07 Quiz 1 - ARG

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Bonaire National Marine Park Case Study

1. Evaluate the state of tourism in Bonaire National Marine Park and how it meets the GSTC’s industry
criteria for destinations. Use the following format for your answers:

a. Demonstration of effective sustainable management: (Your answer)

b. Maximizing social and economic benefits to the local community and minimizing negative
impacts: (Your answer)

c. Maximizing benefits to cultural heritage and minimizing negative impacts: (Your answer)

d. Maximizing benefits to the environment and minimizing negative impacts: (Your answer)

2. Place your output on a short bond paper (Word file) and upload it via eLMS Dropbox.
3. Your output will be evaluated using the following rubric:
Content: Evaluation of Bonaire National Marine Park
All questions are answered concerning the topics discussed 20
Content Provided a well-thought evaluation of the state of tourism as stated
in the article
Simplicity and Used simple words and well-organized thoughts to express ideas
Organization that are easy to comprehend properly

Bonaire National Marine Park Management Plan

Bonaire is an island municipality in the Netherlands located in Southern Caribbean. It boasts of different
natural habitats found on land or sea and home to different racial and ethnic-influenced communities (such
as Indian, African, Asian, and European). Its culture is rooted in religious and holiday celebrations.
The early years of Bonaire Marine park’s operations rely on the funding granted by the World Wildlife Fund
(WWF), the Netherlands, Island Government, and other sources. It was managed by STINAPA Bonaire, which
is a non-governmental conservation organization that already manages other islands and marine parks. There
has been development over four (4) years regarding the protection of the marine park and other activities.
However, in 1990, the impending expansion of the dive industry (which is one of the popular activities in
Bonaire National Marine Park) and an increase in tourist arrivals posed a threat to the environmental health
of the island’s coral reefs. At this time, Bonaire did not have a sustainable source of funding and lacked proper
day-to-day formal management. Due to the increasing pressure of the island’s coastal resources, the Dutch
government decided to fund the revitalization of the park in three (3) years. The administration of the project
required the Island Government of Bonaire to (1) ensure that the Marine Park becomes self-financing within
the term of the grant and (2) to set up an appropriate management structure for the Marine Park.
Bonaire was able to fulfill the said requirements. By 1992, the marine park was re-established and government
amendments to the Marine Environment Ordinance were passed to allow a 10 U.S. dollar annual admission
fee per diver to cover operating costs. STINAPA Bonaire created a committee with representatives from the
tourism sector, conservation groups, and the community to guide the management of the park.

07 Quiz 1 *Property of STI

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Despite the initial success, the marine park still lacked a formal management plan. The need for a management
plan arose due to the changes in institutional developments and leadership over six (6) years. The park needed
the plan to define its goals and management objectives clearly, to create a solid guide for decision-making and
planning process. The management plan also ensured the continuity of management efforts and allowed
stakeholders and other interest groups to participate in the planning process.
It was advised that the management plan should always be reviewed and updated. There are specific periods
in which certain sections are to be reviewed and updated. The plan also indicated specific groups of people
that must be involved in every review and update made.

Bonaire’s Coastal Zone Management

The coral reefs surrounding Bonaire indicate that everything happening on the land area can directly affect
the reefs. Part of the management plan was to ensure that the reefs and other marine resources are protected
from land-based impacts.
To deal with the impacts, the marine park authorities decided to have a holistic approach to the sustainable
development of the island by making themselves as consultees of any development in the coastal zones and
land areas. This meant that they should be the one to give advice and educate developers with the support of
legal and government authorities about the value of Bonaire’s reefs and marine resources.

Activity Plan
Bonaire developed an activity plan to manage the park properly, which are the following:
• Human Resource – hire and train new personnel and fund workshops, volunteer programs, and other
staffing requirements
• Equipment – from purchasing to the maintenance of new and available equipment
• Infrastructure – development of research center and lodges
• Law enforcement – special police patrol to ensure a law-abiding community especially with nature
• Nature – development, and monitoring of nature and marine conservation activities
• Education – educating all stakeholders about the value of the island’s natural resources
• Public Relations and Information – communication and cooperation with stakeholders through
different forms of media
• Finance – the gathering of funds

“Nos Zjilea”
Culture is still an important part of Bonaire’s community. For years, several organizations have been working
on conducting an event centered around the traditions and old crafts of Bonaire. The cultural event is about
preserving the intangible heritage of Bonaire. Speakers are invited to share stories about their crafts and other
activities with visitors. People get to enjoy and experience the authenticity of Bonaire.

Lifted and modified from:

STINAPA Bonaire. (2006). Bonaire National Marine Park management plan 2006. Retrieved from http://parkscaribbean.net/wp-
content/uploads/2013/11/Bonaire%20National%20Marine%20Park%20Management%20Plan%20(2006).pdf on March 25, 2019
ReporterBes. (2019). The cultural heritage of Bonaire. Retrieved from http://bes-reporter.com/index.php/2019/01/23/the-cultural-heritage-of-
bonaire/ on March 25, 2019

07 Quiz 1 *Property of STI

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