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Halliday & removing a pointless sentence from a Halliday, M.A.K. and Hasan, R. 1976.

Hasan (1976) text after it has already been Cohesion in English. London: Longman
mentioned and replacing it with Retrieved from
nothing https://uhn.ac.id/files/akademik_files/17120
Beaugrande repeating a structure's overall Beaugrande , Robert and Wolfgang Dressler
(1981) substance but skipping certain of its (1981) . Introduction to text
outward manifestations linguistics . London : Longman Group UK
limited . Retrieved from
Salkie (1995:50) a method where, depending on the Salkie, Raphael.1995. Text and Discourse
context, omitting a word or phrase is Analysis. Routledge: London and New York.
preferable to repeating it Retrieved from
Richard and the practice of omitting phrases or Richards, Jack, Platt, John and Weber,
Platt (1985:90) words from sentences when they are Heidi.1985. Longman Dictionary of Applied
unneeded since they have previously Linguistics.
been discussed or referenced Longman Group Ltd: England Retrieved from
Dwivedi (2015) Sentences that are left out are seen to Dwivedi, A.V. (2015). A Study of Ellipsis in
be repetitive or uninteresting since English and Hindi Short Stories. Linguistics
they contain the same information and Literature Studies Vol. 3(6), pp. 296 –
299. Retrieved from http://www.hrpub.org/
Definition of Ellipsis

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