in the larger scale material balance pressure leach tests showed that
a SET step was required to obtain high silver extractions. It is expected that the
requirement for a SET step will be better defined in future process development testwork
on residues produced in a continuous miniplant pressure leach operation.
Extraction and strip isotherms were generated in two series of batch shakeout
solvent extraction tests using an organic phase consisting of 32 vol% Acorga M5640
organic extractant in Shellsol 2046 diluent. The isotherms were subsequently used to
predict the copper and acid profiles in a solvent extraction circuit containing three
extraction stages and two strip stages. About 84% copper extraction was predicted, to
produce a raffinate containing 6.4 g/L Cu and 69 g/L H2SO4. In the strip section, spent
electrolyte would be used to strip about 69% of the copper to produce a pregnant
electrolyte containing 40 g/L Cu and 165 g/L H2SO4. A loaded organic phase containing
13.9 g/L Cu would be expected, while the stripped organic would be expected to have a
residual copper content of 4.3 g/L.
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Raffinate Bleed Neutralization and Zinc Recovery Tests
In the acid neutralization test, a final solution with 0.3 g/L H2SO4 was achieved
with very small losses of copper and zinc to the acid neutralization solids (about 0.9% of
the copper and about 0.3% of the zinc contained in the raffinate). At the relatively low
final acid level, about 75% of the iron was precipitated and reported to the gypsum. At a
higher final acid level, less iron would be precipitated in the acid neutralization step and
thus more iron would be removed in the subsequent iron-copper removal step. Because
of the relatively low amount of ferrous iron in the final solution from the acid
neutralization test, the iron/copper removal step was quite fast. The concentrations of
copper and iron in solution were reduced to each less than 0.1 g/L. About 12% of the
zinc in the raffinate bleed was coprecipitated with the iron-copper removal solids. The
zinc in the iron/copper removal solids would be recycled to the process and, thus, would
eventually report to the basic zinc sulphate cake. In the basic zinc sulphate precipitation
test, zinc in solution was lowered to 0.01 g/L, and copper and iron were lowered to <0.5
and <1 mg/L, respectively. The zinc to copper ratio in the basic zinc sulphate cake was
Two tests were conducted to determine if the iron-copper removal solids from
raffinate bleed neutralization could be recycled to the process to recover the copper and
zinc values. The conditions and solutions used in the two tests were chosen to simulate
the addition of the iron-copper removal solids to the acid neutralization step in raffinate
bleed neutralization, and to the pressure leach conditioning tank. In both tests, the
copper, iron and zinc values were readily dissolved leaving final residue solids
containing relatively pure gypsum with minimal metal content. In the two cases that
were simulated, the dissolved iron, after building up to a certain equilibrium level in
solution, would eventually report to the pressure leach. Iron deportment in the pressure
leach is dictated by the leach conditions (e.g. temperature, acidity), with the majority of
the iron reporting to the leach residue and eventually to the oxidic tailings stream.
The basic zinc sulphate (BZS) cake would be added to an appropriate circuit in
the existing HBMS Zinc Plant, taking into account the contained impurities, most of
which were at relatively low levels in the BZS cake produced in the test program. The
BZS cake contained only 0.11% Cu, corresponding to a Zn:Cu ratio of about 200:1, and
thus should be readily treated in the zinc plant, from a copper content perspective (i.e.,
without significantly affecting the consumption of zinc dust in the zinc plant purification
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The batch test results indicate that the proposed process flowsheet, based on the
direct hydrometallurgical treatment of HBMS copper sulphide concentrates, should give
improved copper and zinc recoveries (98% each) compared to those obtained in the
existing copper smelter operations (better than 95% for Cu and 10% for Zn). The
recoveries of gold and silver should remain at levels similar to those achieved in the
existing smelting operations (better than 95%).
The authors thank the management of Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co.,
Limited, and the management of Dynatec Corporation for permission to publish this
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Copper Concentrate
Pressure L Lime
Leach S
Oxygen Lime Boil
Limestone (SET)
L Solution to
S Effluent Treatment
or to Pressure Leach
Figure 1 − Dynatec’s Copper Pressure Leach Process Flowsheet Proposed for HBMS
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Concentrate Synthetic
-63 µm solids
Screening Rougher-Scavenger Scavenger Tailings
Flotation to PM Recovery
+63 µm solids Concentrate
Rougher Concentrate
Sulphide Cleaner
Grinding Cake Melting and Tailings Cleaner
Filtration Flotation
Cleaner Concentrate
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