Smart Contract Adalah
Smart Contract Adalah
Smart Contract Adalah
A smart contract is self-executing code that carries out a set of instructions, which
are then verified on the blockchain. They are a core technological element of many
decentralized applications (dApps). A key characteristic of smart contracts is that
they are trustless, meaning they can reduce or even eliminate the need for third-
party intermediaries. Read on to learn how smart contracts are impacting the
worlds of finance, real estate, healthcare, gaming, and more.
DeFi projects have already captured billions of U.S. dollars in value and look to
continue this trend as more and more people become familiar with the unique value
propositions of the sector. Users can participate in this new generation of financial
services without the need for centralized custody or fees from intermediaries.
Although the DeFi sector is only a few years old, given the number of innovative
dApps that are already providing value and utility to consumers, the effects of
smart-contract-powered dApps on the financial industry are already being felt.
Perhaps one of the most promising real world smart contract use cases is their
potential to function as legally binding contracts — the kind that inform most of
today’s business engagements. Technology has been driving innovation in the legal
industry, most recently with the advent of e-signatures for binding legal
agreements. Smart contracts represent another new development in this space, and
may soon be an option for parties to legal agreements, potentially lowering the
costs incurred from using lawyers and other intermediaries.
The widespread use of bespoke smart contracts for myriad types of transactions
that can lower costs and increase transaction speeds may be closer than you think.
Some U.S. states have begun to permit the use of smart contracts and blockchain in
the legal industry in certain contexts. For example, Arizona allows enforceable
legal agreements to be created via smart contracts, and California allows marriage
licenses to be issued via blockchain technology.
Anyone who has purchased a home or other property is likely aware of the
potential for hidden costs connected to closing fees, title transfers, and broker fees.
These are costs that might be reduced or even eliminated by automatically
executing smart contracts that function free of intermediaries. When a piece of
property is tokenized, much of the required record-keeping can take place via
associated smart contracts, which can save the parties time and money. Some
experts even claim that smart contracts can benefit parties by streamlining rental
agreements and complex credit or mortgage agreements, as well as warranties and
insurance. By using smart contracts and blockchain in real estate, the need for legal
counsel or other advisory services becomes less crucial, potentially cutting costs
across the board.
Many experts postulate that the fields of AI and blockchain may benefit from each
other’s defining characteristics. Smart contracts can benefit from the advanced
computational capabilities and adaptive systems of AI technology, while AI
implementations could utilize smart contract technology for its autonomous
execution of sets of rules and to provide a secure environment for sensitive and
valuable machine learning data to exist. Zilliqa is one of the many blockchain
platforms that is developing advanced computational capabilities with its
proprietary smart contract programming language, Scilla, and advanced parallel
processing structure enabled by sharding.