Final Project: Role of MEMS Technology in Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)
Final Project: Role of MEMS Technology in Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)
Final Project: Role of MEMS Technology in Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)
Role of MEMS Technology in Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)
The intensive care unit (ICU) as a part of This paper introduced a modern IoT-
the healthcare sector has faced several based paradigm to successfully handle
challenges due to the poor information ICU medical
quality provided by current ICUs’ medical equipment, called IoT MEMS. It utilizes
Title: IoT MEMS: IoT-Based
equipment management. IoT has raised the IoT to improve information flow
Paradigm for Medical
ability for vital data transfer in the between THIS and ICU during COVID-
Equipment Management
healthcare sector of the new century. 19 to ensure the highest degree of
Systems of ICUs
However, most of the existing paradigms accountability and equity in the
in Light of COVID-19 Outbreak
4 have adopted IoT technology to track reallocation of medical equipment.
and Shantanu Bhattacharya systems to have a smarter, faster, and wearables include pressure sensors,
Year: 2021 more efficient way to solve magnetic field sensors, accelerometers,
existing problems in drug delivery temperature sensors, and humidity
applications , sample culture and sensors.
characterization, better management of
implants , etc.
The intensive care unit (ICU) as a part ofThis paper introduced a modern IoT-
the healthcare sector has faced several based paradigm to successfully handle
challenges due to the poor information ICU medical
quality provided by current ICUs’ medicalequipment, called IoT MEMS. It utilizes
Title: IoT MEMS: IoT-Based
equipment management. IoT has raised the IoT to improve information flow
Paradigm for Medical
ability for vital data transfer in the between THIS and ICU during COVID-
Equipment Management
healthcare sector of the new century. 19 to ensure the highest degree of
Systems of ICUs
However, most of the existing paradigms accountability and equity in the
in Light of COVID-19 Outbreak
4 have adopted IoT technology to track reallocation of medical equipment.
Authors: Abdulaziz aborujilah ,
patients’ health statuses. Therefore, there
Adopting the pro posed model would
abubaker-eseddig fathi
is a lack of understanding on how to utilize
boost the capability and ability of
mahmoud elsebaie , and shamsul
such technology for ICUs’ medical hospitals to successfully reduce the
anuar mokhtar
equipment management. spread of COVID-19. The
Year: 2021
accuracy of the information in THIS
will also be significantly impacted, and
confidence and accountability among
the stakeholders will be improved.
A systemic problem for The small size and low power
microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) requirements of MEMS sensors are
has been the large gap between their favorable attributes for IoT.
predicted and actual performances. Due to IoT applications that require accurate
process variations, no two MEMS have sensing analysis with low uncertainty
been able to perform identically. In-factory require the sensed input data to be also
calibration is often required, which can be accurate with low uncertainty.
Title: Self-Calibration and represent as much as three-fourths of the Presently, most MEMS devices are
Performance Control of MEMS manufacturing costs. Such issues are inaccurate with large uncertainties.
5 with Applications for IoT challenges for microsensors that require However, we have shown that is it
Authors: Jason Clark higher accuracy and lower cost. Towards possible to develop MEMS devices that
Year: 2018 addressing these issues, this paper can autonomously calibrate themselves
describes how microscale attributes may to achieve much higher accuracy and
be used to enable MEMS to accurately much lower uncertainty. And since
calibrate themselves without external uncomprehensive in-factory calibration
references, or enable actual devices to is time-consuming and bottlenecks
match their predicted performances. throughput, it can increase the cost
MEMS devices by as much as 300%.