Year7ScienceHomeLearning Cycle9

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Home learning activities



Year Group

Year 7

Unit of work / Knowledge organiser

Cells and Specialised Cells - Revision


• Complete the ‘Knowledge Check’ by clicking on the link below (Mr Tobi
has also emailed this link out to you):

• Read through both pages of the ‘Knowledge Organiser’ on ‘Cells Revision’.

• Make careful and detailed notes on Sections 1-4, including writing out the
‘Key Words’ and their definitions in Section 1.

• Write down an explanation of the function of the ‘Cell Membrane’ without

looking at your earlier notes from Section 1.

• Complete the ‘Test Yourself’ activity, completing the missing labels and
answering the questions; the answers are provided at the end, but do not
look at these until you have tried to complete the work yourself (be strict
with yourself here).

• Complete the ‘Cells’ exam-style question. Use the mark scheme (once you
have tried the question) to mark your answers carefully.

Where do you complete the work?

In Study Books.

What to do if you finish the work? (Extension activity)

• Make sure you have completed the previous set work on ‘Energy – Heating
and Cooling’ and then work on the ‘Mini Project’ on ‘Cells’.
These websites might help:

• BBC Bitesize -> Secondary -> KS3 -> Science -> Biology -> Living Organisms

If you are struggling with your work or if you have finished.

Please email your classroom teacher directly using the email list found in the
Home Learning section of the website.
Year 7—Cell Revision 1
1. 2. 3.

Specialised animal cells: Specialised plant cells:

- A long axon that carries impulses

Bacterial cells are much smaller than
Animal and plant cells are eukaryotic cells; from one place to another.
plant and animal cells. Bacteria are - Large surface area to allow
they have all their genetic information - Synapses to pass on impulses via
prokaryotic cells; Their genetic water to move into the cell.
enclosed within a nucleus. neurotransmitters.
information is not enclosed in a nucle- - Many mitochondria to release
- Dendrites to connect to other
us, but is a single DNA loop with one or energy for active transport of
Cell part Function nerve cells.
more small rings of DNA called minerals.
Nucleus Controls cell activities and plasmids. - Dead cells
contains the genetic that form a
information. Some bacterial cells have a - Contain proteins that slide over
hollow tube
slime capsule (for protection) and each other making the cells
Cytoplasm A liquid gel where most of for
flagella (for movement). contract.
the chemical reactions transporting
needed for life take place. Scientists’ knowledge of cells and their - Contain stores of glycogen for
structures has improved over time due energy.
Cell Controls the passage of - Lignin spirals
to the invention of microscopes with - Contain many mitochondria to
membrane substances into and out of provide
higher magnifications and better release energy.
the cell. strength.
Mitochondria Respiration takes place
here, releasing energy. Mid-17th Century: Light microscopes - Hollow
were developed and vessel
Ribosomes Protein synthesis takes
allowed magnifications for carrying
place here.
of around 2000 times. food.
Cell wall Strengthens the cell and
- Sieve
gives it support. Made of - Long tail for movement.
1930s: The electron microscope was plates
cellulose. - Middle section containing
invented and allowed magnifications allow
Chloroplasts Contain chlorophyll to mitochondria to release energy for water carrying dissolved food to
of around 2000000 times. They also
absorb light for movement. move freely through the tube.
have much better resolutions.
photosynthesis. - Acrosome contains digestive - Supported by companion cells
Size of image enzymes for breaking down the
Vacuole Filled with cell sap to keep Magnification = to keep them alive.
the cell turgid. Size of real object outer layer of the egg cell.
Year 7—Cells Revision 2
6. Cells
Cells are the building blocks of life – they are the smallest units in an or-
Specialised cell: Has a particular shape and structure to carry out a specific
Cytoplasm: Jelly like substance where most chemical processes happen.
Chloroplast: Absorbs light energy so the plant can make food
Cell membrane: Surrounds the cell and controls movement of substances in
and out.
Nucleus: Contains genetic material (DNA) which controls the cell’s activi-
Vacuole: Area in a cell that contains liquid and can be used by plants to keep
the cell rigid and store substances.
Mitochondria: Part of the cell where energy is released from food mole-
Cell Wall: Strengthens the cell. In plant cells it is made from cellulose.

7. Microscopy
Even larger human cells - like the skin cell - are 20 times smaller
than a grain of salt. A red blood cell is much smaller than that.
To allow us to see detail in these cells, we need the help of a
Making slides
A slide is a thin piece of glass used to hold objects which are
examined under a microscope.
Plant cells
1. Peel a thin, transparent layer of epidermal cells from the
inside of an onion.
2. Place cells on a microscope slide.
3. Add a drop of water or iodine (a chemical stain).
Lower a coverslip onto the onion cells using forceps or a mounted
needle. This needs to be done gently to prevent trapping air
Animal cells
1. Remove cells from the inside of your cheek using a cotton bud.
2. Smear the cotton bud onto a microscope slide.
3. Add a drop of methylene blue (a chemical stain).
Lower a coverslip onto the cheek cells using forceps or a mounted
needle. This needs to be done gently to prevent trapping air
Cells Test Yourself
Label the parts of the microscope.

Slide, focusing wheel, mirror, stage, eyepiece lens, objective lens.

Specialised Cells – Quick Questions

Sperm Cell
1. What is the function of the sperm tail?

2. How does the sperm penetrate the egg?

3. Where in the cell is the genetic material contained?

Palisade Cell
1. Where would you find palisade cells?

2. The palisade cell contains lots of chloroplasts, why?

3. Name 3 things found in a palisade cell not found in an animal cell.

Nerve Cell
1. What is the function of the nerve cell?

2. How are messages transmitted inside the nerve cell?

Root Hair Cell

1. Is a root hair cell an animal cell or a plant cell?

2. What is the function of root hair cells?

Cells Test Yourself Answers
Label the parts of the microscope.

eyepiece lens objective lens

focusing wheel stage

mirror slide

Specialised Cells – Quick Questions

Sperm Cell
1. What is the function of the sperm tail? To help sperm swim /move towards the egg.

2. How does the sperm penetrate the egg? The head of the sperm contains enzymes that digest
their way into the egg.

3. Where in the cell is the genetic material contained? Nucleus.

Palisade Cell
1. Where would you find palisade cells? Top side of a leaf.

2. The palisade cell contains lots of chloroplasts, why? To aid photosynthesis.

3. Name 3 things found in a palisade cell not found in an animal cell. Cell wall, vacuole,

Nerve Cell
1. What is the function of the nerve cell? To transmit messages.

2. How are messages transmitted inside the nerve cell? Through electrical impulses.

Root Hair Cell

1. Is a root hair cell an animal cell or a plant cell? Plant cell.

2. What is the function of root hair cells? To absorb water and minerals from the soil.
Smith's Wood School

Cells – Exam-Style Question

Q1. The diagram shows an animal cell.

(a) Name each labelled part and give its function.

A Name ...............................................................................................................

Function ..........................................................................................................


B Name ..............................................................................................................

Function .........................................................................................................


C Name ..............................................................................................................

Function .........................................................................................................


Page 1
Smith's Wood School
(b) (i) This plant cell also contains chloroplasts, a cell wall and a vacuole. Label
each of these parts on the diagram.


(ii) Give the function of these parts of a plant cell.

Chloroplast function .........................................................................................


Cell wall function .............................................................................................


Vacuole function ..............................................................................................

(Total 12 marks)

Page 2
Smith's Wood School

Cells – Exam-Style Question – Answers

M1. (a) A cytoplasm

where (chemical) reactions take place

do not accept where cell functions take place


carries/holds the organelles/named organelles / named chemicals (including

do not accept keeps the shape of the cell

contains water

presses out on the membrane
allow: keeps cell turgid
allows transport through the cell

B membrane
do not accept by themselves:
protects cell
gives shape

controls what enters/leaves the cell


contains the cell/holds the cell together
do not accept keeps harmful substances out

allows movement into and out of the cell C nucleus

contains the genetic

do not accept:
brain of the cell
stores information/instructions
tells cell what to do

controls (the activity) of the cell

Page 3
Smith's Wood School

(b) (i) one mark for each correctly labelled part

cell wall
do not accept anything inboard of the inner edge vacuole
accept anything inboard of transplant

chloroplast: site of photosynthesis/ for photosynthesis

accept word equation or balanced equation

cell wall: supports the cell/keeps the shape/keeps it rigid

do not accept protects the cells

(ii) vacuole: acts as reservoir for water / chemicals/(cell)/sap


keeps cell turgid/pushes content to
maintains concentration gradient
allows cell elongation (not growth)

Page 4
Watch this video:

Task Description
1 Make a poster to show a Animal cell, Label the parts and explain the function
2 Make a poster to show a Plant cell, Label the parts and explain the function.
3 Visit the website
4 Explain the difference between a plant cell and a Animal cell
5 Pick an organ in the body and explain its structure and function
6 Make a model of a specialised cell - Sperm cell, nerve cell, red blood cell
7 Define these key words - Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Cell membrane, tissue, organ, Specialised.
8 Make a mind map of the whole cells topic - include animal cells, plant cells, specialised cells.

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