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Lesson Plan For Final Demo

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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Gov. Guading Adaza St., Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City Registration No.
Province of Zamboanga del Norte



CRITIC TEACHER : Jenelyn C. Namocatcat LEARNING AREA : English
SCHOOL : Kanim National High School QUARTER : Four
DATE & TIME : June 7, 2022 @ 9:30


A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve
as instruments to resolve social conflicts, also how to use the language of research, campaigns
and advocacies.
B. Performance Standard
The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant socio-cultural issue
C. Learning Competency

Give the Expanded Definition of Words (EN10V-IIIa-13.9)

D. Specific Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to:
1. identify the ways of expanding definition
2. explain the importance of expanding definition of a word
3. construct an expanded definition of a word or term
Ways to Expand Definition of Terms
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages - none
2. Learners Material Pages - none
3. Additional Materials from LR Portals - none
B. Other Learning Resources

Teacher’s Activity Student's Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
May I request everyone to please stand for (Students do as told)
our prayer. Kindly lead Mr./Ms. Lomoljo.
2. Greetings
Good morning everyone.
Good morning Ms. Tumicos.
How are you today?
(Answers may vary)
Today's a new a day and a new lesson to
discuss. Are you all excited? Yes ma'am we're excited

3. Class Rules
But before we will start our discussion let
us set our classroom rules first.
If someone is talking here in front or
Listen attentively ma'am.
doing an oral recitation, what will you do?
Absolutely! How about if you have some
questions and clarifications? Raise our hand ma'am.
Exactly! Okay, I think we're all good
about it.
B. Review of the Previous Lesson
Let's have a recap about our topic last
meeting. Anyone? S1: Our topic last meeting was all about
Technical and Operational Definitions ma'am.

Exactly! So what is Technical definition?

S2: These are definitions that can be found in
the dictionary.
How about Operational definition? S3: These are definitions that are more on the
application of the word in the context.

C. Motivation
So much for that, let’s have a short
activity called 4 Pics 1 Word. Are you familiar
with that game?
Yes ma’am.
It goes like this, I will show you four
pictures and you have to guess a word that
correspond the picture. Am I clear?
Yes ma’am.
The word that best describe the picture is
This time I want you to describe or say
something for each picture.

The picture shows people living in the spillway

What can you say about this picture? or drainage.

The picture shows a mother with her two

How about this picture? children eating at the sidewalk.

How about this picture? What can you say The picture shows us about the children
about it? begging for alms.

The picture shows of the children eating and

How about this one?
they are wearing dirty clothes.

So, if we are going to collect the ideas

you’ve just shared a while ago, we can create a
definition of what POVERTY is, right? Yes ma’am.
People who suffer poverty are those who
are living in a drainage or spillway, children
begging for alms and in many times they wore
dirty and tattered clothes.
D. Presentation
So what have you observed from our
S1: We gave the description of the word
POVERTY ma’am.
Yes, very good! Any other idea?
S2: We gave additional definition of what is
POVERTY ma’am.
Exactly! Does anyone have an idea what’s
our new topic today?
S3: I think it will be all about extending
definition ma’am.
Absolutely! Our new topic today will be
all about extending or expanding definition of
words. But before that let me introduce to you
the objectives that we must achieve after the
discussion. Kindly read everyone.
At the end of the discussion, the
students are expected to: •

 identify the ways of expanding

 explain the importance of expanding
definition of a word
 construct an expanded definition of a
word or term

E. Discussion
Expanded definition may explain the word’s
etymology or historical roots, describes
sensory characteristics of something (how it
looks, feels, sounds, taste, smells) identifies its
parts, indicates how something is used,
explains what is not , provides an example of
it, and /or notes similarities or differences
between this term and other words or things. It
comes in the form of additional sentences that
support a formal definition which becomes the
topic sentence of a paragraph.
Kindly read the first three sentences of the
example Mr. Suero.
Poverty is the state of having insufficient
resources or possessions. People who suffer
from poverty include the homeless. They are
seen on the streets begging for alms, their
clothes are dirty and sometimes tattered with
bare feet on the ground.
Thank you Ralph! Ms. Cabug-os, kindly read
the next sentences.
Also, informal settlers live in poverty, even
though they have a home. The unemployed and
the large families with only one breadwinner
are among the poor, too.
Notice the first sentence of the paragraph
above. It is a technical definition of poverty
and the definition is elaborated by mentioning
people living in poverty and describing them.
The additional information makes the concept
easier to understand. In many instances, a
certain word or concept cannot be explained in
just one sentence. In writing an academic
paper, for example, you may need to define
certain terms in your own words in order for
readers to understand the terminology.
The Three Ways of Expanding a Definition
into a Paragraph
1. Expanding by Giving an Example
It helps you illustrate and describe by
providing clear, specific, extra facts or
information of the word and clarify an abstract
and formless concept. You can use these
signals for concrete examples: for example, for
instance, such as, similar to, specifically, to
illustrate, much like, in the same way as.
Example: Stringed instruments are a group
Kindly read the example Ms. Mejos. of instruments known to produce sounds
through the vibration of stretched strings,
which are usually made of metal, vegetable
fiber, animal gut, silk, plastic, or nylon.
Musical instruments such as lutes, zithers, lyre,
and harps belong to the family of stringed

2. Expanding by Comparing and

It shows how the subject is like /unlike or how
the topic differs or is similar from others in the
same class. They are used to explain two
subjects and help you decide between two
options. With the signal words: also, although
and, as well as, better, bigger than, but,
compared with, different from, either however,
on the other hand, similar to, while, and yet.
Kindly read the first three sentences of the
example Ms. Marriane. Example:
Fifty years ago, people had relatively small
carbon footprints, which are the sum of
their greenhouse gas emissions. This is
because many people were doing their work
manually. Also, the use of automobiles and
technological devices was not prevalent
before, resulting in lower amounts of
greenhouse gas emissions.

Thank you Marriane! Please continue Princess. The huge number of people, the
widespread use of vehicles and electronic
gadgets, and the large number of factories
contribute to our greenhouse gas emissions
at present. These factors have, in turn,
increased our carbon footprints.

3. Expanding by Describing a Process

It gives a series of instructions to make or
produce something. It joins with the use of
linking verbs and common signals such as and,
then, and then, before, during, finally, first,
lastly, today, since, and immediately. Here is
an example of expanding definition by
describing a process, kindly read Ms. Ashley.
You have to beat first the eggs then pour them
into the pan. Turn the heat down and use your
fork to mix slowly. And then just put a knife
underneath and flip the omelet over.

F. Developing Mastery
To test if you really understood our
discussion let’s have an activity. This activity
is called Identify Me! But first, I will divide
the class into two. Kindly count off? (The students do as told)

So here’s my instruction, all group one

will stand at the right side and the other group
will be at the left. Kindly fall in line and of
course you have to follow the guidelines of (The students execute)
social distancing.
All you have to do is to raise the
flashcard if the expanded definition that will
flash on the projector is expanding by giving
example, expanding by comparing and
contrasting or expanding by describing a
process. The first member of each group will
answer item one and the next member will
follow until all the items are done. The group
with the highest score will have a reward from
me. Are my instructions clear?
Yes ma’am.
Okay let’s give it a try.
“You have to first wash your hands with
soap thoroughly. Then, apply the sanitizer to
be clean safe from the virus.” Which ways of
expanding definition this statement belong?
(Expanding by describing a process.)
1. Religious belief means the belief in a
religion’s central articles of faith, for
example within Christianity that Jesus
is the Son of God.
2. Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in
red blood cells that carries oxygen from
the lungs to the body’s tissues and
returns carbon dioxide from the tissues
back to the lungs.
3. Basic health care procedures before
were not as well strictly publicized and
implemented as when the COVID-19
bombarded the globe.
4. On the height of the virus spread, Answer key:
Candice, a housewife started to develop
an online business. First, she asked for 1. Expanding by giving example
the business permit to make her 2. Expanding by describing a process
business legal. Then, she posted her 3. Expanding by comparing and
item by Facebook page. Finally, she contrasting
was able to have an extra income. 4. Expanding by describing a process
5. Education, for instance, is an effective 5. Expanding by giving example
platform to instill awareness and values
to the youth which when developed,
becomes a motivation to positively act
towards it.
G. Generalization
So again, what is expanded definition or
sometimes called extended definition means?
Probable Answers:
Yes, Mr. Colot.
Student 1: Extended or expanded definition is
the elaborated meaning of a term in order for
the readers to understand the terminologies.

Yes you’re correct. Who can give me the

three ways of expanding definition? You're
raising your hand, yes Ms. Gonida.
Student 2: Expanding by giving an example, by
comparing and contrasting and by describing a
process are the three ways of expanding

Absolutely! However, is expanding

definition important? Is it essential in making Yes ma’am

So why the knowledge of writing

Student 1: It is useful and important in a way
expanded definition useful or important?
that it explained a word or a term in a detailed
way. By that, readers will understand its

Any other idea?

Student 2: It is important ma’am because
through expanding definition, a word or term
that’s difficult to understand will be elaborated
and will be given additional information.
Brilliant idea Mr. Suero. Again and again,
expanded or extended definition is used when a
certain word or phrase needs to be explained
with much detail. And the three ways of
expanding definitions are expanding by giving
example, expanding by comparing and
contrasting and expanding by describing a
process. Thus, the knowledge of expanding
definition is important in a way that it will help
readers to understand the term or word through
its detailed and additional information.
H. Application
Now, let's have another activity. This time
your knowledge of constructing definition will
be tested. Look at the pictures carefully, and as
you can see it is the most rampant issue our
world is facing today, the Corona Virus
Disease 2019 or known as COVID-19. I want
you to make an expanded definition of what
COVID-19 is using any of the three ways of
expanding definition. Then you have to put
your answer inside the envelop that was pasted
at the board.

Rubrics for Writing a Paragraph

I. Evaluation
Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose
the letter of the best answer and write it on the
space provided before each number.
_________1. Which of the following choices
best expresses the use of expanded definition
by giving examples on the theme “pandemic”?
A. Routinely operating agencies and
institutions such as the education, business,
and industry sectors decrease workforce but
receives increase loads of work.
B. Know-hows of technology-based modes of
communication and interaction became a
primary skill that every workforce.
C. Significance of performing proper basic
health care steps had been highlighted and
well-spread to the public.
D. Issues on gaps and flaws in government
protocols during pandemic had been escalated
to be solved and addressed in a limited span of
_________ 2. Which way of expanding
definition of words is best suited for the line
“Industry, for instance is constantly demanding
new inventions that will speed up production.”
A. Expanding by Example
B. Expanding by Comparison and Contrast
C. Expanding by Process
D. Expanding by Motivation
_________ 3. Which of the following ways of
expanding definition is used in the statement
"Basic health care procedures before were not
as well strictly publicized and implemented as
when the COVID-19 bombarded the globe."
A. Expanding by giving an example
B. Expanding by comparing and contrasting
C. Expanding by describing a process
D. Expanding by giving example and
_________ 4. This is the common signal in
comparing and contrasting ideas for
clarification and better comprehension.
A. Different from
B. Compared with
C. For example
D. Expanding by
_________ 5. Which of the following
statements gives the best expanded definition
of the line, “Health care providers and front
liners are overworked.”?
A. Health care providers and other identified
front liners were stretched on both hours and
extension of work to provide effective and
efficient service to the public.
B. Health care providers and other identified
front liners developed mental health illness due
to the heavy loads of work.
C. Health care providers and other identified
front liners were seemingly given special
D. Health care providers and other identified
front liners were not expected to always
perform their duties 24/7.
_________ 6. Which of the ways of expanding
definition of words is applied in the lines
"Education, for instance, is an effective
platform to instill awareness and values to the
youth which when developed, becomes a
motivation to positively act towards it."
A. Expanding by Example
B. Expanding by Comparison and Contrast
C. Expanding by Process
D. Expanding by Motivation
_________ 7. What is the correct way to
expand ideas on a topic used in the sentence
“You have to first wash your hands with soap
thoroughly. Then, apply the sanitizer to be
clean safe from the virus.”
A. Expanding by giving an example
B. Expanding by comparing and contrasting
C. Expanding by describing a process
D. Expanding by giving example and
_________ 8. How do you expand the
definition of word to enrich comprehension
and express yourself effectively?
A. Expanding by summary, analyzation,
B. Expanding by example, comparison and
contrast, and process
C. Expanding by process, summary,
D. Expanding by Conclusion,
Contrast/comparison/ summary
_________ 9. Which of the choices DOES
NOT denote the signal for expanded words by
A. However
B. For instance
C. Then
D. Also
_________ 10. The following choices use
expanded definition by describing the process
of the socioeconomic difference in
communities EXCEPT:
A. On the height of the virus spread, Mrs.
Cruz, a public-school teacher, shifts from
developing lesson plans into modules to
answer the demand of suspending face-to-face
B. On the height of the virus spread, Mang
Lando, a pedicab driver had to change career
into being a garbage collector, with which the
income was lesser yet the work is tougher. On Assessment
the other hand, Mr. Ramos continued to work
as bank manager working 3 days a week only 1. A
instead of 5, receiving the same amount of 2. A
3. B
C. On the height of the virus spread, Jenny,
daughter of a taxi driver, always submits her 4. B
module on the set due date even she has to go
to nearby internet shop to submit those. On the 5. A
other hand, Marie, daughter of a branch
manager was often reprimanded by their 6. A
teacher for submitting late modules even if she 7. C
has the internet connection at home.
8. B
D. On the height of the virus spread, Candice,
a housewife started to develop an online 9. A
business. First, she asked for the business
permit to make her business legal. Then, she 10. B
posted her item by Facebook page. Finally, she
was able to have an extra income.
J. Assignment
In a one whole sheet of a paper, construct an
expanded definition of the following terms:


___A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
___B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who
scored below 80%
___C.Did the remedial lessons work? No.of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
___D.No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
___E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these works?
___F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
___G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers?

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