Paper - I: Physics Chemistry.2O19 51 0
Paper - I: Physics Chemistry.2O19 51 0
Paper - I: Physics Chemistry.2O19 51 0
in the Eramination will DISQUALIFY THF CANDIDATE.
Version Question Booklet 51 0430 0
Code A1 Serial Number:
4. The following plot gives the variation of acceleration (m/s2) with time (s) for an
object that started from rest at time /: 0 s. The velocity at time / : 15 s (V15)
and at25 s (Y25), respectively are
5 10 15 20 25
Time (s)
(A) Vl5 : 50 m/s andY25: 0 m/s (B) V15 : 100 m/s andY2l: 150 m/s
(C) V15 : 50 m/s and V25 :25 mls (D) V15 : 100 m/s andY25 :25 m/s
(E) V15 : 75 mls and V25 : 50 m/s
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5. An object, moving with velocity 5 m/s, undergoes an acceleration of 1 m/s2 at
time / : 0. If the object has a mass of 1 kg, the kinetic energy (KE) of the object
at time /: 5 s is
(A) KE: 12.5 Joules (B) KE:20 Joules (C) KE:30 Joules
(D) KE:50 Joules (E) KE : 0 Joules
6. The variation of speed (in m/s) of an object with time (in seconds) is given by the
expression V(r): Yo- 5t + 5t2
(A) At time /: 0 s, the instantaneous acceleration is zero
(B) At time t: 0 s, there is a deceleration of the object
(C) At time / : 1 s, the object is at rest
(D) At time /: 1 s, the instantaneous acceleration is zero
(E) The distance travelled by the object at time /: 1 s is V6 m
7. A boat is moving from the east bank to the west bank on a south flowing river. If
the speed of the boat is 4 km/h and that of the river is 3 km/h. If the width of the
river is 2km, the distance travelled by the boat is
(A) 5 km (B) 4 km (C) 3 km
(D) 2.5 km (E) 2 km
8. A bead is tied on one end of a stiff rope of length I m. With the other end of the
rope as the center, the rope is rotated in such a wa\/ that the bead completes l0
revolutions per second. The centripetal acceleration of the bead is
(A) 400 n2 mls2 (B) 200 x2 mls2 (C) 400 m/s2
(D) 200 mtsz (E) 100 m/s2
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9. The electric field of an electromagnetic wave in free space is given by
- (l* \
E = 5 sinl ? z - oil li Y l*. Which of the following statements is correct?
[3 )'
(A) The wave propagates along y
(B) The wave vector is given E =42
11. A parallel plate capacitor (of capacitance C) with circular plates of radius 16
Phy-Chy-I-Arl20r9 [P.T.O.
t2. A monochromatic light of frequency ,=**1016 Hz is produced by a laser.
The power emitted is P = 10-2W. The average number of photons per second
emitted by the source is
(A) --a---x1016 (B) (6"$)211020 (c) (6.$)2*1016
(D) ro2o G) 1016
13. The work function of three photosensitive materials used to build photoelectric
devices are given as: Sodium (2.15 eV), copper (,1.ti5 eV) and gold (5.1 eV).
Which of the following statements is correct. CIhe frequency of visible light lies
in the range 4xl}taiHz to 8 x l0t4iHz1?
(A) Devices built by copper and gold can operate with visible light
(B) Devices built using sodium can operate with ultraviolet light
(C) All the devices can operate with infrared tight
(D) All the devices can operate with visible light
(E) No device can operate with visible light
15. An optician prescribes a lens of power +2.5 D. The focal length of the lens in
water is (Refractive indices of the lens and water are respectively 1.5 and 1.33)
(A) 40 cm (B) 2660117 cm (C) 17 /266A cm
(D) 3000/17 cm (E) 17l300(-t cnr
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16. In a single slit diffraction (of width o) by a monochromatic source of wavelength
l" the first minimum of the intensity distribution occurs at an angle
(A) c (B)
* (c) #
(D) (E)
* ;
17. A monochromatic source of wavelength 600 nm was used in Young's double slit
experiment to produce interference pattern. Ir is the intensity of light at a point
on the screen where the path difference is 150 nm. The intensity of light at a
point where the path difference is 200 nm is given by
(A) 1r' (B)
i" (c) i t'
i r, (E) J I'
Phy-Chy-l-A1,2019 7 lP.r.o.
2A. In the amplitude modulation mode of transmission, the normal speech si-snal is
with a maximum frequency of 5 kHz. If the carier frequency is l0(_r kHz, the
modulated signal will have the frequencies varying between
(A) 190 kHz to 210 kHz (B) 195 krtz to 205 kHz (c) 195 kHz to ' ,r kHz
(D) 200kHz to 205 kHz (E) 199.5 kHz to 200.5kHz
21. For signal transmission, modulation is necessary
(A) to reduce distortion of the signal
(B) to modifli the frequency content of the signal
(C) to mask the signal information from enemy
(D) to radiate the signal to a large distance using antennas
(E) to make it easy to arnplify the signal
23. In the context of p-n junction, select the correct statement from the follou r- *
(A) The barrier potential remains constant under forrvard bias
(B) The width of the depletion region depends on the doping level in rhe :- ::
and n-type regions
(C) Under forward bias condition, the p-n junction behaves like a pure res. -. . : l
irrespective of bias voltage
(D) Under reverse bias condition, the p-n junction behaves like a pure res:s:
irespective of bias voltage
(E) The barrier potential decreases under reverse bias
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24. The radius of gyration about an axis through the center of a hollow sphere with
external radius a and internal radius & is
2 1u3 - b31
(B) F t* -t^l
s @s -hs) la 1,r-6,
(D) lz (ot - b5) (E)
5 (oa -b4)
!s;45 2 @2 -b2)
25. A ball of mass I kg and radius 0.5 m, starting from rest rolls dorvn on a 30o
inclined plane. The torque acting on the ball at the distance of the 7 m from the
starling point is close to
(Take acceleration due to gravity as l0 m/s2)
(A) 0.25 N-rn (B) 0.7 N-m (C) 0.5 N-m
(D) 0.4 N-m (E) 1.4 N-m
26. If the radius of the earth suddenly decreases by half of its present value. Then the
time duration of one dal' u'ill be
(A) 6 hours (B) 8 hours (C) 12 hours
(D) 24 hours (E) 48 hours
27. A hollorv sphere and a solid sphere, of equal mass and equal radii roll down
ri ithout slipping on an inclined plane. If the torque experienced by the hollow
sphere and solid sphere are r H and t, respectively, then
(A) rn lrs (B) TH )Ts (C) rH =rs
(D) rH:0 (E) T5' -0
28. A brick of mass 2 kg slides down an incline of height 5 rn and angle 30". If the
coefficient of friction of the incline is --;. the velocitv of the block at the
bottom of the incline is
(Assume the acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s2)
(A) 5 m/s (B) 50 m/s (C) 7 m/s
(D) 0 (E) 10 m/s
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29. A spherically uniform planet of mass 8xi02a kg and of radius 6x106 :. r
orbiting around the Sun. The escape velocity for the planet is close to
(Take G : 6 x l0-rr N-m,/kgr;
(A) km/s
I 1 .2 (B) 16 km/s (C) 4 krn/s
(D) 12.6 km/s (E) 1.6 km/s
30. Suppose two planets A and B revolve around a Sun in the galaxy. The sen..-
major axis of A and B are 1 and 5 AU (astronomical unit) respectively. If t:"
period of revolution of A is I year, the period of revolution of B is
(A) 1 year (B) 5 years (C) lt years
(D) 25 years (E) 125 years
31. Tlre half-life of a3Tc" is 6 hours. If 12 mgof a3Tcee is injected to a patient, after
24 hours how much Tc will be left in the patient's body?
(A) 0 *s (B) 0.75 mg (C) 3 ms
(D) 6 *s (E) 12 mg
32. For atoms, rvhich of the following statement is correct?
(A) Heavier nuclei have more neutrons than protons
(B) Heavier nuclei have equal number of protons and neutrons
(C) Lighter nuclei have more neutrons than protons
(D) Lighter nuclei have less number of neutrons than protons
(E) For heavier nuclei, atomic mass varies as square of atomic number
33. which of the following statements is not a properry of nuclear force?
(A) it is an attractive force
(B) it is independent of interacting nucleons
(C) it is a long range force
(D) it is non-central force
(E) it is a short range force
34. Which of the following elements you need to rernor.e to form an isotone family?
(A) *o'u 18) ,N,r (c) uc,o
(D) ,rAt" (E) nF"
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35. A magnetic field of I T applied at an angle nl3 to the vertical direction is
decreased to zero at a steady rate in one second. The magnitude of induced emf
in a horizontally placed circular loop of radius 5 cm is given by
(A) t.25,l1nmy (B) t2.s.,l-3nv (C) t.25nmy
(D) t25nY (E) 25nY
36. The dimension of mutual inductance is
(Denote dimension of current as A)
{A) ML2T2 A-2 (B) M L2 T-2 A4 (c) M L-2 T2 A4
(D) ML2 T -3 A-r (E) M L2 T -3 A-3
3?. A pne inductor of inductance 0.1 H is connected to ari AC source (of rms
ruluge) 220 Y and angular frequency of 300 Hz. The rms current is
r' - . . LCR series circuit (of inductance L, capacitance C and resistance R), the
- :;:ance is mir-rimum when the angular frequency of the source is given by
LC (B) -L (C)
VLC \i;
Ir (E) .trcR
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42, Inside the engine of an automobile, the cylinder compresses the air
approximately standard temperature and pressure to one-twentieth of the original
volume and a pressure of 50 atm. What is the temperature of the compressed air?
(A) s00 K (B) 682K (c) s50 K
(D) 1000 K (E) 200 K
43, A spring of natural length I and spring constant 50 N/m is kept on a horizontal
frictionless table with one end attached to a rigid supporl. First the spring was
compressed by l0 cm and then released to hit a ball of mass 20 g kept at a
disrance / from the rigid supporl. If after hitting the ball, the natural length of the
spring is restored, what is the speed with which the ball moved?
(.lgnore the air resistance)
(A) 5 m/s (B) 7 mls (C) 25 mls
(D) 50 m/s (E) 2500 m/s
44. In a water container, an aluminum piece of volume 0.5 m3 is lowered through an
external force, until it is completely submerged. In another identical 'water
container, a lead piece of same volume was similarly submerged using the same
amount of external force. The mass density of lead is 4 times larger than the
mass density of the aluminum. If Fa and F; are the buoyancy forces acting on
aluminum and lead respectively, then which of the following statements is
(A) FA>4FL (B) FL>4FA (c) FA>2FL
(D) FL>2FA (E) Fr: Fe
15. A boy formed a bubble and a liquid drop from the same soapy water. The
pressure difference between inside and outside of the soap bubble is measured to
:e 100 N/m2. If the radius of the droplet is half of the radius of the bubble, then
.:. pressure difference between the inside and outside of the droplet is
(B) 50 N/m2 (C) 100 N/rn2
(1J t '\ :ll (E) 400 N/m2
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constant k,
46. A mass rn, suspended vertically by a massless ideal spring with spring
the kinetic
is at rest. The mass is displaced upward by a height ft. When released,
energy of the mass will be proportional to
(Neglecting air resistance)
(A) onlY h
(B) onlY h2
(c) m
(D) a linear combination of terms involvin gh and h2
(E) k
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50. An object having a velocity 5 m/s is accelerated at the rate 2 mls2 for 6 s. Find
the distance travelled during the period of acceleration
(A) 60 m (B) 25 m (C) 36 m
(D) 66 m (E) 45 m
51. .{ rehicle rnoving at36 km/hr is to be stopped by applying brakes in the next
5 m. If the vehicle weighs 2000 kg, determine the average force that rrust be
applied on it
(A) lo4 N (B) 2"104 N (C) 3x104 N
(D) 5*103 N (E) 103 N
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54. An electron, placed in an electric field, experiences a force F of 1 N. What are
the magnitude and direction of the electric field E at the point u here the electron
is located (e :1.6x10-re C;?
(A) :
N/C, F and E are along the same direction
(B) - N/C, F and E are against each other
(C) :
N/C, F and E are perpendicular
55. The distance between two charges Qt: +) pC and Qt: +8 prC is -: ::.
Calculate the distance from the charge Q1 to the points on the line sesi:-c::
joining the two charges where the electric field is zero
(A) 1 cm (B) 2 cm (C) 3 cm
(D) 4 cm (E) 5 cm
56. Four point charges (with equal magnitude of charge of 5 C; but with ..:.':-: :
signs) are placed at four corners of a square of side 10 m. Assumins .--- ..3
square is centered at the origin and the configuration of the chargeS ?ri :! _ in
in the figure, the potential and the magnitude of electric field at :: - - -.n,
respectively are
't = l-]
L 47rr0
(A) 0Vand0V/m
(B) 0 v and
\t vt^
(c) +rv and $o u,^
(D) 0Vand 5V/m
(E) \n V and 0 V/m
Phy-Chy-I-A112019 r6
57. A poinr dipole with dipole moment, F = psk, is kept at the origin. An external
elecrrc field given by, E :Eo(2i -3i *+[1, is applied on it. Which one of the
tt true?
,. - '.r rnc' statements is
, .r. . he force on the dipole is zero while torque rotates the dipoie on the
!, - :,eforce on the dipole moves it along the direction of electric field
- -:,e interaction energy between the dipole and electric field is zero
- -;re potential due to the dipole alone on the xy-plane with e: 0 depends on
tre value ofpo
fEl The application of the electric field orients the dipole along the
-f direction
: - - ...e total capacitance and total charge
- - .-apacitors
' j nF,9 nC
: -: ttF, 18 nC
. 5 nF,4.5 nC
, _: r-,\nF,9 nC
- -r,t.) riF, 4.5 nC
-. - :cr,rit is made using Rr, Rz, Ri, R+ and a battery as shown in the following
Find the equivalent resistance of the given circuit and the cument passing
R,:o'5 Q
:o,]a (B) ! a, zt e.
lo, lt (D)
I ",T"
l'. ?o
_1 J
62. The velocity and acceleration of a particle performing sirnple hannonic motion
have a steady phase relationship. The acceleration shows a phase lead over the
velocity in radians of
(A) *n (B) 0 (C) + nl2
(D) - nl2 (E) -n
63. Consider a driven damped mechanical oscillator is in resonance. \\Ihich of the
following statements is true?
(A) Driving frequency is trvice the natural frequency of the oscillator
(B) Power transfer from the driving source to system is minimum
(C) Driving frequency is the same as the natural frequency of the osciliator
(D) The force damping the oscillations are at a minimum value
(E) The driving force is in phase with the displacement
64. A body undergoing simple harmonic motion has a maximum acceleration of
8n m/s2 and maximum speed of 1.6 m/s. What is the time period T?
(A) 0.1 seconds (B) 0.2 seconds (C) 0.3 seconds
(D) 0.4 seconds (E) 0.5 seconds
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65. A bat entits an ultrasonic sound wave at 33.0 kHz and receives an echo 0.1 s
later, hat is the distance of the bat from the object-producing echo? (Speed of
sourd rr air is 330 m/s)
r.\ ',-r
,,) (B) 20.0 m (C) 33.0 m
rD r {in.l,i ni (E) 16.5 m
66. .\ u ar e alortg a string has the following equation y : 0.05 sin (28r - 2.0-r) m
(u here , is in seconds and x is in meters). What are the amplitude, frequency and
u ar e.;nqth of the wave?
t-{ amplitude : 0.05 m, frequency : 4.456P.2 and wavelength :3.518 m
3 , amplitude : 0.05 m, frequency :28 Hz and wavelength :2.0 m
6:. \ ::ain sounds its whistle as it approaches an observer standingat a point near
:ne tr:ck. The observer measures a frequency of 216IH2 as the train approaches
and , ;iequency of 184 Hz as the train leaves. What is the frequency of its
u his:ie l
(A) I I i-r Hz (B) 190 Hz (C) 205 Hz
(D) 201 ilz (E) 200 Hz
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Phy-Chy-I-A112019 t9 [P,T.O.
of rosic gares rhe inputs are
rhe fll"J'l-"rffi:f one of the f"lb;;;;#;Hi[ff'.Lff1_?
output is c. which :::::Tl,:*on A and B.
0 0 I 0 0 1
(A) 0 I I 0 I
(B) 0
1 0 1
(c) t-i
0 1
I 1 1 I -
I I 0
i 1
0 0 I
(D) 0 0 0
0 I I (E)
0 i 0
0 0
1 0 0
1 I 0 I 1 0
i0. Consider a circular loop of radius R on the xy-plane carrying a steady current
anticlockwise. The magnetic field at the center of the loop is given by
71. Co:.,ier nvo parallel current carrying conductors separated by a distance. Which
following statements is true?
,--r3 r'rf the
.{r Currents flowing in same direction will lead to repulsion
rB ) Currents flowing in opposite directions will lead to attraction
(C) The conductors will always attract each other
(D) The conductors will always repel each other
(E) Currents flowing in same direction will lead to attraction and opposite
directions will lead to repulsion
Phy-Chy-I-All20l9 2l [P.T.O.
73. NO* has bond order
(A) 2 (B) 2.s (c) 3
(D) 3.s (E) 4
74. Which hydride amongst the following has the least boiling point?
(A) NH: (B) PH: (C) AsH3
(D) SbH3 (E) BiH3
75. Which of the following sets has Lervis acid behaviour for all the components?
(A) BF: (B) BF3, SiFa, PF5 (C) SiF+, PF5
(D) BF3, PF5 (E) (A) and (B)
Phy-Chy-I-Arl20l9 22
80. Rme gases are sparingly soluble in water because of
(A) Hydrogen bonding
(B) Dipole-dipole interaction
(C) Induced dipole-induced dipole interaction
(D) Dipole-induced dipole interaction
(E) (A) and (D)
86. An orange solid (A) on heating gives a green residue (B), a colourless gas (C)
and water vapours. The dry gas (C) upon passing over heated Mg gave a white
solid (D) which upon subsequent reaction with water gave a gas (E) that gave
dense white fumes with HCl. Identify (D)
(A) Fe(NH3)Cl2 (B) CuN2 (C) MgrNz
(D) NII4CI (E) FeC12
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Phy-Chy-I-A1t2019 23 [P.r.o.
87. On passing silent electric discharge through oxygen in an ozlr..z;:. ,< -i mol % of
oxygen is converted to ozone. How many moles of o1 an.,i_i :;:.... qhen 35
moles of 02 is originally present?
(A) 33.0 (B) 34.4 ll
91. Consider afcc lattice made of a metal cation (M6*) and three oxic,' -- -.s per
unit cell. The resultant structure lvould have
(A) 3D netr.vork of edge shared octahedra
(B) 3D network of corner shared octahedra
(C) 2D network of edge shared octahedra
(D) 2D network of corner shared octahedra
(E) 3D network of face shared octahedra
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92. The e Jge ie:-sth of a soiid possessing cubic unit cell is 2Jir (structure I), based
ol :.':i sphere model, which upon subjecting to a phase transition, a new cubic
(c) #
(D) (E)
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95. A solution of methanol in water is 20 % by volume. If the solution and pure
methanol have densities of 0.964 kg L-r and 0.793 kg L-', reqpectively, find the
per cent of methanol by weight?
(A) 1s.8 (B) 16.4s (C r:
(D) 14.8 (E) 17.6
96. The Henry's law constant for 02 dissolved in water is 4.34 x 10r arn-. at certain
temperature. If the partial pressure of 02 in a gas mixture that is in eq'-.ilibrium
with water is 0.434 atm, what is the mole fraction of 02 in the solution?
(A) I x 10-s
(B) 1 x 104
(C) 2 x l}-s
(D) 1 x 10{
(E) 2 * l}a
97. The standard heat of formation of CHa, Co2and H2o (l) are -16.2, -394.8 and
-285.82 kJ mol-r, respectively. Heat of vaporizatron of \\'ater is 44 kJ mol-l.
Calculate the amount of heat evolved when 22.4 L of CH-,. kept under normal
conditions, is oxidized into its gaseous products
(A) 802 kJ (B) 878.4 kJ rC - : ..'"'
(D) 788.4 kJ (E) 500 kJ
Acetic acid dimerizes when dissolved in benzene. As a res*,: : - ..::s point of the
solution rises by 0.36oc, rvhen 100 g of benzene is mire: ,'.,::. "-\" g of acetic
acid. In this solution, if experimentally measured moi::....: ',reisht of acetic
acid is,117.8 and molar elevation constant of benzene is I :- K kg mol-r, rvhat
is the weight Yo and degree of dissociation (in %) of acei1. ,:.; in benzene?
(A) 1.62 and 98.3 (B) 0.81 and 98.3 : t-).5 and 86
(D) 1 and 98.3 (E) 1.4 and 99
99. At a certain temperature, 2 moles of CO and 4 moles of C"; _i:s;-i ,.,. ere reacted to
form COC12 in a 10 L vessel. At equilibrium if one mole ;- rli,*r ;s tresenr then
equilibrium constant for the reaction is
(A) 4 (B) 3.3 rCr .
Phy-Chy-I-All20l9 26
1r.rt-t. The equiiibrium constant for the reaction, Nz(g) +3Hr;=:2NH3(S) and
lN: (g) + 6Hr 3 +NH3 (s) are K1 and Kz, respectively. The relationship
between Kr and Kz is
(A) Kz: Kr2 (B) K:: Kr-2 (C) Kr : Kz2
(A) -2.303RT
(B) rsll (c) -2.303RT
(E) #
103. In a lead-acid battery, if 1 A current
is passed to charge the battery for t h, what
is the amount of PbSO+ converted to PbO2? (Given data: 1 F :96500 C mol-r)
(A) 0.0373 moles (B) 0.0186 moles (C) 0.0093 moles
(D) 0.0268 moles (E) 0.0400 moles
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108. Propvlene on treatment with HBr/FI2O2 provides
r{r 1-bromopropane (B) 2-bromopropane (c) I,2-dibromopropane
D, 1-bromopropan-2-ol (E) 2-bromopropan-1-ol
I {.rq. is a potent vasodilator.
-. :l:stamine (B) Serotonin (C) Codeine
lr r- :retidine (E) Aspirin
tr 1tl. :.- .:'. ;:: sugar is
..,:otatory (B) Levorotatory (C) Dextrorotatory
I -:,rca1ly inactive (E) Mutarotatory
11 1. :'. :.: :gest base among the following is
:. (B) oH- (C) CH:C-
: _-i.CH2- (E) OEr-
1 l: , -: :: -:enryl halide in ethanol yields alkenes by El mechanism due to
r. , "i, .oncentration of solvent
!' ::s;lce ofbase
- : ,s a primary halide
I ::::.c factor which prevents E2 mechanism
: . -.',:iion effect
1 13. -.- . :: . :rrdes are not good candidates for
i ',1.
-:iz-Fittig reaction
ts : .:.g reaction
rC f :r:del-Crafts reaction
(Dr Gr.nard reaction
(E) Ga:r:el-phthalimide synthesis
fl\cHo KoH
* 6\r-coox '*"
(A) Reimer-Tiemann
(B) Kolbe-Schmitt
(C) Cannizzaro
(D) Gattermann
(E) Aldol
116. When C6H5COCOC6H5 is reduced with LiAlH.. ile product formed has
(A) 2 (B) 3 (c) 4
(D) 6 (E) 8
117. The compound which does not lead to benzoic aci; : . -'...i:tion rvith KMnOa is
(A) toluene (B) benzyl alcohol 1l r rz-butylbenzene
(D) /-butylbenzene (E) styrene
118. In the Hofmann rearangement of primary amides har-:- .:. :'l.r'active group
with S-configuration, the product amine has
(A) R-configuration
(B) S-configuration
(C) Racemic mixture
(D) Meso form
(E) Achiral nature
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lL9. Benzonitrile can be prepared from benzaldehyde on treatment with
(A) NH3
(B) NH3 followed by hydrogenation with Ni
(c) NH2OH
(D) NH2OH followed by dehydration with acetic anhydride
(E) Hydrogen cyanide
120. The product formed in the below reaction is
lo" cr
\2 product
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