General Instruction Manual: Scope
General Instruction Manual: Scope
General Instruction Manual: Scope
Number Approved
SCOPE:: This General Instruction (GI) provides guidelines and procedures for using material gate passes while
transporting company materials/equipment, contractor and personal property items through security gates or posts.
1.0 Definition
2.0 Glossary and forms used
3.0 Types of material gate passes
4.0 Obtaining blank gate passes SA-61D, SA-111S and SA-9456
5.0 Obtaining gate pass SA-61
6.0 Loaning or transfer of blank gate passes
7.0 General requirements for gate passes
8.0 Issuing organization and employee’s responsibilities
9.0 Materials loaded from storehouse for delivery or use in the facility
10.0 Materials loaded from local community for delivery inside storehouse/other facilities and contractor use
11.0 Collection/execution of completed gate passes at the gate or post
12.0 Verification of executed gate passes and other information
13.0 Return of unused or cancelled gate passes
14.0 Authorizations for approving gate passes
15.0 Destruction of executed gate passes
16.0 Clarification of GI procedures
Appendix-I A log-sheet used for allowing materials for temporary use or delivery inside Saudi Aramco facility and
its exit within 14 days time.
Appendix-II A sample of gate pass form SA-61 used for transporting materials/equipment thru security gates or
The material gate pass is a document, which assists in transporting the materials in a vehicle or hand carried
out of Saudi Aramco facilities, including residential areas, with approvals from proponents or sponsors. This
empowers security personnel to inspect materials, verify required information/approval authorizations and
confirm accuracy before the materials exit through security gates or posts. Also, it includes reporting
illegitimate practices to department manager or higher when discovered during the verification process at a
security gate or post.
All material gate passes are controlled documents, which will be issued to employees, company organizations
and subsidiary companies located within Saudi Aramco facilities against specified transactions or approved
requests. The gate passes and their applications are as follows:
The blank gate passes (SA-111S/SA-9456) will be issued to issuing organization thru ISSD or AISOD
material custodian offices against Form SA-9429 signed by department manager or delegated division head. A
camp resident (employee) will obtain gate passes (SA-61D) through Security Shift Superintendent or Area
Supervisor’s office. The following rules will apply:
4.1 Only authorized employees including MTS personnel will collect the gate passes and acknowledge
that they have checked/received blank gate passes before leaving material custodian office and
confirm that there are no missing gate passes or discrepancies in the packages.
4.2 Except members of the corporate/executive management, the department managers and delegated
division heads will provide ISSD or AISOD Manager with completed signature authority form SA-
9318 before blank gate passes (SA-111S/SA-9456) are requested. Form SA-9318 will contain business
signatures used on the community facility ID cards. In the case of changes in organization code,
transfer, In-Kingdom or Out-of-Kingdom training assignment exceeding 6 months, or when
authorization has expired, a new form SA-9318 will be processed and sent to ISSD or AISOD
4.3 While requesting blank gate passes (SA-61D), an employee or dependent wife (camp resident) will
sign a log sheet, which includes pre-printed gate pass number, employee name, badge number, house
number where employee is staying, work/house telephone numbers and employee’s signature as
recipient of the gate passes.
Function Requirements
Assign issuer – an 1. The system will allow department manager and division heads (approvers) to assign
individual who will be the department/division employee(s) including MTS personnel Issuer privileges to
generating gate passes generate approved gate passes.
2. An email notification will be sent to the Issuer notifying that he/she has been added
into the system as an Issuer.
Remove issuer 1. The system will allow department manager (or approvers) to remove gate pass
2. An email notification will be sent to the removed Issuer notifying he/she has been
removed from the system as an Issuer.
Assign approver – an 1. The system will allow department manager & above to assign only Saudi Aramco
individual who will be employees Approver privileges with selection of more than one operating area(s) to
approving gate passes approve gate passes on department or division level on behalf of manager.
2. An e-mail notification will be sent to the Approver notifying that he/she has been
added into the system as an Approver.
3. The approval authorization will not include MTS personnel, consultants, visitors,
SEC employees, contractor employees or customers and subsidiary company
employees located outside Saudi Aramco premises.
Remove approver 1. The system will allow department manager to remove gate pass APPROVER(s).
2. An email notification will be sent to the removed APPROVER notifying that he/she
has been removed from the system as an Approver.
Generate gate pass 1. Individual will ensure that he/she (user) is an authorized Issuer or Approver. If the
user is an authorized Issuer or Approver, then the system will allow him/her to
generate an approved gate pass for the department.
Update gate pass 1. The system will allow an Issuer or Approver to update information in a gate pass
that he/she had generated earlier but not yet Approved.
Approve or disapprove 1. The system will allow department manager & above or an Approver to approve or
gate pass disapprove a gate pass generated for the organization after he/she has received an e-
mail notification from the Issuer. Except Manager who has full authority for the
department, an Approver (if approved by Manager) may also approve the gate
passes on department level but he will not be Gate Pass Issuer for other organization
2. Upon approval of the gate pass, an email notification will be sent to the Issuer
informing the approved status. The Issuer can the print the gate passes for execution
at the gate or post.
Cancel gate pass 1. The system will allow an Approver to cancel a gate pass generated for his/her
organization before its execution at the gate or post.
List executed gate passes 1. The system will be used by a Verifier to list all the executed gate passes that are
pending verification for the department.
Verify gate pass 1. The system will allow a Verifier to verify executed gate passes generated for the
Assign verifier – an 1. The system will allow department manager & above to assign more than one
individual who will be employees as Verifier for the organization. This will not include MTS personnel,
verifying the executed gate consultants, visitors, contractors or customers.
Remove verifier 1. The system will allow department manager to remove gate pass Verifier(s).
Generate issuer report 1. The system will list all the Issuers who belong to a given department.
2. If the report user is proponent department personnel, then the report will be
generated automatically without requesting any selection criteria. In this case, the
report will list all the Issuers who belong to the user’s department.
Generate approver 1. The system will list all the Approvers who belong to a given department. If the
report report user is proponent department personnel, then the report will be generated
automatically without requesting any selection criteria.
Generate verifier report 1. The system will list all the Verifiers who belong to a given department. If the report
user is proponent department personnel, then the report will be generated
automatically without requesting any selection criteria.
Generate gate pass status 1. The system will list all the gate passes that meet the selection criteria. If the report
report user is proponent department personnel, then the report will list only those gate
passes issued by his/her department.
Print approved gate pass 1. The system will allow any Issuer or Approver to print an approved gate pass that is
in the system (3 copies).
2. If the Issuer or Approver is a proponent department personnel, he/she will only be
allowed to print gate passes generated by his/her department.
Print blank gate passes 1. The system will allow Manager or Approver to print 100 blank pre-numbered gate
for emergency use passes for use when the system is down or there is a power failure only. These
emergency passes should be generated ahead of time and secured under safe
2. Department will be allowed to allocate these 100 blank gate passes among its
divisions for use at any given time.
3. The system will generate control numbers of the form with the text ”Emergency”
and the prefix “E-000000” indicating it is an emergency gate pass.
4. Emergency gate passes will be re-generated for further use after the Security
personnel have executed the information into MGPS for the previously used gate
Except SA-61D and electronically produced SA-61, the gate passes SA-111S and SA-9456 including unused
gate pass (SA-61) will be recorded in a log-sheet by the Issuer before they are processed and taken to the gate
or post. Only clear computer printed and typewritten gate passes SA-61 will be accepted. The issuer/user will
not write vehicle information if the items are to be hand carried. Incomplete or illegible handwriting found on
the gate pass will cause the gate pass to be rejected. The following requirements will apply:
3. If the listed items exceed space on the first form, a second form will be used with
complete information and signature as required and its copies distributed according to
the distribution list on the form. No separate listings, sheet, manifest or form will be
attached to the gate pass.
Form SA-9456 1. Form SA-9456 should be typewritten or computer printed with issue and expiration date
in month/day/year. The validity will not exceed one (1) year. Form SA-9456 may be
used for more than one employees and operating areas. This form will not be used for
U-drive or temporary replacement vehicles. The form will include destination
(location/sites) where user(s) will take materials for their use during assigned job and
the work location where they will return on a daily basis.
2. Form will be completed with all necessary information, i.e., material type with plant tag
number, physical ID number and/or serial number and ownership. Do not include
personal or contractor items with company items. The requirement of plant tag number
or physical ID number will not apply to the contractor’s or personal property items, and
the contracting establishment’s stamp will be placed on the form if materials belong to a
contractor or subcontractor. Also, do not include personal items with company
3. If listed items exceed the space of a form, second form as 1 of 2, 3 will be issued with
complete information and signatures on all forms. No separate listings, sheet,
manifest or form will be attached to the gate pass.
4. Only original laminated with Industrial Security’s concurrence and stamp will always
be maintained to allow exit of the materials out of the security gates or posts. The
copies of approved gate pass will be issued according to the distribution list.
111S will be provided to the AISOD Manager ahead, not less than 5 working days, before an
individual can sign the gate pass.
8.1.6 All gate pass approval authorizations are periodically reviewed and required changes are
updated accordingly. Moreover, the verifiers should verify the approvers list thru the system
without any request from AISOD Manager.
8.1.7 Form SA-9456 is used for materials/equipment belonging to contractor or sub-contractor
regardless of whether the items are hand carried or taken by a vehicle. Form SA-9456 should
be affixed by an official stamp of the contracting establishment.
8.1.8 All issued forms (SA-9456) are reviewed every six months ensuring that employees have
returned the listed items to the department after they have completed their assigned jobs. In
the case of discrepancy, the department manager will request investigation from AISOD
Manager. When Form SA-9456 is no longer needed or when validity has expired, it should be
void and returned to AISOD Manager or delegate.
8.1.9 In cases where an approved or unused gate pass is lost before execution, the incident is
immediately reported, in writing, to the AISOD Manager. The damaged or improperly printed
gate passes must be cancelled and information updated accordingly.
8.2 Employees who are Issuers, Approvers or carriers of gate passes (SA-61, SA-111S or SA-9456) must
comply with the following:
8.2.1 The approved gate passes must be presented to security personnel at the gate or post while
exiting the facility or residential camp whether or not security men have requested it. For
personal computer diskettes or storage media, a gate pass is not required but employee will
confirm that the contents are completely personal. Incorrect confirmation is subject to STS
8.2.2 The gate passes must not be altered or overwritten with information after they are approved
and issued. In the case of errors occurred in the information, the gate pass will be cancelled
and a new one issued.
8.2.3 The approval authorization(s) are properly processed online for approving gate pass SA-61 or
for SA-111S thru SA-8825. Form SA-8825 will contain the business signatures, which
appeared on the community facility ID cards.
8.2.4 A gate pass must not be processed or signed if authorization is not already approved, expired,
cancelled, or it is removed by the department manager.
8.2.5 Original of Form SA-9456 containing department manager’s approval and AISOD Manager or
his delegate’s concurrence with Industrial Security’s stamp must always be kept in a vehicle
or hand carried and presented to security personnel while exiting the gate or post.
8.2.6 Form SA-9456 is prepared for a period consistent with operational needs, not exceeding one
(01) year and used for transporting company purchased materials/equipment including
computers, intellectual property items, electronic media and associated peripherals and ensure
that the items are returned to the original location as needed.
8.2.7 Any item not intended to be taken in a vehicle should not include vehicle’s information. A
statement will be used that vehicle information is unspecified. The authorization for personal
The drivers (Saudi Aramco employees and contractor personnel) who are assigned company or contractor
vehicles will be allowed to load materials from area storehouse for pick up, delivery and use in the facility.
They will comply with the following guidelines:
9.1.1 Present 3 copies of approved gate pass SA-61 to security men at the gate or post while exiting with
loaded materials. Form SA-61 will specify destination(s) with DPC's, buildings and the department
(end user) where the materials are to be delivered.
9.1.2 Upon exit from storehouse and arrival at the plant facility gate and if the loaded materials are not
heavy in nature, the driver will contact the department’s representative to arrange its pickup outside
the gate(s) instead of allowing the vehicle to enter the facility. If the materials are heavy and cannot be
picked at the plant gate, the representative will come to the gate or post, confirm accuracy of the
materials and request its entry after recording appropriate information thru log sheet at the gate (see
9.1.3 Those intending to take their personal items inside the facility will also be required to use Appendix-I
at the gate or post, but he/she will present approved gate pass SA-61 while transporting the items out
of the facility.
10.1 The drivers (Saudi Aramco employees/contractor personnel) using company or contractor assigned
vehicles to deliver materials inside storehouses and other facilities are required to have, in their
possession, original or photocopies of Saudi Aramco designated forms, present to security personnel at
the gate or post and contact department’s representative before entering the facility. The representative
will come to the gate or post for verification of the loaded materials. After confirmation and log of the
loaded materials at the gate or post (see appendix-I), the security man or gate controller will allow the
materials to enter the facility. For materials entering storehouses, verification or log will not be
10.2 The contracting establishment may also bring materials/equipment for their permanent or temporary
use inside Saudi Aramco restricted and non-restricted facilities. A complete, detailed list of the
materials will be logged in a log sheet (see appendix-I) at the security gate or post before the loaded
materials are allowed to enter the facility. In the event an establishment wants the materials to be taken
out within 14 days, the materials/equipment will be allowed to be exited on the presentation of
completed appendix-I of this GI without any gate pass. If the materials are to be taken after 14 days, a
gate pass (SA-61) will be processed indicating that the materials/equipment is contractor’s property.
10.3 If the materials/equipment purchased from local community regardless of whether the materials are
packed in boxes or do not require to be delivered or off-loaded inside restricted facility, the proponent
will comply with the following:
10.3.1 Appoint representative(s) who will be responsible for possible off-loading of the materials
inside or outside the gate and coordinating with Security personnel who will also witness the
off-loading of the materials.
10.3.2 Identify the gates or posts in coordination with Security in the area where large materials are
to be inspected and provide inspection tools, such as X-ray machine, etc. This task will be
accomplished in the presence of security personnel.
10.3.3 When materials have arrived at the gate/post, the driver must contact proponent’s
representative, who will come to the gate/post where he will fill in and sign a material log
sheet (appendix-I). The representative will confirm to Security what materials are to be
inspected before Security allows materials to enter the restricted facility, and that the transfer
(unloading) will be completed within 14 days.
10.3.4 Before signing the material log sheet, the representative will verify the materials and will
immediately report the discrepancies to the Security personnel. After the materials are entered
into a facility and if it is found questionable during the unloading process, the representative
will also inform Security personnel. If the condition of loaded materials is found suspicious,
the Security Shift Superintendent or Area Supervisor will call K-9 special search services.
10.3.5 If the loaded materials cannot be off-loaded inside a facility for any reason, the department’s
representative will verify the materials and coordinate its exit through designated gate or post
after justifying the rejection of the loaded materials by using appendix-I. In the case of
accepting partial shipment, an appendix-I will be issued to enable exit of the remaining
10.4 For transporting refuse, i.e., trash, garbage or unwanted personnel effects from community areas, gate
pass is not required. In this case, CS will ensure that contractor personnel must load only refuse and
unwanted materials, and that no other items are taken with it. Any violation or discrepancies
discovered at the gate/post will be subject to confiscation and investigation with results reported to the
11.3 For emergency gate passes processed by issuing organization, the security man or gate controller will
perform the same function as done for normal gate pass and also verify approver’s name, badge
number and org. code against a list available at the gate and allow exit of the material after taking
applicable copies for execution at the gate or post.
11.4 The executed gate passes (SA-61D) will be collected at the designated gates or posts according to the
distribution list on the form. A camp resident will return unused gate passes to the same Security
offices from where the gate passes were issued.
11.5 Original and copies of form SA-111S will be issued according to the distribution list given in the form.
11.6 All copies of the executed or non-executed gate passes (SA-61) will be forwarded to Security Shift
Superintendent or Area Supervisor where they will act as Processors and ensure that the gate passes
are properly executed at the gates or posts.
SEC employees, contractor employees and subsidiary companies located outside Saudi Aramco
14.3 Department Managers who primarily authorized their employees to approve gate passes (SA-61/SA-
111S) will update authorizations, especially when changes in authorized employee’s status such as
transfer, separation, retirement, or business assignment have occurred.
General Manager, Industrial Security Operations