Tech. Write Prefinal Bsrem 2020

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Republic of the Philippines

Lyceum of Alabang
Km. 30 National Road, Brgy. Tunasan
Muntinlupa City




At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

1. To have the knowledge of the different skills in reading;

2. To know how to write a research paper, title, the different parts;


Reading skills / Techniques:

The four main types of reading techniques are the following:

 Skimming
 Scanning
 Intensive
 Extensive

Skimming is sometimes referred to as gist reading where

you’re trying to glance over the material to grasp the main idea.
The way to do this is to read the first and last paragraph and
check for any dark headings.
Prepared by: Prof. Luchi P. Sereneo Noted & approved by: Leah
Digo, Phd.
VP Acad
Republic of the Philippines
Lyceum of Alabang
Km. 30 National Road, Brgy. Tunasan
Muntinlupa City

Skimming may help in order to know what the text is

about at its most basic level. You might typically do this with a
magazine or newspaper and would help you mentally and
quickly shortlist those articles which you might consider for a
deeper reading. You might typically skim to search for a name
in a telephone directory.

You can reach a speed count of even 700 words per

minute if you train yourself well in this particular method. There
are unique courses with speed reading techniques that you
won’t find elsewhere online that will show you how to use both
traditional and hi-tech speed reading methods.

Prepared by: Prof. Luchi P. Sereneo Noted & approved by: Leah
Digo, Phd.
VP Acad
Republic of the Philippines
Lyceum of Alabang
Km. 30 National Road, Brgy. Tunasan
Muntinlupa City

Skimming Saves You Time

Skimming will certainly save you a lot of time as you grasp

the main idea of whatever you are reading, but do not expect your
comprehension to be high during the process. However, skimming
is useful when your goal is to preview the text to get a better idea
of what it’s about. It will help prepare you for deeper learning.

As learning expert and author Pat Wyman says in her online

course, Total Recall Learning™ for Students skimming is a terrific
idea to get an overview and mental picture in your mind which will
help improve your memory. This strategy makes it much easier to
recall what you’re about to read.

1. Take a look at the table of contents first.

2. Review the subheadings in each chapter.
3. Quickly read the first paragraph in that section.
4. Check out anything in your text that is in bold or italics.
5. If there is a chapter summary, now is a good time to read it
over. This completely prepares your brain to have an overview
of what this chapter is about. You can then go on to use
scanning to find specific important ideas.

Prepared by: Prof. Luchi P. Sereneo Noted & approved by: Leah
Digo, Phd.
VP Acad
Republic of the Philippines
Lyceum of Alabang
Km. 30 National Road, Brgy. Tunasan
Muntinlupa City


Picture yourself visiting a historical city, guide book in hand.

You would most probably just scan the guide book to see which site
you might want to visit.

Scanning involves getting your eyes to quickly scuttle across

sentence and is used to get just a simple piece of information. You’ll
be searching for specific words or phrases that will give you more
information and answer questions you may have.

Interestingly, research has concluded that reading off a

computer screen actually inhibits the pathways to effective scanning
and thus, reading of paper is far more conducive to speedy
comprehension of texts.

Something students sometimes do not give enough importance

to, are illustrations.

Prepared by: Prof. Luchi P. Sereneo Noted & approved by: Leah
Digo, Phd.
VP Acad
Republic of the Philippines
Lyceum of Alabang
Km. 30 National Road, Brgy. Tunasan
Muntinlupa City

These should be included in your scanning. Pay special

attention to the introduction and the conclusion.

Intensive Reading

You need to have your aims clear in mind when

undertaking intensive reading. Remember this is going to be far
more time consuming than scanning or skimming.

If you need to list the chronology of events in a long

passage, you will need to read it intensively. This type of
reading is indeed beneficial to language learners as it helps
them understand vocabulary by deducing the meaning of
words in context. It moreover, helps with retention of
information for long periods of time and knowledge resulting
from intensive reading persists in your long-term memory.

Prepared by: Prof. Luchi P. Sereneo Noted & approved by: Leah
Digo, Phd.
VP Acad
Republic of the Philippines
Lyceum of Alabang
Km. 30 National Road, Brgy. Tunasan
Muntinlupa City

This is one reason why reading huge amounts of

information just before an exam does not work very well.
Students tend to do this, and they undertake neither type of
reading process effectively, especially neglecting intensive
reading. They may remember the answers in an exam but will
likely forget everything soon afterwards.

Extensive Reading

Extensive reading involves reading for pleasure.

Because there is an element of enjoyment in extensive reading
it is unlikely that students will undertake extensive reading of a
text they do not like.

It also requires a fluid decoding and assimilation of the

text and content in front of you.

Prepared by: Prof. Luchi P. Sereneo Noted & approved by: Leah
Digo, Phd.
VP Acad
Republic of the Philippines
Lyceum of Alabang
Km. 30 National Road, Brgy. Tunasan
Muntinlupa City

If the text is difficult and you stop every few minutes to

figure out what is being said or to look up new words in the
dictionary, you are breaking your concentration and diverting
your thoughts.

 Is the ability to learn and assimilate information also genetic?

It is not uncommon for people to associate intelligent or

bright kids with their equally intelligent parents. Often children
of parents who have a profession appear to be more intelligent.
However, it is important to note first and foremost, that
academic intelligence is only one form of intelligence and even
a university professor who scores high on academic
intelligence, might be the most impractical person, finding it
difficult to pragmatically solve problems to simple everyday

The notion of intelligence is an extremely complex and

diverse one and to pin it into just a single word means
whipping out the multitude of connotations and meanings that
it actually embodies.

Prepared by: Prof. Luchi P. Sereneo Noted & approved by: Leah
Digo, Phd.
VP Acad
Republic of the Philippines
Lyceum of Alabang
Km. 30 National Road, Brgy. Tunasan
Muntinlupa City

Scientists have found no plausible relationship between

our genes and our ability to learn or our intelligence. There is
no genetic DNA test that can predict intelligence because
intelligence is due to your environment. It is likely that children
with parents who exercise a profession appear more intelligent
because their parents directly or directly encourage it. Likely, it
is also evident that parents who neglect their children and do
not enforce their schooling commitments (doing their
homework, study periods etc.) will perform less well in school
and appear “less intelligent”.

A. The Basic and Fundamental Concepts of Research

According to Prof. Estela G. Adanza research means:

1. Simplest definition – is looking for an answer to a query using

the most logical and valid methods.
2. Technical manner – is a process of using relevant date with the
best methods of analysis that can help the user develop new
knowledge or new insight into the problem.
3. In a simple way, research can be defined in two words, re and
search which give new implications to the concept of research.
It implies that the object of research has been done before, and
the function of the present researcher is to concur or improve,
or negate the findings of the previous work, while other
definitions linked research to a farmer plowing a virgin field, an
activity one finds hard and difficult to handle.
4. Some defined research as a systematic way of looking at a
problem with all the potential tools use to arrive at the most
valid conclusions and generalizations usually from empirical

B. Different Kinds of Research:

1. Basic researches – are those that deal with process of
objects and things, or information about different topics
with no concern for a direct pay-off. Among these are

Prepared by: Prof. Luchi P. Sereneo Noted & approved by: Leah
Digo, Phd.
VP Acad
Republic of the Philippines
Lyceum of Alabang
Km. 30 National Road, Brgy. Tunasan
Muntinlupa City

studies on relationships, comparative analysis, trends, and

a. the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors of students
to enroll in Information Technology courses.
b. The interaction of age and gender on the Thurstone
Mental Ability Test.
c. Cost benefit analysis of contractual workers in
manufacturing car companies.

2. Applied researches – are those that probe into the unknown

using directly the results to a current problem.
a. Studies on rice substitutes.
b. Different contraceptives for birth control.
c. Use of native plants to serve as gasoline.

3. Empirical researches – are more specific than basic

researches, but imply their nature from the use of data,
whether quantitative or qualitative. Basically, they have the
following important characteristics:
a. Based upon observations and experiences;
b. Derived from direct data;
c. Deal with population samples;

C. Parts of the Research Report:

1. There are two kinds of research formats:
a. The format of a thesis and dissertation; and
b. A format for a scientific research journal

Prepared by: Prof. Luchi P. Sereneo Noted & approved by: Leah
Digo, Phd.
VP Acad
Republic of the Philippines
Lyceum of Alabang
Km. 30 National Road, Brgy. Tunasan
Muntinlupa City

1. Thesis and Dissertation Format:

Chapter Titles:
a. The Problem and its Background
b. Review of Related Literature and Studies
c. Methods of Research and Procedure
d. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
e. Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

2. For Scientific Reports

a. Abstract
b. Key Concepts
c. Objectives
d. Methodology
e. Results and Discussions
f. Conclusion and Recommendations



Prepared by: Prof. Luchi P. Sereneo Noted & approved by: Leah
Digo, Phd.
VP Acad
Republic of the Philippines
Lyceum of Alabang
Km. 30 National Road, Brgy. Tunasan
Muntinlupa City

Assume that you are a member of the Muntinlupa Rescue Team.

Write an “Essay about Rescue and Operations “, during the
rampage of Super Typhoon “Rolly”.

Prepared by: Prof. Luchi P. Sereneo Noted & approved by: Leah
Digo, Phd.
VP Acad

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