Prof Ed 8 TTL 1 Syllabus

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Republic of the Philippines

Romblon State University

Romblon, Philippines

Second Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023



A research-based academic institution committed to excellence and service in nurturing globally competitive workforce towards sustainable development.


Romblon State University shall nurture an academic environment that provides advanced education, higher technological and professional instruction and technical expertise in agriculture
and fisheries, forestry, engineering and technology, education, humanities, sciences and other relevant fields of study and collaborate with other institutions and communities through responsive,
relevant and research-based extension services.

Core Values

1. Stewardship
2. Competence
3. Resilience
4. Integrity
5. Balance
6. Excellence
7. Service


1. Quality education;
2. Globally competitive graduates;
3. Innovative and scientific approaches in teaching and learning;
4. Research competence and capability;
5. Community extension services; and RSU-CED-00-___-SYL-2022-__-__
6. Values, attitudes, critical thinking and lifelong skills.

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

1. To develop relevant expertise and competence in the academe and deliver quality education for the total development of BEED/BSED graduates skilled in their major field of
2. To develop creativity and scientific approaches, and encourage innovative ideas in the academe in order to provide efficient and effective services in the secondary level;
3. To develop research competence among BEED/BSED students in order to contribute to the general advancement of knowledge;
4. To facilitate the development of skills and attitudes necessary for success of the Pre-Service Secondary Teachers who shall be employable locally and abroad;
5. To extend educational and entrepreneurial expertise for community development; and
6. To develop students ’moral character, critical thinking.
Course Description:

This is an introductory course that explores basic knowledge, skills and values in the use of technology for teaching and learning. It includes ICT policies and safety issues, media and
technologies in various content areas, learning theories and principles and design of learning lessons, teaching and learning experiences and assessment tasks that utilize appropriate traditional and
innovative technological with social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of technology source and resources. (CMO No. 74 s. 2017)

Course Code: Prof Ed 8

Credit Units: 3 units

Prerequisites: None

Program Outcomes:

PrEd01: Articulate the rootedness of education in the philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, legal and political context.
PrEd02: Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
PrEd03: Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments.
PrEd04: Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches and resources to diverse learners.
PrEd05: Apply skills in the development and innovation of ICT to promote quality, relevant and sustainable educational practices.
PrEd06: Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing and reporting learning, processes and outcomes.
PrEd07: Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national and global realities.
PrEd08: Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field based opportunities.

Course Outcomes / Link to Program Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

PrEd01 PrEd02 PrEd03 PrEd04 PrEd05 PrEd06 PrEd07 PrEd08
1. Explain ICT policies and safety issues as they impact on the
teaching-learning process 

2. Identify learning theories and principles applied in the design and

development of lessons through appropriate media and technologies for

teaching and learning

3. Integrate media and technology in various content areas

4. Formulate teaching-learning experiences and assessment tasks using
appropriate and innovative technologies 

5. Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of

technology tools and resources 

Course Requirements:

In order to pass this course, you must:

1) Submit all the answered learning modules on time.
2) Gain in-depth understanding of the concepts through research, course readings and course tasks.

Course Grading System

Course grading system will be based on the requirements prescribed by the subject teacher and the approved grading system of the university.

Outputs will be assessed based on the following criteria:

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

Rating (100%) Equivalent Point in Final Raw Score Final Grade

Outputs Score Remarks
(see formula below) Grade (Rating x Equivalent point) (See Grading System)
Module 1 x .15
Module 2 x .15
Module 3 x .20
Module 4 x .40
Quizzes x .10
Total Grade (sum of Raw Score) NOTE:
Each module contains several tasks/activities. The obtained scores in each module will be converted to percentages using the formula Rating= Obtained Score ÷ Highest Possible Score x 50 +
50 and multiplied to .15, for Module 1 and 2, .20 for Module 3 and .40 for Module 4. Online Quizzes scores will also be converted into ratings with the same formula and will be multiplied by .10.
Raw scores will be summed up to obtain the total Grade.


Point System Percentage Equivalent Point System Percentage Equivalent
1.00 99-100 Excellent 2.50 79-81 Satisfactory
1.25 96-98 2.75 76-78
1.50 93-95 Very Good 3.00 75
1.75 89-92 INC 70-74 Conditional
2.00 85-88 Good 5.00 Failure
2.25 82-84 W Withdrawn

Reference: CED Operations Manual

Course Outline


Learning Assessment Tasks Learning Assessment Tasks Learning Assessment

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

Activities Activities Activities Tasks

Familiarize blended/ flexible
learning platform etc.  Introduce the
Course Syllabus,
Schedule of
Activities, and
Orientation Materials and
readings for all
modules via
Google Meet or

2 1. Introduction to 1.1 Define terms and concepts

Technology for essential to the understanding of Module 1 |Topic 1:
Teaching and technology for teaching and learning.  Read Topics Activity
Learning 1 1 and 2 1.1. Students will look
1.2. Use the concepts and terms in  Answer the at the following words
A. Basic Concepts to be communicating with peers assessment from a Typography
defined: tasks in every Design.
 Technology, 1.3. Explain the roles of technology topics They will write
 Information and in teaching and learning honestly the words
Communication they are familiar with.
Technology and Literacy 1.4. Portray the value of technology They will write their
or ICT Literacy in supporting student learning ideas on a box about
 Educational Technology the word/s they see
 Digital Literacy from the picture.
 Digital Learning
 Online Digital Tools and Analysis
Apps Students will answer a
 Off-line Digital Tools two-item question.
and Apps
 Instructional Technology Application
 Software 1. Students will
 Multimedia make a wordlist
 Internet of terms of at least
 World Wide Web 10 ICT-terms with
 Web Access definitions or
 Webquest

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

 Productivity Tools descriptions.

 Technology Tool They will write in the
 Webquest, Blog references (APA
 Wiki Format) to the sources
 Flipped classroom of their explanations.
 Podcast 2. Students will
 Google Apps identify five (5)
 Vlog concepts that they
 Facebook learned in this
 VOIP lesson. They will
write their ideas
about the

Module 1 |Topic 2
Activity & Analysis
Students will answer
HOTS questions and
form meaningful
2. Roles of Technology for Application
Teaching and Learning Students will write a
100-150 word
A. For Teachers and paragraph on how they
Teaching are going to use
technology when they
B. For Learners and become a teacher.
Learning They will make their
own creative title.
They will be graded
with a criteria.
3 2.1 Create a policy proposal in Module 2 |Topic 1:
1. ICT Policies and relation to the use of ICT in the Activity
Safety Issues in classroom Students will suggest

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

Teaching and  Read Topics what to do to develop

Learning 2.2 Enumerate the national ICT 1,2 and 3 and maximize the
policies affecting classroom practices efficiency of the
A. ICT National or 2.3 Describe the implementation of Answer the educational
International Policies That ICT policies in teaching-learning assessment tasks technology themes
are Applicable to Teaching 2.4 Identify ICT policies that are in every topics policies in the
and Learning: incorporated to the design and education sector of our
implementation of teaching-learning country.
1. Learners' Information activities
System Analysis
2. Enhanced Basic Students will write
Education Information down at least ten (10)
System international and
3. Learning Resources national ICTs as a
Management and learning tool
Development System they can think can
4. DepEd improve quality in
Computerization education.
5. Eight (8) Educational Application:
Technology Themes Students will create
their own policy
proposal in relation to
the use of ICT in the
2. Safety issues in ICT
Module 2 |Topic 2:
•Educate Students will answer a
•Respond table about bullying

Students will answer

Based on your
activities, make a

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

mind-map of the
decisions you face
The implementation of
ICT policies in
teaching-learning and
the safety issues in
ICT regarding

Topic 3:
Students will research
and choose a school.
Write down their ICT
3. Uses of ICT Policies and best practices by
in the Teaching and surfing the World
Learning Wide Web and write
Environment down the discoveries
using the graphic
A. Policy Recommended
Programs that have
applications to Analysis
education teaching- Students will answer
learning comprehensive
B. Policy Recommended questions
Programs that have
applications to Application
education teaching- In a continuum from
learning traditional to the new
environment, where
would you position
your school? Place an
X mark where you
think your school is.
The students will
explain their answers.

4 3.1. Apply the ASSURE and TPACK Module 3 |Topic 1

1. Theories and Principles model in planning and creating a

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

in the Use and Design of lesson. Activity

Technology-Driven  Read Topics Students will study the
Learning Lessons 3.2. Explain comprehensively Dale’s 1, 2, and 3 Cone of Experience
Cone of Experience and present given. They will
A. Dale’s Cone of classroom practices that exemplify Answer the analyze how the
Experience each level of the Cone. assessment tasks elements are arranged
in every topics from the bottom
The bands of experience in a. Presents an exemplar of upward or top- down
Dale’s Cone of Experience different instructional and put their ideas to
tools that are suitable the given graphic
Dale's Cone of Experience for an instructional Organizer.
as a tool to help my setting.
students build learning Analysis
experiences 3.4. Understand and describe the Students will answer
Technological pedagogical content comprehensive
The Cone of Experience knowledge (TPACK) questions
corresponds with three
significant modes of 3.5. Select and employ appropriate Application
learning technology tools in designing a Based on the concepts
lesson. presented above,
design a simple lesson
3.6 Understand the concept of the that will employ
ASSURE model in designing lessons activities
with technology. that can be found on
the bottom parts of the
Cone of Experience,
particularly proving a
direct, purposeful

Module 3 |Topic 2
Read and carefully
understand the sample
lesson plan created
based on Harris and
Hofer’s (2009)
2. TPACK Framework procedure followed by
for Effective Pedagogical its
Practice TPACK element

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

Students will answer

Design your TPACK
lesson plans using and
applying the
knowledge baseline
you learned to the

Module 3 |Topic 3
Examines the teachers’
use of the ASSURE
model to create
lessons and implement
these lessons with
their students in a
variety of settings.
3. The ASSURE Model
 What is ASSURE Students will answer
Model? comprehensive
 Six Steps of questions
Develop an ASSURE
lesson plan based on
the above concepts
and apply all the
insights that you have
gained in this lesson

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

5 1. 21st Century Literacy 1.1. Identify and describe the Module 4| Topic 1
Skills elements of 21st century literacy Activity
skills. The students will
 What are 21st Century study the Framework
Skills? 1.2. Discuss the rationale for of 21st- Century
 21st Century Themes teaching and learning 21st Century Learning and answer
 Learning and Skills. the KWL chart.
Innovation Skills
 Information, Media and 1.3. Write a Personal Lifelong Analysis
Technology Skills Learning Plan (PLLP). Students will answer
 Life and Career Skills comprehensive
What is 21st Century questions
Literacy Skill
 Activities that develop Application
21st Century Literacy Students will be doing
skills SWOT analysis about
their literacy capacity.
Module 4| Topic 2
2. Instructional Design
Students will fill in the
information on the
semantic web.
A. Gagne’s Nine Events of
2.1. Introduce instructional Analysis
design model Students will answer
B. Bloom’s Revised
2.2. Introduce sample questions
technology- enhanced
lessons to support learning; Application
Illustrate the (a)
D. Merril’s Principles of

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

Instructions presence and (b) the

importance of the
different Instructional
models in a classroom

Module 4| Topic 3
Identify all feasible
3. Technology technological tools
Enhanced Teaching that can be
applied in your
Enhanced Technology locality.
Teaching 3.1. Describe flexible learning Cite at least 5
environments that enhance technological
collaboration with the positive
use of technology tools in
Students will answer

Choose one
Technological Tool
that can be
applicable/doable in
your local area. In
your slides, put
pictures of your
community and design
your plan on how
would you incorporate
your chosen
technological tool. Go
to your provided
Google Slide Links

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

Module 4| Topic 4
Remember and
identify the
conventional learning
materials below using
the box of words.

Students will answer
4. ICT Conventional comprehensive
Materials to Enhance questions

Conventional or traditional Application

learning 4.1. Explain what conventional Two pictures are
learning and its implications are. presented: a traditional
I. Conventional or non- classroom that
digital tools 4.2. Differentiate conventional and practices conventional
non-conventional learning. learning and a modern
II. Non-conventional or classroom which
digital tools 4.3. Identify what are the different practices non-
digital learning materials and conventional
conventional learning resources that learning. Analyze
can support the teaching and learning what are their major
process are. differences including
their advantages and

Module 4| Topic 5
Analyze the picture
below and answer the
questions provided.

Students will answer

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

Reflective Journal

5. Distance Learning

Borderless learning 5.1. Describe what distance Module 4| Topic 6

learning is and identify its Activity
Disadvantages of Distance advantages and Think of a text book
Learning disadvantages. that you like the
most and answer
Types of Distance 5.2. Compare and the following
Learning Modes contrast synchronous and
questions by filling
learning modalities. out the blank.
Distance Learning
Platforms Analysis
5.3. Identify what examples of Students will answer
distance learning platforms comprehensive
are. questions

Interview one (1)
6. Relevance and teacher (through
Appropriateness in text, messenger,
the use of Technology email, and other
6.1. Define what is instructional
in Teaching and
material; means available)
and ask the
6.2. Discuss the relevance and following questions
appropriateness in the use of
below. Consolidate
technology in teaching and learning;
the data after the
6.3. Explain the importance of the interview and make
relevance and appropriateness in a conclusion and
using technology in teaching; reflection based on
the data collected.
6.4. Evaluate technologies and Attach your
instructional materials used by documentation,
teachers in teaching
screenshots, or

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines


Amaral, R. B., Hoyos, V., de Geest, E., Silverman, J., & Vogel, R. (2017). Topic study group no. 44: distance learning, e-learning, and blended learning. In proceedings of the 13th
international congress on mathematical education (pp. 583-584). Springer, Cham.

Anderson, Lorin W., and David R. Krathwohl, eds. 2001. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York:
Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Ballado, R. (2012). Basic concepts in educational technology 1. Rex Book Store,

Bilbao, P., Dequilla, M.A., Rosano, D., Boholano, H. (2019). Technology for teaching and learning 1. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Bloom, B.S. and Krathwohl, D. R. (1956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals, by a committee of college and university examiners. Handbook I:
Cognitive Domain. NY, NY: Longmans, Green

Branch, R. M. (2009). Instructional design: The ADDIE approach (Vol. 722). Springer Science & Business Media.

Buno, C. (2014). Principles in Selecting Instructional Media. Retrieved from:

Morrell, E. (2012). 21st‐century literacies, critical media pedagogies, and language arts.
The Reading Teacher, 66(4), 300-302. Brief.pdf

Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2009). P21 framework definitions. ERIC Clearinghouse.

RESouRCE, A., & GuidE, P. (2008). 21st Century Skills, Education & Competitiveness.

Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Retrieved May, 15, 2015.

Smaldino, L.R. et al. (2014). Instructional Technology and Media for Learning 10th Edition. Edinburgh, England. Pearson Education Limited 2014

U.S. Department of Education (2011). Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from: learning

Varshneya, A. K. (2017). Distance learning through ICT: Benefits and Challenges.

Journal of Advanced Research in English & Education, 2(3&4), 6-9.

Watts, L. (2016). Synchronous and asynchronous communication in distance learning: A review of the literature. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 17(1), 23.

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

Prepared by:






Faculty, College of Education

Checked by: Approved by:


Chair, BSED Department Chair, BPED Department Dean, College of Education


Chair, BEED Department Chair, BTLED Department

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