Festo CMMT Developer Kit Offer

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CMMT Developer Kit

for only

£299! *

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50 %
on the
regular purchase

The CMMT developer kit

makes getting started simple!
Festo makes electric motion simple with the CMMT developer kit. Get to know
all functions to their full extent, test application possibilities for your projects
and let yourself be convinced by the intuitive installation, powerful networking
capabilities and simple commissioning software.
CMMT-AS and Automation Suite: Parameterising the servo drive

Kit 1: for PROFINET Kit 2: for for EtherCAT Kit 3: for EtherNet/IP
• Stepper motor EMMS-ST-42 • Stepper motor EMMS-ST-42 • Stepper motor EMMS-ST-42
• Encoder cable (1.5 m) • Encoder cable (1.5 m) • Encoder cable (1.5 m)
• Motor cable (1.5 m) • Motor cable (1.5 m) • Motor cable (1.5 m)
• Servo drive controller CMMT-ST • Servo drive controller CMMT-ST • Servo drive controller CMMT-ST

Now only £299* Now only £299* Now only £299*

Order number: 8122486 Order number: 8122485 Order number: 8135003

Starting with your test phase and accompanying you throughout your product
lifecycle, your local Festo technical support will be happy to advise and support you
in the creation of your system concepts and the uses of the extensive functions.
*Limited to max. 3 kits per customer.
Servo drive CMMT-AS/CMMT-ST
and servo motor EMMT-AS

Simply very

Perfectly integrated!
The benefits of the new servo drives CMMT-AS/ST and servo motors
EMMT-AS are numerous: maximum connectivity of the hardware and
software, great efficiency, clever engineering and easy operation.
• High-performance
Dynamic motion and precise positioning, whether for point-to-point
CMMT-AS and extremely
or interpolation, are additional plus points. Last but not least, the
economical CMMT-ST on
complete system is extremely quick and easy to commission.
one platform
• Ideal with CPX-E or
Very well connected Only five steps are needed to
controllers from third-party
In sectors ranging from assembly commission the complete drive
and handling technology to system with the commissioning
• Quick commissioning of the
packaging systems and the wizard.
complete drive system in
electronics industry, CMMT-AS
3 minutes
and CMMT-ST are perfect for 1 cable – less space required
• Optimised operation,
working together with the control The servo motor EMMT-AS is
diagnostics and data
systems CPX-E. The ability to connected to the CMMT-AS using
connect the fieldbus directly to one cable plug (OCP); this
• Design and connections
all controllers of the main reduces installation and saves
optimised for control
manufacturers makes it easy to space. The CMMT-AS is an open
integrate the CMMT-AS into all system for economical servo
application programs. motors and simple cabling and
connection technology –
Quickly ready for work particularly interesting for the
Parameterisation and pro­ electronics industry and small
gramming with the Festo parts assembly.
Automation Suite software are

From the mechanics to the controller:
the drive system from Festo

Installation and control concepts influence each other. This means that architectures must
be cleverly networked to achieve complete connectivity. Hardware and software, from the
mechanical system to the controller, work together intelligently on the Festo automation

The wide range of mechanical systems offers a solution for virtually any motion requirement.
These mechanical systems are enhanced by optimally integrated servo drive systems
comprising motors and state-of-the-art controllers. And the Festo Automation Suite software
ensures quick and perfect commissioning of all hardware components.

Easy to commission: Festo

Automation Suite
The Festo Automation Suite is
ideal for parameterising and
programming the complete drive
system as well as for managing
maintenance during operation. It
enables you to find the right
device plug-ins and extensions,
whether for the mechanical or
the control components, and
install them securely and error-
free using the software. It is also
Or in the cloud? convenient since device
Implement tomorrow's information and instruction
automation today with the right manuals can be accessed directly
Festo solutions for the cloud. via the software.

Just a few steps and a few clicks

to finish!
With the integrated commission-
ing wizard, you only need five
steps to get a complete drive
system that is ready for
operation. And for the greatly
simplified integration of the
servo drives CMMT-AS and
CMMT-ST into the control
program with CPX-E-CEC you only
need 2 clicks instead of 100 – the
Festo Automation Suite takes
care of everything else.

The integrated controller

programming with CODESYS
technology can be used for
motion control and robotic

2 Servo drive CMMT-AS/-CMMT-ST and servo motor EMMT-AS – subject to change – 2019/09
Your state-of-the-art servo drive
One portfolio of servo motors
and linear mechanical systems
for virtually every type of motion
Servo drive CMMT-AS
currently with up to 2.5 kW for
Servo motors
point-to-point and interpolating
Dynamic servo motors with
motions. Further versions and
single-turn or multi-turn encoder:
output stages are in
• EMMS/E-AS: powerful for
dynamic positioning tasks
• EMMB-AS: economical and
compact for simple positioning

Servo motor EMMT-AS

with up to 2.6 kW and space-
saving one-cable solution for
reduced installation effort.
Further versions are in

Axis mechanisms
• Precise spindle axes with
repetition accuracy up to
±20 µm
• Dynamic toothed belt axes up
to 10 m/s and for strokes of up
to 8.5 m
• Extremely precise and powerful
mini slides ±15 µm
• Electric cylinder with feed force
of up to 17 kN
• Rigid and dynamic cantilever
axis with up to 2 m stroke

2019/09 – subject to change – servo drive CMMT-AS/-CMMT-ST and servo motor EMMT-AS 3
From the mechanics to the controller:
the drive system from Festo

Festo drive systems for integrated control concepts

Third-party systems can also be connected directly and simply – with the complete range of functions.

Complete connectivity
Multiple flexible controller concepts are based on the Festo automation platform. Its trademark is the
perfect and complete connectivity of controller, servo drive and mechanical system.

System integration with a third-party supplier? Not a problem.

You can integrate the servo drive CMMT-AS and CMMT-ST directly into the system environment of
third-party suppliers. CMMT will function just like the servo drive of the controller supplier. The identical
response means that no drive-specific expertise is required for the CMMT. The complete drive system
comprising closed-loop controller, motor and mechanical system is perfectly integrated.

The prerequisite: EtherNet-based protocols such as PROFINET, PROFIBUS, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT® or

Modbus. Function blocks for manufacturers such as Festo, Siemens, Rockwell, Beckhoff and Omron are

Independent controller solutions

with EtherCAT master controller
This is an independent complete
controller and motion control for
modular, compact machine concepts
with real-time requirements.

Festo for small and medium production plants or subsystems

The controller CPX-E from Festo is the basis for compact or modular automation solutions. These can
control smaller and medium-sized stand-alone production plants or subsystems. Open-loop controller,
motor, closed-loop controller and mechanical system form the optimum technical and economical

4 Servo drive CMMT-AS/-CMMT-ST and servo motor EMMT-AS – subject to change – 2019/09
Independent, networked or integrated drive solutions from Festo
Festo offers a unique range of concepts for your drive solution.
Whether it's

a. an independent controller concept for greater modularity

and freedom in the plant layout,
b. perfect networking of controller solutions with other standard
controller concepts, or
c. a perfect, seamless integration into your system environment
with Ethernet-based protocols,

anything is possible.

We will create the ideal solution for you.

Or in the cloud?
Implement tomorrow's
automation today with the right
Festo solutions for the cloud.

2019/09 – subject to change – servo drive CMMT-AS/-CMMT-ST and servo motor EMMT-AS 5
The servo drive CMMT-AS at a glance

The state-of-the-art, price- and size-optimised, compact servo drive CMMT-AS is an integral part of the
automation platform from Festo. Suitable for point-to-point and interpolating motions, CMMT-AS can be
commissioned with the Festo Automation Suite in just a few minutes – with no errors! The closed-loop
controller is suitable for different Ethernet-based bus systems and can be smoothly integrated into the
controller environments of various manufacturers. The required controller-specific function elements
are included.

Ethernet-based communication
• 1 servo drive platform for numerous fieldbuses
• Easily integrated into automation solutions with controllers
from Siemens, Rockwell, Beckhoff and others

Operator unit CDSB

• Control element with touchscreen and USB interface
• Simple, full-text diagnostics and setting of the closed-loop
controller on site
• Ideal for data backup of parameters and firmware
• 1 CDSB can be used for several CMMT-AS. For example,
on series machines the same program data can be down­
loaded to several CMMT-AS.

Compact design
• All connections and the control unit CDSB are at the front and on top
of the closed-loop controller.
• Compact and optimised cooling element ensures adequate cooling.

Encoder interfaces
• Multi-encoder input for motors
• Formats: ENDAT2.1/2.2 (One Cable), HIPERFACE, Nikon
• Input for 2nd encoder
– For safety-oriented 2-channel solutions with redundant
measuring system
– For greater positioning accuracy of the axis mechanism
– For special applications (e.g. flying saws)
Motor connection
– Synchronisation of two axes
• The servo motor EMMT-AS is
– CMMT-AS as external encoder module – saves on an
connected with one cable plug
additional encoder module and reduces costs
– Formats: ENDAT2.2, Nikon, A/B and SIN/COS-incremental
• Other servo motors are
connected with separate

6 Servo drive CMMT-AS/-CMMT-ST and servo motor EMMT-AS – subject to change – 2019/09

v v v
0 t 0 t 0 t
Integrated safety and reliability
• Standard protective functions:
– STO: Safe torque off (SIL3/Cat. 4 PL e)
– SS1: Safe stop 1 (Type c) when using a suitable external safety
relay unit and suitable circuits
– SBC: Safe brake control (up to SIL3/Cat. 3 PL e)
– Diagnostic outputs STA and SBA for feedback of the active safety
• Extended safety functions such as SS2 (safe stop 2), SOS (safe
operating stop), SLS (safely limited speed) or SSR (safe speed
range) in preparation
• Standard safety functions can be configured without software

Intermediate circuit coupling

• Return energy feed via the intermediate circuit
• Simple and inexpensive energy compensation between drives
• Improved energy efficiency

Mains filter
• Mains filter integrated as
Auto tuning
• Supports simple commission­
• Ensure reliable operation of
ing of rotary and linear motions
the CMMT-AS under poor EMC
• CMMT-AS automatically
optimises the control
• Saves additional external
behaviour of the connected
mains filters, reduces
Festo servo motors and linear
installation time and saves
mechanical systems
space in the control cabinet
• Also suitable for commission­
ing mechanical systems from
third-party suppliers

Function elements
• Easily integrated into automation solutions from Siemens, Rockwell,
Beckhoff and others
• Quick implementation of point-to-point motions and interpolating
Parameter sets
motions with standard drive profiles such as PROFIdrive and CiA402
Optimal parameters for optimised cycle times and process reliability
• Convenient usage of typical PLC functions such as E-Camming
• Save up to three parameter sets on the closed-loop controller for
Editor, NC-axes, technology objects and kinematics models
complex applications
• Parameter set can be changed during operation
• Easy implementation of new requirements for the machine
• The correct closed-loop parameters are used at all times, even
with variable payloads

2019/09 – subject to change – servo drive CMMT-AS/-CMMT-ST and servo motor EMMT-AS 7
The servo drive CMMT-ST at a glance

The extra-low voltage servo drive CMMT-ST represents highly economical positioning tasks and motion
solutions with low power requirements up to 300 W. Even more compact and significantly less expensive
than its big brother, the CMMT-AS, while the connection and communication concept, function modules and
standard safety remain the same. The consistent control concept means that, as a drive, the CMMT-AS and
CMMT-ST can be easily combined with both large and small axes.

Ethernet-based communication Extremely compact

• 1 servo drive platform for numerous fieldbuses • 50% more compact than the smallest
• Easily integrated into automation solutions with CMMT-AS with almost the exact same
controllers from, for example, Siemens, Rockwell, performance
Beckhoff and others

Dynamic movement and precise

• Point-to-point
• Interpolating

Integrated standard safety

Auto tuning
• STO: torque can be safely
• Supports easy commissioning
switched off (SIL3/cat. 3 PL e)
and optimises the control
• SS1: safe stop 1 (type c) when
response of rotary and linear
using a suitable external
switching device and a suitable
• Automatic with mechanics from
• Configuration without software
• Also suitable for mechanics
from third-party suppliers

Encoder interface
Web server
• For greater positioning
• Simple and fast online
accuracy of the axis
• Transfer and update firmware
Motor connection and parameters
• Optimal with proven stepper
motor EMMS-ST from Festo
• Suitable for BLDC motors Parameter sets
(brushless DC motor) • Optimal parameters for
optimised cycle times and
Technical data process reliability
• Max. continuous output: 300 W • Save up to three parameter
• Primary voltage: 24...28 V DC sets on the drive for complex
• Commissioning with the Festo
• Motor current: 8 A/peak 10 A applications
Automation Suite is error-free
• The parameter set can be
and takes just a few minutes.
changed during operation
When operating the CMMT-ST with the existing 24 V DC network
in a control cabinet and a continuous output of 150 W, there is
no need for an extra power supply unit. This saves on additional
costs, reduces the installation effort and reduces the required
cooling capacity.

8 Servo drive CMMT-AS/-CMMT-ST and servo motor EMMT-AS – subject to change – 2019/09
Compactness and power in one package:
servo drives CMMT-AS and CMMT-ST

It may be one of the smallest among its competitors, but the extremely compact servo drive series CMMT
is still very powerful in all sizes. All servo drives can be installed directly in series. The intelligent design has
the same operating and connection concept for all sizes, which really simplifies installation and operation.
In addition, the optimised cooling element also ensures outstanding cooling, even when several drives are
connected together.


Outlook for the future: the

complete range of servo drives
• Servo drive CMMT-ST with up
to 300 W of continuous output
• CMMT-AS in 4 sizes and 10
power classes up to 12 kW
(from the end of 2020)

Compact, easily installed, easily connected

• Space-saving in the control cabinet • Unique high-density assembly of the drive thanks to the easy
• All connections and the control unit CDSB are at the front and series connection
on top of the drive • Virtually perfect ratio of size and performance, such as with
• Its extremely compact size makes it one of the smallest servo the compact, optimised cooling element and the position of
drives compared to its competitors the connections
• Simplified installation effort, requiring much less time for the • Extremely effective cooling performance even with high
connections component density

Combining low-voltage and extra-low voltage servo drives for

high performance and excellent economic efficiency
The servo drives CMMT-AS (low voltage servo drive) and CMMT-ST The same fieldbus interfaces and the seamless, consistent
(extra-low voltage servo drive) are characterised by a common integration into the system environment of the controller
platform concept. They can be easily combined so that individual manufacturer offer simple and convenient project engineering
movements of the application can be optimally designed and and handling of the entire servo drive family.
operated. The CMMT-ST covers the power spectrum up to 300 W At the same time, the required space in the machine, and
and the CMMT-AS enables power outputs between 350 W and especially in the control cabinet, is minimal.
12 kW.

2019/09 – subject to change – servo drive CMMT-AS/-CMMT-ST and servo motor EMMT-AS 9
Servo motors and stepper motors from Festo

Wherever there is a need for automating motion in industrial applications, Festo has the solution with servo
motors and stepper motors for every requirement. Motor characteristics extend from maximum economy to
maximum performance.

Servo motor EMMT-AS

The AC synchronous servo motor • 3 sizes 60/80/100 with up to

for demanding and dynamic 2.6 kW / 9.8 Nm
applications is noted for an • Single-turn or multi-turn
extremely low standstill torque. absolute encoder
This ensures good adjustability • With or without holding brake
and tracking accuracy with • Degree of protection IP67:
positioning tasks. The "electronic complete housing and
rating plate" contains all the connection technology
important motor data. It can be (including plug)
read by the servo drive CMMT-AS • Degree of protection IP40: on
and thus the parameters for the the shaft, optionally IP65 with
servo motor will be automatically sealing ring suitable for dry
set. This makes commissioning running
effortless – and totally reliable. • Temperature measurement
integrated in motor,
interference-proof and digital
transmission via the encoder
• Smooth, painted surface that is
dirt-resistant and easy to clean

Space-saving: one cable plug with the EMMT-AS

The space-saving one cable plug • It is suitable for transmission

(OCP) requires much less of high electrical power
installation effort. The servo • Robust and durable for
motor is connected with only one dynamic applications, e.g. in
cable for power, encoder signals cable chains
and holding brake. This • Long cables for distances over
simplifies wiring and 50 m
replacement. • Cable lengths up to 100 m with
improved protection against

10 Servo drive CMMT-AS/-CMMT-ST and servo motor EMMT-AS – subject to change – 2019/09
Servo motors EMMS/E-AS

Designed for dynamic positioning • Single-turn encoder (standard)

tasks with eight torque ranges. • Multi-turn encoder (optional)
• Optional holding brake
• Degree of protection
– IP65 for motor housing and
power/encoder connection
– IP54 on the motor shaft
without and IP65 with shaft
seal ring

Servo motors EMMB-AS

This compact and particularly • Single-turn encoder, optional: • Degree of protection:

economical synchronous servo multi-turn with battery adapter – IP65 for motor housing and
motor in four power classes is • Optional holding brake cable connections
perfect for simple positioning • Motor, brake and encoder – IP50 on the motor shaft
tasks, particularly in the cables with optimised without and IP54 with shaft
electronics industry and small connection technology seal ring
parts assembly as well as in test – 2.5 … 10 m • Compatible with shafts and
stations. – Optional: versions suitable flanges on the EMMT-AS
(available mid-2019) for energy chains

Stepper motors EMMS-ST

The stepper motor series • Four sizes 25 and 32 with

EMMS-ST is designed for two- flange sizes 28, 42, 57 and 87
phase hybrid technology. In • Conforms to IEC 60034
addition to the simple and cost- standard
effective connection technology, • Optional encoder for closed-
the motors stand out above all loop function
thanks to their problem-free • Optional motor brake
operation and the long service • Degree of protection:
life. −− Motor housing and plug
connection in IP54 (size 28
in IP65)
−− Motor shaft IP40

2019/09 – subject to change – servo drive CMMT-AS/-CMMT-ST and servo motor EMMT-AS 11
Servo drive CMMT-AS and servo motor EMMT-AS at a glance

Servo drive CMMT-AS Servo motor EMMT-AS in size 80 Servo drive CMMT-ST
including control unit CDSB

Important technical data CMMT-AS and EMMT-AS CMMT-ST

Applications Point-to-point and interpolating motions
Nominal power Single-phase 230 V: 0.35/0.7 kW 0,3 kW
Three-phase 400 V: 0.8/1.2/2.5 kW (4, 6, 9, 12 kW)*
Max. torque 1.4 Nm/3.9 Nm/9.8* Nm 9.3 Nm
Communication EtherCAT, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, Modbus
Safety functions STO, SS1, SBC, (SS2, SOS, SLS, SSR) * STO, SS1
Multi-encoder input motor ENDAT2.1/2.2 (one cable), HIPERFACE, Nikon ENDAT2.2, Nikon, A/B- and SIN/COS BiSS C and incremental
additional encoder input incremental
Mains filter Integrated
Intermediate circuit coupling Yes –
Engineering Positioning Drives
Commissioning Festo Automation Suite (including first commissioning wizard), Autotuning
Programming CODESYS
Motor connection One cable plug (OCP) on EMMT-AS with rotatable plug (310° adjustable angle) Max. Motor and encoder cable
cable length 50 m (100 m with optimised protection against interference) Max. cable length 25 m
Motor options Single-turn or multi-turn encoder, brake, feather key, rotary shaft seal, Stepper motors and BLDC motors,
single turn encoder or without
encoder, brake
* in preparation


Single-cable solution on EMMT-AS Rotatable plug with adjustable angle

135954 en 2019/09 – Errors and omissions excepted

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