DLL August 5
DLL August 5
DLL August 5
II. CONTENT Quadratic Inequalities Quadratic Inequalities Quadratic Inequalities Quadratic Inequalities
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pp. 58-59 pp. 59-66 pp. 58-65 pp. 58-65
2. Learner’s
Materials pp. 96-97 pp. 97-103 pp. 96-113 pp. 96-113
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd
Resources Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016,
activity sheets, overhead activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and
projector monitor monitor monitor
A. Reviewing previous MAKE A TABLE! CHOOSE YOUR PARTNER! A rectangular box is List some of unit of
lesson or presenting Make a table of ordered Let the students choose a completely filled with dice. measurement that you are
the new lesson pairs for each of the classmate to share some life Each die has a volume of familiar and recite in class.
following situations given: experiences for the activity. 1cm³ The length of the box
1. “is more than” on the set is 3cm greater than its width
{ -1, 0, 1 }
and its height is 5cm.
2. “is less than” on the set
Suppose the box holds at
{3, 4, 5}
most 140 dice, what are the
3. “is not equal to” on the
set { -1, 0, 1} possible dimensions of the
4. “is less than or equal to” box?
{ -1, 0, 1}
5. “is more than or equal to”
on the set { 2, 3, 4}
B. Establishing a Motivational or Purpose Let the students cite some Let the students share ideas Find the dimensions of the
purpose for the Setting Activity situations or experiences on in solving the energizer floors of the three rooms in
lesson their real life that shows activity. your school. Indicate the
inequalities measures obtained in the
How are quadratic
- as a child
inequalities used in solving - as a student Rooms Length Width
real-life problems and in - as a friend
making decisions? Cite - as a classmate
some - as a Filipino
table below.
C. Presenting A statement that one In solving inequalities Illustrative Example 1: After finding the dimensions
examples/ mathematical expression is involving quadratic form Mr. Bilog has a vacant lot in of the floors of three rooms,
instances of the greater than, greater than ax²+bx+c, we need to his backyard in Silang, determine the measures and
lesson or equal to, less than or consider two basic theorems, Cavite. He wants to make as costs of different tiles
less than or equal is called such as: many rectangular plots as through some printed
an inequality. A quadratic Theorem 1: The product of possible for his botanical advertisement or in the
inequality is an inequality two quantities is positive if garden business such that internet.
both are positive or both are the length of each plot is 2m Answers may vary. Write
that contains a polynomial negative quantities. longer than its width. He also these in the table below.
of degree 2 and can be case 1: ab >0 if a > 0 and want plots of the garden to
written in any of the b > 0 or a < 0 and b < 0 have smallest area of 3m².
following forms. case 2: ab ≥ 0 if a ≥ 0 and
ax² + bx + c > 0, 1. What are the dimensions
b ≥ 0 or a ≤ 0 and b ≤ 0
of the different plots
ax² + bx + c < 0, Theorem 2: The product of
that Mr. Bilog wants to
ax² + bx + c ≥ 0, two quantities is negative if
one quantity is positive and
ax² + bx + c ≤ 0, 2. What is the area of each
the other quantity is negative.
ax² + bx + c ≠ 0 case 1: ab >0 if a > 0 and plot in item 1?
Where a, b and c are real b < 0 or a < 0 and b > 0 3. What is the area of the
numbers and a ≠ 0. case 2: ab ≥ 0 if a ≥ 0 and smallest plot that Mr.
b ≤ 0 or a ≤ 0 and b ≥ 0 Bilog can make? How
The solution set is a set of about the area of the
Quadratic inequalities in values satisfying the given largest plot? Explain your
one variable are inequality. answer.
inequalities of the second Illustrative examples: 4. What general
degree involving the Example 1: Find the solution mathematical sentence
symbols >, <, ≥, ≤ or ≠. The set of x2 – x – 2 ≥ 0. would
following are examples of Solution: represent the possible
quadratic inequalities in We first factor the left areas of the plots?
one variable: side(x–2)(x+1) ≥ 0 ; Describe the sentence.
x² – 3x – 4 < 0 Then consider two cases 5. Using the mathematical
-x² +2x ≥ 3 by theorem 1 sentence formulated, do
x² + 2x > 5 case 1: x – 2 ≥ 0 and you think you can find
x+1≥0 other possible dimensions
x² ≤ 2
x ≥2x ≥ -1 of the plots that Mr. Bilog
-2x² + 8x – 4 ≠ 0 solution set of case 1: wants to make? If YES,
5x – 3 < x² x≥2 how? If NOT, explain.
case 2: x – 2 ≤ 0 and 6. Suppose the length of
x+1≤0 each plot that Mr. Bilog
x≤2x ≤ -1 wants to make is 3m
solution set of case 2: longer than its width and
x ≤ -1 the area of the smaller
Thus, the solution set of the plot is 10m², what general
given inequality is
mathematical sentence
{ x: x ≤ -1 or x ≥ 2 } and its
would represent the
graph is shown below.
possible areas of the
Example 2: Find the solution
plots? How are you going
set of x2 – 9 < 0 to solve the mathematical
Solution: sentence formulated?
We first factor the left Find at least 3 possible
side(x+3)(x-3) > 0 solutions of the
Then consider two cases mathematical sentence.
by theorem 2
case 1: x + 3 > 0 and 1. Some possible answers:
2m by 4m or 1.5m by
x > -3x < 3 2. Area of the first plot:
solution set of case 1: (2m)(4m) = 8m²
-3 < x < 3
1. Area of the second
case 2: x + 3 <0 and plot:
x – 3 > 0 x < -3x>3 (1.5m)(3.5m) = 5.25m²
solution set of case 2:
3. The area of the smallest
Thus, the solution set of
plot is 3m² This
the given inequality is
{ x: -3 < x < 3 } and its occurs when the length
is 3m and the width is
graph is shown below.
1m. There is no
theoretical limit to the
largest plot. It can be as
large as what can fit in
Mr. Bilog’s vacant lot.
To check, consider any 4. Where is the width of
number that you think each plot
satisfying the inequality then 5. Yes. Look for values of
substitute this number to x. that would make the
Test a number from each mathematical sentence
interval against the inequality. true.
6. Where is the width of
each plot.
1. Possible solutions:
w = 2, l = 5; w = 3,
l = 6; w = 3.5, l = 6.5
D. Discussing new QUADRATIC or NOT Solve the following The floor of the Cavite Formulate quadratic
concepts and QUADRATIC? inequalities. Sketch the Collaboration Centre for inequalities involving the
practicing new skills Determine whether each graphs of each inequalities on Public Health (CCCPH) dimensions of the floor of
#1 mathematical sentence is a a number line. Conference Hall in Trece rooms, and the measures
quadratic inequality or not. 1. x² + 3x + 2 ≥ 2 Martires City has length that and costs of tiles then graph
With the set of cards given, is 36ft longer than its the solution sets of these
group and place them 2. x² + 3x + 2 < 2 width. The area of the floor inequalities.
is less than 2,040 square
under the following 3. x² + 3x + 2 ≤ 2
headings. 4. x² + 3x + 2 > 2 1. How would you represent
the width of the floor?
Quadratic Inequalities Not How about its length?
Quadratic 2. What mathematical
Inequalities sentence would
represent the given
_________________________ situation?
3. What are possible
dimensions of the floor?
_________________________ 4. Would it be realistic for
the floor to have an area
of 144 square feet?
Explain your answer.
F. Developing mastery Answer the YES or NO Find the solution set of the A company decided to Each group will have a panel
(Leads to Formative activity sheet given to you. following quadratic increase the size of the box discussion and show the
Assessment 3) We have 5 minutes to do inequalities. for the packaging of result of their activity in
(Students seated in column their peanut butter. The class.
this activity. Identify 1, 3 and 5 – do all letter a‟s) length of the original
whether each of the (Students seated in column packaging box was 40cm Other groups will objectively
following is a quadratic 2, 4 and 6 – do all letter longer than its width, the criticize the result based on
inequality or not. Place a b‟s) height was 12cm, and the the rubric provided.
tick on the appropriate 1. a. 2x² – 3x ≥ 0 volume was at most
column. 4,800cm3.
b. x² – 4x < 0
1. How would you
2. a. x² – 25 ≥ 0 represent the width of
b. 4x² – 9 > 0 the original packaging
3. a. 6x² + 4x ≤ 0 How about the length of
the box?
b. 3x² – 5x > 0 2. What expression would
represent the volume of
4. a. 4x² – 4x ≥ -1
the original packaging
b. x² – 6x ≤ -9 box? How about the
mathematical sentence
that would represent the
3. What could be the
greatest possible
of the box if each
dimension is in whole
4. Suppose the length of
the new packaging box
is still 40cm longer than
its width and the height
is 12cm. What
mathematical sentence
would represent the
volume of the new
packaging box?
1. Based from the results of 5. What could be the
the activity, what item/s dimensions of the box?
have you not answered Give the possible
correctly? Why? dimensions of at least
2.What have you learned two different boxes.
after doing the activities?
G. Finding practical A decorator designs and Solve the following Let the students think of You are building a wooden
applications of sells wall fixtures and can inequalities. Sketch the their own problem patterned bookcase. You want to
concepts and skills in sell at a price of P75 each graphs of each inequality on a with the independent choose a thickness (in
daily living all the fixtures she number line. practice activity that is
1. x² + 2x – 15 > 0 related to real life situation inches) for the shelves so
produces. If x fixtures are
manufactured each day, and has a factual measure that each is strong enough to
then the number of pesos 2. 2x² + 3x < 5 and represent the given support 60 pounds of books
in the daily total cost of situation in mathematical without breaking. A shelf can
3. x² + 10x < 24
production is x² + 25x + 96. sentence.
4. 3x² > 4x – 1 safely support a weight of(in
How many fixtures should pounds) provided that:
be produced each day so 5. 2x² + 3x > 9
that the decorator is
guaranteed a profit?
H. Making A quadratic inequality in To solve quadratic inequality, Quadratic inequalities are Quadratic inequalities are
generalizations and one variable is an find the roots of its useful tools in solving real- useful tools in solving real-
abstractions about inequality that contains a corresponding equality. The life problems and in making life problems and in making
the lesson polynomial of degree 2 and points corresponding to the decisions. decisions.
can be written in any of the roots of the equality, when
following forms. plotted on the number line,
ax² + bx + c >0 ,ax² + bx + separate the line into two or
c ≥ 0 , ax² + bx + c < 0 , ax² three intervals.
An interval is part of the
+ bx + c ≤ 0, solution of the inequality if a
where a, b and c are real
numbers and a ǂ 0 number in that interval makes
the inequality true.
I. Evaluating learning Activity: Solve the following The area of a rectangular Supposed Aven drops a ball
This is one of the inequalities. Sketch the plant box of Vic is 560 off the top of a 10 foot pool
famous tourist spot in graphs of each inequalities on square inches. The length is slide, and the ball follows the
CALABARZON area a number line. 3 more than twice the width.
Find the length and width of projectile ,
located between 1. 2x² + 5x > 3 the rectangle. (Hint: draw a where t is the time in
Maragondon and picture & set up a system of seconds, and h is the height
2. 2x² < 11x – 12
Batangas. What is it? equations.) of the ball. Her friend Riley
Substitute the value given 3. (x-6)(2x+5) < 0 needs to catch the ball
for x to check whether the between 2 feet and 5 feet off
4. (x-3)(2x-1) > 0
inequality is true or false. the top of the water
Find each value at the 5. 10x² < 7x+12 (ground). Between what
bottom and write the two times should Riley try to
corresponding letter above catch the ball?
it if the inequality is true, if
not leave a space.
a. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
b. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
c. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
d. No. of learners who
continue to require
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?