This study is proposing the N-S oriented Paleogene The Medial Sumatra Zone (MSZ) model suggested
faults were influenced by pre-existing weak zones by Hutchison (2014) is a major strike-slip in the
in the basement before rifting because of a series of Cenozoic that is parallel to Main Sumatran Fault
strike-slip faults that had existed since Cretaceous (Figure 4). As a consequence, Alas and Kluet
(e.g Khlong Marui and Ranong Faults), as stated by Formations were brought into juxtaposition with
Watkinson et al (2008). In their detailed study, Bohorok Formation. MSZ strike-slip was a suture
Watkinson et al (2008) mentioned four deformation zone of two plates, which are Sibumasu
stages: D1, D2, D3, and D4. Watkinson et al (2008) (Gondwana) and West Sumatra prior to the mid-
explained that D1 is a low grade ductile shear zone Triassic. Structural lineament interpretation from
completed before 87 Ma, D2 is a medium to high satellite and geological maps show a clear shearing
grade ductile dextral strike-slip shear after 72 Ma zone in Alas and Bohorok Formations (Figure 5).
and before 56 Ma, D3 is a brittle sinistral and MSZ strike-slip grows as a border of West Sumatra
sinistral reverse oblique strike-slip shear after 52 block and Sibumasu..An Early Triassic model by
Ma, and D4 is a brittle dextral strike-slip shear at Barber et al. (2005) illustrates a large translation
about 23 Ma. The onset of D3 deformation was block that displaced westward of West Sumatra
marked by pre-kinematic granite. This occured in from far eastern Cathaysia block (now East
the Early Eocene and was coincident with Kalimantan) into present day position. This
development of numerous basins in the east of the translation was driven by Meso-Tethys sea floor
Peninsula (Gulf of Thailand) and west of Andaman spreading and was accommodated by the Medial
Sea. Watkinson et al. (2008) also added that the Sumatra Fault.
Ranong and Khlong Marui faults are kinematically
compatible with the Late Eocene-Oligocene onset METHODS
of syn-kinematic sedimentation in N-S trending
This study addresses new perspectives in mature
North Sumatra Basin. The data that used to compile
this paper originate from a systematic review of
Major strike-slip faults along Sumatra were a suture publications, geological maps, published subsurface
zone and terrane boundary in the pre-Cenozoic, data, gravity map, and ALOS PALSAR structural
(Hutchison, 2014). During the Eocene the rollback lineament study.
of the Indian Plate subduction, rifting trend in
present day “back-arc basins” followed the N-S STRUCTURAL LINEAMENT
weak zone. Consequently, it is seen in the North
Sumatra Basin as N-S trending grabens. A This study divided structural lineament analysis into
speculative analysis of the north-south trending three parts: structural analysis based on onshore
grabens in North Sumatra Basin has been made data, offshore and subsurface data, and satellite
through the above explanations and need further images of ALOS PALSAR. All structural
study. Still, it is certain that the Pre-Tertiary lineaments can be seen in Figure 5.
Onshore structural lineaments are compiled from has NW-SE trend dominancy with minor N-S and
the North Sumatra geological map provided by NE-SW trends. Area-3 (yellow) is mostly composed
Indonesian Geological Survey and later digitized for by NNW-SSE trend and lack of NE-SW trend. Area
its structural geology (Bennet et.al., 1981a; Bennet 4 (violet) has a distinct dominant NE-SW trend with
et.al., 1981b; Keats et.al., 1981; Cameron et.al., minor NW-SE trend.
1981a; Cameron et.al., 1981b; Cameron et.al.,
1982a; Cameron et.al., 1982b; Cameron et.al., Area 1 to Area 3 agree with structural delineation
1983). made by Bachtiar et.al. (2014). Area-1 corresponds
to Sigli High, Area-2 relates to the “Deep Restricted
From the geological map, overall normal faults at Basin” (lowest gravity data), and Area-3 features
the northern part of the basin are observed to show the “Shallow Carbonate Shelf” of the Tampur
two trends of lineament: NW-SE in the onshore and Formation. Area 1 to Area 3 represent Eocene
N-S in the offshore. The southern part of the basin paleo-highs and lows. Morley and Alvey (2015)
has NNW-SSE trend in the onshore and N-S trend came up with a basement model that measures its
in the subsurface (Figure 6 and 7). thickness by gravity inversion. This shows the
northern part of NSB has extreme continental crust
NW-SE and N-S trend at the southern part of the thinning, approximately 20 km thick. Therefore, the
basin is interpreted as normal faults that were northern part “Deep Restricted Basin” was greatly
created by a strike slip system, and proven to have subsided and filled by very thick sediment.
wrench components as stated also by Situmorang
and Yulihanto (1985) interpretation. NW-SSE N-S trend in Area-2 cannot be seen clearly in Area
trend, or almost N-S trend of normal faults in the 1 and Area 3. It signifies the Eocene structure had
northern part is described as a resemble of normal experienced structural overprinting and rotation due
faults that were created due to Oligocene basin to the Sumatran Strike-slip Fault. The N-S trend is
formation. However, the northern part of the basin only well preserved in low areas, as in Area-2. In
was formed due to crustal thinning, probably by Area- 4, the NE-SW trend favors the alignment
subduction slab and/or by density difference of the developed by antithetic faults that were created by
crust. Northern part of NSB consitutes a deep the occurence of the Sumatra Strike-slip Fault.
graben with wide geometry, while in the south
composes a narrow and shallower graben geometry. UNDEREXPLORED PLAY IN NORTH
It implies that the northern part of the basin has SUMATRA BASIN
recorded more rapid subsidence history than in the
southern part. Summary of petroleum system in the North Sumatra
Basin can be seen in Figure 10.
Fold structures in the southern part comprises NW-
SE trend, while the northern part is dominated by E- There are some new underexplored play proposed
W trend (Figure 8). It is clear that the foldings were by this paper, such as:
cutting an older trend as Mid Miocene and Plio-
Pleistocene inversion products. Diapiric anticlines 1. Transgressive sandstone of Bampo and
of Baong Formation were formed due to strike-slip Belumai Formation.
faults. They inhabit the southern part of NSB
(Bahesti et al., 2013). Yet, the diapiric anticline is During the Oligocene, amongst the back arc basins
difficult to trace in the north. It implies the in Sumatra, it is only in the North Sumatra Basin
insignificant role of strike-slip fault in northern part that the marine incursion was strongest. The syn-rift
of the basin. sediment was filled by thick marine sediment of
Bampo Formation. Some marine sandstone with a
Analysis of structural lineament using ALOS good reservoir quality, marked by transgressive
PALSAR Image of Northern Sumatra is provided onlap surface with a sharp boundary of a coastal to
by JAXA. Structural alignments were picked on the neritic bathyal was recorded in P21 SB (Tsukada et
satellite image, delineated, and divided into several al, 1996).
regions based on interpretation of structural trends
and rosette diagrams. As seen in Figure 9, structural The Early Miocene Carbonate of Peutu was
lineament of northern Sumatra can be grouped into extensively explored after the large discovery of
four structural regions. Peutu/Arun Formation. However the Belumai
sandstone is still largely underexplored. This
Area-1 (purple) has a dominant NW-SE trend, yet Belumai Formation was deposited between the
less N-S and NE-SW trends. Area-2 (green) also carbonate buildup and the lithology is mainly
calcareous sandstone with some organic matter. The Formations, as reffered to by Hutchison (2014). The
deposition was heavily controlled by the Southern part of NSB is dominatesd by wrench fault
paleotopography of the carbonate build up as it can and diapiric anticlines, a narrow and shallow basin,
be sourced as carbonate material in the Belumai and high heatflow. On the other hand the northern
Formation. part NSB consists by deep and wide half grabens
that experience long subsidence and low heatflow.
2. Middle Baong and Keutapang Sandstone The difference in heatflow gradient affects North
pinching to mud diapir Sumatra Basin petroleum system. Northern NSB
source rock with optimum hydrocarbon generation
The study of shale diapir by Bahesti et al. (2013) is the Bampo Formation, while southern part mostly
reveals the importance of shale diapir in the North produces hydrocarbons from Baong Formation and
Sumatra Basin. The Lower Baong shale diapir is Belumai Formation. Bampo Formation is likely
largely intruded to the surface and possibly overmature in southern NSB. The summary can be
becomes a trap for Middle Baong Sandstone and seen in Figure 11.
Keutapang Formation. However, the risk of
overpressure and high temperature formation should Guided by the regional tectonic setting, it is quite
be noted in this play. bizarre that there was no paleogene sediment
sourced from proto-Sumatra land mass as discussed
3. Tampur Carbonate in Figure 12. The evidence of volcaniclastics of
Meucampli Formation, and its position as
The Tampur carbonate (Eocene?) is proven to be a Sundaland continental margin in Eocene, as
hydrocarbon potential from Glagah-1 and Salem-1 indicated by Tampur Formation as the shallow
(Bahesti, 2017). The Tampur carbonate mainly had marine deposit, strengthen the evidence of
been dolomitized with significant fracture and paleogene sediment from proto-Sumatra. It is
vuggy macroporosity (Barliana et al., 2000). important to know the distribution of the paleogene
Bahesti (2017) also mentioned that the lagoonal sediment due to their role as source rocks in North
facies of Tampur Fm. has a rich and mature organic Sumatra Basin.
shale. However, there is significant problem with
CO2 and H2S in this reservoir (Ryacudu and We propose tectonic evolution of North Sumatra
Sjahbuddin, 1994). It should be noted that the began with The suture zone of West Sumatra block
reservoir property in this complex carbonate should and Sibumasu block indicated by mylonitization
be heterogeneous. The best reservoir is expected and shear zone between Alas Formation and
from the top of carbonate build up which had Bohorok Formation at Jura-Triassic. At Oligocene,
experienced exposure and karstification. The rifting started to occur and started to deposit fluvial
presence of dolomite can enhance the porosity value to lacustrine of Parapat Formation and marine
except if the over-dolomitization has occured. Bampo Formation. At Middle Miocene, Andaman
Basin was opening, resulting in incipient of
4. Pre-Tertiary Play inversion, large displacement by Sumatran Fault,
and deposition of Middle Baong sandstone (basin
The potential of pre-Tertiary play has been floor fan) which was marked by a regressive
discussed by several authors, such as Bachtiar et al. sequence. More recently, at Plio-Pleistocene,
(2014) and Bahesti (2017). However there is still regional uplift occured, depositing deltaic to marine
uncertainty about how the porosity-permeability Keutapang Formation (Figure 13).
value as the reservoir and the maturity of the source
rock since the rock was slightly metamorphosed. CONCLUSION
Mostly the expected reservoir is from karstified and
fracture, however the timing of fracture and karst This study has succesfully demonstrated some new
forming with respect to hydrocarbon migration time perspectives of geology in the North Sumatra Basin.
should be studied further. Compilation of widely published data and study of
lineaments bring more understanding of its tectonic,
DISCUSSIONS stratigraphy, and its petroleum system. There is still
significant remaining underexplored potential of
This study suggests the northern part and southern hydrocarbon sourced from Tertiary and Pre-Tertiary
part of North Sumatra Basin are different. It is section. Some recent publications concluded that
separated by a suture zone that is indicated by shear the Paleogene and Pre-Tertiary sediment can play a
zone and mylonitization in the Alas and Bohorok role as source rocks and reservoirs. It is necessary to
conduct more precise dating in the Pre-Tertiary Barber, A.J., Crow, M.J. and Milsom, J.S. (Eds),
sediment for holistic understanding of hydrocarbon (2005): Sumatra: Geology, Resources and Tectonic
habitat and tectonic evolution in North Sumatra Evolution, Geological Society of London Memoirs,
Basin. 31.
Figure 2 - Regional present day basement structure of Sumatra (Pubelier and Morley, 2013). Inset map is a
zoom-in of North Sumatra depth-to-basement map showing structural features and their
orientations (modified after Anderson et al., 1993).
Figure 3 - Stratigraphic column of North Sumatra Basin (After Ryacudu et al. 1992)
Figure 4 - Subdivision of Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra into Gondwana and Cathaysia Carboniferous-
Permian entities (Hutchison, 2014).
Figure 5 - All structural lineaments in northern Sumatra.
Figure 6 - Roset diagram of surface normal faults in northern Sumatra.
Figure 7 - Roset diagram of offshore normal faults in northern Sumatra.
Figure 8 - Roset diagram of folds in northern Sumatra.
Figure 9 - Above is strucural roset of each paleohighs and paleodeep in Northern Sumatra from ALOS
PALSAR data. Below is the schematic cross section of A-B, after Bachtiar et al. (2014). The
original data are provided by JAXA as the ALOS high level product.
Figure 10 - Summary of Petroleum System in the North Sumatra Basin. The cartoon above is showing the distribution of overall important reservoir in the basin.
The discovery by formation and cumulative oil and gas (MMBOE) is from Banukarso et al. (2013). The summary of geochemistry is compiled after
Sjahbuddin & Djaffar (1993) and Buck & McCulloh (1994).
Figure 11 - Difference of northern and southern part of the North Sumatra Basin. Index map is modified
from Anderson et al. (1993).
Figure 12 - The paleogeography after Barber et al. (2005), is showing that the rest of Sumatra land mass
was a stable craton that sloping to the North Sumatra Basin, The North Sumatra Basin was the
continental margin, and Tampur carbonate was deposited in the shelf edge. It is stil quite bizarre
that there was no Paleogene sediment sourced from “Proto-Sumatra” land mass. The red arrow
is the assumption sedimentation in Paleogene based on guided regional tectonic.
Figure 13 - Proposed tectonic evolution of North Sumatra in this study.