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2-Proceedings BESA2012 - Page85-158

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26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Gold Mineralization Systems in Southern Mountain Range, West Java

Nurcahyo I. Basuki1, Sukmandaru Prihatmoko2, Emmy Suparka1

) Study Program of Geology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
) PT AGC Indonesia (Turqouise Hill Resources)


The Southern Mountain Range in West Java extends from Pelabuhan Ratu area in the west to Nusa Kambangan,
Cilacap, in the east. It is slightly tilted southward and it comprises Tertiary extrusive volcanic rocks and shallow
intrusive rocks, as well as sedimentary rocks (limestone and siliciclastic). Many epithermal-style alterations and
mineralizations are associated with this volcaniclastic and intrusive rocks, including epithermal gold deposits and
few prospect area for possible mineralisation of porphyry systems.

This paper discusses several prospect areas in the Southern Mountain Range in West Java that belong to four types
of gold mineralization i.e. low sulfidation epithermal, high sulfidation epithermal, polymetalic gold and base metal
mineralization, and porphyry system. They share similarities in type of host rocks, age of host rocks, structural
control in mineralization, age of mineralization, and to some extent, associated alteration and vein types as well as
metal association. The low sulphidation epithermal prospect areas even share similarities with some of gold
deposits in the Bayah Dome complex. Recognition of these similarities based on available data become critical for
determination of mineralization types and its lateral-vertical extension. In addition, an open-mind attitude during
exploration is still important to identify “uncommon” deposits in a given area.

INTRODUCTION The Tertiary volcanic and tectonic activities in

West Java has resulted in the formation of what
Java and Sumatra form part of the western is now known as the Southern Mountain Range,
Sunda-Banda continental arc margin (Carlile and which is located within volcanic arc of Sunda-
Mitchell, 1994) that developed along the Banda magmatic arc. The topography of Southern
northern margin of the subducting Indian- Mountain Range is undulated to hilly steep with
Australian plate under the Eurasian plate during elevations between 500 and 800 m above sea
the Cenozoic. The subduction is responsible for level. It is about 50 km-wide but become
an abundant and still active volcanism in the Java narrower eastward. It extends from Pelabuhan
arc. There is an apparent trend that Pleistocene Ratu area in the west to Nusa Kambangan,
to Quaternary volcanic rocks become Cilacap, in the east (Figure 1). The mountain
progressively younger towards the north (e.g. van range is slightly tilted southward (less than 80;
Bemmelen, 1949; Martodjojo, 1984). Those Martodjojo, 1984), hence the name “Jampang
volcanic rocks have affinities of calc-alkaline (e.g. Plateau” (Pannekoek, 1946; in Martodjojo, 1984).
Whiteford, 1975; in Martodjojo, 1984; Soeria- In the western part of the mountain range at
Atmadja et al., 1994). Some researchers have Pelabuhan Ratu, there is a horse-shoe
proposed that West Java could be built upon pre- morphology, open to southwest, consisting of
Tertiary, continental-type basement (e.g. pre-Tertiary mélange complex and Eocene
Hutchinson, 1989; Metcalfe, 1996; Soeria- conglomerate, sandstone, claystone of the
Atmadja et al., 1998; Hoffmann-Rothe et al., Ciletuh Fm.
2001; Abdurrachman et al., 2012). Hamilton
(1979) suggests that West Java crust may The lithology units along the Southern Mountain
constitute immature continental crust, ophiolite Range comprise Tertiary extrusive volcanic rocks
slivers and older volcanic rocks. and shallow intrusive rocks, as well as
sedimentary rocks (limestone and siliciclastic).
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Many epithermal-style alterations and area; Alzwar et al. 1992). In the southern area of
mineralizations are associated with this the Mountain Range, the Jampang Fm. is
volcaniclastic and intrusive rocks, including unconformably overlain by limestone sequence
several gold deposits along the Southern (Bodas Fm.) and the Bentang volcanic rocks (Mio-
Mountain Range (e.g. in Cineam area, with Pliocene), which is composed of andesitic
alteration-mineralization age of 13.5 - 8 Ma; Widi breccias and tuff. The Miocene-Pliocene
and Matsueda, 1998), and few prospect area for formations were intruded by Late Pliocene
possible mineralisation of porphyry systems (e.g. pyroxene–hornblende andesite, which has
in Cihurip area - Garut; Suparka et al., 2007; and porphyritic texture with plagioclase and pyroxene
southwest of G. Papandayan; Adi Maryono – and/or hornblende phenocrysts in microlites
personal communication ). plagioclase-dominated groundmass.

This paper will discuss several gold mineralization The youngest rocks in the area are Quaternary
prospect areas in the Southern Mountain Range volcanic rocks that are composed of tuff, tuff
(Figure 2) with emphasis on their characteristics breccia, pyroxene - hornblende andesite and
of alteration-mineralization styles, general basaltic-andesitic lavas. Quaternary volcanic
geology and implications to exploration. rocks are commonly found unconformably
overlying Pliocene volcanic rocks (e.g. Alzwar et
REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING al. 1992). An important note is that in Late
Miocene-Pliocene, the northward shifting of
Lithology magmatic arc in Java to the same position to
recent magmatic arc might have taken place as
The lithology units along the Southern Mountain suggested by Soeria-Atmadja et al. (1994),
Range comprises volcanic rocks from the Tertiary although Bronto et al. (2005 and 2006) argued for
to Recent consisting of pyroclastic breccia and as continuous and overlapping magmatic arc from
undifferentiated old and young volcanic rocks Paleogene to Neogene to Quaternary (i.e.
and limestone units (e.g. Martodjojo, 1984). The Superimposed Volcanism concept) without any
oldest volcanic rock unit is the Oligo – Early apparent shifting.
Miocene Jampang Formation (also known as Old
Andesite Formation), which comprises andesitic Geological Structures
tuff, breccias, and lava intercalations. Most of the
volcaniclastic deposits show features of gravity- Based on Martodjojo (1984) and Pulunggono dan
mass flow deposits. Lava flow locally show pillow Martodjojo (1994), there are three main
structure, indicating emplacement in subaqueous structural patterns in West Java that were caused
environment. The Jampang Fm. widely extends by Paleogene and Neogene tectonic activities;
across Southern Mountain Range, and represents they are: A) Meratus pattern (NE-SW trend)
products of Oligo-Early Miocene volcanic which is the oldest pattern Cretaceous-Paleogen
activities. The rocks are commonly show (80 - 52 Ma), as shown by, for example, the
propylitic alteration as a result of a quartz diorite Cimandiri Fault. This fault can be traced
intrusion during Late Oligocene to Middle northeastward to Rajamandala until eastern
Miocene age. Quartz diorite intrusion is greenish margin of Zaitun Basin dan Biliton Basin. B) Sunda
gray color, with plagioclase altered into sericite, pattern (N-S trend; Eocene-Late Oligocene 53 - 32
and pyroxene into chlorite. Pyrite may be present Ma), as shown by N-S trending faults especially in
quite abundantly along contact between diorite the western area of West Java and can be traced
intrusion and surrounding rocks. northward until offshore northwest Java Sea
Basins. This trend is characterized by north-south
In the Southern Mountain Range, the Jampang trend extensional faults. In the eastern area
Formation is unconformably overlain by Pliocene where Meratus pattern is present (e.g. Cimandiri
limestone sequence of the Bojonglopang Fm. – Zaitun), the Sunda pattern is hardly found. C)
(Figure 3), or by the Bentang Fm. (e.g. in Garut Java pattern (E-W trend; Late Oligocene–Early
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 1. The Southern Mountain Rangein West Java extends from Pelabuhan Ratu area
in the west to Nusa Kambangan, Cilacap, in the east

Miocene 32 Ma), as shown by reverse faults e.g. mineralization is hosted by Oligo-Miocene

the Baribis Fault and other faults in Bogor Zone Jampang Fm. In Cimanggu, gold mineralization is
(Figure 4). It should be noted that in Martodjojo associated with N345E trending quartz vein and
(1984) the term Sumatra trend, not Java trend, is hydrothermal breccia that contain chalcopyrite,
used and the Sumatra trend is NW-SE, exactly like bornite, chalcosite, galena, sphalerite, pyrite,
Baribis Fault and other faults trends in G. Walat marcasite and arsenopyrite. Veins show pinch
area (near Sukabumi). The Java (or Sumatra) and and swell-structure associated with erratic high
Sunda patterns played important roles as fluid grade Au, indicating a lower level epithermal and
pathways to control gold mineralization in quartz most likely porphyry/intrusive related. The
veins as shown in Cirotan and Gunung Pongkor presence of porphyry related Cu-Au (contain up
(e.g. Widi, 2007; Rully et al., 2010). to 0.3% Cu) has been reported in Cimanggu,
which is associated with quartz stockworks and
ALTERATION AND MINERALIZATION OF disseminated fine grained sulfide in altered
PROSPECT AREAS andesite, diorite, and dacite (Prihatmoko, 1999;
Lubis, 2009; Sarwanto, 2009).
Based on their characteristics, the prospect areas
can be grouped into four mineralization types, i.e. The Cipaku prospect appears along the
low sulphidation epithermal, high sulphidation intersection of N345°E with N295°E trending
epithermal, carbonate-base metal and gold structural corridors. The high grade quartz veins
mineralization, and porphyry system. In general, are confined to a narrow, pinch and swell veins
the discussion of prospect areas will be based on (maximum 1.5 m) with erratic good Au grade
their mineralization types and locations (see (average 7 g/t Au). The veins are often associated
Figure 2 for location). with sheeted quartz-carbonate veinlets and
stockwork that may contain abundant galena,
Low Sulfidation Epithermal sphalerite and chalcopyrite without significant
Au. The veins extend westward until Citugu
Jampang Area prospect that was reported to contain 13.3 g/t Au
There are several prospect areas such as the west end and 11.7 g/t Au at the eastern end.
Cimanggu, Cijiwa, Cilubang, Cipaku, and Citugu
(Figure 5) and some exploration works have been In Cijiwa, gold bearing quartz vein associated with
conducted by Hunamas and Mispec. The N345E trending structures and the best quartz


Figure 2. Location map for prospect areas discussed in the text

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 3. Bogor Basin and northern Java platform across Java and cross section along Bogor Basin in West Java

Figure 4. Regional structure map of West Java (Pulonggono and Martodjojo, 1994)
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 5. Alteration map of Jampang District

Figure 6. Vein location and trends, sample location with assay results in Gunung Subang prospect area
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

vein samples returned 1.34 m average thickness Cihar – Cibaliung – Bunikasih – Tutugan Area
@ 11.65 g/t Au over 175 m strike length These prospect areas are closed to each other
associated with various amount of base metal. located in about 5-6 km southwest of Situ
Among the Au bearing quartz veins occurrences Cileunca (Figure 2). The host rocks are andesite
at the Jampang District, the most consistent Au lava / flows and breccias, porphyritic with some
grade is only found in Cijiwa prospect, which is mafic mineral phenocrysts, probably Late
probably due to slightly higher topographic Miocene-Pliocene in age (based on regional map
elevation (50-100 m higher) compare to the other by Alzwar et al., 1992). They show argillic and/or
prospect areas (Prihatmoko, 1999; Lubis, 2009; prophilitic alteration and, locally, silicification
Sarwanto, 2009). (Subandrio and Basuki, 2010). The younger
Quaternary volcanic rocks are relatively
Gunung Subang Area unaltered.
There are several prospect areas such as Celak,
Cigodobras, Cicengal, and Cilangkap (Figure 6) Mineralization is associated with multi-stage
and some exploration works have been quartz veins that come in various sizes (1 cm to 3
conducted by PT. Antam (1995) and Diadem m), crosscutting volcanic rocks in E-W and NW-SE
Resources (1997). The mineralized system in trends (Figures 7 and 8). In general, the quartz
Gunung Subang area is hosted by Lower Bentang veins are massive to crustiform banded, fine- to
Formation (Late Miocene – Pliocene), comprising coarse –grained crystalline quartz, filled in by clay
crystal tuff, pumiceous tuff, lithic tuff, tuffaceous (illite-kaolinite) and adularia either along bands
sandstone with lenses of andesitic breccia, or within the vugs. Pseudomorph calcites are very
conglomerate, and tuff breccia. This indicates common, occurred in various forms, e.g. blades
alteration-mineralization also occurred and casts-molds, indicating boiling process during
associated with magmatism after Pliocene (note: vein formation (Figure 9). Mn-oxides and iron
it is believed that most mineralization in southern oxides are commonly observed along quartz
West Java is hosted by Oligo-Miocene rocks). bands with lattice bladed structure, and they
Mineralization is associated with NNE-SSW tend to have positive correlation with gold
trending quartz-chalcedony veins characterized contents (Subandrio and Basuki, 2010). Argentite
by quartz-illite alteration envelope with some (intergrown with quartz) was identified in thin
veins contain pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, section, which has close spatial association with
covellite, and malachite. Quartz vein is usually electrum (Coote, 2001). Gold grades are from < 1
massive, but in some cases shows dog tooth and to 11.7 g/t Au. Two samples from Cibaliung were
sugary textures, with some pseudomorph bladed collected and returned at 26.4 and 10.9 g/t Au
carbonates. respectively, which are close to maximum of 24.6
g/t Au yielded by ICP analysis from Bunikasih
The elevation different of upper and lower levels samples (Subandrio and Basuki, 2010).
in both Cilangkap and Celak-Cigodobras vein
(about 100 to 150 m) gives an idea on the vertical Tutugan area is apparently the westernmost
zonation of the system, i.e. the lower level is extension of the vein system in the district. The
typified by quartz grained quartz, associated with veins are not well developed and the vein width
base metals (Cu, Pb, and Zn), the middle level is are narrower compared to the eastern parts.
characterized by bladed carbonate indicating Hence, this area became less prospective. In
boiling zones, and the upper level is represented silicified diatreme breccias present subsurface in
by silica cap. The upper level of Cilangkap system Tutugan area, Sb and As can be present as high as
is apparently already gone (Prihatmoko, 2000). 48.4 ppm and 1410 ppm, respectively (Baker,
The veins in the middle level, however, are 1998; Coote, 2001; Prihatmoko, 2001).
usually narrow and contain base metals with low
gold grade.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

High Sulfidation Epithermal prismatic crystals in the vuggy silica. In places, the
vuggy silica is cut and brecciated by chalcedony.
Cijulang Area Enargite is also present in the gray chalcedony
Based on regional map by Koesmono et al. (1996) veinlets and breccia matrix. Peripheral to vuggy
the prospect area is covered by volcaniclastic silica zone, the host rocks are altered into
rocks including crystal tuff, pyroclastic breccia, kaolinite altered porphyritic andesite. Native
and andesitic breccia of Late Miocene Koloberes sulfur is common in some locations, replacing
Fm. (equivalent to Bentang Fm.?). The alteration feldspar phenocrysts of volcanic rocks. Mineral
consists of silicified rocks with vuggy silica texture assemblage and textures observed in this area
(dacitic in origin) that forming steep cliffs in the are typical for a high-sulfidation epithermal
eastern side of Cikahuripan River surrounded by system. Samples collected by PT. Antam contain
kaolinite, illite-chlorite (plus alunite?), and gold grades from 3 g/t to 8.55 g/t.
prophylitic zones (Figure 10). The mineral
assemblages in this prospect strongly indicate a Kaolinite-alunite altered dacite found in the
high-sulfidation epithermal system. district is possibly the upper part of the system,
while chalcedony vein may be of the deeper part.
At Level 820 m above sea level (top of the cliff) Vuggy silica with enargite is the target level that
there is silicified dacite, quartz eyes, with vuggy most likely contain high gold contents. However,
textures in several places. The average grade at sufficient feeder channels (faults or breccias)
this level is 4 – 28 m @ 0.85 to 1.45 g/t Au. At cutting the vuggy silica have not been found
Level 780 m asl, vuggy silica texture is more (Prihatmoko, 2000b).
developed with some clay (kaolinite or probably
alunite?) infill the vuggy pores. At lower level Polymetalic Gold and Base Metal Mineralization
(720 m asl) there is a N10E/60 fault plane and
quartz-clay altered andesitic porphyry, with Pakenjeng Area
disseminated pyrite up to 10%. Average grade is Pakenjeng area is located at south of Arinem area
12 m @ 6.63 g/t Au including 4 m @ 16.4 g/t Au. (Figure 2) and is one of known deposits that are
At river level (670 m asl) there are two hot hosted by Pliocene volcanic rocks. The area is
springs are present in this level. Alteration in two occupied by Pliocene volcanic rocks of the
narrow trends was noted (i.e. about 5 m wide, Bentang Fm. and Quaternary volcanic rocks
N10E and N90E trend), silica-clay (smectite-illite) (based on regional map by Alzwar et al., 1992).
zones with up to 10% disseminated pyrite. Pyroxene and hornblende andesite intrusions are
Average grade is 16 m @ 0.6 g/t Au. All levels also found (Setiawan et al., 2010). Mineralization
show relatively low gold contents, suggesting that in this area is associated with quartz veins that
gold is dispersed within alteration zones most crosscut volcanic breccia and andesitic-basaltic
likely in vuggy- silica + pyrite zone. lava, and are present in N10-400E and N320-
3300E trends. Silicified rocks are found along
Cibeureum Area wallrocks near veins that gradationally change
Although it is interpreted in the field that Oligo- into prophylitic altered rocks away from the
Miocene Jampang Fm. covers the area, based on veins. Overprinting of prophylitic mineral
regional geologic map by Alzwar et al. (1992) this assemblage by argillic is locally found. Calcite,
area is probably occupied by Quaternary adularia, clay mineral (illite), sericite, and zeolite
Undifferentiated Old Volcanic unit, comprising are commonly found in association with quartz
tuff, tuff breccia, and lavas. PT Antam has done veins. Crustiform, cockade, banding, and vuggy
some exploration works including trenching, botryoidal textures are common in quartz veins.
detailed mapping, IP and ground magnetic Mineralization in this area is of polymetallic gold
surveys. Silicified dacitic rocks displaying vuggy and base metal epithermal type which is
silica texture (with quartz eyes) can be observed, characterized by ore sulphides formation, such as
with disseminated pyrite in the vuggy silica (up to pyrite, chalcopyrite, covellite, bornite, galena,
4%). Enargites are commonly observed as
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 7. Alteration and rock samples of Cihar (Prihatmoko, 2001)

Figure 8. Alteration and veinings in Cibaliung (Prihatmoko, 2001)

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 9. Macro- and micro photographs of quartz vein from Bunikasih (Subandrio and Basuki, 2010)

Figure 10. Alteration and rock samples in Cijulang area (Prihatmoko, 2001)
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Sphalerite, together with electrum and silver intrusions and alteration zones are controlled by
(Setiawan et al., 2010). NW-SE trend structures (Figures 12 and 13).
There are five alteration zones found in the area;
Salopa Area they are quartz – biotite – magnetite ± actinolite
The area is occupied by Oligo-Miocene Jampang (potassic); quartz – chlorite – epidote ± actinolite
Fm. which is composed of andesitic volcaniclastic ± tremolite (propylitic); quartz – sericite – clay
breccias, tuffaceous sandstones and shales, with (phyllic); quartz – chlorite – calcite (sub
dacitic dome or sub-volcanic intrusive rock. propylitic); and and quartz – clay (argillic) zones.
Milled matrix fluidised breccias (diatreme) can be Mineralization is mainly of magnetite, pyrite and
observed cross cutting the southern edge of the chalcopyrite, and they are in general found in
dacitic unit (Figure 11). The breccia bodies are argillic and propylitic zone, and less commonly in
elongated in N-S trends, and they are polymictic, phyllic and porphyry zone. Assay analysis on
with altered clasts (andesitic to silica-clay altered several altered rock samples gave results of 0.11–
dacite, and quartz veins) set in tuffaceous rock 0.49 ppm Au, and 0.01–0.10% Cu (Suparka et al.,
flour matrix. The clasts are rounded to sub- 2007).
angular. Disseminated pyrites up to 5% are quite
A N220E/80 trend fault data was identified and
associated with mineralised zone within diatreme There are at least four types for gold
breccias. The gold mineralization is structurally mineralization identified in the Southern
controlled in sulfide stringers in the breccias, with Mountain Range in West Java. Other types that
low silver but high base metals and arsenic has been identified but not discussed in this
contents, suggesting a gold polymetallic paper may also be present, e.g. gold
mineralization type developed in deeper level mineralization associated with submarine
than epithermal system. Sulfide mineralization, volcanic-associated exhalative deposits, for
i.e. pyrite, arsenopyrite, realgar, chalcopyrite, example in Cisasah-Cidadap, Tasikmalaya
bornite, and covellite, occur as dissemination and (Sunarya and Yudawinarta, 1996).
stringers also within the milled matrix fluidised
breccias. Different gold mineralization styles in the
Southern Mountain Range in West Java have
Assays from two rock samples taken from similarities in their characteristics, e.g. type of
oxidized and hypogene zones in Zainal adit gave host rocks (submarine volcanic and volcaniclastic
results of 0.11 g/t Au with 3 g/t Ag, and 0.31 g/t rocks), age of host rocks (mostly Oligo-Miocene),
Au and 3 g/t Ag, respectively. This result may structural control in mineralization (NW-SE and
suggest that gold and silver contents in the N-S trends are most common), age of
oxidized and hypogene zone are not much mineralization, and to some extent, associated
different. A grab sample collected from Umum alteration and vein types (e.g. quartz vein,
adit yielded 2.37 g/t Au and 36 g/t Ag (Figure 11) silicification, propylitic and argillic are the most
(Prihatmoko and Kusumanto, 2004). common) and metals (e.g. Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe sulfides
and Mn-oxides for low sulfidation epithermal).
The low sulphidation epithermal prospect areas
even share similarities with some of gold deposits
Porphyry System in the Bayah Dome complex like Gunung Pongkor
and Cikidang (e.g. quartz vein morphology,
Cihurip Area structural trends, host rocks types and ages; c.f.
This area is located south of Garut (Figure 2) and Rosana and Matsueda, 2002; Elbur et al., 2010;
is predominated by andesite lava, volcanic Rully et al., 2010).
breccia, tuff, pyroclastic breccia, cut by andesite
and diorite intrusions. The distribution of diorite
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Figure 11. Geological map of Salopa area

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Figure 12. Geological map of Cihurip Area (Suparka et al., 2007)

Figure 13. Alteration map of Cihurip Area (Suparka et al., 2007)

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26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

The Arinem Deposit: An Epithermal Gold-Silver-Base Metal

Mineralization System, West Java Province, Indonesia

Euis T. Yuningsih1, Bronto Sutopo2, Eko P. Setyaraharja2, Prayatna Bangun2, and Mega F. Rosana3
Graduate School of Science, The Hokkaido University Museum, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
P.T. Antam Tbk, Jalan Pemuda No.1, Jakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Geology, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia


The Arinem gold-silver-base metal deposit of Late Miocene (8.8–9.4 Ma) age is located in the southwestern part of
Java Island, Indonesia. These veins are hosted by andesitic tuff, breccia, and lava of the Oligocene–Middle Miocene
Jampang Formation (23–11.6 Ma) and overlain unconformably by Pliocene–Pleistocene volcanic rocks composed
of andesitic-basaltic tuff, tuff breccia and lavas. These deposits are represented by the Arinem vein and other
associated veins, known as Cipicung, Bantarhuni and Halimun veins. A total length of about 6,250 m, with a vertical
extent up to 575 m is estimated.

Three alteration zones in the Arinem deposit are observed. A pervasive quartz–illite–pyrite alteration zone
encloses the quartz and sulfide veins. This alteration is commonly associated with veinlets of quartz–calcite–pyrite.
The quartz–illite–pyrite alteration zone is enveloped by smectite–illite–kaolinite–quartz–pyrite alteration, which
grades into a chlorite–smectite–kaolinite–calcite–pyrite alteration zone.

The mineralization is also grouped at least within three stages. Early stage mineralization (stage I) of vuggy–
massive–banded crystalline quartz-sulfide was followed by second stage (stage II) of banded–brecciated–massive
sulfide-quartz and then by last stage (stage III) of massive-crystalline barren quartz. The ore mineral assemblage of
the Arinem vein consists of sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite, marcasite, and arsenopyrite with small
amounts of pyrrhotite, argentite, electrum, bornite, hessite, tetradymite, altaite, petzite, stutzite, hematite,
enargite, tennantite, chalcocite, and covellite. These ore minerals occur in quartz with colloform, crustiform, comb,
vuggy, massive, brecciated, bladed and chalcedonic textures and sulfide veins.

The temperature of the mineralization, estimated from fluid inclusion study in quartz ranges from 157 to 325°C;
whereas the temperatures indicated by fluid inclusions from sphalerite and calcite range from 153 to 218°C and
140 to 217°C, respectively. The mineralizing fluid is dilute, with an average salinity <4.3 wt% NaCl equiv. The ore-
mineral assemblage and paragenesis of the Arinem vein is characteristically of a low sulfidation epithermal system
with indication of high sulfidation overprinted at second stage (stage II). Boiling is probably the main control for
the gold solubility and precipitation of gold occurred during cooling in stage I mineralization.

Arinem deposit in is currently the most significant in the area with the inferred reserve is approximately 2 million
tonnes containing 5.7 g/t Au and 41.5 g/t Ag (at a cut-off of 4 g/t Au) for a total of an approximately 12.5 tonnes t
of gold and 91.4 tonnes of silver. These reserves result from the Arinem vein and other associated veins, such as
the Bantarhuni and Halimun, which occur near the Arinem vein. The deposit is characterized by the high contents
of Zn, Pb, and Cu. The present reserve is projected to result in a relatively short mine life. Thus, the current
exploration work is focused on finding additional extensions of the Arinem vein.

Keywords: Arinem, base metal, fluid inclusion, gold, silver, tellurium.

INTRODUCTION Garut egency, West Java province, and about 200

km southeast of Jakarta (Figure 1). The
The Arinem deposit is situated within Neogen topography of the area is undulated to hilly steep
volcanic arc of Sunda-Banda magmatic arc, at the with elevations between 500 and 800 m above
southwest of the Papandayan active volcano, sea level.
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 1. Geomorphology of western Java with the distributions of active volcanoes

(blue dots) and the Arinem gold deposit (a red star).

Figure 2 Regional geological map of the Arinem district (a solid-line square) and
its surrounding (modified after Alzwar et al., 1992).

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

The deposit was discovered in 1989 as a result REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING

of systematic exploration carried out in
southwestern Java by Antam. It was found Java and Sumatra form part of the western
through a program of stream-sediment Sunda-Banda continental arc margin (Carlile and
geochemistry which revealed several Mitchell, 1994) that developed along the
anomalous Au values, compiled by a northern margin of the subducting Indian-
geophysical survey, trenching and drilling. Australian plate following collision with the
Eurasian plate during the Cenozoic; the two
Since 1998, exploration has focused on the plates contain rigid preCambrian continental-
Arinem deposit. The project is currently in pre- lithospheric blocks, commonly buried beneath
feasibility with a reported resource of 2 million Infracambrian to Phanerozoic terranes, that
tonnes containing 5.7 g/t Au and 41.5 g/t Ag (at have drifted northwards from the northern
a cut-off of 4 g/t Au) for a total of an margin of Australia (Gatinsky et al, 1994;
approximately 12.5 tonnes of Au and 91.4 Hutchinson, 1988, Hamilton, 1989).
tonnes of Ag. The Au–Ag ratio is approximately
1:10. These reserves result from the Arinem The subduction is responsible for an abundant
vein and other associated veins, such as the and still active volcanism in the Java arc that, as
Bantarhuni and Halimun, which occur near the shown by several authors (van Bemmelen,
Arinem vein. The deposit is characterized by the 1970; Whitford et al, 1979; Katili, 1989;
high contents of Zn, Pb, and Cu. The present Claproth, 1989), has migrated with time from
reserve is projected to result in a relatively south to north. The lavas of west java remaining
short mine life. calc-alkaline through to the present day
(Nicholas et al, 1990). Several epithermal ore
Thus, the current exploration work is deposits associated with this volcanism in West
concentrated on finding additional extensions Java include gold deposits within and on the
of the Arinem vein. The exploration is focused flanks of the Bayah Dome and along the
to the north and south of the main Arinem vein, southern mountain of Java southwest of
since the most prospective areas are thought to Jakarta.
be both along the strike of the Arinem vein
zone, as well as some other veins to the west Two noticeably different styles of epithermal
and east of the Arinem vein. deposit are found, although both are discordant
gold-bearing quartz veins; the one, known as
The Arinem system is composed of four the “Cirotan type”, comprises brecciated veins
subparallel four quartz-base metals veins, with rhodochrocite, electrum and abundant
namely Arinem, Coppicing, Bantarhuni, and polymetallic sulfides; the other one, the
Halimun. These veins are rich in telluride Pongkor type”, consist of thick crustiform
sulphide, although with common concentration banded quartz veins with electrum, manganese
in gold and silver. The Arinem veins is trending oxides and very few sulfides (Marcoux et al,
N20°W to N10°E for about 6,250 m in length. 1993); Marcoux and Milesi, 1994).
The major zone of economic mineralization in
the vein is exposed at an elevation of 365–530 The Arinem area is part of the Sunda-Banda
m above sea level and averages 3 to 5 m in magmatic arc that is situated within the
width. Indonesia archipelago at the southern margin of
the Sundaland and the Eurasian plates (Carlile
Publications concerning this deposit have so far and Mitchell, 1994; Corbett and Leach, 1998).
only presented preliminary scientific data The Arinem deposit is part of the Southern
(Yuningsih et al, 2011). This paper provides Mountains of Western Java (Van Bemmelen,
additional information, especially concerning 1949; Martodjojo, 1982). The lithology of the
the geological, geochemical and mineralogical area comprises volcanic rocks from the Tertiary
aspects of the deposit and its setting. to Recent, and consists of tuff breccia as well as
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

undifferentiated old and young volcanic rocks and its tributaries such as the Cipanengen and
(Figure 2). Cibatarua rivers that flow from north to south.

The oldest rock unit is the Jampang Formation The Bantarhuni quartz vein continues along the
which is composed of andesitic tuff, breccias, Cipanengen river valley at an elevation of 400–
and lavas. The rocks are commonly altered to 450 m above sea level in a N–S direction and
propylitic assemblage as a result of a quartz with an observed length of around 2,300 m. The
diorite intrusion during Late Oligocene to main Arinem quartz vein is placed along the
Middle Miocene age. The Jampang Formation is eastern side of the river with a direction of
overlain unconformably by the volcanic rocks of N20°W to N10°E and dipping around 68–83°
Pliocene age, which is composed of andesitic westward. The northern part of the vein cuts
breccias and tuff. This formation was intruded the Cikandang and Cibatarua rivers. The quartz
by Pliocene pyroxene–hornblende andesite. The vein forms an undulating pattern, and its
youngest rocks in the area are volcanic rocks of central part was down-faulted in a graben. The
Pliocene to Pleistocene age that are composed Arinem quartz vein forms an extensive braided
of tuff, tuff breccia, pyroxene andesite and pattern with lenses of andesitic host-rock.
basaltic lavas (Alzwar et al., 1992). The Arinem and Bantarhuni veins occur as
parallel veins along Cikandang river and its
The rocks exposed around the in the Arinem tributaries, such as the Cipanengen and
area consist of andesitic to basaltic intrusive Cibatarua rivers. While Halimun vein is located
and extrusive rocks, such as tuff, breccia and about three kilometers to the east from Arinem
lava flows. The older rocks of Arinem deposit vein (Fig 3).
are andesitic tuff, tuff breccia and aphanitic
porphyritic andesitic lavas. This unit is part of HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION
the Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene Jampang
Formation (Alzwar et al., 1992) which was Like many low sulfidation deposits, the
intruded by phaneritic–porphyritic andesitic epithermal mineralisation at Arinem mostly
rocks. The host tuff of the Jampang Formation is follows a near-neutral alteration condition with
composed of volcanic glass, plagioclase, very minor sulfate leaching of the wall rock.
pyroxene, hornblende, and rock fragments of Hydrothermal alteration at Arinem is typical of
andesitic-basaltic composition. The tuff breccia many deeper part of low sulfidation overprinted
is composed of andesitic-basaltic fragments, by high sulfidation fluid. Based on the
plagioclase, and pyrite in a matrix of tuff. The observation, petrographic analyses and
porphyritic andesitic lava contains abundant additional investigation by X-ray diffraction of
plagioclase and pyroxene, together with various drill holes and outcrop samples from the
amounts of altered hornblende and quartz. Arinem veins, three alteration zones are
Most of the volcanic host rocks such as recognized:
andesitic tuff, tuff breccia, and lavas have been
altered to propylitic and argillic minerals and Silicification (quartz-pyrite-white mica)
only a small part is fairly fresh. The younger alteration
units are andesitic tuff and tuff breccia are
commonly not compacted and emplaced on the This alteration is found within the vein zone and
slopes and on the top of the mountain. extending into the wall rock with a very small
amount of chlorite. The plagioclase phenocrysts
There are five major normal faults trending N–S in the andesitic rock are completely silicified
and NE–SW within the area. Some transverse and altered to white mica. Pale-colored chlorite,
faults, trending NW–SE and NE–SW, create local locally accompanied by calcite, occurs in less
displacements of the vein zone. The Arinem and silicified rocks. The silicified groundmass
Bantarhuni veins occur along Cikandang river consists of mosaic quartz, white mica, and

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Cipanengen river

Cikandang river

Arinem vein
Halimun vein

Cibatarua river
Cipicung vein

Bantarhuni vein

Figure 3. Geology district map of the Arinem deposit, West Java, Indonesia. The location of the Bantarhuni,
Coppicing, and Halimun veins are located at west and east of the Arinem vein.


Figure 4. The topography of Arinem area showing undulation to steep hills. Arinem vein
is exposed at elevation 365 – 530msl with 3 – 5m width looking to (a) south and (b) north.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia


Arinem vein

Figure 5. (a) Arinem vein and the alteration zone are outcropped at Cikandang River. (
b) Base metal bands within banded quartz vein.


Figure 6. (a) Banded sulfide-quartz associated with white clay minerals and pale brownish carbonate. (b) Vuggy
texture probably formed during initial leaching of the acid-altered rocks. Chalcedony infill the fractures.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia




Figure 7. Hand specimens of the Arinem vein from core samples. (a) chalcedony and crystalline quartz of substage
IIIB cut vuggy quartz of substage IA (elevation 425m); (b) crystalline quartz-sulfide of substage IB (elevation 1-60
m); (c) banded quartz-sulfide of substage IC (elevation 440m); (d) banded sulfide-quartz of substage IIA (elevation
440m); (e) banded sulfide-quartz associated with white clay minerals and pale brownish carbonate of substage IIA
(elevation 440m); (f) massive chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite and galena of substage IIC (elevation 300m); (g)
massive barren milky quartz of substage IIIA (elevation 300m).

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 8. Paragenesis of ore and gangue minerals of the Arinem vein. Width
of bars corresponds to the relative abundance of each mineral.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

disseminated pyrite. Associated veinlets of altered andesite within the mineralized body
quartz + calcite + pyrite are common. were determined.

Argillic (smectite-illite-kaolinite-quartz-pyrite) MINERALIZATION STAGES

The Arinem vein is composed predominantly of
This alteration envelops the vein zone and quartz, calcite, illite and kaolinite, with variable
extends up to two meters into the wall rocks amount of manganese oxide and limonite and
above, as well as below, the vein and between with large amounts of sulfides. The veins are
ore bodies. Most of the primary minerals are colorless, white, pale grey, brownish-reddish
found as relicts, altered to hydrothermal white, and brownish-black fine to coarse
minerals. Plagioclase is altered to illite, crystalline quartz, due to the content of
smectite, and mixed layer illite-smectite, which accompanied minerals. Colloform, crustiform,
are in turn variably replaced by calcite. comb, vuggy, massive, brecciated, bladed, and
Secondary quartz is abundant in the chalcedonic textures are identified (Figure 7).
groundmass and partly forms chalcedony. Hand specimen samples, and the paragenesis of
Kaolinite is present within the hanging-wall ore and gangue mineral varieties of the Arinem
shear zone of the vein, in fault crush zones, and vein are shown in Figure 7. The vein was formed
along partings within the quartz veins. in at least three temporal mineralizing stages.
The three stages of mineralization are:
Propylitic (chlorite-calcite- smectite-kaolinite-
pyrite) alteration Stage I. Vuggy-massive-banded crystalline
This alteration is present within the footwall This stage is considered as the first stage and is
and hanging wall distal to the vein zone. All of divided into four substages of vuggy crystalline
the primary phases of the andesitic host rock, quartz (substage IA), massive crystalline quartz-
except small parts, have been completely sulfide (substage IB), banded crystalline quartz-
replaced. Pyroxene and hornblende sulfide (substage IC), and oxidized massive-
phenocrysts are altered to chlorite and calcite. crystalline quartz (substage ID).
Plagioclase is replaced by illite, smectite, Some vugs between bands of quartz in
chlorite, and calcite. The groundmass is altered substages IA and IC are filled with illite,
to mixed layered chlorite–smectite, glass in the carbonate, and kaolinite. Sphalerite, pyrite,
groundmass is mostly altered to smectite. With galena, and chalcopyrite are abundant, and
increasing intensity of alteration a smectite + subordinate amounts of arsenopyrite,
mixed layer chlorite-smectite assemblage marcasite, electrum, argentite, and pyrrhotite
becomes common. These alteration types occur are present in this stage. Covellite,
throughout the Arinem vein but the extent and displacements of the vein zone.
intensity of the alteration is closely related to
the proximity to quartz veins (Figure 4). Stage II. Banded-brecciated-massive sulfide-
Quartz vein enveloped by silica – white mica Stage II of the mineralization is represented by
and peripheral argillic alteration zones as the banded sulfide-quartz (substage IIA), brecciated
initial acidic vapor phase was progressively sulfide-quartz (substage IIB), and massive
neutralized by the wall rocks and groundwater. sulfide-quartz (substage IIC). In some parts of
This style of alteration is focused around the the vein, the thickness of banded and massive
major structures and the immediate wall rocks. sulfide reaches more than one meter. Ore
This style of alteration is focused around the minerals such as sphalerite, galena, pyrite, and
major structures and the immediate wall rocks. chalcopyrite are more abundant compared to
K–Ar ages of 8.8 and 9.4 Ma for illite from stage I. Other ore minerals are arsenopyrite,
marcasite, pyrrhotite, argentite, electrum, and
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

bornite, and the Te-bearing minerals hessite, minerals such as hessite (Ag2Te), stutzite
tetradymite, stutzite, petzite, and altaite. In (Ag5Te3), argentite (Ag2S), petzite (Ag3AuTe2),
some samples, the sulfosalt minerals enargite and electrum (Au,Ag) are observed in stage II of
and tennantite have replaced the sulfide mineralization.
minerals chalcopyrite and pyrite. Chalcocite,
covellite, and limonite are also found as Galena occurs as single crystal or associated
alteration of chalcopyrite and pyrite. Illite, with other sulfide minerals up to 5 mm in size in
kaolinite, chlorite, calcite, and smectite are stages I and II. In stage II it contains pyrite,
rarely associated with quartz gangue. sphalerite, hessite, electrum, and altaite
inclusions, but some galena also occurs as
Stage III. Massive-crystalline barren quartz: inclusions within sphalerite, chalcopyrite,and
This stage consists of abundant quartz, calcite, pyrite.
and small amounts of smectite and illite. This
stage is divided into massive barren quartz Chalcopyrite occurs as fine to coarse crystals
(substage IIIA) and crystalline barren quartz associated with pyrite and as fine to very fine
(substage IIIB). The quartz is characterized by crystals found
massive, banded, and comb textures with as inclusions in galena or as irregular patches.
colorless to white-grey yellowish color. Ore The high Au contents in some chalcopyrite
minerals are rare in this stage, although pyrite, grains is probably due to the distribution of the
and a small amount of sphalerite, chalcopyrite, invisible gold inclusions. Chalcopyrite is
and galena are locally present. This stage is commonly found
considered to be the last stage of vein dispersed and as blebs in sphalerite showing
formation. chalcopyrite disease texture. Chalcopyrite
occurs in most of the ore vein, and is partially
ORE MINERALS replaced by covellite and chalcocite. Very small
grains of electrum are found as inclusions in
The identification of ore mineralogy in the chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite with sizes
Arinem vein yields some variation. The sulfosalt of 2–6 mm in stage II but are rare in stage I.
minerals such as enargite and tennantite These inclusions appear to be co-depositional
replaced the sulfide minerals chalcopyrite and with the host sulfides, which are fine- to
pyrite in late stage II of mineralization medium-crystalline (~1.0 mm) based on textural
associated with hematite. evidence.

Sphalerite is the dominant sulfide mineral Silver minerals observed under the microscope
within the Arinem vein and occurs as fine to are very small grains of argentite and telluride
coarse crystals up to 2 mm in diameter. This such as hessite, stutzite, and petzite in stage II.
mineral occurs in association with galena,
pyrite, and chalcopyrite as massive or sulfide- Telluride minerals including hessite,
bearing bands in stage II. In stage I, sphalerite is tetradymite, stutzite, petzite, and altaite are
mostly distributed in quartz gangue. present in the stage II mineral assemblage of
the mineralized vein. Hessite is the most
Based on EMP (electron microprobe) study, abundant telluride mineral in the deposit. Some
sphalerite contains up to 4.7 wt% Fe and up to hessite grains coexist with tetradymite as
1.1 wt% Cd and locally shows a zonation of Fe inclusions in chalcopyrite. Petzite associated
from rims to the cores. The composition of with hessite is found as inclusions in sphalerite
sphalerite in stages I and II are relatively and galena, mostly as irregular patches up to 10
homogeneous with FeS contents 0.5– 8.5 mol% mm in diameter.
in stage I and 0.5 to 5.5 mol% in stage II. The
intimate association of sphalerite, galena, and Some grains of hessite contain high
chalcopyrite with silver and gold-bearing Au.Tetradymite is generally 5–20 mm in size,
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

occurs together with hessite, and is commonly the microthermometric study ranged from 5 to
observed as isolated grains and inclusions in 40 mm in diameter.
chalcopyrite. Altaite is the sole Pb-telluride
observed in the Arinem vein. Characteristic X- Secondary fluid inclusions are less than 20 mm
ray energy-dispersive and back scattered in diameter. Three types of fluid inclusion are
electron images of the coexisting occurrences of recognized: (i) two-phase primary and pseudo-
hessite with tetradymite and petzite are shown secondary liquid-rich fluid inclusions; (ii) two-
in Figure 9. phase primary and pseudo-secondary vapor-
rich fluid inclusions; and (iii) two-phase
Other minerals such as marcasite, pyrrhotite, secondary liquid-rich fluid inclusions.
arsenopyrite, and bornite occur as minor and
trace ore minerals. Some pyrrhotite grains are The results of measurements from the primary
replaced by pyrite and/or marcasite in stages I fluid inclusions in quartz from different levels
and II. indicate that the homogenization temperature
of stage I is in the range of 177–325°C, of stage
By using Electron Microprobe, arsenopyrite II is 157–312°C, and of stage III is 165–236°C.
displays prominent compositional zonation with
Sb contents of up to 0.6 wt%. Sulfosalt minerals Measurements from sphalerite and calcite from
of tennantite and enargite of late stage II substages IIA and IIIB give results of 153–218°C
mineralization characterized by As contents and 140–217°C, respectively. Bladed quartz
10.7 to 18.0 wt% and Sb is up to 6.8 wt%. The texture was observed in the stage I Arinem vein,
iron content in enargite is up to 17.0 wt%. The but the vapor-rich inclusions were not observed
near-surface levels of the Arinem vein are in bladed quartz. Quartz samples of substage IA
extensively oxidized and patches of complete contain both gas-rich and liquid-rich inclusions
oxidation extend to depths of 250 m. The ore along the same growth band. The filling
composition in the oxidation zone is dominated temperatures of these two types of fluid
by iron oxyhydroxides, manganese oxides, with inclusion range from 217 to 247°C. Sphalerite
minor goethite, chalcocite, and covellite in the samples also contained vapor-rich inclusions
transition zone to the partially oxidized sulfide but some were interpreted to have formed by
veins. necking down.

FLUID INCLUSIONS The salinities of the fluid inclusions in quartz,

sphalerite, and calcite are less than 4.3 wt%
Microthermometric study was carried out on NaCl equiv. The salinity determined on quartz
the quartz, sphalerite, and calcite samples from is, on average, 1.9 wt% NaCl equiv., 2.6 wt%
the Arinem vein from different levels and stages NaCl equiv. on sphalerite, and 2.1 wt% NaCl
of mineralization. The inclusions observed were equiv. on calcite. The ranges of homogenization
large enough to study aqueous inclusions, temperature and salinity from fluid inclusions of
mostly consisting of two phases liquid (L) and stages I to III are presented in Figure 11.
vapor (V) at room temperature.
The L–V inclusions are dominant in most
inclusions (avg > 70 vol%). However, vapor The Arinem deposit is characterized by a
bubbles occupy up to ~90 vol% in some of the quartz–illite–calcite–sulfide vein, which occurs
inclusions. The L–V inclusions occur in clear, along fault planes in Oligocene–Miocene
smoky, and milky quartz, medium- and coarse- volcanic rocks. The average value of the fluid
crystalline calcite, and in sphalerite of substage temperatures during stages I and II
IIA (Figure 10). Some of the fluid inclusions mineralization is considered to have been
were necked down. The fluid inclusions used in

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 9 Reflected light photomicrographs showing ore minerals from Arinem vein. (a) fine-crystalline galena (Gn)
as veinlet in sphalerite (Sp), marcasite (Ma) intergrowth with pyrite (Py) in quartz, sample from substage IB
(elevation at 440m); (b) pyrite associated with chalcopyrite (Cpy), enargite (En) replaced by tennantite (Tn) at the
margin, ore minerals associated with fine-crystalline calcite and quartz, sample from substage IIC (elevation at
265m); (c) Hessite (Hs) and tetradymite (Td) as isolated crystals and inclusions in chalcopyrite, sample from
substage IIA (elevation at 300m); (d) sphalerite (Sp) with inclusions of fine crystalline hessite (Hs) and petzite (Pz),
sample from substage IIC (elevation at 265m).

Figure 10 Transmitted light photomicrographs (parallel nicol) of fluid inclusions trapped in quartz, sphalerite and
calcite from Arinem vein. (a) two phase liquid-rich and vapor-rich fluid inclusions as cluster in coarse-crystalline
quartz with variable vapor-liquid ratios (elevation at 200m); (b) two phase liquid-rich primary fluid inclusions
coexisting with vapor-rich (necking) fluid inclusion trapped in sphalerite (elevation at 265m); (c) isolated two
phase liquid-rich primary fluid inclusion trapped in calcite (elevation at 265m).
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 11 Range of homogenization temperatures (top) and salinity (bottom) from fluid inclusions in main stage of
mineralization (IA-IIC) and barren quartz of substage IIIB showing the slightly decrease of Th from early stage of
substage IA to last stage of substage IIIB. Boiling evidence was observed in substage IA of (elevation at 300m).

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

between 194 and 267°C, with a salinity range related to the penetration of meteoric water into
from 1.9 to 4.3 wt% NaCl equiv. The limited permeable fault zones. This process was also
variation in salinity in all samples suggest that the associated with the formation of abundant
quartz samples grew from fluids with a constant limonite throughout the vein, from the
salinity with time (Alderton and Fallick, 2000). supergene oxidation of sulfides (pyrite and
Fluid inclusions data from quartz samples also
show that the Arinem vein indicates a systematic K/Ar-dating of illite from altered andesite wall
decrease of average temperature from stage I to rocks adjacent to the mineralized vein yielded a
stage III mineralization. The average temperature Late Miocene age (8.8 and 9.4 +0.3 Ma). The
of stage I is 267 to 219°C (200m to 440m), stage II analytical result is consistent with the regional
of 247 to 203°C (200m to 440m) and stage III of geochronological setting of Middle–Late Miocene
194°C (265m). volcanism (Alzwar et al., 1992).

Gold and Ag content in the Arinem vein varies The occurrence of ore mineralization from the
greatly. At depth, Au and Ag anomalies are Arinem vein is more than 2,000 m in length and
related to higher contents of base metal and its covers a vertical range of 575 m, suggesting that
distributions at the highest levels are in a wider the hydrothermal system was relatively large.
range. Individual mineral analyses for the The highest grades of the gold–silver and base
elements indicate that As and Sb are highly metal ores occur between elevation of 440m and
concentrated in the arsenopyrite of stages I to II, 200m, and the grade decreases below this depth.
and also in the later stage II of enargite and In stage I, boiling of hydrothermal fluid was
tennantite. inferred. It is based on the fluid inclusion data
and presence of bladed quartz texture (i.e. as
The ore mineral variation could be used as a pseudomorphs after bladed calcite, White and
guide to ore depositional conditions. In the Hedenquist, 1995). The distribution of high ore
Arinem deposit. The presence of arsenopyrite grades might have been caused by the
and pyrrhotite in stages I and II are characteristic phenomena of boiling.
of low sulfidation state epithermal deposits
(Eunadi and Hedenquist, 2003). The occurrence Subsequent cooling and the loss of H2S into the
of Te-bearing minerals such as hessite, vapor phase may have reduced the solubility of
tetradymite, stutzite, petzite, and altaite gold and caused gold precipitation above the
observed in the mineralization stage II point to boiling zone at stage I of mineralization. The
some activity of the Te-rich fluid in the system. lower temperatures and salinity obtained by
microthermometry of fluid inclusions from calcite
By contrast, the replacement of Cu–As minerals (140–217°C, 1.2–3.9 wt% NaCl equiv.) in
of enargite and tennantite in late stage II peripheral areas to the Arinem vein might
mineralization is a common characteristic of high suggest that this calcite precipitated from
sulfidation states. These differences reflect the descending fluids upon loss of CO2 due to boiling.
distinct change of redox conditions of the
hydrothermal fluids. The presence of Although boiling is favored in the ore
chlorite/smectite and illite/smectite mixed layer depositional evidence, continuous cooling as a
minerals indicate a near-neutral pH during result of mixing with cooler meteoric water
mineralization (Hedenquist et al., 1996). cannot be ruled out as a possible mechanism of
ore deposition, at least at the late stage. The
However, the presence of kaolinite in the argillic association of ore minerals from the Arinem
and propyllitic alteration assemblages within the deposit is slightly different from that of the other
vein probably formed during initial leaching of gold deposits in western Java, for example
the acid-altered rocks. Alternatively, the kaolinite Pongkor (Basuki et al., 1994; Milesi et al., 1999;
formed during secondary, supergene processes Syafrizal et al., 2007; Warmada et al., 2007),
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Cirotan (Milesi et al., 1994), Cibaliung (Angeles et secondary copper was indicated in the very
al., 2002; Harijoko et al., 2007), and Cikidang limited samples.
(Rosana and Matsueda, 2002).
The gold mineralization ages within these other
areas are mostly of Pliocene and Pleistocene age The Late Miocene Arinem vein trends N20°E to
with a range from 1.5–2.1 Ma, except for N10°E, dips 68–83° westward over a length of
Cibaliung (11.2 Ma). The gold mineralization in about 5,900 m, is 3–5 m wide and extends to a
western Java is categorized into two different depth of 575 m. The veins contain tellurium-
styles, there are here referred as the Pongkor and bearing silver–gold minerals associated with
Cirotan types (Marcoux and Milesi, 1994). The abundant base metals as indicated by the
Pongkor type is quartz-manganese oxide gold- occurrence of hessite, petzite, and stutzite as
bearing veins and is characterized by low inclusions in sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, and
contents of sulfides with gold occurring as pyrite. The Arinem deposit has characteristics of
electrum with manganese oxides in milky quartz- low sulphdation sulfidation epithermal system
calcite as gangue (Basuki et al., 1994; Marcoux with indication of high sulfidation overprinted at
and Milesi, 1994; Milesi et al., 1999). The Cirotan a later phase. The occurrence of ore
type is represented by quartz–rhodochrosite– mineralization over 6,250 m long and 575 m deep
polymetallic gold-bearing veins and is suggests that the Arinem vein was relatively
characterized by a high content of sulfide. The large. The mineralization age of 8.8 and 9.4 Ma is
presence of Sn-bearing minerals in the Pliocene quite similar to that of the Cineam deposit in east
polymetallic Cirotan deposit associated with Te- of the Arinem deposit.
bearing minerals related to the Thailand–
Malaysia–Sumatra tin belt (Milesi et al., 1994) is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
quite different from the Arinem deposit, from
which no Sn-bearing minerals have been The authors are very grateful to PT. Antam
observed. (Persero) Tbk of Indonesia for permission to use
and publish the data. The numerous Antam
The alteration, ore and gangue mineralogy of the exploration staff that contributed to discovery
Te-bearing Arinem deposits are typical of the and evaluation of the Arinem district.
quartz– illite–carbonate (low sulfidation) part of
volcanic hosted epithermal deposits. The REFERENCES
occurrences of the sulfosalt minerals such as
enargite and tennantite which overprinted the Alderton, D. H. M. and Fallick, A. E. (2000) The
sulfide minerals at the late stage II of nature and genesis of gold-silver-tellurium
mineralization point to the possibility the later mineralization in the metaliferi mountains of
process become close to high-sulfidation state for Western Romania. Econ. Geol., 95, 495–516.
the mineralization in the Arinem vein. The biggest Alzwar, M., Akbar, N. and Bachri, S. (1992)
similarity of the Arinem deposit is displayed by Systematic geological map, Indonesia,
the Cineam deposit located about 75 km east of quadrangle garut 1208-6 and Pameungpeuk
the Arinem. The Cineam deposit is characterized 1208-3, Scale 1:100.000. Geological Research
by the presence of Te-bearing minerals such as and Development Centre, 1 sheet.
hessite, petzite and tetrahedrite-tennantite. At Angeles, A. C., Prihatmoko, S. and Walker, J. S.
Cineam, the homogenization temperature of fluid (2002) Geology and alteration-mineralization
inclusions from quartz are 190–240°C (some up characteristics of the Cibaliung epithermal
to 350°C), the salinity is low at around 1.5–2.3 gold deposit, Banten, Indonesia. Resour. Geol.,
wt% NaCl equiv., and the age of mineralization is 52 329–339.
8.0 to ~9.6 Ma (Widi and Matsueda, 1998). So far, Antam (1993) Gold-silver deposit exploration
no indication of the gold–silver supergene report DMP, Mt. Papandayan area, Garut
enrichment observed although some of the Regency, West Java Province (KP.DDU.
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

866/Jabar). Unpublished Report (in Rosana, M. F. and Matsueda, H. (2002) Cikidang

Indonesian), 68p. hydrothermal gold deposit in Western Java,
Basuki, A., Sumanagara, A. D. and Sinambela, D. Indonesia. Resour. Geol., 52, 341–352.
(1994) The Gunung Pongkor gold-silver Syafrizal, Imai, A. and Watanabe, K. (2007) Origin
deposit, West Java, Indonesia. Geochem. of ore-forming fluids responsible for gold
Explor., 50, 371–391. mineralization of the Pongkor Au-Ag deposit,
Bodnar, R. J. (1993) Revised equation and table West Java, Indonesia: evidence from
for determining the freezing-point depression mineralogic, fluid inclusion microthermometry
of H2O-NaCl solution. Geochim. Cosmochim. and stable isotope study of the Ciurug-Cikoret
Acta, 57, 683–684. veins. Resour. Geol., 57, 136–148.
Carlile, J. C. and Mitchell, A. H. G. (1994) Van Bemmelen, R. W. (1949) The Geology of
Magmatic arcs and associated gold and Indonesia. Government Printing Office, The
copper mineralization in Indonesia. J. Hague. IA., 732p.
Geochem. Explor., 50, 91–142. Warmada, I. W., Lehmann, B., Simanjuntak, M.
Corbett, G. J. and Leach, T. M. (1998) Southwest and Hemes, H. S. (2007) Fluid inclusion, rare-
Pacific Rim gold-copper systems: structure, earth element and stable isotope study of
alteration, and mineralization. Soc. Econ. carbonate minerals from the Pongkor
Geol., Special Publication, 6, 69–82. epithermal gold-silver deposit, West Java,
Etoh, J., Izawa, E., Watanabe, K., Taguchi, S. and Indonesia. Resour. Geol., 57,124–135.
Sekine, R. (2002) Bladed quartz and its White, N. C. and Hedenquist, J.W. (1995)
relationship to gold mineralization in the Epithermal gold deposits: styles,
Hishikari low-sulfidation epithermal gold characteristics, and exploration. Newsl. Soc.
deposit, Japan. Econ. Geol., 97, 1841–1851. Econ. Geol., 23, 1, 9–13.
Harijoko, A., Ohbuchi, Y., Motomura, Y., Imai, A. Widi, B. N. and Matsueda, H. (1998) Epithermal
and Watanabe, K. (2007) Characteristics of the gold-silvertellurides deposit of Cineam,
Cibaliung gold deposit: miocene low- Tasikmalaya District, West Java, Indonesia.
sulfidation-type epithermal gold deposit in Spec. Pub. Direct. Mineral Resour. Indonesia,
western Java, Indonesia. Resour. Geol., 57, 96, 1–19.
114–123. Yuningsih ET, Matsueda H, Setyaraharja EP,
Hedenquist, J.W., Izawa, E., Arribas, A. Jr Rosana MF. (2011) The Arinem Te-bearing
andWhite, N. C. (1996) Epithermal gold gold-silver-base metal deposit, West Java,
deposits: styles, characteristics, and Indonesia. Resour Geol., 62, 140-158.
exploration. Soc. Res. Geol., Special
Publication, 1, (poster). Marcoux, E. and
Milesi, J. P. (1994) Epithermal gold deposit in
West Java, Indonesia: geology, age and crustal
source. J. Geochem. Explor., 50, 393–408.
Martodjojo, S. (1982) Evolution of Bogor Basin,
West Java. Institute Technology of Bandung.
Unpublished PhD Thesis, 412p.
Milesi, J. P., Marcoux, E., Nehlig, P., Sunarya, Y.,
Sukandar, A. and Felenc, J. (1994)
Cirotan,West Java, Indonesia: a 1.7 Ma hybrid
epithermal Au-Ag-Sn-W deposit. Econ. Geol.,
89, 227–245.
Milesi, J. P., Marcoux, E., Sitorus, T., Simanjuntak,
M., Leroy, J. and Bailly, L. (1999) Pongkor
(West Java, Indonesia): a Pliocene supergene-
enriched epithermal Au-Ag-(Mn) deposit.
Mineral. Deposita, 34, 131–149.
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Characteristics of Alteration and Mineralization at Randu Kuning - Wonogiri Project

Abdul Muthi1, I Gde Basten2, I Gede Made Suasta3 & Naomi E. W. Litaay3
PT. Best Clean Energy (Augur Resources), Jl. Warung Buncit Raya 99, Jakarta 12740
Geological Engineering, ITB, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132
PT Oxindo Exploration (MMG), Jl. Ciputat Raya 99, Jakarta 12310


Randu Kuning prospect is a one of the prospective areas within the Wonogiri property which is fully owned by PT.
Alexis Perdana Minerals (PT. APM). The area is often reffered to as Selogiri property as it lies within Selogiri
Subdistrict. Exploration work in Wonogiri commenced by PT. Oxindo Exploration (MMG) includes regional, detailed
mapping, and surface geochemical sampling including rockchip, channel, stream sediment, and grid soil sampling.
Ground magnetic survey aided subsurface exploration and a 3D magnetic inversion assisted to define targets for 5
holes scout diamond drilling program to test coincident anomalous soil geochemistry, modelled high magnetic
bodies and exposed sheeted Cu-Au bearing quartz veins.

Augur continued the work in the area with surface sampling comprising extensive trenching, diamond drilling and
detailed ground magnetic. Extensive drilling program in 2011 completed 50 diamond holes in 2011 with the total of
15588.15m; mostly were drilled into Randu Kuning prospect including the deepest hole (WDD30) that was drilled
until 854.95m.

Lithological classification, alteration zonation and mineralisation have been refined with the new exploration results.
Lithological classification differentiates the units based on genesis, relation to mineralisation event and grain size.
Two main groups of lithology are diorites and breccias. Zoned prograde hydrothermal model of Randu Kuning
Porphyry system depicts the intersection of diamond holes into outer and inner propylitic zones, porphyry style
veins and the core potassic zones. Additional alteration study was done by PIMA work on 102 samples taken from 6
holes of Cross Section TRK01. Clay minerals illite and montmorillonite are the main minerals identified in the vein
samples.. K-Alunite and gypsum in wallrock were identified near the end of WDD030 that suggests signatures of
advance argillic alteration and intermediate argillic respectively. Extensive study including alteration mineralogy is
required to confirm this.

The gold-copper porphyry mineralization in Randu Kuning developed within sheeted and stockwork quartz vein in
microdiorite and in the peripheral of microdiorite intrusion. The system obtained its higher Cu-Au grades from
overprinting episodes and block faulting may have caused variations in alteration. Published resource of Randu
Kuning is estimated at 90.9 Mt at 0.53 g/t AuEq (0.35 g/t gold and 0.10% copper) using a cut off of 0.2 g/t AuEq.

INTRODUCTION results of this exploration activity is summarised

in Suasta and Sinugroho (2011).
Randu Kuning Prospect is a prospective area
within the Wonogiri property which is fully Exploration work on this project continued with
owned by PT Alexis Perdana Minerals (PT APM). further surface and drilling program by Augur
The area is often referred to as Selogiri property Resources from Australia (Augur) that added
as it lies within Selogiri sub-district. The property more knowledge and understanding of the
is located in the south eastern part of Central Java mineralisation and prospectivity of area. Much
Province and approximately 30 km south of work has been concentrated on Randu Kuning
Solo/Surakarta city. Initial exploration activity in area to follow up interesting results in initial
this area was conducted by PT Oxindo exploration program. This paper will discuss the
Exploration (MMG) in partnership with PT APM results of recent work by Augur Resources on
starting in first semester of 2009. The work and Wonogiri project with emphasis on

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

characteristics of alteration and mineralisation at the Batu Hijau porphyry Cu - Au system on

Randu Kuning. Sumbawa (Hellman, 2011). Location of Wonogiri
Project with respect to other porphyry projects is
REGIONAL GEOLOGY shown in Figure 1.

The Sunda - Banda volcanic arc developed during The Sunda - Banda arc comprises both Miocene
subduction of the north - moving Indo - to Pliocene volcanics and younger Quaternary
Australian plate beneath the Asian continental volcanics. The arc has migrated not only from
plate margin. The Sunda - Banda arc of Middle west to east over time but also from south to
Miocene to Pliocene age is thought to have north (Whitford et. al., 1979; Katili 1989 and
initiated by subduction reversal following an Claproth 1989 in Hellman, 2011). This migration is
Oligocene compressive event that was associated clearly evident by the east-west alignment of
with the northward emplacement of ophiolite deeply dissected Miocene to Pliocene volcanic
and island arc assemblages onto the Sunda centers along the south coast of Java, Lombok and
margin and associated formation of melanges, Sumbawa and a parallel E-W alignment of juvenile
ophiolite fragments and deformation zones and active Quaternary volcanoes that define the
offshore from western Sumatra (Daly et al., 1991; present active arc further north along central Java
Harbury and Kallagher, 1991 in Hellman, 2011). and northern Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa (Figure
The initiation of northward subduction beneath 2).
the Sunda - Banda arc migrated eastward
following this collision event. The western The Sunda-Banda arc is segmented by a series of
segment of the arc, west of central Java, arc-normal structures that trend NNE and which
developed on continental crust on the southern are evident in topographic-data set. Tectonic
margin of Sundaland whilst the arc east of Central factors appear to have localized volcanic centers
Java developed on thinner island arc crust of the Miocene arc at positions near the
(Carlisle and Mitchell, 1994 in Hellman, 2011). southwest margins of these transfer structures.
Contemporaneous continental to ocean deep
There are also variations in dominant styles of clastic sediments were deposited on the margins
mineralization along the arc. In northern Sumatra of the volcanic centers (Hellman, 2011).
in the Aceh Province, mineralization is
characterized by porphyry Cu-Mo systems and The project location is surrounded by several
high-sulphidation deposits (e.g. Miwah and Quartenary volcanos. Gunung Lawu, Merapi,
Martabe). In contrast, southern Sumatra, west Merbabu and others. Stratigraphically Wonogiri
Java and central Java are typified by a lack of project area consists of from young to old:
known porphyry systems but an abundance of Aluvium, Merapi Volcanic Rock, Lawu Volcanic
low-sulfidation epithermal deposits or prospects Rock, Wonosari-Punung Formation, Oyo
with vein systems. Examples include Tambang Formation, Ngalnggran Formation, Semilir
Sawah, Rawas, Lebong Donok, Lebong Simpang Formation, Mandalika Formation and Gamping
and Seung Kecil in southern Sumatra, also the Wungkal Formation (Figure 3).
Cikotok and Jampang districts, Gunung Pongkor
and Cikondang in west Java and Trenggallek in From this regional geology map, Wonogiri Project
central Java. Further the east, in east Java and area is dominated with Mandalika Formation,
then through Lombok and Sumbawa, there is a which consists of dacite-andesitic lavas and dacitic
reappearance of porphyry and high sulfidation tuff with dioritic dykes. South area is covered by
epithermal systems along the eastern arc Semilir Formation which consists of tuff, dacitic
segment, including the the Tumpangpitu high - pumice breccia, and tuffaceous sandstone and
sulfidation epithermal and porphyry system on shale. North area is covered by alluvium deposit
Intrepid’s Tujuh Bukit project, The Selodong high - consists of loose material of sand and clay with
sulfidation and porphyry district including the variety of grain size. The local/mapped geology
Motong Botek porphyry system on Lombok, and in the project area consists of volcanic breccias,
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 1. Location Map of Wonogiri Project with respect to SundaArc and other major deposits
(Augur Resources, 2012)

Figure 2. Physiography map regional Java (after Imai et al., 2007)

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 3. Geology and broad stratigraphic succession of the area as defined on the 1:100,000 geology map
of the Surakarta and Giritontro (Toha and Sudarno, 1992)
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

lithic tuff; andesite cut by quartz diorite and GEOLOGY OF RANDU KUNING
microdiorite intrusions, and in parts is covered
by alluvial deposits. The local geology structures The areas of interest in Wonogiri project have
in the project area are dominated by northeast high topographic relief trending NW-SE (Figure 5).
southwest strike slip fault and east west thrust This area occurs in the northern part of tenement
fault that appears to be the effect of the north boundary comprising a series of hills extends to
south subduction movement from Australian the north at lower elevation which interpreted
plate at the Eurasia plate collision. forming a series of intrusion body. The area has
been sub-divided into several prospects based on
RECENT EXPLORATION geology and type of mineralisation (Figures 4 and
Surface work in Wonogiri by PT Oxindo
Exploration (MMG) includes regional and detailed The local geology Wonogiri project comprises of
mapping and surface geochemical sampling a series of multiple diorite intrusion which
including rock chip, channel, stream sediment intruded the early volcanic sequence and with
and grid soil sampling. Ground magnetic survey dominant structures of NE-SW strike slip fault
aided subsurface exploration and a 3D magnetic and E-W thrust fault. The surface geology of
inversion assisted to define targets for 5 holes Wonogiri project is dominated by hydrothermal
scout diamond drilling program to test coincident alteration (clay-chlorite-magnetite±epidote and
anomalous soil geochemistry, modelled high carbonate). This alteration is typical of a propylitic
magnetic bodies and exposed sheeted Cu-Au alteration that is overprinted by later
bearing quartz veins. argillic-phyllic alteration.
Augur continued the work in the area with
surface sampling comprising extensive trenching Most of the work has been concentrated on
which are assayed for 10 elements. Total of Randu Kuning area to follow up on encouraging
9,783m of trenching was completed in 2011, results in the previous work. A total of 38 drill
mainly within Randu Kuning and the surrounding holes including 2 historical holes of MMG were
area with the aim to understand the distribution completed in this area. These drill holes has
of Au and Cu in this area (Figure 4). This surface confirmed that Randu Kuning prospect is a
program was also aimed to define epithermal typically porphyry system with Cu-Au
vein targets which were not evaluated by MMG. mineralisation.
The trenches were sampled using 2 or 4 meters
composite channel samples with total of 2,931 The prospective area occurs as steep west
samples for the whole project. These trenches dipping NS trending zone characterized by
were mapped and aided the interpretation of polyphasal porphyry intrusions separated by
surface and sub-surface geology and drilling intrusive and faulted contact parallel to the
program. In addition, a detail ground magnetic mineralized trend. Many intrusion and faulted
survey completed over approximately 50% contacts were recognized between different
tenement area. intrusive bodies with some diorite and
microdiorite intrusion types are recognized and
Extensive drilling program in 2011 completed 50 standardized in geology logging of drilling. Most
diamond holes in 2011 with the total of contacts are between different phases of diorite
15588.15m; they were mostly drilled into Randu and microdiorite with prominent mafic
Kuning prospect including the deepest hole phenocrysts herein summarized in cross section
(WDD30) that was drilled until 854.95m. These TRK01 (Figure 6).
drillholes together with 5 previous holes by MMG
contributed to better understanding of Lithology
mineralisation and alteration of Randu Kuning
prospect. Lithological classification of Wonogiri project has
been modified in more detail to differentiate the
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 4. Trenching location on Geological Map (modified after Corey, 2010)

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Figure 5. Distribution of prospects of the Wonogiri project on topographical relief.

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Figure 6. Cross Section TRK01 showing lithology and significant intersections in the center of Randu Kuning Prospect

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

units based on genetic and grain size. The plates breccia is also characterised by additional sulphide
showing textural variation of the lithology can (pyrite) and partly rimmed clasts. It is interpreted that
be seen in Figures 7 and 8. In summary, the this unit is structurally controlled; hydrothermally
intrusive phases that are currently recognized at generated silica and sulphide deposited in the fault
Randu Kuning prospect, described from oldest to zone.
youngest, are:
Corbett (2011) noted lithological variations;
Coarse Grain Diorite (CDIO) include fine and coarser grained equivalents as
Pre-mineral, coarse grained, porphyritic, >1mm well as different styles of alteration; between
subhedral - anhedral of feldspar phenocrysts set in different phases of diorite porphyry with
fine grained or crystalline groundmass, finer size prominent mafic phenocrysts as seen in the
of mafic phenocrysts, non to poorly mineralized. photos below. Shales, skarn type of alteration
and intrusive dykes in the eastern part were
Medium Diorite (DIO) intersected in WDD15 which appear to be the
Pre-mineral, dominantly medium grained, <1-2mm basement of the stratigraphy.
plagioclase or mafic phenocrysts (variably fine to
slightly coarse grained within intensely altered and ALTERATION
intrusive/crackle breccia zone), equigranular to sub-
porphyritic, non to poorly mineralized (in Hydrothermal alteration and zonation is
microdiorite margin). modelled by Corbett (2011) as shown in
Figure 9. Outer propylitic zone is typified by
Microdiorite (MDR) magnetite-chlorite ± epidote alteration.
Syn-Mineral, fine grained, <1mm phenocrysts size, Interestingly, this relatively weak alteration hosts
aphanitic (?), variation of fine feldspar porphyry to elevated Cu-Au grade mineralisation (Hole
prominent mafic, variably to strongly mineralized DDH10IWG002) and the barren sheeted
laminated quartz-magnetite veins (Hole WDD19
Porphyritic Plagioclas Diorite (PDIO) and WDD20).
Post Mineral, coarse grained, porphyritic, >2mm
plagioclase, plagioclase rich, non-mineralized, (Not The zone of magnetite-epidote ± chlorite at lower
common in Randu Kuning but observed from temperature or actinolite towards the heat source is
intercepted drill holes in surrounding Randu Kuning characteristic of inner propylitic alteration which is best
prospect). displayed in hole WDD22. Fracture epidote within
chlorite alteration in the upper portion passing
In addition of multiple intrusions as described above, down hole to pervasive epidote flooding of host
Randu Kuning drill holes intersected two types of rock.
breccia that are referred to as Intrusive Breccia
(IBX) and Hydrothermal Breccia (HBX). Intrusive Potassic alteration is the most prevalent type of
breccias are commonly observed in drill core in contact alteration in Randu Kuning mineralisation and it is
with, and immediately above the deep central indicated by pervasive magnetite – biotite ±
microdiorite intrusion. They exhibit a distinct secondary K-feldspar. Crackle brecciation
fragmental texture; generally increasingly polymictic developed in this alteration zone as an overprint
clast assemblages at higher levels. This breccia is comprising magnetite ± actinolite ± chalcopyrite.
mostly comprised of diorite and microdiorite clasts Strong positive magnetic anomaly as identified by
which deformed during the intrusion phase. detail ground magnetic survey results is a
Occasionally, presence of clasts of mafic dominant rock reflection of this magnetic flooding of the
with disseminated pyrite is noted. The source of these hydrothermal alteration and brecciation. The
clasts is not yet known. Randu Kuning porphyry Cu-Au hydrothermal
system is localised within an 800m long NW-
Hydrothermal breccia was identified in some drill NNW trending magnetic feature which declines
intercepts with increasing silica and clay alteration. This in intensity to the SE.
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Coarse grain diorite Medium grain diorite

Microdiorite Porphyritic plagioclase diorite

Figure 7. Textural differences between dioritic intrusions in Randu Kuning (Muthi, 2012)

Intrusive Breccia Hydrothermal Breccia

Figure 8. Two types of breccia in Randu Kuning (Muthi, 2012)

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 9. Zoned prograde hydrothermal alteration model (Corbett, 2011).

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

The zone of silica-sericite-pyrite is characteristic of is associated with clots of magnetite and/or chlorite –
phyllic alteration herein is adjacent to mainly the epidote and contains low grade Au and and some
later stage porphyry style B veins, collapsing elevated (?) Cu. It is interpreted to be locally derived from
down structures and low temperature stage cooling intrusion (Corbertt, 2011). The early quartz veins
epithermal quartz-sulphide veins. are the veins generally known as the A veins with
sinusoidal gradational vein margins and occasional
Total of 102 PIMA samples were taken from 6 contains disseminated chalcopyrite. Saccaroidal quartz
holes of Cross Section TRK01. These samples are texture and minor magnetite are common features of
from veins and pervasive or in the wallrock these veins. Majority of quartz veins with sulphides were
alteration zones as well as clasts and matrix of the the result of cooling of the system at depth including M
breccia to see if there is any pattern in alteration veins, massive stockwork of A veins, linear A veins and
assemblage. Clay minerals illite and later the AB veins takes over the earlier A veins with
montmorillonite are the main minerals identified deposition of chalcopyrite. The barren laminated and
in the vein samples throughout the section sheeted quartz magnetite veins in WDD19 & 20 resemble
suggesting structurally controlled argillic M veins and sheeted A style and both generally has no
alteration. Minor siderite (carbonate) occurs at sulphide content.
depth. NH-Alunite is identified in one of the
sample and is present center of the magnetic Overprinting of low temperature epithermal veins on the
anomaly. earlier porphyry system can be summarised in Figure 12
showing two possible mechanisms: cooling magmatic
In wallrock of altered samples, apart from illlite source and later magmatic event.
and montmorillonite, chlorite, kaolinite and
tourmaline were also identified in WDD030. K- Randu Kuning South
Alunite and gypsum were identified at depth of Randu Kuning South is located about 300m south
743m and 792m respectively. Presence of alunite of main Randu Kuning prospect and was tested
indicates more acid fluid environment and typical by 4 drill holes. Crackle brecciation is common in
of advance argillic alteration (Corbett and Leach, this area filled mostly by sulphide. Alteration on
1998). Gypsum after anhydrite in porphyry this area is dominanted by early prophylitic
setting is characteristic of intermediate argillic as alteration which is overprinted by phyllic
exampled by Middelton et al. (2004). The alteration, possibly controlled by intense faulting
presence of these minerals might suggest e.g. in WDD25. Infill clay and sulphide in the
another zone(s) of porphyry or proximity of crackle breccia in WDD25 is believed to be
major structure that channels hot acid fluid. signature of epithermal system which is
However, more extensive study including controlled by fault zone with typical assemblage
alteration mineralogy is required to confirm this. of quartz-carbonate and pyrite veins. This area is
interpreted as a fault controlled extension of
MINERALISATION porphyry system in Randu Kuning.

The gold-copper porphyry mineralization in Randu THE POTENTIAL

Kuning area developed within sheeted and stockwork
quartz vein along microdiorite and in the peripheral of Based on the data from geology and recent
microdiorite intrusion (Figure 10). Overprinting events drilling, the mineralization at Randu Kuning
and style of mineralisation are clearly visible in Randu indicates extensive gold copper porphyry
Kuning. The Cu-Au grades developed as an accumulated mineralization from surface to 400m depth
affect of these as depicted in Figure 11. below surface. It is related to near vertical gold
copper porphyry deposits within a large eroded
Style of mineralisation can be grouped as disseminated volcanic centre, appear to be related to a
chalcopyrite, early quartz veins, most quartz veins with northward migrating Oligocene to Miocene
sulphides and barren laminated and sheeted quartz volcanic arc.
magnetite (Corbett, 2011). The disseminated chalcopyrite
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 10. Cross Section TRK01 at the center of Randu Kuning showing alteration and mineralisation.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Magnetite–chlorite altered diorite with disseminated Stockwork A veins, one with a central carbonate-filled crack
chalcopyrite - DDH10IWG002 478.5m, 2.85g/t Au & - WDD10, 140.2
4110ppm Cu

AB veins formed by the filling with sulphide of a central Chalcopyrite likened to C veins cuts earlier quartz veins -
termination within A veins - WDD19, 87.2m. WDD4, 38.8m

Laminated quartz magnetite veins WDD19, 164.7m Epithermal vein comprising early quartz overprinted by
pyrite - chalcopyrite with later yellow sphalerite, lesser
galena and final carbonate fill - WDD19, 64.9m

Figure 11. Plates showing different veining style and mineralisation of Randu Kuning (Corbett, 2011).

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 12. Alternative models for the origin of late stage epithermal veins (Corbett, 2011).

The system obtained its higher Cu-Au grades Corbett, G.J., 2012. Further Comments on Wonogiri
from overprinting episodes as seen in the Porphyry Cu-Au Project, Central Java, Indonesia,
overprinting of earlier chalcopyrite within Gorbett Geological Services Pty. Ltd. 2012 (internal
disseminations and magnetite-bearing fracture report, unpublished).
by sheeted quartz veins and later dilatant Corey, Mike., 2010. Scout Drilling Program 2010
fractures filled with chalcopyrite. Some Summary Report, Porphyry Copper-Gold Project,
intrusions are particularly enriched with early Wonogiri, Central Jawa, Indonesia (internal report,
sulphides. Barren laminated and sheeted unpubished).
quartz-magnetite veins within chlorite- Hellman, P.L., 2011. Tujuh Bukit Project, Report on
magnetite altered diorite seems to be the upper Mineral Resources, Located in East Java, Indonesia.
unmineralised portion of a porphyry and the Hellman & Schofield Pty Ltd.
potential for vertical extension of these veins at Imai A., Shinomiya J., Maung Thiha Soe.,
depth is unknown. Current resources of Randu Setijadji L. D., Watanabe K., Warmada I
Kuning is estimated at 90.9 Mt at 0.53 g/t AuEq Wayan., 2007, Porphyry-Type Mineralization
(0.35 g/t gold and 0.10% copper) using a cut off at Selogiri Area, Wonogiri Regency, Central
of 0.2 g/t AuEq (Augur Resources, 2012). Java, Indonesia, Resource Geology Vol. 57,
E-W trending block faulting may cause Middleton, C., Buenavista, A., Rohrlach, B.,
variations in alteration. Pervasive K-feldspar is Gonzalez, J., Subang L. and Moreno, G.,
common in central Randu Kuning while the 2004, A Geological Review of the Tampakan
drilling shows extensive epidote alteration to Copper-Gold Deposit, Southern Mindanao,
the north with epidote flooding intersected in Philippines, PACRIM 2004, p173.
WDD22. This may be indicative of buried Muthi, A., 2012. Geology Overview of Wonogiri
porphyry mineralized system. Some higher Au Project, PT. Best Clean Energy, Wonogiri,
grade mineralization is related to epithermal Central Java, Indonesia, (internal report,
veins. Encounter of older basement of unpublished).
sedimentary sequence defines the boundary of Suasta, I.G.M., Sinugroho, I.A., Occurence of
this mineralisation system in the east. To the Zoned Epithermal To Porphyry Type Cu-Au.
west the system is not closed off and requires Mineralisation at Wonogiri, Central Java.
more work to define as bornite veins have been PROCEEDINGS JCM MAKASSAR 2011, The
intersected in hole WDD24 further west than 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Annual Convention
expected. and Exhibition, Makassar, 26 – 29 September
Further work is required to define the western Toha, S.B ., Sudarno, I., 1992. Geological map of the
limit and postulated buried porphyry as well as Surakarta-Giritontro quadrangles, Java, Indonesia.
investigation of advance argillic and Pusat Penilitian dan Pengembangan Geologi,
intermediate argillic alteration at depth. Bandung 1992.
Warmada, I.W., Soe, MT., Sinomiya J., Setijadji
REFERENCES L.D., Imai, A., and Watanabe, K., 2007,
Petrology and Geochemistry of Intrusive
Augur Resources Ltd, 2012, ASX News Release, Rocks from Selogiri Area, Central Java,
10 July 2012. Indonesia.
Corbett G. J. and Leach T.M., 1998. Southwest Pacific
Rim Gold-Copper Systems; Structure, alteration and
mineralisation. SEG Special Publication No.6, 236p.
Corbett, G.J., 2011. Comments on the exploration
potential of the Wonogiri porphyry Cu-Au Project,
Central Java, Indonesia, Gorbett Geological Services
Pty. Ltd. 2011 (internal report, unpublished).

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

District-scale Expression of Intrusion-related Hydrothermal Systems

near the Batu Hijau Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposit, Sumbawa, Indonesia

Steve Garwin

Steven L Garwin Pty Ltd

Centre for Exploration Targeting, University of Western Australia


The Batu Hijau deposit, with a pre-development reserve of 914 million tonnes at an average grade of 0.53% copper
and 0.40 g/t gold, lies within a 12 by 6 km district that contains several mineralized centers. The oldest rocks
exposed consist of an Early to Middle Miocene andesitic volcaniclastic succession. This sequence has been cut by
several phases of intermediate to felsic intrusion, Middle Miocene to the mid-Pliocene in age, and a late, andesitic
diatreme and dike complex. The volcaniclastic rocks and intrusions in the district are typically of low-K, calc-
alkaline affinity and form part of the SundaBanda magmatic arc, which is underlain by oceanic crust near

The margins of easterly-elongate quartz diorite plutons focussed brittle deformation, dike emplacement and
quartz vein deposition throughout the Neogene to Holocene. The reactivation of pre-existing faults and zones of
crustal weakness, and the intersection of fault and fracture zones with the complex margins of pre-mineralization
composite plutons, are inferred to have localized emplacement of felsic intrusions associated with porphyry-style
mineralization at Batu Hijau and three peripheral porphyry systems.

Hydrothermal alteration centered on the Batu Hijau deposit and peripheral porphyry systems, shows a progression
of alteration from central biotite-magnetite+oligoclase, through proximal actinolite and distal epidote-chlorite, to
background chlorite-calcite. Late, structurally controlled feldspar-destructive alteration that overprints all types of
early alteration includes intermediate argillic, sericitic/paragonitic, illitic and advanced argillic types. The geometry
and clay-mica mineral assemblages of these zones indicate higher temperatures and more acidic fluid conditions
near Batu Hijau than indicated for late alteration zones elsewhere in the district.

At Batu Hijau, hypogene chalcocite, digenite and bornite compose part of early “A” veinlets and
chalcopyrite+bornite occur in transitional “B” veins. Gold occurs within the Cu-sulfide mineral structures and as
grains of native gold. Late pyritic “D” veins contain chalcopyrite+minor bornite. The peripheral porphyry systems
lack the early copper-sulfide assemblages, and are characterized by late-stage pyrite-chalcopyrite in re-opened
parts of early, copper-poor “A” and “B” veins. Elevated gold and silver values are associated with
pyrite+sphalerite+galena+chalcopyrite+tennantite-bearing, comb and banded quartz veins that occur in late,
structurally controlled zones. The general patterns of metal zoning with respect to the porphyry centers indicate
central Fe, Cu, and Au, proximal Mo, and distal Pb, Zn, Ag, Au and As anomalies. Silver/gold ratios also display a
systematic decrease from >50 in the Pb-Zn halo to ~1 to 2 in the Cu-Au core of each center.
206 238
SHRIMP Pb/ U geochronology indicates four major felsic intrusive episodes, each separated by 0.6 to 0.9 m.y.
and related to a distinct porphyry center with ages that range from 5.9 to 3.7 Ma. The duration of the Batu Hijau
40 39
hydrothermal system is 80 + 80 k.y. (2), as determined from the Ar/ Ar closure of early biotite and late sericite
(3.73 + 0.08 Ma vs. 3.65 + 0.02 Ma). The causative tonalite intrusions at Batu Hijau were emplaced at a depth of
2.5 km (+0.5 km), with the formation of hornblende phenocrysts in magma chambers that reached at least 9 km
40 39
below the mid-Pliocene paleosurface, as determined from the results of apatite (U-Th) / He, Ar/ Ar and
206 238
Pb/ U geochronology and amphibole-plagioclase thermobarometry.

The Batu Hijau deposit displays many of the characteristics of global porphyry copper systems. However,
significant differences are related to the low-K, calc-alkaline composition of the tonalitic melts at Batu Hijau. The
resultant magmatic-hydrothermal fluids are responsible for the K-poor alteration types that distinguish this deposit
from others, particularly those porphyry systems associated with quartz monzonite in continental settings. At Batu

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Hijau, secondary oligoclase supplants K-feldspar in the central biotite-magnetite zone, and locally paragonite
proxies for sericite.

INTRODUCTION need for research that bridges the gap between

the deposit- and regional-scales. District-scale
The Batu Hijau porphyry copper-gold deposit, studies in Bingham, Utah (Babcock et al., 1995),
discovered by Newmont geologists in 1990, is Portrerillos, Chile (Marsh et al., 1997) and
located in southwestern Sumbawa, Indonesia Yerington, Nevada (Dilles and Einaudi, 1992;
(Figure 1). Batu Hijau contains a pre- Dilles and Proffett, 1995) document the
development, indicated mineable reserve of 914 relationship of local geology to causative
million metric tonnes of ore at an average grade intrusion emplacement and the evolution of the
of 0.53% copper (4.8 million tonnes Cu) and 0.40 hydrothermal systems active in each area.
g/t gold (366 tonnes Au), at a cut-off grade of District-scale metal zoning and evolution of ore-
0.3% Cu (Clode et al., 1999). The deposit formed forming fluids are discussed by Catchpole et al.
during emplacement of a Neogene tonalitic (2012) for the Morococha district in central Peru.
intrusive complex into older quartz diorite and The compilation of the geological-, geochemical-
andesitic volcaniclastic rocks of the SundaBanda and geophysical-signatures of several porphyry
volcanic island arc. districts in British Columbia, Canada was begun
recently by Geoscience BC (Devine, 2011 and
Batu Hijau lies in the central part of a district that 2012). The Batu Hijau district provides the setting
displays varying styles of hydrothermal alteration for a case study of the inter-relationship of host
and mineral occurrences. Several porphyry rock, structure, intrusion emplacement,
copper-gold centers lie along an easterly- hydrothermal alteration and mineralization on
trending, 12 km long belt that forms the axis of the district-scale.
the district (Figure 2). These include, from west to
east, SekongkangWest Nangka, Arung Ara, Air The primary aims of this paper are to: 1)
Merah and Katala (Figure 3). Each of the porphyry document the relationship between geology,
centers in the district is spaced about 2 to 3 km hydrothermal alteration and mineralization,
from the other. Porphyry-style mineralization geochemical zoning patterns and the geophysical
also occurs at Naga Emas, along the signature of porphyry copper-gold systems in the
southwestern margin of the Santong diatreme Batu Hijau district and 2) develop an exploration
and dike complex, which is located about 2 km to model that can be applied to intrusion-related
the northwest of Batu Hijau. Peripheral, base hydrothermal systems in magmatic arcs in
metal sulfide-and gold-bearing quartz vein Indonesia and elsewhere.
systems occur at Bambu and Teluk Puna, 2 to 9
km outboard of the deposit, along northeasterly- Location
and northwesterly-trending fault corridors (Figs.
2 and 3). These fault corridors intersect near the The Batu Hijau district encompasses 12 km (east-
Santong diatreme. Disseminated gold-arsenic west) by about 6 km (north-south), and is located
prospects and gold-base metal sulfide veins occur in the southwestern part of the island of
in limestone about 10 km north-northwest of Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat Province (NTB),
Batu Hijau, near Jereweh (Figure 2). eastern Indonesia (Figure 2). The Batu Hijau
deposit, in the central portion of the area, is
Purpose of Paper located at latitude 08o57’55” S and longitude
116o52’21” E.
Despite the wealth of deposit and regional
studies published, there are very few district-
scale studies in the literature. There is a clear
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 1. Map of Indonesia, showing tectonic elements discussed in the text, the Neogene Sunda Banda magmatic
arc, significant porphyry copper-gold deposits and the Batu Hijau district on the island of Sumbawa.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Exploration and Development History major arc-transverse, left-lateral oblique-slip fault

zone that controls the distribution of Miocene
In the vicinity of Batu Hijau, Newmont geologists volcano-sedimentary units, the location of
began systematic exploration for gold and copper Neogene intrusions and the present coastline of
in 1987, as part of a regional program to find the island (Figure 1; figure 2 in Maula and Levet,
epithermal gold deposits in western Sumbawa 1996). The trace of this fault coincides with the
and Lombok (Maula and Levet, 1996). Auriferous surface projection of an inferred tear, or kink, in
quartz vein systems were discovered at Bambu the subducting slab beneath the SundaBanda
and Teluk Puna (Figure 2) and evaluated during arc, as indicated by the topology of the Wadatti-
1988 to 1989. In May 1990, copper-sulfide- Benioff zone (Kerrich et al., 2000; Garwin et al.,
bearing quartz vein stockworks were discovered 2005). The reader is referred to figure 10 in
in the headwaters of a small creek, which Garwin et al. (2005) for an illustration of this
subsequently was named Brang Tembaga relationship. This kink separates arc-parallel
(Copper Creek). The discovery was called Batu segments of varying seismicity that coincides with
Hijau, Indonesian for ‘green rock’. The discovery the margin of the Roo Rise, a subducted oceanic
was evaluated by surface trenching in mid- to plateau (Figure 1). This tectonic setting is similar
late-1990 and diamond drilling from 1991 to to those settings for large intrusion-related
1996. The project feasibility study was approved systems elsewhere, where porphyry systems
by the Indonesian government in 1997 and developed near an arc-transverse, crustal-scale
construction commenced in April of that year. fault zone in a relatively uplifted crustal block
Additional drilling programs further defined the (e.g. Central Andes, Chile; Central Ranges, Irian
deposit from 1996 to 1998. A mineable reserve of Jaya; and North Luzon, Philippines; Sillitoe, 1998;
914 million tonnes of ore was delineated from Kerrich et al., 2000; Garwin et al., 2005). The total
about 76,000 m of diamond drilling in 163 drill amount of physiographic uplift in southwestern
holes. Sumbawa does not compare to that which
characterizes these other metallogenic belts; in
Open pit mining started in 1998 and production the case of Sumbawa, it is the relative difference
of copper and gold in concentrate commenced in in uplift between crustal blocks that is important.
September 1999. By year-end, full commercial
production was achieved. Production is The age of the causative intrusions and
forecasted to last until 2031 (Priowasono, written mineralization at Batu Hijau (3.7 Ma; Fletcher et
communication, 2012). The annual production al., 2000; Garwin, 2000 and 2002) corresponds to
rates in 2011 were 140,000 tonnes Cu and 10.8 the approximate timing of the collision of the
tonnes Au (Newmont, 2012). Reported proven and Australian continent with the Banda arc near
probable reserves as of December 31, 2011 are 899 Timor (4 to 2.5 Ma; Audley-Charles, 1986;
million metric tonnes of ore at an average grade Richardson and Blundell, 1996; Hall, 1996; Garwin
of 0.39% copper (3.5 million tonnes Cu) and 0.26 et al., 2005). This collision is inferred to have
g/t gold (242 tonnes Au; Priowasono, written caused arc-parallel extension, as the arc
communication, 2012). The current owners of the expanded westwards away from the site of
Batu Hijau mine are the Nusa Tenggara collision. Fault plane solutions from recent
Partnership (56%), consisting of a joint-venture earthquake hypocenters indicate about 3 mm/yr.
between Newmont Mining Corp. and Sumitomo of east-west extension along arc-transverse
Corp., PT Multi Daerah Bersaing (24%), PT strike-slip faults in the SumbawaTimor vicinity
Pukuafu Indah (17.8%) and PT Indonesia Masbaga (McCaffrey, 1988 and 1996).

Regional Tectonic Setting

The Batu Hijau district is located within a

relatively uplifted crustal block, within 30 km of a
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 2. Simplified and interpretive geology of southwestern Sumbawa, showing the location of the Batu
Hijau district and mine. Schematic cross-section illustrates the relationship between Early to Middle Miocene
andesitic basement rocks, Late Miocene to Pliocene dacitic cover rocks and Pliocene felsic intrusions.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

CORRELATION OF GEOLOGIC AND dehydration of the uprising asthenospheric

HYDROTHERMAL EVENTS mantle beneath the SundaBanda arc (Fiorentini
and Garwin, 2010).
Rock Units
Porphyry Copper-Gold Systems
The oldest rock succession in the district, which
consists of a crystal-rich volcaniclastic rock The four porphyry systems in the district were
sequence, was deposited in the Early to Middle developed at 0.6 to 0.9 m.y. intervals from 5.9
Miocene, between ~ 24 and 15 Ma (Figures 3 and Ma to 3.7 Ma. At Batu Hijau, emplacement of the
4; Sudradjat et al., 1998; Garwin, 2000 and 2002). tonalite porphyry complex was rapid,
This sequence appears to have formed in a fore- characterized by at least three distinct pulses of
arc, predominantly submarine setting, coeval intrusion within 90 + 160 k.y. (2; 3.76 + 0.12 Ma
with, or shortly after, andesitic island arc to 3.67 + 0.10 Ma; Fletcher et al., 2000; Garwin,
volcanism. The foraminiferal assemblages of 2000 and 2002). The duration of the
limestone interbeds within the lower volcanic hydrothermal system is of a similar length, as
sandstone unit suggest that this part of the indicated by a span of 80 + 80 k.y. (2) for the
sequence was deposited in a mid-neritic setting argon closure of early biotite and late sericite
(40 to 60 m below sea level; D.W. Haig, written (3.73 + 0.08 vs. 3.65 + 0.02 Ma; Garwin, 2000 and
communication, 1999; Garwin, 2002). 2002).

The volcaniclastic succession has been cut by a Each porphyry system developed in basement
cluster of intrusions, which include at least three rocks that are significantly older, and of more
types of hypabyssal andesite, at least four mafic composition, than the causative intrusions.
equigranular quartz diorite plutons (including The dacitic volcaniclastic rocks that occur at Teluk
QD1 to QD3) and related late-stage tonalite to Puna (Figure 2) could be the subaerial equivalent
granodiorite dikes, and a series of porphyritic of the precursor magmas that led to
tonalite stocks and dikes (Figure 4). Hypabyssal emplacement of felsic intrusions in the central
andesites range from Middle to Late Miocene part of the district. This is indicated by the similar
and the equigranular and porphyritic felsic chemical composition of both suites of rocks and
intrusions from Late Miocene to mid-Pliocene the southerly dip of the unconformity that
(5.9 to 3.7 Ma, Fletcher et al., 2000; Garwin, 2000 separates the Late Miocene dacitic rocks from
and 2002). The youngest dated intrusions are the the Early to Middle Miocene andesitic basement.
tonalite porphyry stock and dike complex (3.7 Dacitic volcaniclastic rocks of similar
Ma) that form the core of the Batu Hijau deposit, characteristics are also recorded at Jereweh,
which includes the Young, Intermediate and Old approximately 10 km north of Batu Hijau, which
Tonalites. The Santong diatreme breccia, in the supports the concept that the porphyry centers
center of the area, and late porphyritic andesite lie along an easterly-, or east-northeasterly-
to dacite dikes are of comparable age, or younger trending, structural dome (Figure 2).
than, the Batu Hijau tonalite complex, and post-
date all other felsic intrusions in the district. The preferred origin of the porphyry systems
involves a series of dikes, cupolas and high-level
The low-K calc-alkaline magmatic suite in the plutons localized above a quartz dioritic batholith
district is characterized by a distinctively juvenile at depth. This interpretation differs to that made
signature (143Nd/144Nd ~ 0.5130 and 87Sr/87Sr ~ by Sillitoe (1973) for many porphyry deposits in
0.7039). Whole-rock trace element and Pb volcanic island arcs elsewhere, where the
isotopic data (207Pb/204Pb ~ 15.603) suggest the systems are inferred to fit beneath a single
involvement of a minimal (<0.1%) sediment stratovolcano. Such an environment is not
component in arc petrogenesis. The most favored for the Batu Hijau district during the
probable source to the melts that formed the Pliocene, due to the lack of radial distributed
intrusions in the Batu Hijau district lies in the
Figure 3. Interpretive geology of the Batu Hijau district, showing volcano -sedimentary rock units, clusters of intermediate
to felsic intrusions and major fault zones. Limestone (Lst ) is present at Bambu and in drillhole PND 06 at East Nangka.
Figure 4. Schematic geologic cross-sections for the Batu Hijau district. The cross-section for the Batu Hijau deposit illustrates
intrusive relationships and contacts modified from Mitchell et al. (1998), volcaniclastic stratigraphy adapted from Gertiesen (1998)
and schematic faults, constrained by surface- and pit-mapping. The locations of the cross-section lines are shown in Figure 3.
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 5. Early hydrothermal alteration zones in the Batu Hijau district, showing concentric zoning around
porphyry centers at SekongkangWest Nangka, Arung Ara, Batu Hijau and Katala. Zones of relict secondary biotite
alteration occur at Naga Emas and Brang Belu, which are variably over-printed by late-stage alteration

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 6. Late hydrothermal alteration zones (>20% plagioclase replacement) in the Batu Hijau district, showing
zoning around major porphyry centers and fault-controlled zones. Mean strike-directions of structurally
controlled, mesoscopic feldspar-destructive alteration zones are indicated by domain (rose diagrams). The
representative strike- and dip-directions of mesoscopic alteration zones are determined by averaging all
alteration zones recorded in the area over a 500 m by 500 m grid (note: not all of the average orientations are
illustrated, to maintain the clarity of presentation). The mineral abbreviations include within parentheses indicate
the overprinted assemblage, which is variably replaced by later stage hydrothermal minerals.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

dikes, fractures and veins, which are diagnostic of eruptions and degassing of a magma chamber at
this geologic setting at high crustal-levels. depth. Very late zeolite alteration marks the final
activity of hydrothermal fluids in the district.
Hydrothermal Alteration
Early-stage hydrothermal alteration in the Batu
Hijau district is related to the emplacement of Early “A” and “B” quartz veins and veinlets
equigranular quartz diorite plutons and late-stage (terminology of Gustafson and Hunt, 1975),
tonalite to granodiorite dikes at commonly associated with secondary biotite-
SekongkangWest Nangka and Katala, porphyritic magnetite alteration at the Batu Hijau deposit,
tonalite at Arung Ara, and tonalite porphyry occur, to a much lesser extent, in the other
intrusions at Batu Hijau. Each of the four porphyry centers. Quartz vein abundance ranges
porphyry centers exhibits a similar progression of from about 0.5 vol. % at West Nangka to more
alteration from central biotite- than 10 vol. %, and locally > vol. 50%, at Batu
magnetite+secondary oligoclase (potassic-sodic) Hijau. At the latter area, the outer limit of
through proximal actinolite+chlorite (inner significant “A” veinlets coincides approximately
propylitic) to distal epidote-chlorite (outer with the 0.5% copper ore shell. The “A” veinlets
propylitic; Figure 5). Relict biotite-magnetite are wispy and discontinuous and are
alteration is also recognized at Naga Emas and characterized by wavy and diffuse wall-rock
Brang Belu, where it is variably overprinted by contacts, whereas later “B” veins and veinlets are
late-stage alteration assemblages. Chlorite-calcite continuous over several meters and characterized
alteration forms outboard of the epidote-chlorite by sharp and regular wall-rock contacts. Similar
zones and represents a distant expression of the types of quartz veins are documented in porphyry
mineralized intrusive centers in the district. The deposits elsewhere (e.g. El Salvador; Gustafson
development of proximal, inner propylitic and and Hunt, 1975; southwestern USA; Beane and
distal, outer propylitic alteration is inferred to Titley, 1981; Yerington; Dilles and Einaudi, 1992;
have been approximately coeval with that of Seedorff et al., 2005).
secondary biotite, with the outer zones collapsing
in on the central biotite-magnetite zone during The “A” veinlets contain the bulk of the copper-
the waning stages of early alteration. sulfide minerals at Batu Hijau, which include
hypogene chalcocite, digenite, bornite solid
Structurally controlled zones of feldspar- solution (chalcocite-bornite and digenite-bornite)
destructive alteration, characterized by and bornite, typically averaging 0.25 to 5 vol. %
intermediate argillic, sericitic/paragonitic, illitic (Mitchell et al., 1998). These veinlets are
and advanced argillic types, post-date early estimated to constitute about 80% of the total
hydrothermal alteration in each of the porphyry volume of quartz veins and contain a similar
centers, and are inferred to have developed in proportion of the copper (Mitchell et al., 1998).
response to the collapse of the magmatic- Relatively minor amounts of copper occur within
hydrothermal systems. These zones of late later “B” veins as disseminated grains and
hydrothermal alteration extend more than 15 km aggregates (clots) of chalcopyrite and bornite.
through the district (Figure 6). Several The “B” veins contain specular hematite in
generations of late feldspar-destructive alteration addition to copper-sulfide minerals in the
are indicated by cross-cutting field relationships margins of the deposit. In contrast to Batu Hijau,
and 40Ar/39Ar sericite ages reported by Garwin most of the copper in the other porphyry systems
(2000). Hence, the designation of “early” for in the district occurs as chalcopyrite, which is
potassic-sodic and propylitic alteration styles and associated with “A” and “B” veins that have been
“late” for feldspar-destructive alteration types, is re-opened by late pyritic “D” veins.
relative to each porphyry system. Late-stage
carbonate-clay-chlorite alteration of the Santong At Batu Hijau, the electron-microprobe results
diatreme probably reflects phreatomagmatic reported by Mitchell et al. (1998) indicate that
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

micron-sized gold is encapsulated in bornite, and The peripheral base-metal-bearing, quartz vein
characterized by 90 to 95 wt. % Au, 3 to 5 wt. % systems at Bambu and Teluk Puna (Figure 2) are
Ag, <0.4 wt. % Fe and as much as 6 wt. % Cu. The inferred to be the distal signature of the Batu
petrographic work and laser-ablation ICP-MS Hijau porphyry deposit but the ages of these vein
studies of Arif and Baker (2004) show that in gold systems are not well constrained. Selective
in bornite-rich ore mostly occurs as sub-micron sampling of these vein systems yields up to 5
sized particles within the copper-sulfide minerals ppm gold and 100 ppm silver. The Bambu vein
and as grains of native gold. In chalcopyrite-rich system consists of two major northeasterly-
ore, gold typically occurs as native gold with trending zones of quartz veins, each about 1 to 7
lesser amounts of gold within the copper-sufide m wide, which are spaced about 300 m apart and
mineral structure. Arif and Baker (2004) also extend from 1 to 2 km (Figure 7). The quartz
document that the chalcopyrite-rich ore contains veins are typically 10 to 50 cm, and locally up to
a larger proportion of free gold (i.e., grains of 1.2 m, wide. The veins contain medium- to
native gold that are not attached to sulfide coarse-grained prismatic quartz and local
minerals) than does bornite-rich ore. amethyst that indicate cockade, banded and
sheeted textures. Breccia fragments of chloritized
Late pyritic+quartz veinlets and veins occur wall-rock are angular and locally derived. The
throughout the district, but increase near the sulfide mineral assemblage contains chalcopyrite
porphyry centers, particularly at Batu Hijau (trace to 4 vol. %), clove green to brown
(Figure 7). These pyritic veinlets post-date the sphalerite (<0.5 vol. %), minor galena and trace
emplacement of “A” and “B” quartz veins, and pyrite. The abundance of chalcopyrite increases
are classified as “D” veins or veinlets and are towards the northeast, closer to Batu Hijau.
typically associated with feldspar-destructive
alteration and a relatively high abundance of The Teluk Puna vein system consists of a series of
disseminated pyrite in affected wall-rock. Pyrite quartz veins that extend ~ 5 km from within 2 km
abundance typically increases to 2 to 4 vol. % of the south coast towards Batu Hijau (Figure 2).
near the porphyry centers and within the Santong The vein array consists of at least three en-
diatreme. echelon north-northwesterly trending vein zones,
spaced ~ 800 m apart. Northerly- and north-
Pyrite-bearing, light gray to white, comb to northeasterly-trending vein splays occur in the
massive quartz veins are typically associated with northern and southern portions of the area,
pyritic, feldspar-destructive alteration of adjacent respectively. Individual veins are commonly 15 to
wall-rock and coeval with the deposition of pyritic 50 cm, and range up to 1.5 m, wide, within zones
“D” veinlets. The quartz veins form several of veins that reach up to 10 m in width. The veins
northwesterly corridors, 500 to 1200 m wide, contain medium- to coarse-grained, prismatic
which flank the Batu Hijau deposit. The largest of comb quartz, and local chalcedony, that is
these zones extends for more than 8 km from the sheeted, banded and shows centerlines marked
Tongoloka Valley through the southwestern by the termination of quartz crystals. Breccia
margin of Batu Hijau, with the greatest fragments of both feldspar-stable and argillic-
abundance of quartz veins in this zone exceeding altered wall-rock occur locally. The sulfide
1 vol. %. In contrast to the “A” and “B” quartz mineral assemblage includes pyrite (~ 1 to 2 vol.
veins, which are typically localized along the %), sphalerite, chalcopyrite and minor galena.
margins of quartz diorite and tonalitic intrusions, The abundance of the base-metal sulfide
comb quartz veins are more abundant adjacent minerals increases from trace amounts in the
to fault zones, and are inferred to be largely southern part of Teluk Puna to a combined total
structurally controlled. The quartz veins contain of ~ 0.5 to 5 vol. % in the northern part of the
<1 vol. % pyrite and trace to minor amounts of area, closer to Batu Hijau.
sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and rarely
tennantite (combined base metal-sulfide total
<0.5 vol. %).
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 7. Sulfide- and oxide-mineral distribution in the Batu Hijau district, showing elevated amounts of magnetite
and chalcopyrite in major porphyry centers and flanking pyritic, haloes and f ault-controlled zones. Lower-
hemisphere equal-area (Schmidt net) projections of the poles to pyritic “D” veinlets are indicated for the Batu
Hijau and BambuSantong areas. The frequency of pole data is contoured using the method of Kamb (1959) and
the contour levels are expressed in multiples of the standard deviation (S) of the distribution of the data
surrounding the mean, or expected value (E; Kamb, 1959; Moore and McCabe, 1989). The pyrite veinlet strike-
and dip-symbols are individual measurements of veinlets in a given area.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 8. Distribution of copper, molybdenum and zinc in outcrop and soil samples from the Batu Hijau district,
showing metal zoning around porphyry centers at SekongkangWest Nangka, Arung Ara, Naga Emas, Batu Hijau
and Katala. Elevated copper and zinc values are present in the quartz veins at Bambu.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 9. Distribution of gold and arsenic in outcrop and soil samples from the Batu Hijau district, showing
elevated gold values in porphyry centers and linear gold and arsenic anomalies along fault-controlled zones of
peripheral quartz veins. The silver-gold ratios (Ag/Au) illustrated represent average values determined from
selective outcrop samples that contain >0.05 ppm Au.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

GEOCHEMISTRY – METAL ZONING PATTERNS copper-sulfide-bearing, early “A” and “B” veins by
the sulfidation of these assemblages to form
District-scale metal distribution patterns, as pyrite+chalcopyrite in zones affected by strong
indicated by the analyses of 5708 C-horizon soil sericitic/paragonitic and advanced argillic
samples and 107 bedrock trenches sampled by alteration. The copper- and gold-bearing nature
Newmont geologists between 1990 and 1997, of some of the pyritic “D” veins and late quartz
show a concentric zoning of metals about the veins peripheral to Batu Hijau, suggests that
four major porphyry centers, characterized by copper and gold are remobilized from proximal to
central Fe, Cu and Au, proximal Mo, and distal Pb, peripheral settings with respect to the porphyry
Zn, Au, Ag and As anomalies (Figures 8 and 9). centers during late-stage sulfidation of these
This pattern is largely a function of decreasing hydrothermal systems. The high abundance of
solubility of Fe, Cu, Pb and Zn with decreasing pyrite in the feldspar-destructive alteration zones
temperature and increasing distance from the that form the East Ridge at Batu Hijau (Figure 7)
causative intrusions for each of the porphyry has localized subsequent oxidation and leaching
centers (Hemley and Hunt, 1992). Linear belts of of metals, particularly copper, where the pre-
elevated Au and As in soil and outcrop mine leached cap extended to a maximum depth
correspond to the distribution of “D” veinlets, of about 145 m. Remobilization of copper by
late comb quartz veins and faults. Ore samples oxidation processes has led to limited secondary
from the Batu Hijau deposit average ~1 ppm Ag enrichment, as indicated by the dispersion of
and the Ag/Au ratio is ~2 (Figure 9; Newmont copper along streams and deposition of
unpublished data). The Ag/Au ratios in quartz secondary copper minerals at the redox
veins near Batu Hijau vary from >50 in peripheral boundary.
base-metal sulfide veins to ~5 closer to the

Similar metal zoning patterns are recorded at Airborne magnetic and radiometric data were
Kalamazoo (Chaffee, 1982), El Tiro-Silver Bell acquired over the district as part of a regional
(Graybeal, 1982) and other porphyry deposits in Newmont survey flown in 1993. In addition,
the southwestern USA (Titley, 1993). However, in ground magnetic and gradient array induced
these deposits, elevated molybdenum polarization (IP) and resistivity surveys were
concentrations typically occur in the core, rather completed over most of the area covered by the
than the flank, of the ore body, as is the case at soil sample grid. The gradient array IP work was
Batu Hijau. Metal zoning in the polymetallic followed up by dipole-dipole IP surveys over the
replacement bodies of the Tintic district, Utah, Batu Hijau deposit in 1995 to 1996. The general
USA shows a spatial progression from central Cu- methods used to process airborne- and ground-
Au through proximal Pb-Ag to distal Zn-Mn with geophysical data are documented by
respect to a causal monzonite stock (Morris, Ferneyhough and Qarana (1996).
1986). In the Morococha district of central Peru,
base-metal veins and replacement bodies A broad east-elongate belt of elevated magnetic
overprint the Toromocho porphyry Cu-Mo response, about 15 km by 1 to 5 km, coincides
deposit to produce a district-scale metal zoning with the distribution of felsic and andesitic
characterized by central Fe-Cu-(Mo), proximal Zn- intrusions (Figure 10). This low frequency
Pb, and distal Ag-Mn (Catchpole et al., 2012). magnetic anomaly is inferred to represent a
composite plutonic complex, or batholith, at
Metals deposited by early hydrothermal depth (Ferneyhough and Qarana, 1996). Batu
processes, such as copper and gold, have been Hijau occurs in a ~ 2.5 km diameter, nearly
destroyed or remobilized by subsequent circular part of this broad magnetic zone, inferred
hydrothermal events at Batu Hijau. Evidence to reflect the approximate location of the magma
includes the reduction in the copper and gold chamber that generated the tonalite porphyry
contents of biotite-magnetite altered zones of intrusive complex. The center of the deposit is
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

characterized by a discrete magnetic high, which facilitates the exsolution of metal-bearing

is consistent with a magnetic susceptibility of ~ volatiles early in the crystallization sequence of
15,000 x 10-5 SI units (unpublished Newmont the melt. Table 1 is a comparative summary of
data; R. Stuart, oral communication, 2000), or ~ 4 the major characteristics of the porphyry centers,
vol. % magnetite, using the conversion factor of which indicates the key attributes of the metal-
Ferneyhough and Qarana (1996). The Santong rich Batu Hijau deposit versus those of the metal-
diatreme is characterized by a magnetic low. This poor peripheral systems.
is consistent with the >250 m deep zone of
magnetite-destructive carbonate-clay+sericite- The margins of easterly elongate, equigranular
chlorite alteration in this part of the diatreme. quartz diorite plutons served as a focus for brittle
deformation, dike emplacement and quartz vein
Airborne radiometric data indicate a pronounced development from the Neogene to Holocene
potassium anomaly (>0.8% K) over the biotite- (Figure 3). The reactivation of pre-existing faults
magnetite zone at Batu Hijau and the general and zones of crustal weakness is inferred to have
outline of feldspar-destructive alteration, which influenced the emplacement of felsic intrusions.
contains variable amounts of K-bearing illite The intersection of fault and fracture zones with
and/or sericite (Figure 11). The highest the margins of quartz diorite plutons controls, in
concentrations of potassium determined for the part, the distribution of porphyry centers. The
district coincide with illite-sericite-bearing, late- localization of Batu Hijau along a north-trending
stage alteration in the Santong diatreme (<1.2% section of a predominantly east-elongate, pre-
K). mineralization pluton, reflects the interaction of
regional, far-field stresses with the margin of the
The gradient array induced-polarization data pluton and the local development of a zone of
typically indicate zones of moderate chargeability low mean stress (Garwin, 2000 and 2002). This
(>50 msec) over areas with disseminated pyrite localization of stress created a favorable site for
abundance >1 vol. % (Figure 11). The the high-level emplacement of the causative
chargeability low over the Santong diatreme is tonalite porphyry intrusions, as indicated by the
not well understood, but could be, in part, 2.5 km (+ 0.5 km) depth of emplacement
related to near-surface oxidation of pyrite. The estimate for the Young Tonalite at Batu Hijau,
positive correlation between chargeability and based on cooling profiles calculated from apatite
mapped sulfide mineral abundance is well (U-Th) / He, 40Ar/39Ar and 206Pb/238U
expressed at Batu Hijau, where zones of high geochronology data and amphibole-plagioclase
chargeability (>60 msec) correlate with annular thermobarometry results (Holland and Blundy,
regions of 2 to 8 vol. % pyrite in feldspar- 1994; Anderson and Smith, 1995; Garwin, 2000
destructive alteration and central stockworks of 1 and 2002; McInnes et al., 2004 and 2005).
to 3 vol. % copper-sulfide minerals in “A” and “B”
veins. Similar relationships between chargeability Volatile exsolution occurred relatively early in the
and porphyry centers are documented in the crystallization sequence of the low-K, calc-
Philippines and British Columbia, Canada (Pelton alkaline Batu Hijau tonalite porphyry intrusions,
and Smith, 1976). which contributed to increased oxidation of these
magmas (Burnham, 1967; Sillitoe and Thompson,
CONTROLS ON MINERALIZATION 1998). This facilitated the deposition of gold-
bearing, digenite-bornite in early “A” veinlets
The most important factors that control the from fluids that probably contained > 1000 ppm
location and extent of porphyry copper-gold Cu (Hemley and Hunt, 1992; Simon et al., 2000;
mineralization in the Batu Hijau district include: Kesler et al., 2002). The rapid emplacement at
1) the favorable structural setting provided by high crustal-levels of at least three phases of
margins of early- and pre-mineralization tonalite porphyry intrusion enhanced the
composite plutons, and 2) causative intrusion cumulative tenor of the deposit, as each intrusion
emplacement at high crustal-levels, which is associated with a pulse of metal deposition. In
26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 10. Summary of airborne magnetic data and relationship to the distribution of intrusions and porphyry
systems in the Batu Hijau district. The outline of the intermediate-felsic intrusive complex coincides with a
broad magnetic high and the Santong diatreme lies in the southern part of a magnetic low. Roof pendants of
andesitic volcaniclastic rock (vlb) coincide with local magnetic lows in the western part of the district.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 11. Summary of gradient array IP chargeability and airborne radiometric potassium results and
relationship to distribution of porphyry systems in the Batu Hijau district. Note the close spatial relationship
between the 0.8% K outline and biotite-magnetite- and feldspar-destructive-alteration zones near Batu Hijau,
shown in Figures 5 and 6, and the positive correlation between zones of elevated chargeability with the pyritic
halo at Batu Hijau and, to a lesser extent, Arung Ara, shown in Figure 7.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Table 1. Comparative summary of the Batu Hijau deposit and peripheral porphyry systems1
Characteristics Batu Hijau Deposit Peripheral Porphyry Systems
Geologic Setting Margin to N-trending apophysis Margin to E-elongate pre-mineral
of pre-mineral composite pluton composite pluton

Structural Setting NW-trending fault corridor, NE- to E-trending fault and fracture zones
proximal to NE-trending fault zone

Fractures N-trending zone, localized by pre- E-trending zones, localized

and syn-mineral intrusions by pre- to syn-mineral intrusions

Veins >5 vol. % “A” and “B” veins, centered 0.5-5 vol. % “A” and “B” veins as
around deposit; abundant “D” and comb isolated zones; minor “D” veins and
quartz veins along flanks of deposit comb quartz veins near center of prospects

Causative Intrusions
Age of Emplacement Mid-Pliocene (3.7 Ma) Late Miocene to Early Pliocene
(~5.9 to 4.4 Ma)
Depth of Emplacement ~2.5 km beneath paleosurface 3 to 4 km beneath paleosurface
Composition Tonalite (>68% SiO2, 5% Na2O) Quartz diorite-granodiorite
(up to 71% SiO2, 2.5% K2O)
Tonalite (66% SiO2, 4%Na2O, Arung Ara)

Texture Porphyritic, 40-60% phenocrysts Equigranular to subporphyritic,

in aplitic groundmass (0.05-0.3mm) 60-95% crystals, groundmass <0.5 mm
Porphyritic, 30-40% phenocrysts (Arung Ara)

Phenocrysts Plagioclase, hornblende, quartz, biotite Plagioclase, hornblende + biotite

(quartz at Arung Ara)

Groundmass Quartz, plagioclase, biotite Quartz, plagioclase,K-feldspar

(quartz, plagioclase+biotite, Arung Ara)

Relative timing of Early – during crystallization of biotite Late – after crystallization of biotite
Vapor saturation

Hydrothermal Alteration

Early-stage Concentric and circular distribution Concentric and elongate distribution

Biotite-magnetite zone Strong intensity and large extent Low-moderate intensity and extent

Late-stage Widespread along NW-trending zones Localized by E-elongate belts

that coalesce at margins of deposit that cut across axes of prospects

Advanced argillic zone Widespread; contains abundant andalusite Minor and localized; rare andalusite


Copper-sulfides Early chalcocite, digenite, bornite; Transitional to late chalcopyrite

transitional to late chalcopyrite

Metal grades >0.5% Cu and 0.4 g/t Au Typically <0.1% Cu and 0.1 g/t Au
Notes: the descriptions for the peripheral porphyry systems are biased towards the SekongkangWest Nangka and Katala
prospects, but also include descriptions of Arung
Ara, where indicated. The table excludes porphyry-style mineralization at
Naga Emas, which was discovered
in 2000; Emplacement ages from U-Pb SHRIMP zircon results reported by Fletcher et al.
(2000) and Garwin (2000); Emplacement 40 39
depths determined from amphibole-plagioclase thermobarometry, stratigraphic
and (U-Th)/He apatite, Ar/ Ar and U/Pb geochronometry (Garwin, 2000; McInnes et al.et al., 2004 and 2005);
from Garwin (2000).

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

contrast, phase separation occurred late in the The causal stocks that form the lower parts of the
crystallization sequence of the low- to medium-K, deposit pass upward through a dike swarm to a
calc-alkaline tonalite and granodiorite dikes pre- and post-mineralization diatreme-dome
associated with equigranular quartz diorite complex at surface. This transition is expressed
plutons at SekongkangWest Nangka and Katala. by a general progression from early, bornite-
Hence, most of the copper in these centers was bearing “A” and “B” vein-related, biotite-
probably incorporated in magmatic minerals, magnetite alteration at depth to late,
which left relatively minor copper to precipitate pyrite+chalcopyrite-dominant, feldspar-
as chalcopyrite late in the evolution of these destructive alteration at higher levels. Similar
hydrothermal systems. spatial relationships between igneous bodies,
hydrothermal alteration and mineralization occur
Variable potassium-sodium-metasomatism in porphyry deposits elsewhere in the world (e.g.,
(bioitite-magnetite+oligoclase alteration) Bajo de la Alumbrera, Argentina; El Salvador,
characterizes the cores of each of the porphyry Chile; Bingham Canyon, USA and others; Seedorff
systems in the district. Calcium+magnesium were et al., 2005). The geophysical response and metal
driven outwards to form actinolite and epidote zoning patterns that characterize the three levels
veins in surrounding propylitic alteration zones. reflect these changes in hydrothermal alteration
The late feldspar-destructive alteration zones styles and sulfide-oxide mineral assemblages. The
exhibit a change in style as the porphyry systems integration of these parameters facilitates the
are approached, characterized by distal assessment of the prospectivity for porphyry
intermediate argillic and illitic, proximal copper-gold deposits in a given area and provides
sericitic/paragonitic and central advanced argillic potential vectors to ore.
assemblages. This progression in alteration style
is consistent with higher temperatures and more The most important vectors to porphyry copper-
acidic fluid conditions near the centers. This type gold ore in the Batu Hijau district are summarized
of zoning is best expressed at Batu Hijau, where below:
andalusite forms part of the advanced argillic Rock Type: 1) causative intrusions are localized
alteration assemblage and indicates formation along the margins of pre-mineralization
temperatures in excess of ~360oC (at 0.5 kbar and composite plutons hosted in andesitic basement
PH2O=Ptotal; based on Bowers et al., 1984). rocks, 2) productive porphyry centers are
characterized by multiple, nearly coeval
EXPLORATION MODEL AND STRATEGY intrusions, which did not vent at surface, and 3)
syn- to late-mineralization dike abundance
The relationships between intrusion distribution, increases near the porphyry centers.
hydrothermal alteration and mineralization, Structural Controls: 1) fault zone intersections
metal zoning patterns and geophysical response with the margins of pre-mineralization composite
of the Batu Hijau area are summarized in Figure plutons are potential zones for porphyry
12. The inferred settings of the Batu Hijau deposit mineralization, 2) early quartz vein and fracture
and Santong diatreme, and the geologic, abundance increase near porphyry centers, and
geochemical and geophysical expressions of the 3) fault-controlled zones of late, comb quartz
porphyry deposit are illustrated at three levels, veins flank the major porphyry systems.
which correspond to the mid-Pliocene Hydrothermal Alteration: 1) the outer limit of
paleosurface, and paleodepths of 1 km and 2.5 epidote veinlets provides a more distal
km. The aim of this approach is to illustrate the expression of the porphyry system than do the
effects that erosional level has on the near- biotite-magnetite and actinolite zones, and 2) the
surface expression of a major porphyry copper- distribution and mineral assemblages of late,
gold deposit and to facilitate exploration for this feldspar-destructive alteration indicate hotter
style of mineralization in different geologic and more acidic fluid conditions near the
settings. porphyry centers.

26-27 November 2012, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Figure 12. Schematic vertical section of intrusive relationships and zonal patterns as a function of depth in the
Batu Hijau deposit area, reconstructed to a mid-Pliocene paleosurface (format of diagram modified from
Einaudi, 1982). Left) Generalized setting showing the progression of intrusions and diatreme emplacement
(early to late, 1 to 5). Early biotite-magnetite alteration is associated with emplacement of the tonalite
porphyry complex (3 and 4) at Batu Hijau and an inferred tonalitic intrusion (3?) beneath the Naga Emas
prospect adjacent to the southwestern margin of the Santong diatreme. The syn-mineral tonalite porphyry
intrusions (3 and 4) do not vent, in contrast to pre-mineral dacite (1), and post-mineral andesitic diatreme (5a)
and dike complex (5b), which are inferred to extend to the paleosurface. Note the schematic relationship of
early biotite-magnetite alteration and late advanced argillic- and intermediate argillic-alteration styles to the
sulfide mineral zones in the deposit. The heavy dashed line represents the upper biotite-magnetite zone,
which is overprinted by late alteration types. Right) Synoptic plots illustrating the inferred geologic-,
hydrothermal alteration-, mineralization- and metal zoning-patterns and geophysical responses for the Batu
Hijau deposit at three crustal-levels: the mid-Pliocene paleosurface, and paleodepths of 1 km and 2.5 km. All
horizontal distances are measured from the center of the deposit (Young Tonalite) and referenced to the
horizontal scales shown in the schematic section. The host rocks for each level are indicated below each plot.

Mineralization: 1) magnetite veinlets and Bolm, J.G., eds., Porphyry Copper Deposits of
fracture-controlled chalcopyrite extend well the American Cordillera: Arizona Geological
beyond the copper-sulfide-bearing “A” and “B” Society Digest, v. 20, p. 316-335.
veins that occur in the core of the porphyry Beane, R.E., and Titley, S.R., 1981, Porphyry
systems, and 2) the abundance of pyritic “D” copper deposits, Part II. Hydrothermal
veins increases near the porphyry centers. alteration and mineralization: ECONOMIC
Metal Zoning: 1) elevated concentrations of GEOLOGY 75TH ANNIVERSARY VOLUME, p. 235-
gold, Ag + base-metals + As characterize 269.
peripheral and satellite quartz vein systems that Bowers, T.S., Jackson, K.J., and Helgeson, H.C.,
occur as far as 9 km from the nearest porphyry 1984, Equilibrium activity diagrams for
center, and 2) zinc forms peripheral haloes and coexisting minerals and aqueous solutions at
molybdenum values are elevated adjacent to pressures and temperatures to 5 kb and
the Fe-Cu-Au cores of the porphyry systems. 600oC: Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany,
Geophysical Signature: Airborne magnetic Springer-Verlag, 397 p.
highs and zones of elevated chargeability, which Burnham, C.W., 1967, Hydrothermal fluid at the
are located within a corridor of high potassium, magmatic stage, in Barnes, H.L., ed.,
defined by airborne radiometric results, Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore
characterize mineralized porphyry systems. Deposits: New York, United States, Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, p. 34-76.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Catchpole, H., Kouzmanov, K., Bendezu, A.,
Fontbote, L., Putlitz, B., and Hun Seo, J.,
The majority of the results reported in this 2012, Zoned base metal mineralization in a
paper are based on data collected during a porphyry system: origin and evolution of
Ph.D. study completed at the University of ore-forming fluids in the Morococha district,
Western Australia in Perth. PT Newmont Nusa Peru, in Hedenquist, J.W. Fontbote, L., and
Tenggara, a subsidiary of Newmont Mining Brandt, C., (eds.), SEG 2012 conference,
Corporation, provided support for the study. Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits,
The research and the writing of this paper Society of Economic Geologists, Lima, Peru,
benefited through technical interaction with the September 23-26, 2012, Abstracts.
Batu Hijau project staff. Chaffee, M.A., 1982, A geochemical study of the
Kalamazoo porphyry copper deposit; Pinal
REFERENCES County, Arizona, in Titley, S.R., ed., Advances
in geology of porphyry copper deposits;
Anderson, J.L., and Smith, D.R., 1995, The southwestern North America: Tucson, AZ,
effects of temperature and fO2 on the Al-in- United States, University Arizona Press, p.
hornblende barometer: American 211-225.
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