Fresh Green Newborn Grass Letter-WPS Office
Fresh Green Newborn Grass Letter-WPS Office
Fresh Green Newborn Grass Letter-WPS Office
What are the implications of each developmental tasks to you as a teacher and as a parent.
Pay particular attention to each developmental stage – prenatal, infancy, early childhood, middle and late
childhood and adolescence.
Early Childhood – What a preschool teachers supposed to do with preschools? Help them develop readiness for
school and not to be too academic in teaching approach. They ought to give much time for preschoolers to play, or
perhaps help preschoolers develop school readiness by integrating children’s games in school activities.
Teaching them the fundamental skills or reading, writing, and arithmetic shall be given more attention. Achievement
becomes a more central theme of the child’s world and encourage them to keep the good work they have done. And also
build a unique bond with their pupils as they teach them; observe them in their study as they grow over the time.
Making sure that they always their support, guiding them and providing their children with words of encouragement and
spiritual warfare. Parent must teach their children important things and make sure that they take the right path. And also
love and inspire their children to work and study hard
High school teacher ought to help their students by
Developing and improving their literacy. Challenging students to strive harder, to motivate student. Teacher must prepare a
happy and warm environment so that students are more likely to be happy, By assessing student’s abilities and skills and
help develop it and preparing them for what’s to come after high school early.
Guiding them and providing their children with words of encouragement support and spiritual warfare .Listen and
understand their feelings. Should have trust to their children more on their decision making and make sure that they take
the right path. Also love and inspire their them to work and study hard.
Introducing and giving some insight about the real world and for the reality that we are taking the first step in collage life.
Asking students about their educational and career goals by showing them that you are proud of them and by providing
regular and meaningful feedback to students about their performance and progress.
Parents can help their children who are now young adult by
Parents can help their children who are now young adults by showing love and support by giving their kidsadvice about
what is ahead of them, by sharing and listening stories about life, and by talking to them about their plans, goals, and
Middle Adulthood
Adults need to do in order to have satisfaction in their work is to love and enjoy what they choose to to for the rest of their
life. Also do something positive in your work to achieve the satisfaction you want. To be satisfied in your work . adults
should continue seeking more and not stop until they reach their limits and satisfied.
What should schools teach for students to be prepared for middle adulthood?
School should teach students to become future focused. They should be accountable for instructing students to be
knowledgeable about what world they will be facing soon.
Late adulthood
In their retirement, adults should
Enjoy their life fullest. They should be happy and contented. Take back the lost time being happy without thinking about
the problems in their workplace and it is best to retire if you secure your financial. They should also share inspiring words
to the youngest.
How should children relate their parents in their late adulthood stage? What should teachers teach to students on how
they should treat and related to parent, grand parents in their late adulthood?
By looking to their parents as a model or good example and learn to respect elderly. Teach them to respect elderly, because
if we don’t teach once they grow up their grandchild will do the same