Sleep Handout - Bed Restriction Therapy
Sleep Handout - Bed Restriction Therapy
Sleep Handout - Bed Restriction Therapy
If that new bed time sounds scary, remember that it is only for a few weeks, and ideally you actually won't be missing out on
any sleep. In fact, we hope that by the time you finally do go to bed, you'll feel extra sleepy and fall asleep faster than usual.
Using Your Extra Wake Time
Now that you will be going to bed later than usual, you will have more time to kill. You need to make a plan on how you will
spend this time, ideally doing something with low lights, no screens and that is really boring so your mind is calm when you
get to bed. This is definitely a good opportunity to do some Clear Your Head Before Bed worksheets.
List what activities you could do in your extra time.
Getting More Sleep
You will know if the BRT is working when your Sleep Efficiency stays above 80%. Once you are sleeping solidly, move your
Time To Bed forward by half an hour for 4 days. If you keep sleeping solidly, then move it forward again in 30 minute at a
time until you are either getting 8 hours of sleep a night or your Sleep Efficiency starts to suffer by going to bed too early.
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