9 Item
9 Item
9 Item
Table 1. ESCD guidelines on SLS exposure tests with TEWL measurement [7]
*1 week is 5 application days. bWater temperature 35°C. aIn temperature zones, it is not possible to elicit an irritation response in all
subjects using 10% SLS for 60 min twice daily, and longer exposure times are not feasible.
Application time 60 min 2 × daily 10 min 1 × daily Not possiblea 10 min 1 × daily
Application period 1 day 3 weeks* 3 weeks*
Mode of application 20 mm guard ring 20 mm guard ring 20 mm guard ring
SLS w/v% 10% 1% 1%
Immersion testb
Immersion time 30 min 2 × daily 10 min 2 × daily 30 min 2 × daily 10 min 1 × daily
Application period 1 day 3 weeks 1 day 3 weeks*
Mode of application Forearm immersion Forearm immersion Forearm immersion Forearm immersion
SLS w/v% 0.5% 0.5% 2% 2%
[39] studied the influence of 4 different parameters (TEWL), in most papers, the interval was reported to
(concentration, duration, temperature, material of be 30 min [40–42]. The time course of TEWL after
the storage vials) on the stability of aqueous SLS so- SLS patch testing demonstrated still significant reduc-
lutions under the nonsterile conditions at 5 different tion in TEWL values from 30 to 60 min after removal
concentrations (0.001%, 0.01%, 0.1%, 0.5%, 1%). Af- of patch, but not from 60 to 180 min [43]. Equaliza-
ter 4 weeks at 6°C and 23°C, the SLS concentration tion of water diffusion between the stratum corneum
was found to be decreased for the 2 lowest concen- and the ambient air is settled after 20 min of patch re-
trations (0.001% and 0.01%). In parallel to the loss of moval [44], and Agner and Serup [43] suggested that
SLS, contamination with bacteria was found in the evaluation of irritant patch test reactions by measure-
solutions at the 2 lowest concentrations. They sug- ment of TEWL can naturally be made at any time af-
gested that the storage of SLS solutions of very low ter removal of the patches, as long as the time period
concentrations should be at low temperature and is precisely accounted for. Others have argued that a
preferably in sterile vials. minimum waiting period of 2–3 h should be used to
allow for evaporation of excessive water due to occlu-
sion [10, 45].
30.2.5 Time of Evaluation
When noninvasive measurements of the skin re- 30.2.6 Guidelines on Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
sponse are made, the interval between removal of Exposure Methods [7]
the patch and the measurements should allow for a
period of increased evaporation following occlu- High purity (99%) SLS must be used in any study, dis-
sion. For measurements of transepidermal water loss solved water in occlusive and open testing, while tap
260 Cheol Heon Lee, Howard I. Maibach
water may be acceptable in immersion testing. Stan- 30.3.3 Mechanisms of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
dard-sized occlusion chambers with filter paper discs Reaction
corresponding to large (12-mm, 60-ìl) and extra large
(18-mm, 200-ìl) Finn chambers are recommended. Many surfactants including SLS disrupt the skin bar-
The extra large Finn chambers are recommended for rier function resulting in increased TEWL [56, 57],
repeated applications. For open exposures, a 20-mm and increased blood flow, clinically visible as ery-
diameter plastic ring is advised. The volume of the so- thema [58]. A number of hypotheses on the mecha-
lutions must be such that the total exposure area is nism of SLS-induced skin irritation has been sug-
covered (about 800 ìl). Chambers should be applied gested. Leveque et al. [59] suggested that an increase
to the skin immediately, i.e., within 1 min after prepa- in TEWL did not necessarily imply the alteration of
ration with the test solution. TEWL measurement stratum corneum and SLS-induced dry skin could
should be performed a minimum of 1 h after removal hardly be interpreted in terms of lipid removal [60].
of test chambers. ESCD proposed new guidelines in Wilhelm et al. [26] found an increase of both hydra-
terms of purposes and methods of SLS exposure tests tion and TEWL after 24-h patch irritation of SLS, and
(Table 1). they suggested that the stratum corneum hydration
resulted from a continuous disruption of the second-
ary and tertiary structure of keratin proteins exposing
30.3 Biologic Endpoints new water-binding sites, and the most likely expla-
nation of SLS-induced increase in TEWL lay in the
30.3.1 Clinical Appearance of Sodium Lauryl hyperhydration of stratum corneum and a possible
Sulfate Reaction disorganization of lipid bilayers. Forslind [61] pro-
posed a domain mosaic model of skin barrier. Stra-
Erythema, infiltration, and superficial erosion can be tum corneum lipids are not randomly distributed, but
seen during acute reaction to SLS. With higher con- are organized in domains. Lipids with very long chain
centrations, vesicular and pustular reactions may be lengths are segregated in gel, impermeable to water,
seen. During healing of acute reactions, scaling and and separated by grain borders populated by lipids
fissuring will take over. The same appearance of ery- with short chain lengths which are in fluid phase, per-
thema, scaling, and fissuring is seen during repeated meable to water. Surfactants including SLS infiltrate
application of SLS. The soap effect consisting of fine the fluid phase permeable to water increasing the
wrinkled surface and/or chapping is not commonly width of grain borders, and increase TEWL.
seen in SLS patch test reaction [7]. Most recently,
reported literatures have used the modified visual
scoring system of Frosch and Kligman [12] to evalu- 30.3.4 Noninvasive Bioengineering
ate clinical skin reaction to SLS. Tupker et al. [7] de- Techniques Assessing Sodium Lauryl
veloped the guideline concerning the visual scoring Sulfate Reaction
schemes for the acute and cumulative reactions to
SLS (Tables 2, 3). They also proposed a new scoring Several noninvasive bioengineering methods to quan-
system for subjective irritation (Table 4). tify and to obtain information which is not detect-
able clinically have been developed in recent decades
(Table 5) [62]. Measurement of TEWL as a technique
30.3.2 Histopathologic Findings of Sodium to evaluate skin barrier function is widely used [63,
Lauryl Sulfate Reaction 64] and a positive dose-response relationship for
skin response to SLS as measured by TEWL has been
The histopathologic changes induced by SLS depend demonstrated [65]. When attempting to quantify ir-
on concentration, mode of application, time of evalu- ritant patch test reactions by electrical conductance
ation, etc. In epidermis, SLS application can induce measurement, the intraindividual variation in the re-
hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, spongiosis, intracellu- sults was so high that the method was found unhelp-
lar vacuolation, hydropic degeneration of basal cells, ful for this purpose [66]. A positive relationship was
and necrosis [46–50]. In dermis, there were variable found between dose of SLS and blood flow values re-
degrees of inflammatory cell infiltration, edema, and corded by laser Doppler flowmetry [65, 67]. However,
collagen degeneration. T lymphocytes are the pre- wide fluctuations in laser Doppler blood flow values
dominant infiltrating cells and CD4(+) cells outnum- in response to SLS patches were found due to spotty
bered the CD8(+) cells [51–55]. erythema [41]. The skin color is expressed in a 3-D
30 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 261
Table 2. ESCL guideline on clinical scoring of acute SLS irri- Table 3. ESCD guideline on clinical scoring of subacute/cu-
tant reactions, simple scoring system [7] mulative SLS irritant reactions, simple scoring system [7]
Reading 25–96 h after one-time exposure. *The ESCD simple scoring system may be used when no subdi-
vision into the different qualities of irritation (erythema, scal-
Score Qualification Description
ing, roughness, edema, fissure) is necessary.
The term “shiny surface” is used for those minimal reactions
0 Negative No reaction that can only be discerned when evaluated in skimming light
1/2 Doubtful Very weak erythema as a “shiny area.”
or minute scaling aThe term “roughness” is used for reactions that can be felt
as rough or dry, sometimes preceded or followed by visible
1 Weak Weak erythema, slight
changes of the surface contour, in contrast to “scaling,” which is
edema, slight scaling,
accompanied by visible small flakes.
and/or slight roughness
Score Qualification Description
2 Moderate Moderate degree of:
erythema, edema, scal-
ing, roughness, erosions, 0 Negative No reaction
vesicles, bullae, crusting,
1/2 Doubtful Very weak erythema
and/or fissuring
and/or shiny surface#
3 Strong Marked degree of: ery-
1 Weak Weak erythema, diffuse
thema, edema, scaling,
or spotty, slight scaling,
roughness, erosions,
and/or slight roughnessa
vesicles, bullae, crust-
ing, and/or fissuring 2 Moderate Moderate degree
of: erythema, scal-
4 Very strong/caustic As 3, with necrotic areas
ing, roughness,
and/or weak edema
Table 4. ESCD guideline on subjective scoring of the SLS ir- and/or fine fissures
ritant reactions during or after exposure [7] 3 Strong Marked degree of:
erythema, scaling,
Qualification Score Description
roughness, edema,
fissures and/or pres-
Negative 0 No burning/sting- ence of papules and/or
ing sensation erosions, and/or vesicles
Weak 1 Weak burning/stinging 4 Very strong/caustic As 3, with necrotic areas
Moderate 2 Moderate burn-
Strong 3 Strong burning/stinging
Evaporimeter Transepidermal water loss Positive dose-response relationship for skin response to SLS.
Most sensitive method for SLS-induced irritation
Laser-Doppler Blood flow Positive relationship between applied dose of SLS and blood flows.
flowmeter Wide fluctuations in response to SLS due to spotty erythema
Ultrasound Skin thickness No preconditioning is necessary. Good relation to SLS concentra-
tions, but minimal correlation with erythema or epidermal damage
Impedance, conduc- Skin hydration Correlation with epidermal damage, but intraindivid-
tance, capacitance ual variation is so high, this method is unhelpful
Colorimeter Skin colors Positive correlation between changes in the a* color coordi-
nates and doses of SLS, but not with epidermal damage
262 Cheol Heon Lee, Howard I. Maibach
coordinate system: a*(from green to red), b*(from Erythema was not completely resolved even 18 days
blue to yellow), and L* (from black to white) values after treatment. The repair of the SC barrier function
[68]. Color (a*) coordinates have been demonstrated as indicated by TEWL measurements was completed
to correlate well with visual scoring of erythema in 14 days after exposure. SC hydration evaluated by ca-
inflammatory reactions caused by soap or SLS [64, 69, pacitance measurements did not return to baseline
70]. Ultrasound examination has the advantage that values before 17 days after surfactant exposure. Shin
no preconditioning of the subjects is necessary before et al. [78] reported the recovery of skin function after
measurement. Ultrasound A-scan has been found single 24-h patch application of 1% SLS solution: the
suitable for quantification of patch test reactions [27, recovery rate of TEWL values at 6 days of patch re-
71] and also a promising method for quantification moval (D6) was 89.51% and 58.5% in erythema index
of SLS-induced inflammatory response, being consis- measured by Dermaspectrometer at D6.
tently more sensitive than measurement of skin color
[65], and Seidenari and di Nardo [72] demonstrated
that B-scanning evaluation showed a good correla- 30.4 Host-Related Factors
tion with TEWL values in assessing superficial skin
damage induced by SLS. There are many host-related factors in cutaneous ir-
Comparing evaporimetry, laser Doppler flowm- ritation: those that are to be considered skin disease,
etry, ultrasound A-scan, and measurement of skin and those that represent variations from normal skin
color, evaporimetry was found to be the best-suited predisposing to irritation (Table 6).
method for evaluation of SLS-induced skin damage
[64, 66]. Lee et al. [73] observed that measurement Table 6. Host-related factors in cutaneous irritation
of erythema index using the Dermaspectrometer was Age
less sensitive than TEWL measurement when com- Sex
paring the cutaneous irritation to two types (8-mm
Anatomic region
and 12-mm) of Finn chambers. Wilhelm et al. [64]
suggested that although TEWL measurements may Race and skin color
be an accurate and sensitive method in evaluating Skin hydration
skin irritation, color reflectance measurements may Sensitive skin
be a helpful complimentary tool for the clinician, be- Hyperirritable skin
cause of its convenience to operate. Serup [74] sug-
Skin disease (atopic dermatitis, hand ec-
gested that transepidermal water loss is very sensitive
zema, seborrheic dermatitis)
and useful in the study of corrosive irritants, such as
SLS, especially in the induction phase of irritant reac-
tion, but has not a direct clinical relevance and the
results need be backed up with some other measure 30.4.1 Age
of relevance.
Tupker et al. [75] found that the time course of Increased susceptibility to SLS in young compared
TEWL after a 24-h SLS patch varied between different to elderly females, when assessed by visual scoring
subjects. They could divide 35 subjects into four sub- and TEWL, was reported and the increase in TEWL
group according to the day of maximum TEWL val- values was found to be more persistent in the older
ues after the single exposure; the number of subjects group [79, 80]. These findings imply less reaction to
showing peak TEWL was 14 on the day of removal an irritant stimulus but a prolonged healing period in
of the patch (day 2), 16 at day 3, 4 at day 4, 1 at day 5. older people. There is no significant influence on skin
Using SLS in varying concentrations, Serup and Sta- susceptibility between 18 and 50 years of age [81].
berg [27] found a delayed response only for reactions
clinically scored as 1+, but not for more intense reac-
tions, indicating that the kinetics of the response may 30.4.2 Sex
depend on the severity of the reaction [76]. Wilhelm
et al. [77] studied the skin function during healing Hand eczema is well-known to occur more frequently
phase after single 24-h patch application of 0.5% SLS among women than men. However, many investiga-
solution. Erythema was most increased directly after tors have found no sex-relation in skin susceptibility
patch removal with a slow gradual decrease thereafter. [42, 82–84]. Reactivity to SLS at day 1 increased in the
30 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 263
menstrual cycle compared to days 9–11, when tested A diminished reaction to SLS after UVB exposure was
on opposite arms in healthy women [85]. Since no reported [93].
cyclical variation was found in baseline TEWL, the
increased reactivity of the skin at day 1 in the men-
strual cycle probably reflects an increased inflam- 30.4.5 Skin Hydration
matory reactivity, rather than changes in the barrier
function. In repetitive exposure to SLS, higher susceptibility
was reported in dry skin than in clinically normal skin
in eczematous subjects and controls [75]. Comparing
30.4.3 Anatomic Region winter and summer skin, decreased skin hydration
was found in winter, when a higher reactivity to SLS
Variation in skin responses within the same individ- was also found [94]. Low outdoor temperature and
ual to identical irritant patch tests has been claimed low relative humidity in the winter lead to decreased
to be considerable. Van der Valk and Maibach [86] ability of the stratum corneum to retain water [95].
have studied the differences in sensitivity of volar Thus, these studies indicate that a decreased hydra-
surface of the forearm to SLS and demonstrated that tion state of the skin may be associated with impaired
the potential for irritation increases from the wrist to barrier function and increased skin susceptibility. In
the cubital fossa, and Panisset et al. [87] showed that contrast, Lammintausta et al. [11] found no relation-
TEWL values next to the wrist were found greater ship between clinically dry skin and the response to
than on the other sites of volar forearm. Cua et al. repeated SLS exposure.
[79] reported that the thigh had the highest reactivity
and the palm the lowest. Dahl et al. [88] found that,
for simultaneous Al-patch testing with SLS, the cor- 30.4.6 Sensitive Skin
responding sites on the right and the left side were
scored identically in only 53% of cases. Using large Frosch and Kligman [96] reported a significant cor-
Finn chambers (12-mm), 84% of SLS patches showed relation between the skin response to particular ir-
identical visual score when tested simultaneously on ritants in healthy volunteers and patients with skin
right and left arms [66]. Rogiers [89] suggested that diseases. A 24-h forearm chamber exposure to 5%
measurement of TEWL should be carried out on SLS was used for preselection of hyperreactors [12].
identical anatomic sites for all subjects involved, and Murahata et al. [97] suggested a relationship between
the volar forearm is a good measurement site and skin susceptibility to detergents and high baseline
corresponding places on the right and left forearms TEWL, and a highly significant correlation between
exhibit the same TEWL. baseline TEWL and TEWL after a single or repeated
exposure to SLS was reported [10, 84, 85]. However,
other studies reported an absent or poor correlation
30.4.4 Skin Color between baseline TEWL and TEWL after SLS expo-
sure [40, 41, 92, 98].
Bjornberg et al. [90] reported that fair skin and blue
eyes showed the high intensity of the inflammatory
response to a mechanical irritant. By determination 30.4.7 Hyperirritable Skin (Excited Skin
of MED in Caucasians, the cutaneous sensitivity to Syndrome)
UV light and to 7 different chemical irritants was
found to correlate positively, while skin phototype Mitchell [99] introduced the term “angry back,” de-
based on complexion and history of sunburn proved scribing the phenomenon of a single strong positive
less reliable [91]. In contrast to these reports, an incli- patch test reaction creating a back which is hyper-
nation to increased susceptibility to SLS in black and reactive to other patch test applications. The “excited
Hispanic skin as compared to white skin was found skin syndrome” was illustrated experimentally in
when evaluated by measurement of TEWL [40, 92]. guinea pigs, and increased susceptibility to an oint-
Assessing skin color by a tri-stimulus colorimeter, an ment containing 1% SLS was observed in animals
association between light reflection (L*) from the stressed by inflammatory reactions in the neck area
skin surface and susceptibility to SLS was found [81]. [100]. An increased susceptibility to SLS in patients
Tanning may influence the susceptibility to irritants. with acute hand eczema, as compared to patients with
264 Cheol Heon Lee, Howard I. Maibach
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