Assignment 3

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Review the Lectures of Week-5

In week 5 lecture 1, we have continued the 3 rd chapter “Characterizing the Existing
Internetwork”. In the chapter, 80% relay on the working of network developer team and
remaining 20% relay on location of characterizing data and distribution of target user.
In this lecture, the first topic under discussion is “Characterizing Wiring & Media”. Better
understanding of wiring and cable design in existing network, it is quite important for fulfilling
the goal of scalability and availability. Documentation of cabling design can be helpful for you to
plan for enhancements and for better identification of potential problems. It is good to estimate
the accuracy of labeling of cabling and equipment in the existing network. Network design
should document the connections between buildings, which should include all necessary
information about wiring in use, distance between building etc. Wiring technologies can be
single mode fiber, multimode fiber, STP copper, UTP copper, coaxial cable, microwave, laser
Next topic under discussion is, “Checking Architectural & Environmental Constraints”.
Environmental issues and legal right way issues are need to be considered while exploring
cabling. For better feasibility architectural issues are need to be considered. Heating, power, air
conditioning, patch panels, equipment racks are sufficient architectural elements to support your
In “Checking a Site for a Wireless Installation”, we have discussed the common goal for network
design which is to install WLAN based on IEEE 802.11 standards. Site survey describe the
process of analyzing a site for good wireless transmission which starts with the WLAN draft
design using blueprint. RF signal can be affected by reflection, absorption, refraction and
diffraction while transmission. Reflection is bounce back of the signal, absorption absorb signal
energy and reduce signal level, refraction is about changing signal direction and interfere with
the non-refracted signal, and in diffraction the RF signal bent around the edge of the diffractive
region and interfere with other signal.
“Performing a Wireless Site Survey” confirms signal propagation, strength, and accuracy in
various locations. Cisco 802.11 NICs ship with the Cisco Aironet Client Utility is a graphical
tool for configuring, monitoring, and managing the NIC and its wireless environment. As a part
of site survey, we can also look at acknowledgments and frame retries after a missing ACK. In
802.11 WLANs, the client and access point send ACKs to each other. Performing a basic
wireless site survey is an important part of the network design process for architectural and
environmental constraints.

[1] Top-Down Network Design 3rd Edition by Priscilla Oppenheimer

© Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

University of Narowal, Narowal 1

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