Final Project: Role of MEMS Technology in Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)

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Final Project

Role of MEMS Technology in Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)


Abish Ezhava [K012]

SAP ID: 70461019013
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Under the Supervision of

Prof. Manoj Sankhe

(Associate Prof. - Department of Mechanical Engineering, MPSTME)
MEMS, or Micro Electro-Mechanical System, is a chip-based technology where
sensors are composed of a suspended mass between a pair of capacitive plates. When
the sensor is tilted, a difference in electrical potential is created by this suspended
mass. The created difference is then measured as a change in capacitance.
Industrial robots use MEMS-based 3-D gyroscopes and accelerometers to
continuously measure changes in angular rate and direction, replacing expensive
rotary sensors and encoders. They can also detect excessive vibration in joints
and actuators that might be omens of premature failure.
What is MEMS technology?
Microelectromechanical systems are used in many areas other than just sensors,
including communication modules, actuators, and data processing devices in
addition to perception sensors. They are micro-machines whose components vary in
size from a micrometer to a millimeter.
The resulting machines range from simple ones without any moving parts to
complex electromechanical systems with several moving components. There are
many different types of these systems: magnetic, electrical, thermal, chemical,
optical, and mechanical.
MEMS devices are much smaller, cost less, and consume less power than earlier
methods of implementing the same functions. They’re also highly sensitive and
extremely accurate. MEMS devices also benefit from the tight tolerances
inherent in semiconductor process technology, as they exhib it excellent
On the down side, although production costs per part are very low, there’s a
large investment associated with designing, qualifying, and manufacturing a
MEMS product. As a result, manufacturers are less likely to develop parts for
low-volume applications.
Research Papers on Roles of MEMS in IIOT

Title, Author names

Sr. No Abstract Conclusion
and year of publication
IoT is a system which connects objects Energy harvesting can be improved with
and users via internet. Things can be much the help of MEMS based IOT, where
more simplified using MEMS technology power can be generated by changing
where they can operate with Ultra low factors in the environment such as
Title: MEMS Sensors in IoT
power and can provide accurate results in pressure, temperature, sound and
a convenient method. MEMS can improve vibration. Specialty of MEMS dignifies
Authors: Nazish Hussain,
1 traditional technologies involved in IoT. the IOT devices by its features like
Divyashree N., S. Saravana
This compact size, effective cost and
paper focuses on energy harvesting, operating power. So MEMS in IoT will
performance of MEMS sensors, fault be the new trend in simplification and
identification, smart accuracy for smart devices.
communication and MEMS switching
MEMS is an enabling technology for the MEMS are revolutionizing the
Title: MEMS: AN ENABLING IoT because MEMS manufacturing makes implementation of sensors, actuators,
TECHNOLOGY possible small, low‐cost, high‐performance and control systems through
FOR THE INTERNET OF sensors and actuators. Nevertheless, there miniaturization, batch fabrication, and
THINGS (IoT) are other unique and important benefits integration with electronics. MEMS
Authors: Michael A. Huff that can be derived from MEMS that have technology is enabling smart systems
Year: 2016 not been discussed that are very beneficial on a chip with high levels of
and impactful for the deployment and functionality, performance, and
advancement of the IoT. This
Biomicroelectromechanical section
systems reliability to be available
MEMS technology in a small
has played a key
(BioMEMS) and miniaturized biomedical part in limiting the overall size of
devices produced through micromachining devices within a small form factor with
techniques have revolutionized the low power consumption. As the name
healthcare and medicine sectors through a suggests, “wearables” are continuously
Title: Introduction to mems in variety of smart sensors and implantable worn by the user and the user’s
Biology and healthcare devices , and also hybrid and integrated activities are tracked and displayed on
Authors: Aviru Kumar Basu, sensors-on-microchips. The main the device with a sensor network. The
Adreeja Basu, Sagnik Ghosh, deliverable of these devices enables these most commonly used sensors among
and Shantanu Bhattacharya systems to have a smarter, faster, and wearables include pressure sensors,
Year: 2021 more efficient way to solve magnetic field sensors, accelerometers,
existing problems in drug delivery temperature sensors, and humidity
applications , sample culture and sensors.
characterization, better management of
implants , etc.

The intensive care unit (ICU) as a part of This paper introduced a modern IoT-
the healthcare sector has faced several based paradigm to successfully handle
challenges due to the poor information ICU medical
quality provided by current ICUs’ medical equipment, called IoT MEMS. It utilizes
Title: IoT MEMS: IoT-Based
equipment management. IoT has raised the IoT to improve information flow
Paradigm for Medical
ability for vital data transfer in the between THIS and ICU during COVID-
Equipment Management
healthcare sector of the new century. 19 to ensure the highest degree of
Systems of ICUs
However, most of the existing paradigms accountability and equity in the
in Light of COVID-19 Outbreak
4 have adopted IoT technology to track reallocation of medical equipment.
and Shantanu Bhattacharya systems to have a smarter, faster, and wearables include pressure sensors,
Year: 2021 more efficient way to solve magnetic field sensors, accelerometers,
existing problems in drug delivery temperature sensors, and humidity
applications , sample culture and sensors.
characterization, better management of
implants , etc.

The intensive care unit (ICU) as a part ofThis paper introduced a modern IoT-
the healthcare sector has faced several based paradigm to successfully handle
challenges due to the poor information ICU medical
quality provided by current ICUs’ medicalequipment, called IoT MEMS. It utilizes
Title: IoT MEMS: IoT-Based
equipment management. IoT has raised the IoT to improve information flow
Paradigm for Medical
ability for vital data transfer in the between THIS and ICU during COVID-
Equipment Management
healthcare sector of the new century. 19 to ensure the highest degree of
Systems of ICUs
However, most of the existing paradigms accountability and equity in the
in Light of COVID-19 Outbreak
4 have adopted IoT technology to track reallocation of medical equipment.
Authors: Abdulaziz aborujilah ,
patients’ health statuses. Therefore, there
Adopting the pro posed model would
abubaker-eseddig fathi
is a lack of understanding on how to utilize
boost the capability and ability of
mahmoud elsebaie , and shamsul
such technology for ICUs’ medical hospitals to successfully reduce the
anuar mokhtar
equipment management. spread of COVID-19. The
Year: 2021
accuracy of the information in THIS
will also be significantly impacted, and
confidence and accountability among
the stakeholders will be improved.
A systemic problem for The small size and low power
microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) requirements of MEMS sensors are
has been the large gap between their favorable attributes for IoT.
predicted and actual performances. Due to IoT applications that require accurate
process variations, no two MEMS have sensing analysis with low uncertainty
been able to perform identically. In-factory require the sensed input data to be also
calibration is often required, which can be accurate with low uncertainty.
Title: Self-Calibration and represent as much as three-fourths of the Presently, most MEMS devices are
Performance Control of MEMS manufacturing costs. Such issues are inaccurate with large uncertainties.
5 with Applications for IoT challenges for microsensors that require However, we have shown that is it
Authors: Jason Clark higher accuracy and lower cost. Towards possible to develop MEMS devices that
Year: 2018 addressing these issues, this paper can autonomously calibrate themselves
describes how microscale attributes may to achieve much higher accuracy and
be used to enable MEMS to accurately much lower uncertainty. And since
calibrate themselves without external uncomprehensive in-factory calibration
references, or enable actual devices to is time-consuming and bottlenecks
match their predicted performances. throughput, it can increase the cost
MEMS devices by as much as 300%.

Micromachining and MEMS technologies Micromachining and MEMS

can be used to produce complex technologies are
electrical, mechanical, fluidic, thermal, powerful tools for enabling the
optical, and magnetic structures, devices, miniaturization of
and systems on a scale ranging from devices useful in biomedical
organs to subcellular engineering. Although
organelles. This miniaturization ability has silicon micromachined pressure sensors
enabled MEMS to be applied in many presently
areas of biology, medicine, and biomedical possess the largest share of the
Title: BIOMEDICAL engineering – a field generally referred to BioMEMS market in
APPLICATIONS OF MEMS as BioMEMS. The future looks bright for terms of volume and sales, it is
Authors: Jack W. Judy BioMEMS to realize (1) microsensor anticipated that the
Year: 2000 arrays that act as an electronic market share of MEMS-enabled
be used to enable MEMS to accurately much lower uncertainty. And since
calibrate themselves without external uncomprehensive in-factory calibration
references, or enable actual devices to is time-consuming and bottlenecks
match their predicted performances. throughput, it can increase the cost
MEMS devices by as much as 300%.

Micromachining and MEMS technologies Micromachining and MEMS

can be used to produce complex technologies are
electrical, mechanical, fluidic, thermal, powerful tools for enabling the
optical, and magnetic structures, devices, miniaturization of
and systems on a scale ranging from devices useful in biomedical
organs to subcellular engineering. Although
organelles. This miniaturization ability has silicon micromachined pressure sensors
enabled MEMS to be applied in many presently
areas of biology, medicine, and biomedical possess the largest share of the
Title: BIOMEDICAL engineering – a field generally referred to BioMEMS market in
APPLICATIONS OF MEMS as BioMEMS. The future looks bright for terms of volume and sales, it is
Authors: Jack W. Judy BioMEMS to realize (1) microsensor anticipated that the
Year: 2000 arrays that act as an electronic market share of MEMS-enabled
nose or tongue, (2) microfabricated neural chemical sensing
systems capable of controlling motor or and microfluidic systems will grow
sensory tremendously. In
prosthetic devices, (3) painless addition, MEMS will continue to be
microsurgical applied to
tools, and (4) complete microfluidic biomedical engineering in new research
systems for activities
total chemical or genetic analyses. that push our understanding of cells,
organs, the

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