108-Article Text-358-1-10-20200713
108-Article Text-358-1-10-20200713
108-Article Text-358-1-10-20200713
I. Introduction
South Aceh has diverse mineral resources. The inventory activity and investigation of non-
metallic minerals carried out in the year 2006. It is identified that as many as nine types of
minerals belong to the non-metallic group of granite rocks [1]. Especially in the area of Lhok
Pawoh Village, Sawang sub district. Granite rocks are formed from intrusive igneous rocks that
include a wide range of constituent compounds such as silica (SIO2) [2] [3]. The formation of
granite rocks in the region is geology formed from rock formations precipitated by the
metamorphic rocks of the Kampleks Gneis Meukek. The rock formations were then been by the
Instrusi Sibubung consisting of granite phases of Leukocratik and Mafik [1]. However, to date,
there has been no fundamental research related to mineralogy and the composition contained
within the rocks. Therefore, it is necessary to study mineral identification in the granite rock of
Lhok Pawoh village. In this research method, used techniques are the observation of X-ray
Fluorescence and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The method is very supportive of the
fundamental study of rocks. Some previous studies using X-ray Fluorescence technique analysis
are to identify the content and composition of gold rocks [4]. Another study applied for studies
on iron ore rocks [5]. Next is the implementation of the identification of elemental compositions
on heavy metals [6]. While the observation of microstructures with the analysis technique of
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Previous research said, that can be used to identify the
mineral of rocks contained in the inside can be done in jade [7]. From some of the above studies
described, both methods are appropriate to apply in this study.
II. Methodology
Sample of granite rocks in this research from Lhok Pawoh Village, Sawang Sub-district, South
Aceh Regency. Then the sample of granite rocks was taken in small chunks, and the samples of
rocks were cleared from the dirt. The next process is the samples of rocks mashed using ALU and
mortar to powder size [8] [9]. Sample of granite rocks in this research from Lhok Pawoh Village,
Sawang Sub-district, South Aceh Regency. Then the sample of granite rocks was taken in small
chunks, and the samples of rocks were cleared from the dirt. The next process is the samples of
rocks mashed using ALU and mortar to powder size [8] [9]. Further, the sample of rock is carried
out in the laboratory using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), it is to know the mineral content,
composition and percentage of elements contained in granite rock, and Scanning Electron (SEM)
test combined with the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX) for the observation of
surface morphology on rock samples [2].
Bakruddin et.al (The study of the Mineral Composition in the Granite Rocks in the Village of Lhok Pawoh)
82 Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi dan Rekayasa ISSN: 2581-1274
Vol. 5, No. 2, July-December 2020, pp. 82-84
Then based on the result of micro structure SEM test on the sample of granite rocks as shown in
Figure 1 and Figure 2, with each scale of 200 μm and 500 μm.
Figure 1. The morphological structure of the sample surface of granite Rock village Lhok Pawoh
with a scale of 200 μm.
Figure 2. The morphological structure of the sample surface of granite Rock village Lhok Pawoh
with a scale of 500 μm.
Bakruddin et.al (The study of the Mineral Composition in the Granite Rocks in the Village of Lhok Pawoh)
ISSN: 2581-1274 Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi dan Rekayasa 83
Vol. 5, No. 2, July-December 2020, pp. 83-84
Based on Figure 1 and figure 2 above the morphology of the surface in irregular rock samples with
varying grain sizes. Visually visible color is a dark color and white color. The dominant color that
appears to be black, brown, and white, it can be assumed that the main constituent elements of these
granite rock samples are identical with the elements Al, Mg, and Si. It can also be assumed that it
indicates the dominant elemental silica or constituent element that has a high atomic number [10].
EDX Analysis results provide information on the composition of the elements contained in the
sample rocks, as shown in Figure 3 below.
Figure 3. Diffraction pattern of SEM-EDX granite rock samples Lhok Pawoh Village
The EDX analysis results that the composition of the constituent elements in the granite rock
samples of Lhok Pawoh Village is the O element of the baseline 50.88wt%, then the Si element is
30.97wt%, and the Al element is 09.46wt%, besides the element, there are also other elements
namely the Na Naasar element 02.72wt%, the element Fe is as broad as 03.21wt%, and K is as broad
as 02.75wt%.
IV. Conclusion
Based on the results obtained from the X-ray Fluorescence and SEM-EDX test, granite rock samples
of Lhok Pawoh Village, Sawang Sub-district, South Aceh District is the dominant mineral phase as
a constituent of granite rock namely Si, Al, Fe.
The author would like to thanks the Direktorat Jenderal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada
Masyarakat who has funded this research through the Dosen Pemula research Program year 2019.
And thank you also to the Laboratorium Mineral dan Material Maju (Sentral) Faculty and Natural
Sciences (FMIPA) University of Malang for the opportunity to conduct sample testing.
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Bakruddin et.al (The study of the Mineral Composition in the Granite Rocks in the Village of Lhok Pawoh)
84 Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi dan Rekayasa ISSN: 2581-1274
Vol. 5, No. 2, July-December 2020, pp. 84-84
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Bakruddin et.al (The study of the Mineral Composition in the Granite Rocks in the Village of Lhok Pawoh)